House Demands IRS Cuts For $14.5 Billion Israel War Funding
House Demands IRS Cuts For $14.5 Billion Israel War Funding



@OP3735 Says:
Give them.billions and free health care.. lol americans are so controlled
@thangnguyen-iy4xf Says:
just give the IRS a money printer and leave us the fck alone
@thangnguyen-iy4xf Says:
the IRS is not your friend. no matter how much u blindly and cluelessly support them
@thangnguyen-iy4xf Says:
america is dumb and have weak leaders , no spine to make the hard decisions
@thangnguyen-iy4xf Says:
need funding for border security and ICE, not the IRS. things that will actually protect and improve the quality of life for avg americans
@howebrad4601 Says:
Good. Dems always say they want a clean bill, meaning single issue. you go and its offset with other spending cuts. Whats not to like?
@TonyTonge Says:
Watched you for years but after watching this antisemetic stance by Cenk I am completely disgusted and am no longer interested in your viewa. Sadly, Cenk has proven himself to be a disgrace on this issue. His appearances on Piers Morgan are a disgrace!
@youknow9092 Says:
Stop sending American taxpayers money to other nations to fund their wars that have nothing to do with America. Our tax money should not leave our borders.
@trinitywright7122 Says:
Well so let me get this straight by and you want to cut money to the IRS who's going to pull in more money than you're talking about sending to Israel.... That is incredibly stupid and makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. If somebody really needs to get you out of there, you really are unable to think. I'm not saying that to be mean. I'm saying it because it seems really truthful and now that the world has erupted into war, we are not safe with you as her leader. Who else thinks Joe Biden needs to pass an independent medical and mental test before he's allowed to run for president again? I just really feel that's necessary. If he took one side by side with Trump, we know what would happen
@canarypantera7929 Says:
Senate can't pass ANYTHING; House is doing it's job; millionaires don't pay taxes; The middle class PAYS DUH
@T3po69 Says:
You kids are so cute. You really think the IRS is drawing more money from the wealthy? I, personally know two people who have been audited since the additional funding who are probably at or below the poverty line. One is a single mother of 4. They aren’t drawing more money from the wealthy. Do you think the wealthy are cheating on their taxes? The tax laws are designed FOR the elite. That is the truth and if you really believe the Dems are fighting for the middle class you’re even more clueless than I thought. Yeah, let’s just keep funding foreign wars and just keep cutting social programs at home. Never mind the death and destruction. That’s an added bonus. Go democrats! You’re the party of peace, right? Fake liberals.
@notpub Says:
Fairest on the internet? What a joke!! For Muslim apologists, maybe. ANA, CHECK OUT THE REAL PEACE PROTESTER AND SON OF THE HAMAS LEADER TO EDUCATE YOURSELF BC YOUR COMPASSION IS WOEFULLY MISGUIDED!! There is a real journalistic endeavor that bypasses Cenk's hysterics and gets to the reality of the situation from someone who knows.
@janah8 Says:
Americans for God sake please stop electing ZIONIST as your political leaders ....5000 PALESTINIANS babies blood on your hands
@Optimistichumanist Says:
So I just watched an eye opening interview with Abby Martin. In this interview she mentioned that most likely the horrors of Hamas (killing baby's and raping women) by the Israeli citizens and military were largely fabricated. In fact I looked for some proof online and snopes said there was not direct proof, and reported that president Biden's team and some IDF military had to quietly walk those claims back. In other examples, we know IDF and Israeli governments lied about killing journalists, and when you consider that most of the examples they use to show how Hamas uses human targets are only shown via 3D graphics (infographics) and not hard concrete evidence and photographs for example. I'm certainly not a holocaust denier and mourn for al Israeli and Palestinian lives taken during this awful war, but if Israel lis using lies to justify their actions it should be throughly scrutinized and rebuked. Right?
@noswayjose Says:
They extra IRS agents are not going after rich people. They are going after your Venmo, your yard sale, your Facebook marketplace
@coryschober8999 Says:
No pork no extras in small targeted bills and they will only attack regular American citizens
@boombarstick Says:
You said the government was giving money to Palestine where is Palestine ? cuz I can't seem to find it on a map😮😢😂
@markbrown1011 Says:
You are so full of crap!
@idacoetzee Says:
The waiver is to enable Israeli arms sales companies to sell USA arms for their personal profits to rebel groups in territories that Israel has financial interests in
@idacoetzee Says:
IDF doesn’t need USA taxpayers funding taxpayers get nothing in return from money given to Israel unlike Ukraine that’s keeping Russia at bay defending western democracies, it’s an insane amount of taxpayer funding for a special interest group more than any good in the world. This is how there’s such a dramatic increase in billionaires- all taxpayers cash have created these monsters
@stephanm.4164 Says:
This lady is a idiot
@chilangomaga7575 Says:
Daaah!! 📺 🤤💦🪣my favorite show ✊️🥴🤙💦mine tooooo!!🙄
@patriciaeasterday2125 Says:
God bless our House of Representatives 🇺🇸❤🇺🇸❤🇺🇸❤🇺🇸
@rlicon1970 Says:
That's garbage 87000 IRS gastapo agents are not going after millionaire tax dodgers. They are going after middle income people who can't afford tax attorneys and sophisticated CPA's. You're a moron gas lighter Anna.
@robinfielding1108 Says:
have the IRS collect from the government its self
@philliphessel6788 Says:
The Congress might actually like not having the responsibility of exercising oversight. That was for instance the case when President Obama _asked for_ oversight of a drone force that to this day bypasses the military chain of command, answering only to the White House. Regarding Iran, a large-scale invasion would incur a terrible cost — but not clearly so great as to prevent Iranians from desiring a nuclear deterrent. The deal that Trump tore up was our best bet to put on hold the development of such an arsenal. I note that the USA and Russia maintaining huge nuclear arsenals both encourages proliferation merely as a status symbol and — to judge from our record of close calls — presents a risk of catastrophe from which it seems foolish to expect luck to keep saving us.
@nomercy2959 Says:
@nomercy2959 Says:
@pamelaforth7820 Says:
Horray! The House of Representatives is FINALLY beginning to represent their American voters, as opposed to just the non-citizen!
@philliphessel6788 Says:
The notion that taxation funds Federal spending is a myth. Many people who know better perpetuate the economic illiteracy because they see potential for tax policies in their own right to contribute to progressive ends. That potential really depends for its realization on a larger context, and I think the obfuscation is on balance counterproductive. The real point both of Federal taxes and of bond issues is to manage the money supply. While this also contributes to demand for currency, the notion some have fronted that it’s the primary driver strikes me as mistaken. The vast majority of transactions are elsewhere. What we could actually do — from fighting a war to housing the homeless — is in fact not dependent on taxes. However, the flow of money by way of taxation can be and is manipulated to serve capitalism’s concentration of real wealth.
@johnjames5842 Says:
It's not a cut from the IRS, the 87billion increase was all deficit spending , spending billions to collect millions is the stupidest sht ever , the IRS isn't going to collect what they say, that's bs, rich ppl follow the tax code, they won't pay a dollar more than the law calls for, and if this keeps our tax dollars from going to Israel and Ukraine, good, they should get zero, and the IRS should be cut by 87 billion, better yet abolished.
@lrg5705 Says:
OK then, lets send another billion to Ukraine, the most corrupt place in the world. Congress is finally doing their job....
@sheilagrant2583 Says:
Stop sending our tax dollars to other countries while Americans here continue to suffer here homeless and hungry
@bruceconstuble4603 Says:
Where is this money coming from? Why did the people in Hawaii only get 700 bucks? 14 billion bucks would have rebuilt that island in Hawaii....
@lrg5705 Says:
Homosexuality The above discussion was based on the assumptions that both verses 15 and 16 relate to the fornication or adultery committed between men and women. However, some commentators of the Holy Qur'an, including Qadi Thanaullah Panipati, are of the view that verse 16 refers to homosexual act committed between two males. Verse 16 is translated as follows: "And those two of you who commit it (the shameful act), torture them both".
@kathykubina2743 Says:
Why are we sending money to Ukraine we already did that. We can't take care of the whole.
@JamesMelton-d9n Says:
Senator Scott is correct The notion a bank reports my income is a jopke Isn't that what a 1099 1098 and a W2 is used for why in the hell does the IRS need my financial records. Maybe you need that for the Bidens maybe Yellen and the IRS can figure out how many millions the Bidens swindled out of Foregin govenment.
@lrg5705 Says:
Homosexuality The above discussion was based on the assumptions that both verses 15 and 16 relate to the fornication or adultery committed between men and women. However, some commentators of the Holy Qur'an, including Qadi Thanaullah Panipati, are of the view that verse 16 refers to homosexual act committed between two males. Verse 16 is translated as follows: "And those two of you who commit it (the shameful act), torture them both".
@the_big_dog813 Says:
Have the IRS collect all the unpaid taxes from the Biden crime family and that will cover the costs.
@gemcan54 Says:
@crabbypattie Says:
Once again Ana is a liar. They are not cutting shit from the IRS like they should. Not hiring 80k IRS agents is not cutting . It is not expanding its power. But they are only gonna go after billionaire tax cheats? We have sent over 100 billion to Ukraine with no accounting of how the money was spent. Zelinsky is a corrupt weasel that should not get another penny . And the corrupt democrats and the slimebag republicans want to send them 60 billion more with no accountability and hire 80k IRS agents to hassle US to pay for it? And you progressive sheep buy this BS?
@siyathembangcanga2331 Says:
US citizens help me understand this when government is helping struggling Americans it's called handouts and when the government is taking money from American and funding wars accross world that's good how's that good for the American who are struggling to rent or can't afford housing?
@jaytab3686 Says:
Should not fund any countries wars
@hoyola1 Says:
What makes you people believe that more money for the IRS means more audits for the millionaires? Haven't you learned by this point that the government is never on our side?
@Justin-si2vi Says:
$100 billion for Ukraine/israel/etc which has to be borrowed, printed, and more inflation so they can kill Russians/Gazens ... for what? Instead of peace? Fuck TYT, Bernie Sanders, and rest of them. Even Barbara Lee isn't standing up on the right side this time and endorsing Biden instead of trying to get somebody to primary this dementia patient.. $0 for Americans $0 for the 40 million Americans without health insurance $0 for homeless Americans. The only choice is crooked Trump or crooked Biden. Both equally dumb and equally pathetic. This country loves to pick the worst candidates for president. I wish I could leave for another one, but I don't have the money, second I have the money I'm leaving for likely NZ or Norway. After I'm gone, this country can go down the drain as much as it wants. At that point, they can elect literally trailerpark trash that wears white stained tshirts and doesn't shower for president. I won't care. Fuck this country.
@aqkhan82 Says:
STOP aiding, from IRS or our taxes, we here in US need money
@arkanelyass7697 Says:
America needs more those 14.5 billons dollars for it's own public spending rather than giving it to israel , but the country is controled by old stupid politicain fortunately young american who gone access to the power one day will stop those waists
@MrLanternland Says:
14.5 billion dollars to holocaust the Palestinians. Not one penny to protect our own border and stop the invasion of our own country!!!
@elmermaz Says:

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