Man FORCEFULLY Evicted For Asking Fetterman About Ceasefire
Man FORCEFULLY Evicted For Asking Fetterman About Ceasefire



@carlcromwell8713 Says:
Support Israel 🇮🇱
@zippymufo9765 Says:
Fetterman punks stupid leftists 😂
@barnabelerma5950 Says:
@amercanmade2685 Says:
You still do not get it do you? Israel is not only Americas but the Western worlds only true friend and ally in the Middle East. It is a shame that you all cant grasp that fact. It is so simple the politicians get it.
@Ianpact Says:
Month later and he still hasn't turned around. 😞
@ggardner5962 Says:
Hasn't he come out and said that he is not a progressive? Anyone else see that? I thought tyt might have more info?
@curiouscat8396 Says:
The Fatterman in name, the Farterman in nature.
@bobbykhan4699 Says:
Fetterman is “Hills have Eyes” status now
@davidnorth3411 Says:
They do this action against young American professionals also , censorship through viewing your social network views , your comments are part of those search’s that potential employers have access to , a few groups threaten this as money and lobbiest are now weapons of censoring wars . “It’s A NEW DAY “ your so right Cenk!
@theresamoore Says:
Just go away!
@theresamoore Says:
Yes. He broke my heart.
@theresamoore Says:
OMG I am so disappointed in him. AIPAC is destroying our politicians.
@al3615 Says:
I truly thought Fetterman was a balanced good guy. Now I see the truth. Thanks for shining a light on all these liberals/progressives that pretend to be for what’s right and good in this world
@hiphophead8053 Says:
Go take your acting classes somewhere else ? What are you talking about ? YOU ALL BOUGHT IT ! LOL
@Agent.Logic_ Says:
Wow, you guys burn through every ally you have just because they don't tick every box and agree with every little opinion you have.
@cliftonmobile123 Says:
Tyt was one of the main media outlets That was supporting fetterman in his sweatshirt and shorts 🩳 as soon as he disagreed with them over the Israel situation they turned against him and they want him to put on his stupid little suit😂😂😂😂😂 tyt is just like the GOP AS LONG AS YOU AGREE WITH THEM YOU'RE FINE BUT WHEN YOU DISAGREE WITH THEM YOU AIN'T 💩 NOW GO PUT ON YOUR STUPID LITTLE SUIT TYT IS FAKE AS 💩😏
@jamesdawson2922 Says:
I couldn't believe people from PA voted for him. Couldn't see through the fraud that he is.
@SigSoto Says:
Young Turks started in early 1915, when the Young Turk regime rounded up hundreds of Armenians and hanged many of them in the streets of Istanbul, before beginning the genocidal deportation of most of the Armenian population to the desert, in which up to a million died or were murdered en route. Cancel these 🤡
@drummurdroid Says:
You guys are good but also insufferable
@happyguilmore4253 Says:
Didn’t Cenk’s people,the young Turks ethnic cleanse Ana’s people years ago.
@kurtisengle6256 Says:
NO. Every American has the god given right to FILLIBUSTER any American Senator they want. As long as you are willing to keep talking, Senator Fetterman should HAVE TO keep listening. That's how democracy works. Am I right ?
@ms.keeton2884 Says:
How heartbreaking. Wow.
@zzeeyib3009 Says:
Anna u have a heart to say and do things to do Israel has the right to defend itself but as same time Palestinians also are human the 58years Palestinian lived in occupied land their land was and is taken by settlers came from USA and Russia or other countries and poor Palestinians are living apartheid lives. So people do the right thing
@lloydwarden3758 Says:
@themadinspector Says:
Fetterman is a coward.
@mattmckenrick Says:
There’s something so satisfying, hearing liberals finally realize that Fetterman is a fraud.
@somebody6433 Says:
None of these wars would have happened under Trump.
@geared2cre8 Says:
AIPAC needs to go
@mikerisher4325 Says:
Stop funding Ukraine war
@mikerisher4325 Says:
Who’s treating voters like trash
@scottjordan7431 Says:
It's amazing how you've turned on Fetterman so completely. He doesn't agree with you on your take on Israel and you go on the attack like a rabid dog. It's pretty gross.
@danieltossounian1962 Says:
The body guards dress better than Fetterman …
@Christmas12 Says:
Fetterman unfortunately was always weak, his logic and skills were always wobbly, we've known that since at least as far back as 2016 - never trusted Fetterman to be reliable, but people wanted him because he built up his political capital and was eventually the only option who could win the Senate race
@sayuas4293 Says:
Being pro palestinian terrorists is NOT the populist position
@hill88369 Says:
Get out of my face i don't know you
@noigelskram2435 Says:
This is what happens when you question the establishment.
@minanoori5863 Says:
J. fetterman died last feb.
@NeeNee_B. Says:
They're his people, are yall REALLY surprised??
@tiborosz1825 Says:
Good night everybody😅
@johnreed9415 Says:
ISREAL is a fouge nation. They've committed war crimes, piracy. and human rights violations
@KnarfStein Says:
Which idiot is still going to defend Fetterman and his goons wearing gym shorts all the time now?
@Connectingdots100 Says:
We need to put more pressure on politicians before this gets further out of hand…the hate the US generating is massive…we are backing war crimes openly for the world to see. Every empire will fade, arrogance and dehumanization of other people is how powerful empires start to fail by making many strategic mistakes (Iraq War, supporting Israeli war crimes and apartheid, partnering with rotten dictators at the expense of other peoples).
@Connectingdots100 Says:
War criminals and their backers will later pretend they did not understand what was going on…but it is that they refused to listen and see the truth in front of them.
@messier8769 Says:
Republicultist have escorted multiple people who they didnt like the questions 🙄 😂😂
@timeisfluid Says:
Absolutely disturbing 🤨 i feel like anyone supporting Israel has NO SOUL 😢
@Damon-rw7wv Says:
This is horrific journalism. TYT is wrong on this incident and failed to notice, or at least mention crucial aspects of the situation. Not to mention, failed to air the majority of the footage. As a former, long time security agent, both for crowds and personal protection, these things caused immediate alarm. The man who questioned Fetterman violated his personal space immediately. Featuring his hands within an inch of his body multiple times. The man was very animated, which not illegal, is a red flag for security personnel. Then, once the man went to hand him something without consent, regardless of what it is, any trained security agent is trained to not allow that to happen and remove that person as a potential threat.
@drugstorecowboy6540 Says:
How in the hell did anybody vote for this brain dead idiot....
@dwr1611 Says:
shame.....americans are scared of israel

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