The Ethical State
The Ethical State



@SargonofAkkad Says:
Thank you to all my patrons, who make videos like this possible, and to the sterling work of the chaps who contributed excellent voice clips at short notice. Please check out their channels below: Argel Tal: Arch Warhammer: Count Dankula:
@jasonsantos3037 Says:
Government should never have the right to control your Morality.
@orbitalsummer Says:
that was archcast reading the text, right?
@miguellogistics984 Says:
Just now found this. It is all a really bad Monty Python skit. No NO! It is a Terry Gillium film. England is a dystopian Terry Gillium film.
@mr.dr.frankenkeys Says:
If i hadn't looked at the upload date, i would've thought this video was from this year.
@potatokitty Says:
It is truly an attack against freedoms. Everything you have will be taken and all agency you omce held will be deemed "wrongly offensive". You will be or you won't be. There is going to be no other association.
@chadwickseronio9363 Says:
Sargon, you have been on fire lately, you have a unique ability to explain complex political and social systems without condescending to the laymen, you are an absolute homo😅
@richardandrews9325 Says:
This hits hard 5 years later!
@TheWizardGamez Says:
the UK is pretty gay. a lot gayer than i thought
@captainblood9616 Says:
The road to Hell truly is paved with good intentions
@leviswranglers2813 Says:
5 years later and more relevant than ever before.
@nadams8863 Says:
Thank God we have the first amendment here in the US.
@andresgreene4913 Says:
It's interesting to see how much Carl has changed over theast few years.
@freelancerjosiah8721 Says:
"Dear Scotland, Truth doesn't care about you being offended. We are not interested in your attempts to censor, or to control, or to threaten. We are not going away. And if you continue on this path, all that will remain of your dictatorship will be blood and ash. Yours, the public."
@DrachonaTheWolf Says:
I didn't realize this the first time I watched this video but how can you have a "perceived disability"?
@johnepavek Says:
Sounds like the government there is putting the screws to you guys.
@Shipwright1918 Says:
Welcome to Airstrip One.
@Hachimaro Says:
Tell me the UK isn't a totalitarian state.
@HimslGames Says:
go read the rap lyrics if you think they arent grossly offensive!
@searose6192 Says:
April 80% of Americans do not distinguish between morality, legality and ethics. This is established psychology. In other words only 1 in 5 people bothers to determine for themselves what is right and wrong.
@peterclark4685 Says:
If you want a society that is true to its core morality it might be a good idea to think beyond the concentration of power governments represent. They are old and we are finding out they are also tired. Try turbocharging democracy. First (pinned) post and its primary comments (II - VII) for the gist of the idea. (10 minutes reading)
@sapatomaluco Says:
The UK people and other anglo nations have left those infiltrated destructive totalitary ideologies advance for way to long towards power positions and closely near to the point out no return. The internet-based channels like yours are the last line of resistance against this takeover. My Brazil was going down the drain but has now shifted the key in an unprecedented, unexpected and highly improbable leadership change, so we'll now try to undo the damage, mainly inspired by British minds like Burke, A.Smith, Scruton, Niall Ferguson and so many others. How come the UK reach this bottom? Where did the UK fail?
@MrGunnarPower Says:
I love the use of Command & Conquer's soundtrack
@gvroamer Says:
How sad yet ironic that we see once again, the society that forgets its past is condemned/compelled to repeat it. The utterance of unkind and hostile words came to be allowed/permitted as a necessary safety valve for the individual and society so that injustices would be spotlighted, investigated and presumably rectified. It is an infallible truth that humans rely on communication when dealing with situations that left unchecked, have unacceptable physical outcomes. Removing the communicative state or condition from ones interactions leaves you with two choices; Silence or Action. Scotland has only just begun but I will not be surprised to hear many years in the future that some village has engaged in a spot of vigilante social justice and hung a local official because they had been silenced for so long about a situation they could not countenance and were not permitted to discuss.
@SkItTlEsTaRs1 Says:
Lmao my dog is racist. He doesnt like black people. It was weird, he just attacked our friend for no reason.
@HightopDavid Says:
Orwell called, he wants his dystopia back
@tvsinesperanto7446 Says:
I accept that you believe in unconditional acceptance. Are you going to accept that I don't believe in it? Yeah, didn't think so. Bigot! I'm calling the cops!
@thiswebsitesucksTBH Says:
Welcome to the future, where you don't even need to commit a hate crime, to commot a hate crime!
@lukemanion2 Says:
Holy shit its 1984 come to life that 'advert' is fucking scary shit
@RhelrahneTheIdiot Says:
am i considered disabled due to my mental condition witch (that was deliberate) quite blatantly i don't even see as a problem? which is on the autistic spectrum because if i am i want to tell you this FUCK YOU I DON'T GIVE A FUCK IN HELL ABOUT YOUR MOVEMENT TO ''protect'' ME GROW UP MY LIFE WILL NOT BE USED TO AID YOUR MOVEMENT!! I FIND RADICALS LIKE YOU TO BE PURE CANCER JUST FUCK OFF I AM NOT A PAWN I AM A HUMAN BEING AND I AM PERFECTLY FINE I'M JUST A LITTLE DIFFERENT!
@princekermit0 Says:
I am glad my family left Scotland, many generations ago.
@Sebasti44n Says:
Dude, this is so weak. A nightwachman state is terrible.
@tosoledo Says:
I miss the time when religious fundamentalist were the only fanatics who try to control every aspect of our lives. It was not that bad in hindsight.
@aimlagriptribes3747 Says:
@TheSilversepiroth Says:
Wouldn't the term disablist mean that it's someone who shows preference to those with disabilities? So either they're complaining about people taking considerations for things that might be difficult for others to complete due to said disabilities, or we've found a term for modern-day feminism
@bassbuckmaster Says:
These left-wing radicals have a well oiled machine training them how to destroy western civilization, plus are the worlds trash can from anti western culture. They are pumping out more and more of these people that are well aware of our pressure points in order to get their policies passed " this is for the children, do you hate children?". Just look at the once great major cities in America after they have been destroyed. Even then they double down. They control the education system, entertainment industry, and social media. While conservatives don't have anything. And to think what killed the west wasn't storm troopers from a foreign country but these people. The only option is to give them a felony so they can't vote or deport them to south Africa. A now Marxist country they destroyed.
@iljastalberg5610 Says:
Rome have rotted from inside before the fall
@murplesman Says:
As a Scottish-American in a very Scottish family, I find it so stupid that some Scottish people, who were screwed over by authoritarian English governments just want to replace them with an authoritarian Scottish one. How about we just give the people the freedom they deserve, not just more of the same problems.
@murplesman Says:
It's sad to see the land of my great grandparents fall to radical leftists. Make Scotland Great Again!
@NotGovernor Says:
The problem is the existence of the government in the first place. You cannot abuse people en masse without the false belief, the superstition of rightful involuntary authority.
@P5ykoOHD Says:
I'm happy to have quit social media ... Also, future sex-education will be: "Penis goes into vagina, mouth and ass ... penis can also go into ass of other person with penis. Vagina can rub with another vagina. Fake penises and vaginas can be used, toys of various shapes too. There are no set rules to what goes where. You are now certified sexual beings." GG no re.
@Tuatara1989 Says:
"We believe in acceptance, as long as you don't step out of line." Edit: Just noticed, they passed that 'Telecommunications Act' in1984. xD
@Anomynous Says:
made me think of this song:
@RyeGuyCreations Says:
and...... Patreon acct closed!
@chrisdaman4179 Says:'s time
@enizle5 Says:
Are they going to force Islamic schools in the UK to teach LGBTI education?
@enizle5 Says:
12:39 "Making people's lives a misery because of their religious dress"? Why not change that to "making people's lives a misery because of their chosen beliefs, or lack of"
@enizle5 Says:
10:04 *C. Newman programming routine 1.01 initiated* So what Mr McGarva's saying is.....there's no place for rap in civil society?
@petitmorte2186 Says:
we gotta throw out the entire public education system. whites teach your children at home. let the browns bear the brunt of the brainwashing that was meant for us.
@01Varda Says:
That so called ' one Scotland ' clip propaganda. How threatening and creepy was that! Where's William Wallace when you need him!

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