The Voice To Parliament Referendum - Why I'm Voting No.
The Voice To Parliament Referendum - Why I'm Voting No.



@GuerillaCatty73 Says:
Well, one of the other pet causes of the Yes campaign tribe, mass immigration and tonnes of diversity... good fun to see the electorates that returned majority "no" votes. Just can't win, poor things, no matter what they try to do to completely destroy stability and reason.
@admiralgoodboy Says:
I will vote yes.
@pushagainstthezeitgeist4968 Says:
Well presented!
@barron8006 Says:
This discrimination against heritage australians has been going on for a long time. In the 1990s, the referendum to kick out the queen, also had language enshrining non heritage australians, as a prelude to destroying Australian identity. The same religious minority who drove that are driving this now.
@JS-mg1mk Says:
Ive got a solution for you guys. We send you our bleeps, you come to America and leave your aboriginals and they can fight it out amongst themselves.
@thingsihate_3333 Says:
Damn man, I didn't realize the CRT insanity was spreading like herpes all over the world. God with you Aussies out there, hope you're able to keep it out. 🙏🏽
@nmccw3245 Says:
Seems Australians read the document, educated themselves, and voted hell no. 🤣😅😂👍🏻
@davidmouser596 Says:
The problem with this stupid vote is that it has split people instead of bringing them together regardless of the finally vote result. This was also exacerbated by the PM playing favourites as a referendum is supposed to be the will of the people and not the party. The people noted this and voted no as they don't like political parties trying to tilt voting results especially when they are in government.
@Blunko_McSqwuntley Says:
You see being white is illegal.
@GibDozer1 Says:
So is the Ray Martin calling the Prime Minister a "d!ck head" since he didn't read it?
@wastedpotato4555 Says:
Here we are weeks later and some got paid leave for losing the vote 😂😂😂😂 fuk sakes
@softyzz69 Says:
First Nations indigenous Indians whatever you want to call them either sold their land or lost it fair and square, nobody anywhere in the world needs to be freaking damn trying to kiss the ass now
@yesiamarussianbot3076 Says:
Well you and a little over 60% of us voted NO, and told Albo to get rekt.
@chrisspencer6502 Says:
Lol I bet this tool has no problem with Rio tinto using its money to lobby or have their represented voice heard
@joelhungerford8388 Says:
Indigenous were enshrined into the constitution in 1967
@Mogunsforme Says:
What you get when you sacrifice your guns to the almighty state:
@MurakamiTenshi Says:
7:40 now I know what dickhead means in Sign Language 😂
@whoisjohngalt-hg5us Says:
Gee that didnt age well....the left wing nutjobs are quite revolting and what sort of scum spits in someones face? Anyway it made my mind up about certain sections of society with their behaviour. Thanks Albo for wasting 100's of millions of dollars. Hey Albo why not call a snap election and see how that works out for you?
@trevorwall87 Says:
The Russians don't speak for the French blackfellas are not one people with one issue
@fuckoffyou Says:
Just *NO* yes would be incredibly racist
@ael3377 Says:
Oh, Australia seemingly didn't want to become a second New Zealand haha
@DozingGreen-fz6rg Says:
The "first peoples of Australia" had disgusting practices that needed to be stopped. Fuck em.
@Jwnorton Says:
And, it came crashing down in defeat like a B-17 over Germany in 1943
@Viney209 Says:
I served in the Army, and my best friend I served with alongside with is from the Torres Strait... he voted NO because this is all bullshit.
@jasongander5331 Says:
Sounds like the "co governance" that is trying to be introduced into New Zealand. Glad you and the rest of Australia said No🎉
@Thetemplar33 Says:
Vote no to white guilt. Plus abos dont deserve it
@DarthRevanPeaceIsALie Says:
how it feel to win? 😃
@insertnamehere5809 Says:
Creating a political third rail? Australia says NO!
@AnnoyedDragon Says:
This is like Brexit all over again. Do as they say or you're racist scum. Glad to see that "tactic" didn't work again, hopefully they'll stop using it.
@blindspot117 Says:
Find out? He just said it needs no explanation....dumb
@blindspot117 Says:
Using aboriginals as an excuse to have more control of everyone and anything. They dont care about anyone especially aboriginals. They see them as subhuman unable to govern themselves. Rather racist if you ask me.
@thebryanmadigan Says:
In that same speech that Ray Martin called you a you know what for not know the details, he then goes on to say "the details don't matter".
@rwberger6 Says:
Update: The australian people voted "no" to the change despite how hard the government pushed for it.
@Fedexkilla Says:
It's never about recognition, it's about control.
@jmozart198 Says:
Good video Bearing. As an American I was never encouraged to find out and understand the political system or the laws and political opinions of those other than the presidents. Keeping up with these things is difficult as it requires further research into history and concepts that eluded me in my formative years. Often times I struggle with the balance. All this to say, Its good to see someone who can have a good laugh and entertain the world while simultaneously being educated and active in the system. Keep up the good work.
@sparta117corza Says:
as suspected sounded like some communist gobblydigook and it was some communist gobblydigook
@NineHundredDollarydoos Says:
If some cunt is claiming 'there's nothing hidden, no ulterior motive, no conspiracy' you can bloody well bet that I'll start suspecting them of all of that and more. Here's hoping the next time these bastards try to sneak something shady past a vote they're as stupid as they were this time.
@davehug5405 Says:
We’re ducked the west is fucked the world is fucked
@ace2k472 Says:
Thank you for objective info. I could not find any clear information on what the referendum actually entails. All I see is 'Yes = Aboriginals will have a voice and be heard' and 'No = Aboriginals will not be heard by Australia' . I'm surprised the referendum didn't pass considering the biased information
@DemonicBandaid Says:
I'm a highly apolitical person in general, but this was the easiest vote of my life. I voted No.
@BETAmosquito Says:
In the third line of the proposal, it states that Parliament shall grant powers to the body. I don't like "powers to be determined" in my binding constitutional amendments. Especially when it comes from a parliament with a long history of twisting the law to benefit their developer mates.
@combat_wombat5152 Says:
We did it boys
@jaketaylor5754 Says:
Bro, you came up with blair white and carl benjamin. What happened? Is it because you're Australian? Should you be paid a percentage of their income as a gesture of good will as being Australian makes you incapable of excelling in your chosen feild?
@TheWombat2012 Says:
Why would you vote on something so vaguely worded? Mayo? He’s the product of a white Polish mother and a Malay father…how the hell is he “indigenous”??? And “recognised in the constitution”? They already ARE. That’s literally what the 1967 referendum was all about. It was to allow special laws to be passed for them as well as recognise them as citizens the same as anyone else. I voted no. And proudly so. We need an inquiry and an audit as to where the tens of billions a year in funding to indigenous agencies like NIAA and dozens of others goes.
@pointmanzero Says:
Anybody want to rama rama? It's when you sniff gasoline. Literally an aboriginal thing.
@rosslumbus Says:
My biggest reason. There is 500 tribes in Australia. Not a collective Aboriginal. 500 tribes with at least 500 "voices" not a collective one voice. So there are (to my mind) one of two outcomes one elected person to represent each tribe's interest, in a collective of 500 tribe's representation to be able to decide on what is required to fil their individual tribe's interests (this would be chaos without a lot of framework and regulation and frankly luck) OR (and this is much worse) a hand selected loud, affluent, activist and angry type A personality voices from a few selected tribes representing their own tribal interests as being the collective aboriginal experience with little or no consideration that their perspective as a Koori may be different to a Ngoogar's experience or the experience of the Ngunnawal people and their wants and needs may be different) . One is a recipe for chaos and deadlocks and beurecratic red tape and the other a select few tribes influence peddling and favouring their tribal interests and political power plays and corruption. Neither is good or well thought out. All around I see nothing to give me faith in this option. I am no happy we we were subjected to this BS referendum. It failed and so at a time that we are struggling financially, we have wasted $500 milion created division by running a narrative that the only reason people could possibly vote no on a porly thought through and rushed through referendum is that the no voters are racists. I can only imagine that as an Aboriginal person, this is unnecessary referendum's result may leave you feeling devalued, used as a political gambit and a little more suspicious of what Australians as a whole think of you, due to the framing and narratives those that the Yes vote suporters framed things from the get go. Terrible all around.
@sir.mistable1496 Says:
This aged very well ! 🇦🇺🦘
@colonelflagg9669 Says:
I wonder how Angry Aussie is handling the NOOOO vote. Please upset him again.
@stojs4881 Says:
Your explaination was spot on
@ronnypopona2589 Says:
What hilarious is Liberals talking about unity when they have easily been the most divisive australian major political party historically using trash tactics like lying about parents throwing their children overboard..

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