Who Wouldn't Want $1,000 a Month?

Who Wouldn't Want $1,000 a Month?


@aldobuttazzoni Watch the full 5 minute video on PragerU.com #ubi #money #socialism




@jake______ Says:
this guy has never had a job wtf is he talking about
@robd1859 Says:
First of all 1,000 a month is not going to do anything. If you will bump that to $2,000 a month then I could survive
@Wisemuse Says:
This been tried at least a dozen times. It does not produce the desired results, it just added to the dependent underclass.
@kcck7588 Says:
Sounds a lot like communism to me.
@ladymacbethofmtensk896 Says:
And at a time when it has never been easier to set up a system that will pay much more...
@IJ72 Says:
Then you will neve have anything! No loan, no home, no right!
@MB-zm8qg Says:
Marxism is never a good idea.
@robr1305 Says:
300 million people in America that’s every man woman and child and this guy is trying to say is 3 trillion dollars a year I’d like to see his math
@albertbresca8904 Says:
sigh.. throwing money at people causes what kind of problem??? why work?
@WonderingWildWanderingRose Says:
Not speaking on any other aspect, but your math is wrong. How many people in the US? In order to reach your $3 trillion that would be 3 Billion people live here. Census records say we are nowhere near that. We don't even have 400 Million. $400 Billion is still a lot of money, but not even close to a Trillion, let alone 3.
@fruit1011 Says:
Not to mention the economic havoc they world wreak on the United States because no one would have to work so no work would ever get done… 100% economic downfall plus the downfall of society
@seanmcgonigal2526 Says:
@ianstradian Says:
UBI doesn’t take into consideration how human beings work and how inflation affects the economy. UBI is just another doorway for graft, abuse, corruption and crime.
@WyzrdCat Says:
Lolol WHO SAYS $1000 is enough to take care of basic needs? That some kind of joke?
@Dirty-D Says:
Lmao Biden craps all over Americans and gives over 75 billion to fund the war in Ukraine. FJB let Americans die in the streets and fund killing overseas with our tax dollars. Wtf!!
@crazycatman5928 Says:
Welfare recipients wouldn’t mind. As for me someone who loved working overtime for extra money…..this is a terrible terrible idea and it’s coming.
@sammcrae8892 Says:
Read Heinlein's For Us the Living -- it gives a pretty good run down of it. Of course to ACTUALLY work you have to get rid of the national and international central banks that are currently bleeding us dry, and you can also get rid of all the civil service departments that we now use to determine the deserving poor, and probably a few other parasitic government branches. The as it was called when it was developed "Social Credit," is based on a somewhat different economic and banking system than is in use today. And also it is somewhat predicated on the growing trend towards automation and an ever growing number of jobs being taken over by machines, but it could actually work better than what we are doing now. When you look ahead fifteen, to thirty years and half or more of the population has no jobs because the machines are doing them -- we're going to have to figure out something. But the first problem that would keep it from working is we would have to get rid of the Federal Reserve and establish a National and truly constitutional Bank of the United States, then start seeing about overhauling the economic and business system. It's NOT socialism, but it's not quite capitalism as we do it now. It's primary goal was to end the boom and bust cycles and the private banking systems control of money and proper regulation of trade which is supposed to remove much of the causes of wars. Not a bad idea really since when you really look into it, most of the wars in the last few centuries have been bankers wars. When you really look at what we are doing now, it might be worth at least an experiment. Canada tried it and it worked out fine till the vested interests stopped it. Alaska is doing a modified version under our current system and hasn't sunk into the sea. Never know until you try, but do be aware, that the banksters are looking to push their own version and it's probably NOT for OUR benefit!
@micahstarnes3327 Says:
Yeah, I still think UBI will become a necessity with the rise of automation, but you’re right about the numbers, so for it to work you’d first have to deflate the currency, get rid of income tax, and instead put in something like Fair-tax.
@kamilegier4730 Says:
It sounds good but it is horrible for the economy.
@montyjackson9905 Says:
I agree with the video, but it would be less than 400 billion not 3 trillion lol
@michaelhorning6014 Says:
Increase money supply without increasing goods. Inflation.
@conservativecaravan7664 Says:
The deep state is pushing these things in order to destroy America. There are many politicians of both parties who are controlled by the deep state.
@dragonfly3724 Says:
If we are the riches country on earth then why is the US getting the money from China (of all countries) to fund the Ukraine War. Does anyone have a clue the interest we are going to have to pay back plus the money! Why is this country $33 Trillion in debt as it is. This country will collapse under so much debt.
@benharrison1069 Says:
Please tell where I can live in the United States on $12,000 per year and have my basic needs paid for.
@chriswilliamson806 Says:
The cheese isn't free. It would be better if work programs, educational programs were available. This is the same for low or unemployed wage earners.. Those that have been in or on the system for longer than supposed to be. You wouldn't have to increase the minimum wage, as California has currently done, and you'd get people off the already over taxed system. You then help pay for the system, by having those that went through it. Pay back into the programs after they get better jobs.
@fredorman2429 Says:
Pie in the sky. No work no food.
@Makewomensaneagain Says:
They spell communist weird.😅😅😅
@yourfriendlyneighborhoodin1559 Says:
How do you get to hell? Very simple: claim that you're innocent. How do you get to heaven? Very simple: Admit that you're not Innocent, you're guilty and ask for mercy. How many lies have you told in your life? Have you ever taken anything that didn't belong to you? Have you ever used God's holy name to curse, would you do that with your mother's name? How many times have you gazed with lustful intent at someone or entertained lustful desire towards them? Jesus offers mercy to those who will acknowledge their need for it. Heaven. The alternative is taking our just punishment. Hell.
@yourfriendlyneighborhoodin1559 Says:
How do you get to hell? Very simple: claim that you're innocent. How do you get to heaven? Very simple: Admit that you're not Innocent, you're guilty and ask for mercy. How to know if you're guilty or not? Simply: Compare your life to the Ten Commandments God gave you in the Bible. Everyone agrees that if people followed the ten commandments there would be no need for governments or police. Do not lie. Do not steal. Do not commit adultery. Do not insult God by using his name as a cuss word. There are six more but let's just leave it at that. How many lies have you told in your life? Have you ever taken anything that didn't belong to you? Jesus said, if you look at a women lustfully you've already committed adultery in your heart with that woman. How many times a day do you do that? Do you use God's name as a cuss word? Would you do that with your own mother's name? If you answer these questions honestly you know that you're guilty. God can justly punish you and send you to hell. Ask him for mercy. His name is Jesus. It's as simple as this, The Ten Commandments are called the moral law. You and I broke God's laws. Jesus paid the fine. The fine is death. Ezekiel 18:20 — "The soul who sins shall die." That's why Jesus had to die on the cross for our sins. This is why God is able to give us Mercy. Option A. You die for your own sins. Option B. Ask for mercy and accept that Jesus died on the cross for you. ❤ **Honest questions are welcome.** ...❤...
@teamsargentrc6399 Says:
Nope. Teaching people not to care for themselves! Different if the person is disabled. If able then get to work!
@prima6170 Says:
No, getting $4000/mo. for doing nothing sounds good. Getting ?$10,000/mo. for doing nothing sounds even better. In fact, if you gave me $10,000/mo. It might inspire me to do something.
@1TalldrinkH2O Says:
Those who work will have to pay for those who do not. And those who work will have a lower quality life.
@canigetachannel Says:
UBI is the trough that ignorant cattle go to. I am not Heathen, nor Goy ! You can take your man made laws and walk right into the lake of fire with them.
@canigetachannel Says:
A workman is worthy of his hire. You don't work, you don't eat. I will never let someone steal my commercial energy, that duty belongs to government. Government has been bankrupt for a hundred years. The FED owns everything and they are only men, just like me. God is my witness.
@nankypooh655 Says:
I'm a Conservative, and I say you're WRONG! Why? because we spend three trillion dollars EVERY TWO WEEKS for ONE NUCLEAR MISSILE! (Check the stats from the G.A.O. if you don't believe me!) Not only would we NOT have to raise taxes, three trillion dollars a YEAR to help poor people would be money put to muchbetter use than every two weeks on a weapon of mass destruction which, God help us, will, hopefully NEVER be used. In fact, we could quite possibly CUT taxes if we trimmed the fat on military spending.
@Milton_Friedmanite Says:
That 74% doesn’t make sense to me. Are we ignoring the Laffer curve? If so that still seems way off. Our current tax revenue is like $4.7T with around a 28% fed income tax. So if we ignore the Laffer curve then we would need to bump it up to like 55%
@Milton_Friedmanite Says:
UBI is stupid, Jeff Bezos and my brother who makes over $110k don’t need UBI. Now Negative Income Tax, that’s something that may be a better alternative to our current welfare state. It does have its problems though.
@monkeystank5241 Says:
UBI would also increase inflation, causing increases in goods and services. So when UBI ends the inflation will not.
@marcushoward6560 Says:
As someone who doesn't want to be robbed, a parasite, or enslaved; me.
@jerseyboyjoe9079 Says:
Pretty sure that socialism which leads poverty
@rustyshackleford4942 Says:
They could keep their VA benefits if I never had to pay taxes again
@kingbenjamin22 Says:
74% hardly. That's assuming half the workforce doesn't quit. It's not much until you realize a family will receive $3000 a month. If you're making somewhere around that working 40+ hours a week you're going to quit.
@johngalt7382 Says:
When everyone has money, money becomes worthless.
@doers8154 Says:
Actually current taxes would have to be reevaluated to be spent correctly
@BannedHistory Says:
Yes. It does. I should be paid for having to live in this Jewish hellscape.
@enzosperandio8314 Says:
No thanks
@Kawitamamayi Says:
UBI will cause massive stagnation to any economy, epidemic homelessness as prices rise, community instability leading to judicial enforcement decay followed by a complete societal collapse. Historically only a free market economy solves poverty, improves education, productivity, energy efficiency, reduced environmental pollution and generalized human flourishing.
@tobybigham4196 Says:
Starvation and desperation does things for people's motivation! Handouts just cause people to stop caring, and increases inflation!
@wapper7777 Says:
But like who are you taxing? Because if you are taxing the people who you are giving UBI to then they just don’t have their basic income. And if you tax the rich they will just leave
@vinzenzs2805 Says:
We will need it as money begats money and work will be replaced by au and robots there will be more and more people who can’t contribute to the economy and therefore won’t habe a way of living….and as money will be more and more centralized in fewer and fewer people it’s almost inevitable to have crazy taxes on rich people (like 50% or sth) and distribute the money back to everyone as universal income. Otherwise there will be riots that either got the whole system or just the big majority without money and power killed…..both cases would be a disaster

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