Railroad Employee Sues Union Pacific After Insane Treatment

Railroad Employee Sues Union Pacific After Insane Treatment


A man has sued Union Pacific for firing him while he was on medical leave. Ana Kasparian and Emma Vigeland discuss on The Young Turks. Watch TYT LIVE on weekdays 6-8 pm ET. http://youtube.com/theyoungturks/live Read more HERE: https://news.yahoo.com/union-pacific-sued-firing-rail-201100468.html "Union Pacific routinely hires private investigators to check out employees' medical leave claims and then fires anyone who happens to leave their house while out on leave, according to a lawsuit filed against the railroad. The lawyer who last month filed one of the first lawsuits in a case like this in Texas said this practice is another example of how the railroads keep the pressure on train crews to remain on call 24-7 while making them afraid to take unpaid time off they're supposed to get under the Family Medical Leave Act."* *** The largest online progressive news show in the world. Hosted by Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian. LIVE weekdays 6-8 pm ET. Help support our mission and get perks. Membership protects TYT's independence from corporate ownership and allows us to provide free live shows that speak truth to power for people around the world. See Perks: ? https://www.youtube.com/TheYoungTurks/join SUBSCRIBE on YOUTUBE: ? http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=theyoungturks FACEBOOK: ? http://www.facebook.com/TheYoungTurks TWITTER: ? http://www.twitter.com/TheYoungTurks INSTAGRAM: ? http://www.instagram.com/TheYoungTurks TWITCH: ? http://www.twitch.com/tyt ???? Merch: http://shoptyt.com ? Donate: http://www.tyt.com/go ???? Website: https://www.tyt.com ????App: http://www.tyt.com/app ???? Newsletters: https://www.tyt.com/newsletters/ If you want to watch more videos from TYT, consider subscribing to other channels in our network: The Watchlist https://www.youtube.com/watchlisttyt Indisputable with Dr. Rashad Richey https://www.youtube.com/indisputabletyt Unbossed with Nina Turner https://www.youtube.com/unbossedtyt The Damage Report ? https://www.youtube.com/thedamagereport TYT Sports ? https://www.youtube.com/tytsports The Conversation ? https://www.youtube.com/tytconversation Rebel HQ ? https://www.youtube.com/rebelhq TYT Investigates ? https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwNJt9PYyN1uyw2XhNIQMMA #TYT #TheYoungTurks #BreakingNews 230404__TA04Union




@ashleymarie6682 Says:
They already nationalized railroads and it failed. I.e. conrail .. which is a big reason we are in the mess we are in
@ashleymarie6682 Says:
Every railroader and railroad family is well aware this happens regularly. All carriers. Its been happening for years if not decades. Its something people deal with and they dont apply for fmla because its too risky to.
@bryancollins856 Says:
This company sucks..overworked underpaid, no real rest, as a seniority based company if you’re displaced no lodging provided, rushed through training w/ little to no actual training because equipment is so bad, will fire you quick fast and in a hurry for anything
@markgibson4965 Says:
Im currently employed by this company! It gets worse every day, UP DOES NOT CARE FOR EMPLOYEES AT ALL! CEO and president for UP , all they care is their millions on their BONUSES! Treat us like animals! Please stay away from this satanic company! Is not worth it,! Been here for to long , I might have to finish my sentence!
@shigshug8581 Says:
"These capitalists at the top of these companies, they're not job creators, they're job gatekeepers. They are making sure that they have the fewest amount of jobs possible to maximize the profits for their shareholders." - Emma Vigeland
@terryrodriguez6209 Says:
They can pay to spy on employees but they can’t give them decent benefits, sick leave and pay.
@JustinVodden Says:
Since the railroads are too important to let the employees strike or even be sick, then it's too important for corporate profit motivations to take precedent over the needs of the nation.
@csnide6702 Says:
This is done ALL THE TIME.... Real popular with insurance companies.
@hamburgler227 Says:
Isn't there a problem with the fact that "shareholders" includes A LOT of regular people, not just rich folks? Most middle/working class people with jobs, have 401's and other investments. So shareholders and workers are not necessarily distinct and therefore many, many Americans DO benefit from corporate greed.
@soulmechanics7946 Says:
Let's not speak to the fact that one of these extended trains just blighted an entire town in my home state.
@Snoozerx Says:
Railroads hiring private detectives to follow injured employees is nothing new ask any class one railroader
@scottmullins87 Says:
I have to admit that there are employees on sick leave that aren't sick and others that have gotten better but are milking the system . Having g said that . I don't have a problem with an investigator for suspicious cases but unless a guy with a bad back is lifting weights at the gym or has arthritis and is climbing a mountain they should be left alone
@beringstraitrailway Says:
With so many derailments the railroad's insurance rates should be going through the roof! Preventing accidents should be much cheaper than paying for the damages caused by neglecting maintenance.
@russellnolan9212 Says:
GOP, how do things correct when you may NOT speak out?
@russellnolan9212 Says:
Reagan, Biden, what's the difference? Labor has no power and NO ALLY!
@garyscarborough4346 Says:
The Rail Workers Union should have told Joe to F** Off. Its not the governments place to interfere with union negotiations.
@johnbyers3439 Says:
The republican code word for Corporation is "people ", just ask Mitt Romney(corporations are people to my friend). So the next time you listen to a republican politician, insert Corporation for the word people and you will understand who they truly serve.
@torqzebrawoody Says:
Oh yes, UP does hire private investigators, has for ages. A fellow employee had a back injury, but was caught doing roof work. 😎 It is more intense with injuries, they have to try to negate their liabilities. Paid sick days would be a sane idea, as would more employees to safely operate.
@tski3458 Says:
I did this work for a PI in Nevada years ago. Would follow them around for weeks. Most cases appeared to be legit. Some are not so much. In this state back then, under SISS, if an employer can prove there is fraud, the employee will be on the hook for all medical bills plus the cost of the PI. As a judge said once. If you can ski, you can go back to work. I have a few pics here of you water-skiing, but no pics of you actually working" He had to pay the state back and lost his job.
@mrquestion8398 Says:
@dermotmcglinchey282 Says:
The US is without doubt 50 years behind Western Europe in railway transportation, the whole system in the US is a complete dogs breakfast ..Even the Trucking industry is the same with outdated different systems in every state , not embracing far more advanced European systems, but most of this is down to politics…Republicans refuse to tax the wealthy their fair share meaning the whole infrastructure is obsolete, take a look at the electricity network especially Texas🙈…However the biggest problem of all is corporate greed , stock buy backs while refusing to equip their rolling stock with decent braking systems especially hazardous trains…We seen just over a month ago how awful the the outcome can be , Palestine being an example…
@greatscottdrums Says:
Glad to see old allies join forces! Great Scott
@ChaoSMyth... Says:
I've dealt with, back problems, the problem isn't whether you can work. It's possible I've done it l, the problem is that if you ignore the flare ups it never really gets better just worse and worse as the body tries to compensate for its weakness. It can lead to serious muscle imbalance. I have 2 compressed disc's because ignored the problem since I was 17. I'm 32 and only started listening because I worried I'd be unable to walk before 50 from the pain.
@91stealthman Says:
Garant vs Norfolk Southern Railroad, Attempted Murder, Aggravated Manslaughter, and Fired Whistle Blower?
@yarnpower Says:
And it isn’t just a lack of sick days. Workers have no guaranteed day off, so how can they schedule a doctor or dental appointment, etc.
@tomahawkchunker Says:
YES. Capital punishment for corporations! Have their cooperate structure drawn and quartered. If Norfolk Southern can't turn a profit as 4+ smaller companies, a real entrepreneur will.
@sylviamorgan831 Says:
Fuck The People give them more profits
@alangossett3107 Says:
folkin parasites these greedy owners are
@michaelbean2478 Says:
Corporate America and the Venture Capitalists that run literally everything these days are just looking for a few good...Robots.
@yppykya Says:
I was off sick from the US Postal Service and one day I was on my way to a specialist and noticed a car that appeared to be following me. I changed lanes a couple of times and saw that the car did the same. Later, I made a sudden lane change to make my exit for the route to my appointment. I didn't see the car at first and thought I was being paranoid. As I was searching for a parking space close to the building, because I was using a cane as part of the reason that I was off, I observed the car that I thought was following me turn into the Doctor's parking lot. I parked and walked toward the building and saw that the car had parked on the other side of the parking lot behind some low bushes. I went on into the lobby of the building and hung around in the building lobby waiting to see who the driver of the car was that had followed me. No one came into the building from the cars direction while I waited. Finally after fifth teen minutes I had to leave the lobby to make my appointment. After my appointment I left the building and went to my car. I drove my car over by the other car on my way out of the lot, and saw a guy sitting in the driver's seat. The car did not follow me home from the doctors, and I never saw it again afterwards. I know the Post Office had that guy follow me to see if I was really sick or injured. Businesses do that all the time. Very long story just to say that you all should not be surprised.
@pampledger6099 Says:
There should be a law that prohibits stock buybacks, or bonuses with layoffs,, or increased prices.
@idopoliti Says:
I just noticed how Absurd the name of the railroad company is... "Union Pacific"
@chundervision7368 Says:
This is so crazy to anyone that doesn’t live in the US. How can you not have mandatory paid sick leave, wild.
@acuseme Says:
I delivered furniture, I had a back injury where I couldn't even move, only took two months to recover. 8 months sounds like he's milking the system.
@kevinlocke4515 Says:
Why not just fire him for having a retarded back?
@Trandview Says:
Back in 2012 I worked for a major Next day shipper in the work comp Deprtment, who did this and other things to make people who used FLMA as persons to be fired. They even demoted people who had FMLA. I tried to WHISTLE BLOW, but learned that HR is not for the employees but to protect the company....
@grapesofhypocrisy9842 Says:
Shopping and wielding 50 lbs hammers to couple rail cars together are 2 totally different things, plus climbing ladders while the rail cars are moving twist and torque your back. Corrupt trash management.
@IBeforeAExceptAfterK Says:
The sad thing is this doesn't seem to be particularly unusual. I saw a news piece a while back about a guy who got basically the same treatment from Frito-Lay after he was electrocuted on the job and suffered permanent disability.
@BL-no7jp Says:
Many RR workers have to work in another state, giving the RR 4 days of their life.
@lothsper Says:
It was actually super f****** evil for biden to do that to force that contract
@lothsper Says:
Does anyone else find it funny that they have money for private investigators but not sick days
@lothsper Says:
When you're injured and you're healing you're going to have days where you can do like an hour or two of movement I bet you at the end of that day when he was grocery shopping and getting gas he was hurting just because you have good days sometimes does not mean you're still not f***** up and that you are not hurting
@JulianVR4 Says:
You don't eben get paid on FMLA leave lol This is outrageous
@nathanmiller3891 Says:
Sue the pants off these corporations and general strike now!
@dougclem7711 Says:
@dougclem7711 Says:
@steveremington Says:
Anyone who has had or knows anyone who had a serious back injury know that taking periodic short walks is strongly recommended by doctors to speed up the healing process and relieve pain. A person early in their recovery my struggle to just walk around the house for a few minutes but eventually they will build up to a say 15-20 minute walk around the block.
@tarajoyce3598 Says:
Can we ban 12 hour work days please?
@FairBeautyEssentials Says:
Maximizing their profits by cutting down on labor yet they can afford to hire private investigators to go play iSpy? LMAO 😅Got it!
@GX328382 Says:
Gee if only Joe hadn't FORCE them back to work no matter what

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