This Poll Is BAD NEWS For Biden

This Poll Is BAD NEWS For Biden


A new poll shows that 4 out of 5 Americans are pessimistic about the economy. Ana Kasparian and Cenk Uygur discuss on The Young Turks. Watch TYT LIVE on weekdays 6-8 pm ET. Read more HERE: "A pair of polls published Friday revealed that the rising cost of living is causing financial strain for most Americans�especially people with lower incomes�and that pessimism about the state and future of the country's economy is pervasive and spreading. A Wall Street Journal/NORC Center for Public Affairs Research poll found that 80% of 1,019 respondents said the nation's economy is in "poor" or "not so good" condition. Asked about the future of the economy, 47% of those polled said they believe it will be worse in a year, while just 15% said they think it improve. Thirty-eight percent of respondents said the economy will be in about the same shape a year from now. The pessimistic economic outlook can be summed up in one survey question: Asked if they felt confident that life for their children's generation "will be better than it has been for us," only 21% of respondents answered affirmatively." *** The largest online progressive news show in the world. Hosted by Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian. LIVE weekdays 6-8 pm ET. Help support our mission and get perks. Membership protects TYT's independence from corporate ownership and allows us to provide free live shows that speak truth to power for people around the world. See Perks: ? SUBSCRIBE on YOUTUBE: ? FACEBOOK: ? TWITTER: ? INSTAGRAM: ? TWITCH: ? ???? Merch: ? Donate: ???? Website: ????App: ???? Newsletters: If you want to watch more videos from TYT, consider subscribing to other channels in our network: The Watchlist Indisputable with Dr. Rashad Richey Unbossed with Nina Turner The Damage Report ? TYT Sports ? The Conversation ? Rebel HQ ? TYT Investigates ? #TYT #TheYoungTurks #BreakingNews 230328__TB01Poll




@jasonherman2126 Says:
This Economy is shit
@jasonherman2126 Says:
Employment is a necessity now days even many many seniors are having to work. Grandparents
@Route115Productions Says:
Good, I want that corrupt old man out of The White House
@metallampman Says:
The Young Turks will find a way to promote him back into office they lie about everything else !!
@billyjoejimbob6958 Says:
Biden is a corrupt piece of shit and his supporters are brain dead idiots.
@vkrom5491 Says:
Amazing how many morons are getting on the trains and propaganda machines like the young turds are telling them to go, go it's okay.
@danblair1591 Says:
and MSNBC says ‘it’s working’. Well 1/5th said the economy was good and 4/5ths said it is terrible. Biden had a job and GOP growth that’s the only way I can say ‘he’s a good president’. Bidenomics is crap with inflation and economic issues facing those making $60000 or less a year. There’s high crime, high homelessness, and high amounts of illegal aliens. Biden and Trudeau are for the white collar workers than blue collars workers. Trump had 3 years of economy prosperity from the Obama administrstion. Peace with Israel-UAE. Only 1/5 of COVID deaths happened when Trump was president and 4/5th when Biden was president. Biden and Trump both had terrible COVID policies. Trump withdraw troops from Afghanistan before Biden’s botching. Trump might have impeached twice(rigging election and white supremacy and Jan. 06th riots), and indicted thrice(Stormy Daniels, Han. 06th riots, and sexual harassment), wasn’t an honest and integral leader, and had Zero Tolerance as his worst policy.
@audreyyurko2686 Says:
Why can’t we just have a reasonable candidate
@audreyyurko2686 Says:
Both parties are built to benefit the rich.
@MediaMusik777 Says:
Would the real voters please stand up , please stand up, , I didn’t vote for Biden , pass it on
@brettkoneski4495 Says:
Vote him out vote him out vote him out
@macmotorizedbike3834 Says:
@BestPriceSunCoastTransmissions Says:
Every time liberals try to talk economics they just how stupid/ignorant they are. Note this entire discussion about economics they never give their sources, only opinions not based on facts and no attribution.
@BestPriceSunCoastTransmissions Says:
God they’re dumb.
@BestPriceSunCoastTransmissions Says:
Idiots. This is the guy you wanted. A guess all that peace and prosperity had to be corected
@buddhawebb1047 Says:
Biden sucks
@davephillips1987 Says:
Trump is challenged? look at Biden FAR worse.
@BillChpo Says:
Biden is a crime boss who likes to sniff children
@justinbelk2759 Says:
The fact that in 2019 a 2 bed 2 bath apartment was 700$ a month and now that same one in 2023 is 1200$ today a month
@murraygoodhind7691 Says:
Biden is a pile of rat droppings...give me 5 mins alone in a room with him and I assure you he would retire
@delboy292 Says:
I thought my country was bad, then I realised that American has a president, that falls off air and has a lower iq of a toddler.
@holliewallace8826 Says:
Biden sucks. I was going to be on a 7 day family vacation when it was pushed back to 3 because of the prices Biden sucks!!!!
@erichbushong9420 Says:
If Trump has an IQ of the negatives.
@bdbeeir Says:
Biden sucks
@sjohnson9536 Says:
Life under Biden sucks and all you have to do is go to the grocery store to see that. This guy can’t be gone soon enough.
@wpender77 Says:
Biden sucks donkey balls!
@Alex-dk8dl Says:
TYT is trash. Also, Biden sucks.
@jamwiddle6642 Says:
TYT, open borders promote low wages.
@jamwiddle6642 Says:
TYT is all for another communist in 2024
@jamwiddle6642 Says:
Better under Trump but TYT supported Biden in 2020
@DorkVader26 Says:
Are you done voting Democrat yet?!
@Daygard1 Says:
Just more nonsence, because the poll now is showing Biden in the lead. So more fake news.
@taylorscott727 Says:
Biden is by far the worst president ever. That’s not even up for debate now. He just leaves our equipment in Afghanistan, destroys economy, lets whoever cross the border illegally then claim they are stopping illegal immigration, have you seen gas prices? That’s all on Biden. The fact people can’t see this is shocking and shows how delusional some of you are
@Happycamper10170 Says:
Why did people elect him anyways? Oh yea because people who weren’t actual woke didn’t know of him. Had so many people asleep that now asleep is woke. Idiots.
@donaldboyd743 Says:
I'm 67 years old and Biden is the worst president in my life time and that's saying a lot cause you have to work real hard to be worse than Jimmy Carter
@brandonflowers-pv1mu Says:
here Joe Biden take this donation🖕 Don't spend it all at once😂
@hawksmith-r2d Says:
I cannot wait for another TYT cocaine induced rage meltdown again when big orange wins. And I always wondered who was snorting all the powder coming in the country. Now I know.
@rfcontreras Says:
These two baffoons...and Ana is looking more and more beat.
@fefifofob Says:
I'm voting the dementia ticket.
@McRocket Says:
Really, old farts - people over 70 - should not be allowed in the White House, Congress or the SCOTUS. So no Biden and no Trump. F'ing up the economies and the world for the rest of us. ☮
@tonybankse Says:
Biden hasn’t done much in the way of pushing the needle to improve people’s lives..I just think he’s a strong leader of the free world. Honestly I wish John Stewart would run for prez!
@butterduck6398 Says:
Give up your hope little imps, Biden won't save you from insanity. Nor can the Devil. This world isn't yours. That's a fact and an opinion.
@kiLLinEmSoFTly Says:
Him and the Senate: Absolutely USELESS in 2023. Entering a 'lame duck' year in 2024....things not looking good! Inflation better drop, crime better drop, and Student Loans better be cancelled. JFC we can do so much better than Joe fr***ing Biden lmaoo smh
@noswayjose Says:
Equity = everyone’s life sucks, equally
@Pray-4-Me Says:
Biden will be a 1 term President.
@davidriley4895 Says:
You Biden bashers crack me up. Do you wanna blame him for what’s going on now, as if everything was peachy keen before January 20, 2021… But I’m wondering how many of those people who believe the economy is not doing well, especially because of healthcare, live in states that are Republican governor and have been having their hospitals closed because those Republican governors will expand Medicare? You folks also remind me of the progressives who didn’t vote for Hillary Clinton in 2016, But are now complaining when a Trump appointed judge in Amarillo Texas makes an abortion drug rule that impacts the entire nation. And let’s not forget those 3SCOT US appointees the Trump made.
@karlahampton8658 Says:
@katiez688 Says:
Whats going on is part of a 40 year plus trend. We have increased domestic worker productivity, decreased many costs due to offshoring/globalization, profits have increased, and yet decade after decade, most American workers have been getting pay cuts when you adjust for inflation. At the same time housing costs and healthcare costs - two of the most fundamental needs - has skyrocketed. It doesn’t matter if a Democrat is the President or a Republican is President. The trend remains the same. I am 42 and this has been going on my entire life. There is no reason for any average American worker to think their child will have as good, or even a better, life than their parents. After 4 decades of this, I have lost any real hope that things will get better. I would never want to have children in the kind of country we are, in terms of economics, today.
@branevans3705 Says:
But just because those 78% said that, does it indicate reality? Also, who were these folks?
@laurietongish7941 Says:
Biden is killing it and nobody wants to give him credit. The whole fing world has inflation problems and we're not exempt from the world. If you invest in crypto companies I have some pubic hair I would like to sell you.

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