Lauren Boebert Reveals Family Secret on Dave Rubin's Show

Lauren Boebert Reveals Family Secret on Dave Rubin's Show


Lauren Boebert is looking the other way when her Christian values conflict with her 17-year-old son getting his girlfriend pregnant. Rayyvana, Cenk Uygur, and Jackson White discuss on The Young Turks. Watch TYT LIVE on weekdays 6-8 pm ET. Read more HERE: "Rep. Lauren Boebert says she doesn't plan to "nitpick what the Bible says" about whether it was right or wrong for her 17-year-old son, Tyler, to get his girlfriend pregnant. In a Thursday interview on "The Rubin Report," a conservative political talk show, host Dave Rubin asked Boebert if her son getting his girlfriend pregnant "challenged" any of her beliefs. "Obviously, I'm a Christian, and there are standards that we like to uphold, but none of us do it perfectly," she told Rubin. "We can nitpick what the Bible says is right and wrong, but I think just having that heart posture of wanting to serve God, it's so important." *** The largest online progressive news show in the world. Hosted by Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian. LIVE weekdays 6-8 pm ET. Help support our mission and get perks. Membership protects TYT's independence from corporate ownership and allows us to provide free live shows that speak truth to power for people around the world. See Perks: ? SUBSCRIBE on YOUTUBE: ? FACEBOOK: ? TWITTER: ? INSTAGRAM: ? TWITCH: ? ???? Merch: ? Donate: ???? Website: ????App: ???? Newsletters: If you want to watch more videos from TYT, consider subscribing to other channels in our network: The Watchlist Indisputable with Dr. Rashad Richey Unbossed with Nina Turner The Damage Report ? TYT Sports ? The Conversation ? Rebel HQ ? TYT Investigates ? #TYT #TheYoungTurks #BreakingNews 230331__TB03Boebert




@johnmoore1798 Says:
I don’t believe in the murder that abortion is but I am pro choice in that if anyone’s daughter or loved one would have a back alley abortion their life would be placed in jeopardy and I wouldn’t have 2 lives lost instead of the one. If I had a young daughter I hope she would be comfortable in telling her mother and I that she was pregnant and I hope we could convince her to carry it. If she wouldn’t be comfortable in telling us and was instead afraid of us finding out about her pregnancy and sought an abortion I would want her to have access to an licensed doctor and accredited facility to perform it to safeguard her health. I do not support any abortion and consider the procedure to be murder.
@johnmoore1798 Says:
I can’t claim to have not heard god speak but before that…most of my life…god seemingly left it up to me to figure out what was good, bad, or ugly based upon my judgment and to act upon my conscience as best I could manage. I fell short but I still wanna do better and I think in general I reason,feel, and believe in ways for humanity…that is when I make the effort to consider anything at all for I ignore much. I could do better by considering issues more than I do and by doing right by making a better effort to serve what I deem to be good and to do less of the things I consider bad
@jefscotjefscot Says:
Her Son is 18, but SHE, his girlfriend is FIFTEEN!!!!
@Lawrence-ks5vi Says:
Islamic state.Christian state.Jewish state?
@CynthiaBursey Says:
This woman and Marjorie Taylor Greene are nutcases 🤐🤡🤥
@letitrest4662 Says:
Lauren Boebert; poster child for Hinduism.
@dianewarfield8067 Says:
AMEND. bother! AMEN
@dianewarfield8067 Says:
Lauren Bobert should be thankful that God did not strike her dead.
@dianewarfield8067 Says:
Comfortable use of Christianity, not the life long obedience to love and serve Jesus the Son of God.
@dianewarfield8067 Says:
But Bobert is an idiot!!!! The mother is 15. Out of wedlock!!!
@aaronrogers4533 Says:
I don't like boobert but I can't ride with y'all on this, idk what y'all think being a Christian is, but being perfect at all times is not what we preach
@paulmc3457 Says:
When you have the intelligence of a rabbit? You breed like rabbits, as well as your litter of babies. 😂
@tammyobrien7158 Says:
And btw you look as stupid as you are i had say that because I've never met anyone whos ugly & ignorant at the same time except green... take your walk of shame .. bye ho and thanks to you i don't want to even drive through Colorado until your off tv
@tammyobrien7158 Says:
Seems them boys on the right cruz is supplying the entertainment whos next ? A guy looses his brother and is devastated gets on drugs for a bit and just didn't pay taxes 2x and you and green stired up your own pot of projection deflection.... its about time .. this is not funny but its how these kids want to fight they're all loud mouths who are on drugs alchol and ignorant as all get out.. we just dont like any of you your all really sick and need to go back to your communitys and get some help ... everyone has to take the walk of shame in life and all of you its looking like are about to do just that and we don't even need guns to run you off you shame yourselves all the way in and back out the door .. go home.
@tammyobrien7158 Says:
All you have been doing is the hypocrite song and dance uggggh just be quiet for a change your not able to hide from the truth... you really dont know that you b cant hide from the truth about yourself.. you dont like it do you well neither does anyone else... grade school is closed.. go home, your friends will follow as each of you take your medicine.. just swallow it and go home...
@tammyobrien7158 Says:
Bobart i know i can see right through you and I damn know more that see right through you... your voice is shaking you make a big enough of a fool of yourself in congress now your lying on national tv in front of everyone that knows the truth.. go home back to making burgers and selling alchol with your pistols on your hip it ain't cool and your sick.. just telling the truth about you.. give it up we don't want to listen to this defense for the rest of life
@craiganderson9819 Says:
Umm 3 generations and to be continued since she has 3 other kids(son's)? Also I changed my sex(gender) to Alien at age 3 years old.
@liraman71 Says:
Wouldn’t her son be considered a statutory rapist! His girlfriend just turned 16 I think, she pregnant with his child! Colorado age of consent is 17!!!
@dianeatanacio7096 Says:
At 18 how old was your partner when you had that child again and your child is getting a child at that age people at that age are not fully complied to what they want yet in there lives it’s too early to have a child at 18
@karenhill3356 Says:
Jenk they are imposter Christians. I Am real Christian. We love forgive and share. And repent when wrong. And live and let live. And are never repulsive MAGAs.
@judyandrews2543 Says:
She is trying to act like in evangelist holy, holy, holy ho, ho, ho
@judyandrews2543 Says:
How about being 21 before you get knocked up. Tell Boebert, her whole family are filled with bastards. These woman is a sinner. Banner from the church she's the b******.
@joshsquatch7474 Says:
Dave rubin and TYT are one in the same, their viewers are just as toxic as one another.
@jond2458 Says:
Whoever this "journalist" is, she's pathetic
@atodog19 Says:
A family of Bastards!
@shirleysear7168 Says:
She and her whole family are a bunch of sexual perverts .
@davidhoj Says:
@dopedreamz Says:
You know she’s not talking about eating p*ssy after a party in college or trying to take it up the #ss. She’s talking about 10 year olds getting sex change surgery and just because of how petty you chose to be (with the understanding that you have no argument to stand on so you have to criticize others to be relevant) I’m going to stop watching.
@ChristopherKummetz Says:
And she stood by to watch her husband show his lame penis to girls. lol
@simoansays4820 Says:
How old is her son's pregnant girlfriend?
@MsJuliah1 Says:
Anna, your ignorance is showing. I realize you have likely not let any of your children make it out of the womb alive, nor raised a teenager in this highly sexualized society. However, you don’t even need to have those experiences to know: - parents of older teenagers are not responsible for their sexual conduct on dates. You can teach them Biblical values or hand them a condom, but that’s no guarantee that they’ll listen. What was she supposed to do, GP with him to supervise his dates, or make him wear a chastity belt? - Christianity is NOT a religion of perfect angels; - it’s a religion celebrating redemption from sin … both our fallen nature AND our mistakes are forgiven, AND we try to find redemptive lessons AND even blessings in the results of our mistakes. My only two grandchildren were born out of wedlock … and they are wonderful and worth everything our extended family has invested in them!!! - the years between 18, and when a young person hits their early twenties are some of their most dangerous years for making mistakes that can impact the rest of their lives. They are technically and, legally an “adult”, but they run into problems managing complex issues like sexual activity, debt. Mismanaging their healthcare and drug use, and learning boundaries in almost every area of adult life. You really need to broaden you mind and your perspective. I think the Bobert family are handling this beautifully … much better than you are, apparently. 🙄🙄🙄
@suzannebennett8987 Says:
Hey, Bobo! Matthew 7:3-5 3 “Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? 4 How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? 5 You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.
@michaelconnors1301 Says:
TYT is really embarrassing itself. Yes, LB is embarrassing herself w/ her "nitpicking" comment, but that doesn't mean TYT has to be so hateful. Horrible look. They had the opportunity to focus on LB and her hypocrisy. Instead, it became about their hate. Btw, what church still believes the Deuteronomy line about bastards? The main YT said there are some that do, but I sure don't which one it is.
@sganot Says:
Boebert is an idiot, of course, but a child born to an unmarried mother is not a "bastard" by biblical standards.
@Frontier2000AnoDomin Says:
Poor old Boerboel, you can see she's REALLY struggling to read her lines. You can bet if this was a high school presentation and the teacher asked "Boerboel, can you please explain what you said about..." she would just stand there, wringing her hands, with no answer. Poor old "copy n' paste" Boerboel. "Boerboel"... oh sorry, I meant BOEBERT (or was it throw-a-dog-a “Bone-Burk”?). YeeeHaaa UnterMagAmerica!
@rock_howard Says:
She's 36?? I was guessing 46, at least! Use some sunscreen Bobo, it's not too hard.
@StacySalles55 Says:
The problem with TYT and LB’s interpretation of the Bible is all First Testament lens, and lack of Jewish commentary. Christians should read scripture only through the lens of the Gospels, only. And fyi, the book of Acts, and the Epistles, should also only be read through the lens of Christ.
@StacySalles55 Says:
Through a gender and sexual orientation decision her son’s life is altered forever and LB is too blind to see.
@StacySalles55 Says:
LB doesn’t follow the Gospels and that’s the problem with most evangelicals. The Catholic Church dogma is not Gospel oriented either.
@jimklette580 Says:
I'm sure the Christians would understand and be in favor of "separation of church" and state if our country were predominantly Muslim. Now we need term limits and end lobbying as well as limit money spent on party and campaign messaging. Americans must take back our system from big business and big money or we are doomed to be like China or Russia;
@brankobelfranin8815 Says:
You people really think she reads and if she reads, what are the odds of her comprehending what she reads?
@meglowe7047 Says:
Gosh are her kids not christian!? Oh that's right, it's okay because hes forgiven, right. Per the Bible, she's got a BASTARD now.
@mikescampfire429 Says:
Brainwashed moron.
@katbrown1449 Says:
She is right though for once. Good on stupid there. I heard that she is talking about the diffenrce between the ideal and human failing.
@jonnyjfive Says:
@Hope-cy6zm Says:
If your going to judge in this comment section please leave your full name so we can investigate how perfect you are. If your not willing to do that then don’t judge!
@thihal123 Says:
Boebert thinks she’s the church.
@thihal123 Says:
Boebert is vile
@FFVison Says:
Cenk, while I agree that The Bible is pro abortion and she should read it, the first amendment to the constitution says that "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof". If she won't read the first 16 words of the bill of rights, what makes you think that she will read part of the Bible? I suppose she probably picks and chooses what she reads out of there too.
@RubicksQoob Says:
Typical GOP, talking out of both sides of her body. The anus is more honest, though.

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