TRUMP INDICTED by Grand Jury In Stormy Daniels Hush Money Case

TRUMP INDICTED by Grand Jury In Stormy Daniels Hush Money Case


A New York grand jury has voted to indict Donald Trump. Ana Kasparian and Cenk Uygur discuss on The Young Turks. Watch TYT LIVE on weekdays 6-8 pm ET. Read more HERE: "A grand jury in New York voted to indict former President Donald Trump, three sources familiar with the matter said Thursday, marking the first time a former president has faced criminal charges. The case centers on a $130,000 payment to adult film star Stormy Daniels during the closing days of the 2016 presidential campaign. Daniels claimed she slept with the married Trump in 2006, a claim the former president has denied. Trump classified his reimbursement of the payout as legal expenses. The exact charge or charges is unknown because the indictment was filed in court under seal after the grand jury's vote, as is standard practice in New York." *** The largest online progressive news show in the world. Hosted by Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian. LIVE weekdays 6-8 pm ET. Help support our mission and get perks. Membership protects TYT's independence from corporate ownership and allows us to provide free live shows that speak truth to power for people around the world. See Perks: ? SUBSCRIBE on YOUTUBE: ? FACEBOOK: ? TWITTER: ? INSTAGRAM: ? TWITCH: ? ???? Merch: ? Donate: ???? Website: ????App: ???? Newsletters: If you want to watch more videos from TYT, consider subscribing to other channels in our network: The Watchlist Indisputable with Dr. Rashad Richey Unbossed with Nina Turner The Damage Report ? TYT Sports ? The Conversation ? Rebel HQ ? TYT Investigates ? #TYT #TheYoungTurks #BreakingNews 230330__TA01Trump




@jeffreysmith2069 Says:
Got away.
@gemcan54 Says:
ANNIE IS A DUMB HYPOCRIT. Don’t forget revelations from a few years ago that Congress has its own secret slush fund of hush money—all courtesy of you, the hapless taxpayer. Funny how that works, it’s like one rule for them, and another for everyone else.
@justsomegirlwithoutamustache Says:
You guys predicted the mugshot lmao
@Mikejamiew Says:
He's in legal hell for the rest of his life, yay!
@gerlandkent6377 Says:
@manuellubian5709 Says:
Q to Cenk (Since you were the one who first reported on this 5 yrs ago) in reference to your OLD video of DT laundering $$ thru relevant is a revelation such as that in light of what he's done recently? Do you think any of that old concern, will at some point be brought up again, as an issue against him?
@mikeyjarret4339 Says:
Why does this say live and it was a month ago?
@happybergner9832 Says:
Here we go again with the, "let's guess whether dump will be handcuffed, photoed, fingerprinted.," 😊No way.
@tonyboggs1 Says:
Can anyone be president while in prison? 😕
@renardleblanc5556 Says:
All they have to do is take his twitter away in prison, and a conviction would do a *world* of material good for America.
@JAVetter Says:
Trump running in 2024, will be the Best gift to the Dem's!Thanks in advance!
@celtekrider2 Says:
Why can't I find the TYT story of her losing against trump yesterday? 🤣
@ianicharia3499 Says:
This channel is a joke. “He’s guilty” guilty until proven innocent but still he is still guilty 😂🤮
@JadeAkelaONeal Says:
Statutes of limitations pause bruhhhh
@shanefanon Says:
..the best thing about this is under NY law a defendant must be fingerprinted, photographed , and must present a sample of DNA . This is great. There is a rape case against trump that he could have exonerated from just by presenting his DNA to conclude any involvement of guilt and trump refused. Now with this arresting DNA this DNA can finally get used to prove his innocence or guilt. Criminal or Civil court this Plaintiff against Trump now has a opportunity to state that yes he did rape her. He claims never to have even had sex with her. We will now learn soon enough if any of his lies are true or false. I hear the going price on trump is now 2 billion but where do you spend it ....
@ohmydamn6807 Says:
He turned himself in
@christinabaca5470 Says:
Trump i Am not your judge but t do know that if you a are a Christian .God would.never do what you are doing read your Bible. Stop using God to incite for people to kill one another. And you are not anointed by God would not ever even touch you because God is pure you are not
@ianbattles7290 Says:
Fortunately for Donald Trump, he has now secured his position in the history the only former president in U.S. history to be indicted.
@zoefang4563 Says:
LOVE YOU NEW YORK!!!!! 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 Getting indicted by his home state ROFLMAOOOOOOOOOOO 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 NEW YORK HATES HIM....Truly...
@stayprogressive6775 Says:
Of courrrse!! Nobody says it like Cenk.......
@maxjulmiste5558 Says:
@patrickcorliss8878 Says:
What about the Supreme Court? "Activist group led by Ginni Thomas received nearly $600,000 in anonymous donations" The Washington Post
@hus390 Says:
The truth is that Cohen was probably not guilty of the campaign-finance crimes to which he pled guilty. He pled guilty because he was trying (unsuccessfully, as it turned out) to persuade SDNY prosecutors to cut him a cooperation deal that might keep him out of prison, and he knew they were trying to make a case against Trump. It was a no-cost strategy because the sentencing guidelines on the other fraud counts to which he pled guilty were sufficiently high that adding on a couple of comparatively minor campaign-finance counts didn’t make any difference. Legally, the campaign-finance case against Trump was even more dubious than the one against Cohen. As the candidate, Trump would not have been restricted by the donation limits that contributors like Cohen faced — although he would have been bound by reporting requirements if the reimbursement, with private (non-campaign) funds, of a loan to close a nondisclosure agreement were deemed an in-kind campaign contribution. And here we come to Bragg’s incoherence. He is said to be miffed because he believes Trump beat Hillary Clinton by such a narrow margin that the failure to disclose the indecorous hush-money arrangement put Trump over the top. This aligns perfectly with the Bolshevik Left’s continuing inability to accept that Trump was legitimately elected president (even as it seethes over Trump’s similar inability to concede Biden’s win). But the premise is false. Let’s say Trump — despite having law on his side, and having the same incentive to conceal his indiscretions that led him to orchestrate a hush-money deal in the first place — said to his underlings, “You know what? I really think this business with Stormy was akin to a campaign donation. We should disclose it.” (Yeah, I know, I know . . . but just go with me on this for a sec.) In that impossible-to-take-seriously hypothetical, when would the disclosure have occurred? Cohen paid Daniels off on October 26, 2016. Even if we ignore the fact that Trump didn’t finish reimbursing Cohen until December 5, 2017, the fact would remain: Cohen’s hush-money outlay came so late in the campaign that it would not have been reported to the FEC until months after the November 8, 2016, election. That is to say, we are dealing with a transaction that is almost certainly not an in-kind campaign contribution and almost certainly did not need to be disclosed at all, and the non-disclosure of which made utterly no difference to the 2016 election. Clearly, that is why the federal authorities, who have jurisdiction over the federal laws pertaining to elections for federal office such as the presidency, did not file charges.
@hus390 Says:
The payment to Cohen was for legal services (drafting the NDA and structuring the payments) which there's no reporting requirement for it (as Trump didn't claimed tax deduction). A business can spend money on anything and they don't need to report it unless the law compel them.
@timoegan Says:
George Bush killed like millions of people, you'd think they'd start there
@mauricecoelho3846 Says:
Come on guys ….. I think Trump at this juncture has earned the right to have a museum dedicated to him …. Lol
@cromBumny Says:
It was election interference when Trump wanted Ukraine to investigate Hun_-ter..1 year before Jr's dad threw his hat into the ring. So would this not be interference?
@theprodigalheel3942 Says:
It is funny how hypocritical the left is. Trump has used HR5736 to absolutely destroy the mainstream media, by proxy the left as a whole. Michael Cohen pays Stormy Daniels and it has to be assumed that it was on Trump's behalf. George Soros pays Alvin Bragg , and we are not allowed to jump to conclusions. Don't get me wrong, I prefer Biden in office with a Republican majority in both houses and a conservative SCOTUS. The media can not waste the time of the Government if their proxy is passing out laws as opposed trying to fit Trump in as a square peg into a round hole. Allow the media to attack Trump! Allow Trump to make another case to further more cripple the confidence of the media and the government. Meanwhile, we pass legislation taking away much of the authority that DC has assumed. A weak , lame duck Joe Biden is far more appealing than the circus of another Trump administration. All the states have to do is there part in their districts. Vote in the Conservative candidates. Biden would have no choice but to cave. Allow the states like Tennessee,Florida,and Texas to push more legislation in their states and let them be considered nationally. I hope HR 25,899,374 get passed. Also the term limit legislation as well! We don't really need Trump! I have said this over and over! This is why Trump supporters are not rioting and protesting. Trump has pretty much just become a symbol of the mistrust of DC and the mainstream media. That is it! It is a rejection of you! A more intelligent person would have realized this by now and fixed their position! You are incapable of doing such. This is what makes you bigots.
here's a Q. for you. 34x45÷357=? years depending on behavior.
BREAKING NEWS! DT produces Elvis style FBI badge and reveals 6 year sting operation to draw the snakes out of the swamp! lol
@petermartnez1204 Says:
@PrometheusUnbound-zy1nc Says:
I want a copy of that mugshot of Trump hanging framed on my 'Wall of Shame!'
@peo733 Says:
You know a certain little mustache man in germany also got persecuted and thrown in jail and that only catapulted him to eventually become dictator of the country. Are you sure this will not only be a benefit to him?
@wesleyp3024 Says:
the handcuff issue has to do with control. its harder to get out of cuffs if they are in the back of you vs in front. its also harder to use your hands threateningly that way too.
@godlikemonolith Says:
To be fair Gorge Bush Jr should also be in The Hague for war crimes.
@Above-Ground Says:
Those mugshots will be showing up on Tuesday. Be sure to spread 'em...
@fiddlersontheramp5417 Says:
We love cenk:)
@richardwiley1949 Says:
Trump is probably shaking like a dog shitting peach seeds.
@elfredyjuega3303 Says:
Hey donny you did something first than obama, get criminally indicted. He is a life long criminal and should face the consequences of his crimes
@playo4203 Says:
My question is… if trump goes to jail. Does the secret service agents in charge of him also have to go to jail too?
@playo4203 Says:
Trump should be in jail he deserves to be in jail. But I really think that throwing him in jail will set off a bad precedent. Then again they want a separation from us. I keep saying give them Florida.
@Robshere27 Says:
CAN'T WAIT TO SEE THE "MUGSHOT!!!" It'll be the #1 mugshot in American History
@tonygunk1886 Says:
“It’s a witch hunt and he did nothing wrong” If you hear this from anyone a quick question to make these idiots look like morons is “what charges specifically are you upset with” Answer: None because there have been none announced The irony is this could be nothing more than a misdemeanor.. Lindsey Graham’s cry fest on Hannity says there is ALOT more to trumps crimes then a campaign finance charge
@pitster1105 Says:
I dont know why people ar emaking such a big deal out of this. This is watergate 2.0, he will be pardoned or at minimum given a slap on the wrist punishment. A former president isn't going to prison guys. We have seen this movie many times before and they all end the same.
@allihocker5615 Says:
The BOWELS of the courthouse? Funny u went there because they always talk about his "movement." The only movement I think of with Cheeto Satan is a BOWEL movement.But I think he will have his cheek swabbed as well and after he DECLINED giving a DNA sample, his rape case is probably down the shitter.(See what I did there??)
@barrymccokiner7559 Says:
If WW3 happens it’s not gonna be a good time to be a leftist. There will be a purge and regular people who have had enough of your nonsense don’t forget
@deebee3691 Says:
Please no bail, he’s a danger to society.
@believe7088 Says:
Scared of trump. To replace sleepy jo
@KnowerofThings Says:
distraction from j6 prisoners being released? happened on the same day ! what are the chances???
@risefromtheashes6623 Says:
The Clintons are murders Bill Clinton is a pedophile and rapist Bush is a war criminal Hunter Biden is...Hunter Biden Yes, some people are above the law. And now we have Biden going after political opponents over "Hush money". This is what they do in Russia. Nice going.

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