New Zealand Spending Millions on Helping Teens After Break Ups

New Zealand Spending Millions on Helping Teens After Break Ups


New Zealand launched a program to help teens deal with heartache after a breakup. Ben Gleib, Cenk Uygur, and Rick Strom discuss on The Young Turks. Watch TYT LIVE on weekdays 6-8 pm ET. Read more HERE: "New Zealand is pledging to help teens cope with heartache. Announced Wednesday(Opens in a new tab), the new government initiative will aim to help young people in the country through their breakups, by "developing positive and life-long attitudes to dealing with hurt." The initiative, called Love Better, has been given 6.4 million New Zealand dollars ($4 million) by the country's Ministry of Social Development. The cost will be allocated over three years. Priyanca Radhakrishnan, associate minister for Social Development and Employment, said 1,200 young New Zealanders surveyed told the government "they need support to deal with early experiences of love and hurt," with breakups being deemed "a common challenge." 68 percent(Opens in a new tab) of those surveyed said that breakups led them to face consequences like depression, risky sexual behaviours, violence, jealousy, and stalking. *** The largest online progressive news show in the world. Hosted by Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian. LIVE weekdays 6-8 pm ET. Help support our mission and get perks. Membership protects TYT's independence from corporate ownership and allows us to provide free live shows that speak truth to power for people around the world. See Perks: ? SUBSCRIBE on YOUTUBE: ? FACEBOOK: ? TWITTER: ? INSTAGRAM: ? TWITCH: ? ???? Merch: ? Donate: ???? Website: ????App: ???? Newsletters: If you want to watch more videos from TYT, consider subscribing to other channels in our network: The Watchlist Indisputable with Dr. Rashad Richey Unbossed with Nina Turner The Damage Report ? TYT Sports ? The Conversation ? Rebel HQ ? TYT Investigates ? #TYT #TheYoungTurks #BreakingNews 230324__BE02NewZealand




@suzannebennett8987 Says:
US public schools used to have a full time school nurse who had an actual, stocked medical office on campus. We had annual screenings for scoliosis as well as eye tests and a cursory dental exam. Annual updating of required vaccines on campus at no cost was the norm. Relationship matters (e.g. dating, courting, marriage and break-ups) were discussed at length in health class and home ec. We also had full time school counselors. The Far Reich's relentless assault on our once unparalleled system of public education has done away with all this while purposefully sabotaging our educational standards. Why? Because ignorant, dependent, desperate, unhealthy people vote red.
@khallo151 Says:
This is what a government addressing a mental health crisis looks like. Don’t like it. Come up with something better.
@aCleverFishingPun Says:
It doesn’t feel funny at all to me. It sounds like an excellent idea and something that is desperately needed
@reallylate8092 Says:
You forgot to add NZ has the highest per capita record for abuse of children and woman in the world. Just look at the police stand back and allow crowds of men attack woman on Saturday during a womans protest to be heard. A story TYT chooses not to acknowledge. As for mental health funding. Only 15 million has been spent out of 500 million in the last 4 years (NZ government records). TYT please do research before you paint a country as perfect and caring when it is not.
@always-steelers Says:
Lol sounds just like an useless idea tyt would come up with. Use government funds for boo hoo feelings.
@allisoncastle Says:
I appreciate your open minded opinions. I’ll be honest, I was kinda worried this was gonna be some men having boomer takes lol. So I’m sorry for assuming.
@kerkyra4eva Says:
This is why I love NZ social solutions to negatively impactful social harm.
@johnhopkins6658 Says:
Ban the books in school rather than ban the guns in schools
@Amaya_Mari_666 Says:
I think it's a good idea I remember my first heart break I didn't know a healthy way to deal with it so I did not so healthy ways to deal with it that hurt myself even more in the end
@janiet Says:
May sound crazy to invest, yet it could result in violence, suicide, depression and future domestic violence
@planetaryequinox8949 Says:
Bruh. Bit awkward there at the end innit?
@Evelyn_2401 Says:
I think this is a wonderful idea. Mental health is such a big contributor to domestic violence and abuse .. and they are also very common in teens - they don't have the life experience to cope with such adult emotions. The fact this hasn't happened before is surprising!
@alvink5078 Says:
Can you guys talk about Posie Parker, her TERF tour and having to leave NZ early because of protests?
@woke_malecat Says:
‘Thousands of Iraqi refugees who arrived in Finland in 2016 left voluntarily, citing difficulties with discrimination and disappointment with life in general’ -Thomas Fosell, AP. LOL 🤡 “fINlAnD iS tHe hApPiEsT pLaCe iN tHe wHolE wIdE wOrlD”
@woke_malecat Says:
When the Finnish Prime Minister Sanna Marin was asked how she feels about her nation being the so-called happiest nation in the world, she responded, “It that’s true, I’d hate to see the other nordic nations.”
@woke_malecat Says:
“fINlAnD iS tHe hApPiEsT nAtIon iN tHe wHolE wIdE wOrlD”  these are the same dumdums who tell others they’re committing false equivalencies as they, drum roll, commit false equivalencies. LOL Finland’s Pop: 5.3 million The State of Alabama: 5.1 million Progressive momo’s: Why can’t we do it in the US? LOL 🤡 Note: *Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Iceland (nordic countries) are NOT particularly diverse countries. In fact, they’re fairly ethnically homogenous (90%). THIS IS A FACT! NOT A DOGWHISTLE OR RACIST TROPE OR CODE WORD.*
@kaiserkoko8734 Says:
nz is a failed state, wasting money on everything but the necessities. cant even build roads properly
@jrizaac Says:
Progressives perpetuate white supremacy by championing Nordic Scandinavia as the superior system in the world
@KnutFan Says:
The intention is good here, but actually, the way a person handles a break up is directly related to early childhood development and the emotional availability of a parent to a particular child at a very young age. The needs of each child is going to be different even from their siblings. It takes a village to raise a child. However, we are born into a world where nuclear families are the norm. Focus on enriching, local communities and generous paid family leave would be a better use of resources.
@alexanderparkman4393 Says:
Who cares what programs or policies are being introduced in New Zealand. The population of New Zealand is roughly the same as Alabama.
@beeforeal5497 Says:
Western societies want to label everyone as having a mental health issue. It'll help them have total control over everyone.
@VirtualR Says:
That advertising was absolutely weird and why is vice involved in this too? Such a strange way to promote things. Giving access for a few psychologist sessions for teens on this reason would be worthwhile though, but the marketing is embarrasing.
@WikiSorcerer Says:
Meanwhile, we in America have a worryingly large percentage of incels trained by rightwing dipshits who act like women are out to cut their dicks off for wanting affordable hygiene products or something. I don't know, the things they say keep getting more and more outlandish.
@bangbangfukanawa6951 Says:
I’m only 34…But kids these days, am I right, or am I right?
@happyliving1922 Says:
To be fair this could help prevent men from becoming Tater Tots.
@VioletSkye19 Says:
I’m officially embarrassed to be a kiwi again, haven’t felt this way in a long LONG time, but ugh! WTF! I don’t watch tv for just this reason, no crappy ads 🫣🙄 Ok adding this as I watch the segment. Instead of waiting until it’s too late, do something before hand. All the violence, most of it anyway, is in lower income families, instead of doing what this videos about, fix that, give people enough money to send kids to school with lunch, yes it’s a problem here, make sure they have good clothes so they don’t feel ostracized, etc etc, this, THIS? It’s a bandaid on an arterial bleed, never gonna help!
@IndependentConversations Says:
I can't really be mad at this because just using our country *the usa* alone, we have serious teen mental health problems, and if they are willing to spend money, do it.
@ghoward562 Says:
This funny for I watch more tyt than I watch New Zealand news I don’t know 🤷🏻‍♂️ this 😳 I kiwi
@michaelschwartz8730 Says:
Am I the only one who ever saw Heavenly Creatures?! New Zealand CLEARLY needs to regulate teen romantic angst
@wookinooki9023 Says:
i'm ok with it but it should be even broader. i've always said there should be a high school course for EVERYONE, on the topics of basic social skills and relationship skills.
@forger42 Says:
Sooo, me having broken up with my ex over eight years ago, and still feeling so guilty about it I can't see how I have the right to find someone new...might not be healthy, maybe....:P
@kingcountrykiwi7429 Says:
10 days sick leave now. Also New Zealand has/ had a large suicide rate. Which they all failed to mention.
@bluebull2006 Says:
scotlands the only country where the government gives free tampons ... no other country gives free tampons
@Cjv123 Says:
@electricsheep1984 Says:
My marriage ended and it absolutely devastated me, made my life hell for over a decade and I'm still feeling the effects of it today. I haven't had another serious relationship since and I still get very emotional looking at pictures of her. I truly believed that destiny had brought us together, there were just so many amazingly unlikely things that had to happen for us to meet. Having that end was almost worse than death.
@esteban1081 Says:
Congrats NZ! You care for your people, unlike the US that leaves it‘s own citizens to die under a fascist capitalist dictatorship.
@babybro70 Says: least they care. Better to have loved & lost....
@BainesAdam Says:
New Zealand is downunder so we choose to unblock our exs. It's a culturally expectable behaviour. We are democratic socialists, so what does it matter that we take the mental health of our teenagers seriously? 4 million is a huge commitment from the government of a population of 11780 people. These teenagers have free health and dental till they leave school, and a commitment to a community doesn't end at 18. The Stats are post covid .
@dankafuba Says:
Baby mama told me its time to watch some beefy tyt yeah baby
Leftist should move there so they can Kiss there daddy government imagen every decisión of your life was made by gov how lazy.
@Mike500912 Says:
In NZ and Australia the govt is elected by the people. Not by lobbyists and companies. We have 1 person one vote - the US is 1$ one vote. You really need to work hard on getting the corruption out of your govt and courts.
@JasonMorelandDigitalrecline Says:
Just to let you know Tampons are available free at schools in NZ
@twichyi3ones312 Says:
Emotional maturity is a learned skill, if you don't learn it early in life, it can Wreck the rest of it. Judging from some of the comments here, quite a few Don't know what it means and think Helping Young people is weak, That speaks Volumes and is just a bit sad.
@jonspitz8287 Says:
Considering that domestic abuse is a big problem in New Zealand, this program for break-up counseling sounds like an innovative way to address a systemic social problem.
@grahamjones5400 Says:
This isn't news. This is just TYT hosts being angry assholes judging other people thousands of miles away. The US government wasted TRILLIONS on endless overseas wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. But TYT hosts will say that was money well spent, "America, love it or leave. SUPPORT THE TROOPS!"
@peterboyd7149 Says:
My grandfather fought the Nazis in world war two saw many of his friends die. He told me crying was a safety value those who don't cry go nuts. I would be curious about the suicide rate among so called tough men.
@peterboyd7149 Says:
As a Scot always i have close ties to New Zealand and Canada. In Scotland we have Minster for mental health who works closely with our Health minister, housing Minster and social security Minster to help and support those living with mental illness. Your prescriptions are free at the point of use and can be delivered to your door. Your have a crisis team you can contact 24/7. If you need it they will come to you. There are mental health units at Community health centres where you can talk to a psychiatrist or Psychologist. All of this is part of our NHS.
@alejandrofrade325 Says:
Oh, people teaching kids how to deal with their emotions???? Why so they dont like shoot a school or I get it
@susannelson9983 Says:
Family & 3rd-party therapy can help on the individual level, plus this program & its resources can provide a helpful community.
@dglorious1269 Says:
That was funny Ben lol. 🤣

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