'Violent' Opinions: Trans Activists Protest 'Genocide'.

'Violent' Opinions: Trans Activists Protest 'Genocide'.


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@plushiespoochesandgpigs1805 Says:
sadly it,s obvious that women in austsralia dont have rights the fact that tickle won the tickle v giggle case
@OddityDK Says:
“The vast majority of us disagree…” Which is exactly why allowing her to speak is important. That’s what free speech is FOR! To challenge the majority opinion. Guess what, the people who spoke up against slavery started as a minority, so did the people arguing for gay rights, women’s rights etc. The majority opinion doesn’t need protection, the minority opinion does.
@Vanadisir Says:
Pauline and NZ politician Judith Collins both look like evil Disney villains.
@caissa222 Says:
Trans rights; Taxpayer funds all trans drugs, surgery and hormones for life. The right to rewrite history. The right to replace the word 'woman' with whatever. The right to give anyone who disagrees with trans ideology a hard time. The right to teach other people's children gender ideology. etc. etc. etc.
@louisimission2153 Says:
'Trans rights are Human rights' Great, that means You already have them. Shut up screaming about it. What a mess!
@SinnerChrono Says:
Make me laugh bearman
@John-Doe-Yo Says:
Don't you dare use facts and logic against them thats transphobic 😂
@FayeFaye- Says:
You dont believe its real? Check florida for example Check up with russia and middle east From around 2016 they started with anti-trans legislations and till 2022 it was around 100 anti-trans legislations in total This year alone there 500 anti-trans bills still in motion. It's easy to think about these things from your perspective, sitting in the back, thinking: They just want privileges and be put on the pedestal. When in reality all trans people are fighting for are basic human rights like everyone else has. To not be discriminated against whilst applying for work, to not be discriminated against whilst shopping, to not be discriminated by the bus driver - but most of all - to not be unalived just for existing... the list goes on. Its easy to think negative about trans people when you are the ones who do not have to worry about your own safety. Idk why you all think its about getting free money for them when all trans people really want is to live a life everyone else is living
@The.Mr.JBiggs Says:
Ah so here's where all The Voice stuff started
@Alucard_XR Says:
The LGHDTV+ movement is ridiculous
@ericp0012 Says:
Trans rights = globalism.
@Sniperboy5551 Says:
Transgenders already have human rights, they don’t need any more. They just want to be superior to everyone else, including denigrating anyone who doesn’t buy into their ideology. Transgenderism is a belief, not a fact. No scientific evidence exists to prove transgender ideology.
@billypratt4201 Says:
Not our friends = trans rights......
@DawnOfTheDead991 Says:
Trans have the right to never have anyone doubt, laugh at, ignore or dead name them
@spundefiant3925 Says:
It's as offensive as the statement, 'its ok to be white'.
@DjVortex-w Says:
I don't even know what "the c word" is supposed to be.
@BestCountryEvr Says:
I will respect a person’s pronouns so as long as they are respectful about it and are not the “they/them” type of idiots.
@Samuel-vw4yv Says:
Trans rights: To do whatever you want without consequences or criticism
@gooner72 Says:
Posey Parker reminded us British people what the Oxford English Dictionary definition of a "woman" is, how is that wrong or hate speech or an infringement of their human rights, violent or fucking genocide??? Its an anatomically correct statement and obviously, many, many people agree with it.
@hansbrandt6471 Says:
Trans rights: The right of whining about not being accepted, while intentionally telling everyone how special, unique and righteous you are and you dont need affirmation by anyone.
@arnold8746 Says:
Holy sht! Was that the beginning of an "insurrection" we witnessed there @8:45 ?
@kenstr321 Says:
My God... What happened to the land down under? Do the girls there really like these Bata males? Or they too into each other to care what the blokes are doing?
@ZenThruAnger Says:
Truth and Facts are now hate speech. Think about that... when ignorant lies are prefered over facts. People deciding to choose falsehoods over reality because of hurt feelings and prefered outcomes.
@PaliSvapna Says:
No matter how much you change your body or drugs you take in 5,000 years when some future Archaeologists digs up your bones you will be what you where born as ( It’s D.N.A people gee your dna is who you are )
@177SCmaro Says:
Anyone remember when they demanded state-recognized marriage as "equality under the law" and some of us warned this wouldn't stop with that and we were accused of a "slippery slope fallasy"?
@177SCmaro Says:
"According to one"... One. One person got butthurt over this and cry-bullied to get it taken down? A factually true definition btw. Makes me think Western civilization might be too weak and sick to survive.
@westcoastmex629 Says:
Im bringing back the F word to distinguish the difference between actual gay men and dudes in dresses 😂
@Sweeney-Kubach Says:
Where is Vlad the Impaler when you need him?
@XA1985 Says:
@genrevcarnivore2952 Says:
She called him a Trans Prick which relates to the C word.
@davidfletcher369 Says:
I think people can choose to be or do whatever they like consensually and without harming others. However I refuse to be forced to play along, that's not how social interaction works. It's my job as an individual to prove to others that i'm worth letting into their lives, just wish the feeling was mutual. Fact is I can spend one week getting to know each of the people in my small ass town of 15k people and die of old age before meeting all of them. In a world of over 4bil other humans, i'd be a fucking moron to waste a minute on some authoritarian assholes pronouns.
@ALovelyBunchOfDragonballz Says:
They expect Posie to use their pronouns but they refuse to call her Posie.
@bonnielassie2200 Says:
Let them find a cry room. 🙄
@theblackbaron4119 Says:
0:54 Gaslighting 101.
@AndyfromWrexham Says:
Posie is 100% correct and the trans activists are dishonest, deceitful, deluded and deranged crybullies
@englishgoddess8238 Says:
No it’s law you can’t get abortion till sixteen so the are lying and my rights are being violated and stolen and I have no safe spaces anymore even though I was abused at 7 by a man sexually a live with trauma panic attacks depression suicidal thoughts anxiety but I have to share a place where I’m most vulnerable with a man with out even being able to vote for this is stealing our rights by the government and it should have never happened f the snp and Nicola Sturgeon. For I nearly took my life when i heard that a man who has raped 2 women was put in a woman’s jail because he said he was female and the courts were like ok you have raped women with your penis twice witch you still have but as a court we respect you and affirm you as a woman and you will go into a woman’s only space with your female penis. What the hell it’s crazy it’s sickening it’s evil smh. No one should support this at all if you really care for protecting women and children ❤❤❤❤
@Oceanfoxy Says:
These people are the first generation of smart phone mentally Ill people, they have kidnapped a vulnerable group to take them over to screw the world for all it’s got
@ericmoeller3634 Says:
exactly what are trans rights
@DANCERcow Says:
I hate strongly the trans community! Generally always have.
@theplan-m6c Says:
You do realize there are laws against them right.
@xhag1x Says:
I love watching the trans and the feminist communities clash with each other. ITs really amusing watching them destroy each other
@ybfhxndrx Says:
Lookin like a good lookin bear-a bro!! 🐻🐻‍❄️
@Microphunktv-jb3kj Says:
Anyone who invokes Hitler or Nazis, have lost the argument by default. Godwin's Law
@U235-q9b Says:
A loon goes on stage at a political rally, calls for his followers to go murder a certain demographic, they proceeded to do so as there was a spike in murders after the rally, yet it was concluded to not be hate speech, as Mr loon was of the correct racial demographic. Saying a woman is an adult human female, ruled to be hate speech. It boggles the mind.
@unironicallydel7527 Says:
it is funny that we have a womans rights movement, but we also have a trans rights movement that actively tries to erase men and women from the vocabulary, so technically trying to erase womens rights.
@tasunkeWitka8989 Says:
Maybe "Can bear a child" is a good definition of Woman. Kids and Elderly don't need to be covered by the proper definition. And those that are randomly infertile are free to act in whatever gender they want (considered gender neutral)

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