<<@enjoylife1239 says : wait 19 years old in USA called teens???da fuck..when they in USA call grown peoples adults??calling grown ass women 19 years old a teen its crazy...in USA maybe peoples lil bit slow?>> <<@lmarchand8526 says : Horrific.>> <<@nicolemassa4558 says : They claimed to be pro-life but they’re hypocrites! George Carlin put it best: They are pro-life so they make it their right to decide who lives or dies. Vote Blue!>> <<@playingwithsticks6819 says : What happened to the Hippocratic Oath. Shouldnt they be struck off?>> <<@blackro13 says : TYT have an agenda! They will nvr do a story on women who die from abortion complications. They will nvr do a story on how many women have regrets after abortions…>> <<@HaleyStark. says : Super cringe ad. Sus story. If the baby was 6 months they could have just induced and both would have lived?>> <<@Guy_Incognito1 says : You are fake news>> <<@moosemagic3429 says : My guess is this conversation does not get openly discussed at home? Like any real man with a daughter or a wife who votes for this I guess he just avoids eye contact till the election is forgotten.>> <<@xg6hpyk says : I am so freaking happy I hit menopause>> <<@DeadFishFactory says : She died of strep and sepsis. She just had a baby shower and the baby was 6 months along, so there was clear indication that she would not have gone the abortion route even if it was presented, seeing as she wanted to keep the baby.>> <<@dawn-gk2tr says : How in God's name would treating her infection break an abortion ban? Her family should sue.>> <<@4idhero798 says : When she dies, it's the doctor's fault. When her life is saved, arrest the doctor for performing an abortion. Red states, folks. Trump is gonna have this nation wide, don't trust the orange liar.>> <<@b.m.48933 says : I don't get these pro-life/anti-abortion Republicans, for example. These hypocrites are prolife except when it comes to Palestinian lives. Anyway, they're so full of sh**! Period!>> <<@sashawiellette984 says : The doctors should be liable too. Isn't there an exception to save the woman? If so, they COULD have saved her.>> <<@bobafett5757 says : The question is how she got pregnant when shes just a teen and unmarried ?>> <<@Hgcfdghjjvvc says : The Texas Ob/Gyn also has to think about their other patients that need them. If they go to prison, that’s more women without an Ob/Gyn.>> <<@mrbrooklynite says : To bad no good people own a social media platform that could make its algorithm make sure everyone has a chance to click the story.>> <<@jackiesaturday3362 says : She was 6 month pregnant meaning the baby could have potentially survived outside of the womb so delivering the baby and trying to save the baby and the mother would not be abortion. Wouldn't letting the baby die in their eyes be murder?? It just doesn't make sense>> <<@chandleralice says : This case had nothing to do with the abortion laws! This was just a bad doctor making a bad decision. They should have treated her for the sepsis in which case no abortion was necessary. There trying to spin this story into something it’s not right before the election 😮>> <<@DegenerateToo says : Texas politicians should be held accountable and sued!>> <<@idemotobong5449 says : You make a law to prevent the killing of babies ( abortion ) but the same law ends up killing both mother and baby 🤔🤔>> <<@Mkn28.. says : Is Ana gonna keep on saying Trump and his fellow reps pushing this kind of agenda are not fascist?>> <<@ALICIAGEHRES says : Maybe big government should unilaterally decide all men get vasectomies until their wife signs off on a reversal when SHE is ready to try for a baby. Just a thought. Also, if government wants to stop women from accessing birth control…production and distribution of viagra and other drugs that produce the same results for men should be halted immediately. If women can’t prevent pregnancy, men don’t need help in the creation department.>> <<@tinapriester1824 says : This is beyond scary. I am watching this as my 17 yr old is at L & D because of cramping & severe pain and she is 31 weeks. I am at home waiting for her dad to update me when they let him know what is going on. We are also in Texas...>> <<@00177454419 says : So what did she die from ? Did the illness have anything to do with her pregnancy ? Did she even ask to terminate the pregnancy Or is this the second such bullshit story out of Texas in as many days, just in time for the election.>> <<@timothykeith1367 says : There is no evidence that this story is true>> <<@illhero4077 says : this happened October 29, 2023...over a year ago and it is first we are even hearing about it days before election?>> <<@Big-gp9bi says : Why did she have intercourse outside of marriage?>> <<@kimberH1005 says : There are not enough adequate words to describe this. Inexcusable, horrible, evil and morally reprehensible are a start. On another note, Ana please make yourself happy, you are obviously miserable. Move onto your next venture. Cenk is loyal to you but give him a break. It's getting painful to watch you. You can come back as a guest and support the moderate or right wing view. I would enjoy that but this limbo sucks for progressive viewers.>> <<@mindtheprivacy says : How can doctors live with themselves????>> <<@PatrickOMulligan says : That ad was lol.>> <<@tamarbo71 says : Let Trump tell you everyone wanted this>> <<@GrassLeaf333 says : Where tf are doctors without boarders! Cowards>> <<@rsuriyop says : I think the message here is pretty clear: any woman living in Texas wanting to have an abortion absolutely must leave that state to head over to another where the practice is legal.>> <<@GrassLeaf333 says : 3:51, the Bible is pro abortion. The blood god Yawaeh aborted every baby by drowning. Hypocrites and slaves, all of the tribes of Abraham r dangerous>> <<@sun6024 says : This is why Abortion should be legal. Anti-abortion people are crazy.>> <<@billithekat2742 says : That is heartbreaking. And despite this stupid heartbeat-law, doctors should face prison time for negligence when they refuse to intervene. Obviously republicans are to blame but these doctors a cowards!>> <<@9dayNME says : Had they had the ability to do further investigation without fear of reprisal, they might have found a way to save BOTH.>> <<@walterhadley9268 says : Her family should file charges against each hospital, and each legislator who voted yes on this law.>> <<@08FayFay says : Welcome to the US Taliban women’s healthcare polices.>> <<@MrEmpireBuilder0000 says : no pregnancy care.... combined with the worst Healthcare outcomes in the industrialized world... this is a perfect storm.>> <<@yvonneatkinson8438 says : Do you want to be a doctor in Texas? That Is crazy>> <<@bigslab353 says : The right don’t deserve respect>> <<@Nimbus-n1y says : Free free Texas 🇵🇸>> <<@CR7suiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii7 says : Why haven’t ana and cenk do a video together in what feels like forever???? I hope they’re on good terms.. there discussions together are amazing on this show I hope it doesn’t stop>> <<@emmaaye2620 says : You would surprise there are a lot of migrant turned citizens supporting Trump. I was really shocked by it. Where are they thinking>> <<@aaronlane07 says : This is b******* let's go Trump>> <<@h67q412 says : Her family was probably voting for trump either way. Also, now the guy who got her pregnant should get a vasectomy (should be the law).>> <<@scaraboo3624 says : A BIG SIX MONTHS BABY! With still heartbeat. Not EASY to procede with abortion. It's a tragedy. This girl so young was full of life. RIP you will see your baby in Paradise>> <<@shanneltaylor7310 says : I almost lost my niece nearly a month ago due to sepsis. My daughter is due in a couple of weeks, and I've been a nervous wreck. -Texas>>