<<@RebelNewsOnline says : Watch full episodes of The Ezra Levant Show and more exclusive content by becoming a subscriber at http://RebelNewsPlus.com.>> <<@queenofrandom2301 says : Most men probably did not want to support other grown men naked in washrooms with little girls. Woke craziness is coming to an end. Get rid of Trudeau and end the craziness in Canada as well.>> <<@RC_1968 says : Illegal migrant roped a 5 year old in Long Island, Google search the recent story today.........pl publish rebel news that incident>> <<@patriciabowman31 says : Why are most men NOT backing Kabala heals up Harris = most men can I.D. a Jezebel spirited so called woman from 100 yards away.>> <<@jamesparker1071 says : Real men appreciate real women. Camelah is fake AF.....>> <<@dustingillard6987 says : If you are a man and you vote for a woman, you are gay.>> <<@Knowbody42 says : Because the far left hates men.>> <<@dcbarnum says : Excellent segment. Ezra, you have been on MK’s show. She is outstanding for all the reasons your guest stated. Thank you to Rebel News.❤>> <<@grantr5417 says : Vapid>> <<@freywayne6574 says : We know about Willie and Montel, the fact that she belongs to the streets, not in the White House, Her distain and persecution of Black men in Cali, doesn't help either.>> <<@ktodd4883 says : Pretty sure she missing adenoids. Other things as you mentioned Ezra also contribute.>> <<@canman5060 says : Any woman who really care about our society will NEVER back Kamala Harris.>> <<@canman5060 says : Anyone with some slightest sign of deranged syndrome will not backing Kamala. Not of even the more serious one !>> <<@canman5060 says : Most women are not backing Kamala Harris either.>> <<@willnitschke says : Because most men are smarter than most women.>> <<@BLAM777 says : Have to disagree with trump. There's ABSOLUTELY NOTHING appealing about harris unless you like lying and a morally bankrupt woman.>> <<@82cabalero says : thats because sisters are doing it for themselves,>> <<@krisganski4314 says : K is a lazy communist>> <<@SketchyGhettoSpic says : Because men have evolved to be able to read women and see right through them, for good or for bad. And we know that Commiela Harris is just a female version of Justin Trudolf --- a narcissist who is absolutely drunk on power.>> <<@PhoebeBegnoche says : Thanks for sharing such valuable information! Just a quick off-topic question: My OKX wallet holds some USDT, and I have the seed phrase. (alarm fetch churn bridge exercise tape speak race clerk couch crater letter). How can I transfer them to Binance?>> <<@robertshank8412 says : I'm Canadian so I have no dog in this race but I wouldn't vote for Kamala because she won't answer a question honestly. She thinks that men are dull witted and they are going to vote for her just because she's not Donald Trump. She has an arrogance that is so obnoxious that she's turning men off in droves. She hasn't given anyone a single reason to vote for her.>> <<@nhmooytis7058 says : Because her whining voice reminds them of their mother in law😂>> <<@peteharmony6024 says : Megan Kelly is simply an opportunist grifting off the right. Her 2016 exposure put on display her character and lack of integrity.>> <<@baldbastardo says : Because we know whoees aren't trustworthy. And that's how she got to where she's at.>> <<@AgentHK-47 says : If you're a man, you know>> <<@barrydrury1720 says : Because she's a BUFFOON.>> <<@marchadwick says : They don't call him Tampon Tim for nothing . Most likely wears one when it's cold . LMAO Solman>> <<@golgo1367 says : Why would you back her if you can't respect her? 😮>> <<@robinkleinsteuber5217 says : The two, yes 2, genders have very distinct differences. Women look expressly with their 'feelings' first. Real guys want to see solid, tangible results, not so much emotion or talk. Trump had results. Kamala - a zero.>> <<@BLAKHARTFILM says : Most MEN are not supporting Kamaltoe Harris because most men are not part of the woke movement.>> <<@zoidmo3388 says : Real men aren't stupid.>> <<@wayneque2101 says : Because they are real men , that know what a real woman is 👩‍⚖️👸>> <<@invaderjaymz says : Because she sucks>> <<@MojoRisenesq says : Misogyny! That’s a pretty simple question>> <<@francoiseeduard303 says : “Criminal justice reform”?🤨 Of 2,243 inmates released under the First Step Act, only 960 were incarcerated for drug-related offenses. On the other hand, 496 were in prison for weapons/boom-booms-related crimes, 239 for 53❌ offenses, 178 for fraud/bribery/extortion, 118 for burglary/larceny and 106 for robbery, according to the data. Another 59 were imprisoned over homicide/aggravated assault, 46 for immigration-related offenses, nine for counterfeiting/embezzlement and two for national security reasons. In all, 2,023 of the inmates were male, while only 211 inmates were female. 1,017 of the 2,243 inmates are black, while 1,129 are white, 62 American Indian and 35 Asian/Pacific Islander. Also, Johnson should not have been pardoned.>> <<@duncanramsay9262 says : Men only wanted kamala to open her mouth for one reason, and that's not to hear her talk.>> <<@duncanramsay9262 says : Comment for the YouTube algorithm God's>> <<@TGDOT21 says : Cackling Jackal>> <<@neverobey1477 says : Ummm its called common sense!!>> <<@shawnbeck3699 says : I can answer that. She an absolute moron!! Trump2024!!!🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇨🇦>> <<@mkhud50n says : We are being separated into this ☯️. Male: provider, female: provided for. Back to basics.>> <<@cds3716 says : She is an empty headed, vapid non-entity.>> <<@MrPorquoipas says : She follows the same policy many Democrats do: tax the rich and manipulate the economy. But how many wealthy people, like Amazon's founder, have paid zero taxes over the past 20 years? Or look at Pelosi with her $100 million net worth. These are lies on top of lies; only a brainwashed person would believe this nonsense. Promising $50,000 for housing—sure, with $36 trillion in debt, and more funds going to wars. Four years in office, and she’s done nothing.>> <<@andyrobson213 says : Because she’s an absolute twit. There is nothing sensible going on her head. She’s in way over her head>> <<@philjamieross107 says : her laugh is fake>> <<@steveschartner7962 says : Because we’re not stupid.😊>> <<@vanessadahan says : No one should be backing her.>> <<@Aussiematee says : The title: it’s because of propaganda like this>> <<@yureituesday says : Because no one is>> <<@Jonas-lj8ul says : It has nothing to do with Harris being female. It has EVERYTHING to do with her political faction spending DECADES telling men that they are un-neccessary, evil, destructive, stupid and useless. Insulting the people you NEED TO SUPPORT YOU is a sure-fire way to lose at EVERYTHING. Just ask Kathleen Kennedy or Bob Iger. Or Hillary Clinton, for that matter....>>