<<@watching-the-watchers55 says : The NDP votes came from the two biggest cities, Regina and Saskatoon. Thank GOD for rural Saskatchewan. Due to the vote split between the SUP and the SP, the NDP gained more seats than I would have liked.>> <<@vovin8132 says : BC is toast. Guess where I live.>> <<@jillivn says : Glad to have Lise in Saskatchewan! ❤>> <<@cryptokeif says : only people in the country with common sense>> <<@1dilligaf says : Why can’t the Saskatchewan party become a federal party like the bloc ?>> <<@Gtrman86 says : Thank fuck there are still common sense folks out there. Big surprise Saskatoon and Regina went to the NDP, mostly foreign and gay voters.>> <<@jonwiegels3007 says : Good grief 😬>> <<@Rocky-e2b says : Thank god!>> <<@ihatetoyotaxx says : Phew there's still hope in Canada. If Saskatchewan fell ...i think it would have been the beginning of the end>> <<@sebastianriemer1777 says : Fugget about it.>> <<@cecileblouin7151 says : I totally agree with you women look what’s happening in BC I can’t believe people voted provincially for NDP again what is wrong with people>> <<@basementbanter366 says : Great outcome.>> <<@HawkeyeHowell says : Obviously Saskatchewan has more smarter people than B.C...I prefer not to give my vote or tax money to communist ( NDP ) who are anti-Christian with no moral values.>> <<@QUICKIRONS says : You can gage how sick a society is when they vote Liberal of any stripe and NDP are Liberals on steroids.>> <<@neilheriot2361 says : There is a lot of people kind that are being tricked, fooled and brainwashed through freebies drugs and feer of being labeled.>> <<@Dennismelnychuk says : Wow, unbelievable so many people that don't see how the NDP destroyed manitoba and how they are killing BC>> <<@DayZero-X says : Moe needs to step down ... Or be put in jail. He will single handedly be the reason why they lose next election.>> <<@albertapatriot3877 says : Wow Saskatchewan has lots of socialists.>> <<@tarafox6618 says : Disappointed that we didn't see a SUP candidate elected.>>