<<@deepthoughts8393 says : And this is why the world is undergoing judgment by God. This is just the beginning. Gods wrath is upon the world. Good riddance with that. Too much degeneracy>> <<@kenofken9458 says : I'm polyamorous and I support it (though I'm not a California voter). I think it's a stretch to say it would legalize polygamy. Though I support that right, not nearly all of us wish to have legal marriages with our partners.>> <<@fernandosamf1185 says : It is nothing new these days . After all the gazans danced in the streets when 9. 11. Happened, Canad's Trudeau , who has Chinese spys in his govt. Is anything being done anywhere , about anything these days ?>> <<@sycon7385 says : Marriage means nothing when you can't even control a border 😅 ridiculous how about we start at the basics before these Niche Concepts, I mean when people are getting raped ,murdered, traffic into sex slaves and not to mention 89,000 kids missing or uncountable as they like to say which means more like 100,000 kids missing 🤔 soo yeah>> <<@sebebalios1906 says : Yup, polygamy what a terrible idea to raise our already messed up kids in that type of environment>> <<@YizzyRoger says : Gay marriage okay, but polygamous marriage not okay. lol>> <<@TM-wh2jh says : So 3 or more husbands as well as 3 or more wives?>> <<@johnbolt665 says : What's next, old men marrying 6-year-olds, ya gotta know they are thinking of it!>> <<@johnbolt665 says : What ever it's Californicatia, what's the worst that could happen>> <<@georgeconstanza6505 says : 😂 Depends on what you mean by marriage Jordan Peterson would say... 😂If it's just a legal contract between consenting adults - I don't see any reason for the government to be involved in telling people what kind of arrangement they are allowed to enter into... If you see marriage as some sort of spiritual union between man and a woman, that's fine too. And you don't need any government "blessing" or recognition to live your life that way. The main reason for the involvement of governments in marriage and people's private lives has been since the beginning the question of finances and inheritance... It was meant to provide women with legal protection and men with legal obligations and children with status and inheritance and being provided for. Now that we have allowed gays to be married, the next logical step in the legal system is any number of people can get married (provided that they are legal age)....>> <<@rpmgrlca says : The muslim men are going to import their multiple wives. You think you have a lot of invaders NOW? Just wait.>> <<@Scott_396 says : I could use 2 or 3>> <<@gerwyntiberius1918 says : Remember, what happens in California is just foreshadowing of how bad the rest of America and eventually the world will become under Liberal tyrannical rule.>> <<@RyoSabeya says : Haven't see Sarah for a while>> <<@Creality.R.Crooks says : Most 'activists' are driven by their own ego trips. The cause they take up this month is not as important as the disruption and chaos they can cause by taking it up. It is not about polygamy, because polyamory outside the confines of legal marriage is allowed, just like it was not about gay marriage, because civil unions were already allowed for gays when marriage laws were based on good sense and traditional families. It is about "Look at Me! I'm an Activist! Haha! I can change the world! You can't stop me! Nana-nana-na-naa!">> <<@harrySurge-c3b says : Who's the Daddy>> <<@OceanFrontVilla3 says : One legal wife, the rest collect social assistance as they're "single" mothers. If they can do it legally then maybe taxpayers don't have to foot the bill.>> <<@whiskeytango9769 says : Bad idea...very bad idea.>> <<@Razear says : A marriage constitutes a union between a man and a woman. Any arrangement that deviates from this definition does not qualify as a marriage.>> <<@canman5060 says : i.e a part Islamic Law. One man can have four wives all at once.>> <<@SN-jh3bb says : Many people do not love, marrage between such becomes just a word, aint modernity grand.>> <<@canman5060 says : One woman can have 8 husbands all at once. Elizabeth Taylor will surrendered !>> <<@IroncladTruth says : Well if they made it ok for child lovers , I am sure everything goes in Liberal California.>> <<@alanstewart6895 says : WHOOPEE!!!! Bob, Ted, Carol and Alice on steroids.>> <<@curtis1397 says : Bet if you asked if a man should be allowed to have a harem of wives, they would be singing a different tune.>> <<@leopardknowledge.1430 says : CTV and global and CBC north do as well>> <<@brianclement9240 says : A great way to promote confusion with kids and may lead to pedophilia, only a liberal would think of something like this.. Keep it in California..>> <<@Curious245 says : Great another avenue for abusive husbands and more power to them ! Disgusting ! Where are the American values ?!>> <<@wjameswright says : You can call it whatever you want but it isnt a marriage>> <<@frankc-k3q says : Commiecrats/liberals/atheist delusional ideology: religion of woke, DEI, no morals, climate change, abortion, Anti-Christ and terrorist supporters 😂 control vs freedom>> <<@gankfrombush says : Rebel News: the only Canadian news that keeps the comments on 👍>>