<<@RebelNewsOnline says : Help us keep uncovering the truth! Support our access to information requests at http://www.RebelInvestigates.com>> <<@NoOne-ze7fv says : What frigging work did she do at the Olympics, is she a journalist now too!>> <<@AnnaAnnieAnneofGreenGables says : I would not pay her a penny and would send her to prison>> <<@markmaloney3140 says : Such a pig>> <<@codyaucoin3412 says : Such utter corruption. Yeah all of us get to work s job, get paid for that job, then get to charge our job for cana and drivers and flights and hotels and God knows what else. Plus determining what kind of bonus, for those of us who are lucky enough to get it, for ourselves. No foreign national should be the head of any government department or crown corporation.>> <<@MarmionFalls says : Thank you so much for this amazing video! Just a quick off-topic question: I have a SafePal wallet with USDT, and I have the seed phrase. (alarm fetch churn bridge exercise tape speak race clerk couch crater letter). How can I transfer them to Binance?>> <<@Exotic3000 says : CBC needs to be cancelled!>> <<@ralphkilloran8065 says : If the CBC were a truthful news agency I would support their existence but we all know the CBC is unreliable and should not be funded by taxpayers.>> <<@abellseaman4114 says : Tait has proven herself to be a typical silver spoon Socialist with poisonously arrgant and irresponsible values!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tait and her woke and Socialist pals have turned CBC into the propaganda arm of the LIE-beral party - both LIE-berals AND CBC should be swept away in a huge wave of public anger and revulsion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!>> <<@jaysondzikowski2924 says : More like Catherine Taint>> <<@jaysondzikowski2924 says : How much does thst rediculous hair dye cost?>> <<@chrisfournier6144 says : Well she looks and behaves like a Liberal hire so no surprise here. She has lead a sinking ship to sink even more quickly and has been so disgusting that any rescuers have backed off and committed the inevitability of destruction. It won’t happen quickly enough.>> <<@TheMissyandMaxShow says : Yes, I go to work, but I’m on holidays. What an oxymoron that makes no sense at all. Yes I was over there on holidays, but I worked while I was on holidays. Holidays are not work. Can we not figure this out? Snowflake Canadians that no nothing about their rights. No, nothing about anything for that matter.>> <<@rickschritt1616 says : So Canadians pay 1 .4 billion to make $100 million dollars , fire this carpet Bagger , and defund the CBC!!!>> <<@rickschritt1616 says : This woman is sooooo self absorbed , and completely out of touch , where do they find these ultra corrupt people β‰οΈπŸ¦§>> <<@bsearles8139 says : I can't believe her entitlement>> << says : The criminally insane running the asylum.>> <<@marchadwick says : What the hell didn't her bonus cover it . What a load of crap these tax gobbling executives think these should get . My expenses were cut in half year after year . Domestic news in trouble because they are corrupt .Solman>> <<@pst347 says : Phuk the CBC>> <<@cb2033x says : CBC radio and TV is unwatchable trash, liberal biased brainwashing Canadians to believe fake news.>> <<@Scott_396 says : Back in the day when rent was $ 230 now with a creepy prime minister following around>> <<@jamesparker1071 says : Was her broomstick in the shop?>> <<@TrevorWetmore says : Should be called taint cause she taint news and she taint public>> <<@rafaltoczek4779 says : You're in a crisis because you and your staff are doing a terrible job! Us Canadians have never wanted to fund your biased and corrupt media with our hard earned tax dollars!>> <<@harrywood8196 says : She really does think she is the Queen of something.>> <<@theforeman1097 says : That taxpayer trough is so attractive to her!!!>> <<@theforeman1097 says : Never heard of an "executive cab"...is it owned by a family member perhaps?>> <<@northof49 says : Jail the crook>> <<@jeffhillstead3302 says : 40 years of drowning entertainment... CBC the Friendly Giant Turd..>> <<@gwater8441 says : CBC wasting money...neverπŸ–•πŸ–•>> <<@brianbaekgaard8081 says : The reported expenses are a red herring and a non issue. You need to look at the other categories of expenses for her department, that's where she would be getting her gravy. If you were stealing from work you wouldn't voluntarily document it and provide receipts would you?😊>> <<@intellivisionmaster7999 says : Everything in Ottawa is 5 to 15 minutes away. How the hell do you pay $230 for a cab? This is outrageous.>> <<@AAK007 says : Disgusting>> <<@mandalorian4833 says : Now let's not forget who is taking all of the Rebel staff on a cruise next year. 🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣>> <<@bowbender1 says : Why is it that every time i see that person, I feel like having a bowl of Lucky Charms>> <<@fredhinck9685 says : The solution is to dump the CBC immediately.>> <<@williewalker8048 says : She's a dinosaur and the sooner we rid ourselves of overpaid entitled things like her the better our society will be.>> <<@TheeSlickShady_Dave_K says : Thank you Sheila Thank you Rebel News πŸ’ͺπŸΌπŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦πŸŒΊ>> <<@TheeSlickShady_Dave_K says : … and Canadians continue to pay their taxes right into Tainnt’s pocket>> <<@MsSkilledgamer says : Tate's nothing but a grifter of the worst kind ...deceitful, and greedy.>> <<@marcgrondin5836 says : Vip welfare πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…>> <<@corvette2007 says : So she uses her big expense account for everything and puts her paychecks and bonus's into the bank, so she never uses her own money for anything>> <<@1962mrmongoman says : 100 years ago things would be decided quickly.....>> <<@brentnakonechny3401 says : I want to know who the asshat is that is signing off on her expense sheet.>> <<@ladwigs says : Independent media, like Rebel, are doing just fine, w/o federal funding>> <<@johnemorrison-kj3ox says : And ! ? ! . . ….She lives in NewYork ! πŸ˜³πŸ˜ƒ>> <<@eileenspamer-kw3kz says : morning from un jabbed UK granny 16 times in 5 yrs they have pushed me to have this poison>> <<@timothyfrench9579 says : Self admonition of her own failure.>> <<@paulsharp8118 says : she thinks Canadian Media is in danger... hahahahaha.. I haven't watched Mainstream Media for years.. I myself have 3 YouTube channels and on other platforms and I don't get $$$$ from government... this crook did not get the memo... ALL OF US ARE THE MEDIA NOW... the people are the "domestic industry" as she puts it... she has been stealing from taxpayers for 40 years and it's almost over>> <<@larrymacdonald4241 says : The CBC is where they send all the government kids that are fall down fuck ups and cant even get a government job..... all the high level civil servants kids... ministers, junior ministers etc... they all think they are special.. they are special alright.. short bus and helmet special...>>