<<@V4VestA says : This story is ANCIENT history, wtf TYT>> <<@Steve-lk1eb says : This story is mad old tyt is whack.>> <<@jay23cr says : Thanks for your service... DON'T SERVE!>> <<@Trackformers says : LAND OF THE FREEEE!!!>> <<@fredrickroll06 says : "The Wild West Is Where I Wanna Be" - Tom Lehrer. I guess the Wild West comprises practically all of the "United" States. An OUTRAGEOUS country!!>> <<@MommyOfMutants says : This pisses Ana off so much, and tRump is the one who changed the laws back, yet she still obviously wants tRump to win. Just to spite the Dems and be able to say, “I told you so! I was right.” 🤦🏼‍♀️>> <<@marklapworth1436 says : "You can't criticize the Cops.... it would imply that ... Democrats want the Cartels to take over America." They already have. They are called "the Cops". Unrestrained to Protect (themselves) and Dis-serve (us). 'Mericuh! Land of the Sleaze and home of the Knave.>> <<@geeksworkshop says : So he wasn't a marine he was unemployed. You really don't have the right to say no to a search as that would just escalate the polices aggression. It really is very strange to have that much cash>> <<@primaryesthethicinstincts4832 says : His crime was he looked too Mexican>> <<@nickandros2057 says : Democrats have been in charge nearly all of the last 2 decades and this is what we get>> <<@BrEnDaNNNN_ says : Were those cops Israelis by any chance ???>> <<@1pierrr says : America is such a great country>> <<@BrEnDaNNNN_ says : Merica….. That’s why…. 🦅 What a f@cked up country>> <<@tiredcaballero says : the reason i only scrutinize Wrongful Death is because of stories like this.. They were factually wrong, but not corrupt necessarily, bc that amount of cash is statistically unusual. The real measure of judgement is how they would respond to a wrongful death, which everyone knows is evil/malice>> <<@antclerfont8478 says : Gee why does this look awfully familiar to how they once pulled over a car with a man who had over thousands of bucks, and the cops just took it and lied to his face ....>> <<@steveadams1850 says : I am confused on how the cops knew he had 10, 000 dollars in cash in the car. Did he just say BTW, I have 10, 000 in a duffle bag in my car. Just letting you know. 😂>> <<@danki2000daniel says : Fuck 12>> <<@ivanorozco4274 says : Don't go about carrying your savings in cash. Just don't.>> <<@N_Ides says : Know your rights and never let the cops exceed their authority allowed under the law.>> <<@stephenmadgwick7758 says : Corporate crimes make millions and billions and only pay small fines but you can take everything from regular people.>> <<@gabrielquesnot7840 says : What a couple of Spineless Dickheads!😡>> <<@mrfroghello says : Lets be real its because he was brown. If he was blonde hair blue eyes they would of let him go.>> <<@BigHomieSteveTheMetalHead says : For every Californian who is fed up with lawbreakers running wild with no consequences, vote YES on Prop 36!!! It's long past time to get tougher on lawbreakers, are you fed up with government endorsed lawlessness yet? Are you mad that lawbreakers get treated like innocent angels while law abiding citizens get punished for defending themselves and their property? Vote for Trump and vote Republican all the way down ballot, it's the only chance we have of turning this state around. Signed, a very disgruntled former Democrat.>> <<@VOTEBLUENOMATTERWHO_2024 says : Defund the police !!!!>> <<@cameronb4099 says : Rebel Ridge was about this exact thing>> <<@samsmith2635 says : The Cops are lucky, after I provided proof its my money and I didnt have any other money to finish my journey, you are stranding me thus leaving me no choice. I would of taught them both a lesson.>> <<@IvarDaigon says : Cop: thats a nice stash of money you got there, would be a shame if something were to happen to it.. ~ If the thieves dont get your money, the cops will.>> <<@rob_mac says : He didn't trust banks, but he inherently trusted the public, the police, chance, and mother nature--any of which could have made that money disappear faster than if he had divided it among 3 FDIC insured accoints.>> <<@mariozombie2843 says : Bunch of thugs.>> <<@mariozombie2843 says : Highway robbery.>> <<@Ray-fr8iy says : Gaza and examples like this situation just prove that america is not much better then all those countries we love to demonize>> <<@SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHT says : They’re f’ing government backed gangsters.>> <<@arkonshaw3592 says : If you want to transport such an amount of money, it is wise to split it and do four or five tours. Dont put your eggs all in one basket. There are a lot of despicable human beings on the road. With and without uniform.>> <<@RikodiusRex says : They're doing this at Hartsville Jackson international airport to our new station. Here did a story on it recently this is not a new thing the DEA is robbing people.>> <<@subgenso6282 says : A policeman has 2 functions. One of them is to take money from citizens and give it to corrupt politicians>> <<@alexseioo610 says : I haven't touched cash in months and haven't paid something larger like 20 € in years in cash. Is cash money still that common in America? Are you forced to pay cash? With laws like that I would never have more than 50 $ on me.>> <<@marinanjer4293 says : The unfortunate bit is that the police actually use the forfeited cash for their own operations, so they have an incentive to apprehend anyone with large amounts of cash. They actually know that mosr people have no legal recourse to recover forfeited cash and hope that the frustrating process will discourage the cash owner. Getting K9s is a proven method of getting a justification because its impossible not to have traces or weed, cocaine, feces, and amphetamines on cash. $1, $20, and $100 are most notorious for this. So don't travel with large amounts of cash, especially in states where police departments are mostly funded by traffic fines>> <<@rastaoiiii says : Kopmala is not going to change this.>> <<@Lyralikesit says : Gotta love Amerikkka>> <<@RealTalkWithGaryM says : This is a crazy country. When you have to prove that the money was maded legitimately. What happened to the government have to prove that the money was made by criminal activities.>> <<@13thAMG says : And yet, the Orange Toddler *is* a convicted felon but nobody seizes his cash or assets. You truly are a seriously PHUCKED UP country, USA!!!>> <<@RealTalkWithGaryM says : This is the main reason you don't answer questions by the police. They are only fishing for a reason to search your vehicle.>> <<@marinanjer4293 says : For those of you asking, its perfectly in order not to trust banks. If you've travelled widely or if you are old enough, you'll realize/ remember that banks and other financial institutions do collapse all the time and people lose part or all of their savings. Happened in 2008/2009. Still happening in Lebanon, just recently happend in Greece and Kenya. There is nothing more frustrating than being told that you cant withdraw your cash or that your deposits no longer exist>> <<@bender3000 says : He was definitely one of those "back the blue" types before this>> <<@ajkhanmp69 says : He fought for freedom. The only thing is he thought it was for his freedom too. He and all the kids who go and fight in these military industrial complex, insurance companies and bank wars. Freedom USA, USA, USA.>> <<@tony49492 says : I’ve been pulled over In Louisiana for following to close to a semi by a state trooper. My license plate was from a different state. they all use the same tactic. No ticket or written warning>> <<@marinanjer4293 says : I don't get why American police always harass drivers whether they are on the wrong or not. Everywhere else I have driven, it's rare to have a cop even stop you if you aren't doing something wrong or if it isn't a road block.>> <<@fredhesseltine1471 says : Drug sniffing dogs.. lol that's almost as big a Con' as the donald and the Electoral College are on the American people'>> <<@theycallmeZQ says : Government just wants any money it can get in any way it can get it. It's simply corruption.>> <<@elchicano187 says : The government needed more money to send to Ukraine and Israel..,,,>>