<<@marklapworth1436 says : Yep. Without his 'Team' of suck-up 'ring'-kissers, there could BE no Naked Emperor Drumpf. Pathetic. "Mericah!. Land of the Sleaze and Home of the Knave.>> <<@Lana7nas0 says : Mike Pence stopped endorse trump>> <<@TwentyTwo-rx4wt says : White supremacists stick together no matter what.>> <<@terrencemyers1033 says : What do we expect? We are living a brainwashed society where the masses are buying Easter Baskets, Christmas Trees, and celebrating a fake birthday for a "white" messiah that does not exist. That's why it is not found in the holy scriptures the masses will celebrate anything as long as it is not found in the holy scriptures. "6 He answered and said unto them, Well hath Esaias prophesied of you hypocrites, as it is written, This people honoureth me with their lips, but their heart is far from me. 7 Howbeit in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men. 8 For laying aside the commandment of God, ye hold the tradition of men, as the washing of pots and cups: and many other such like things ye do. 9 And he said unto them, Full well ye reject the commandment of God, that ye may keep your own tradition. 13 Making the word of God of none effect through your tradition, which ye have delivered: and many such like things do ye (Mark 7:6-9,13 KJV).">> <<@terrencemyers1033 says : All these liars called politicians do is beg for money! SMH>> <<@moosemagic3429 says : (7:20) u speak the truth and w vehemence! no place for revisionist history that makes pence a hero, he's just a dog that stopped licking himself for one day>> <<@trevorxlindeman1798 says : McConnell’s remarks and flip flopping on Trump shows the reason the Republican party as a whole has no morals, no integrity, no compassion and no standards. When leadership is so lacking and willing to flip flop on any principles why would anyone expect their followers to be any different?>> <<@terrencemyers1033 says : “We are only as blind as we want to be.” ― Maya Angelou>> <<@MAGApepe says : Biden / HARRIS $1.8T Budget Deficit Sets Non-COVID Year Record....... VOTE TRUMP>> <<@redmed10 says : Most Republicans attacked trump after jan 6 but then wilted again.>> <<@MAGApepe says : CNN Data : Donald Trump’s Favor ability Rising While Kamala Harris Has ‘Stalled’ ..... HAAHAHAHA>> <<@marvelsProtege says : I have a sick feeling towards Mike Pence but Trump told him he was going to get did and he still did it isn't that a hero>> <<@karlrhody2977 says : If TRUMP bashed you and you don't understand why he did....THEN YOU ARE STUPID AND DEMONcrat....PATHETIC MISFITS>> <<@GrossSlob says : The hypocrite bible thumpers on the right are something else.>> <<@terrencemyers1033 says : Capitalism and white supremacy are both an abomination before God!>> <<@ServraghGiorsal says : Gee!! They're just now figuring this stuff out ??? They're so self serving!!😮😮>> <<@whatintarnationisgoingon says : No breaking news. Everyone knows Mc Connell hates Trump. Kinda funny how much sht you all talk about Trump and repubs when the Democrats are far worse acting the same way. Haha so pathetic. You all voted Blue no matter who examole Biden! Fall in line lefties!!>> <<@mickeyd1956 says : "These people need to make amends not money."....love it!!!>> <<@Om_kera says : He could’ve gotten rid of Trump after Jan 6th but chose not to.>> <<@MrRumcup says : It's a countdown to the meltdown! 🤗🇺🇸>> <<@BrandonSanks says : Screw McConnell he packed the Supreme Court with extremists. Women are dying because of McConnell.>> <<@lindapaletti939 says : 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙>> <<@thewolfofswingthat2035 says : this guy still alive??>> <<@michaelsamra3171 says : The fact that these establishment politicians hate Trump only helps him with the American people. It opens the floodgates when he says, they hate me because I'm an outsider fighting for you.>> <<@potrelviewer9536 says : The US desperately need a "Geriatric Preservation Law", which would ban anyone above the retirement age (the current one) from sitting in any political, judicial, or any directorial office, in order to let them enjoy their golden years with their family members. Why bother keeping them to work until their last breath?>> <<@melissak358 says : Biden / Harris regime importing 3rd world illegal immigrants into this country in the tens of millions for a reason - buying their grassroots to replace American people. Biden / Harris open borders import millions of illegal immigrants providing them with freebies to lure them in. No jobs, no skills, don't even speak the language, how do they make it in U.S. so easily just wander across the border with a backpack and you struggle with inflation ? Answer: printing trillions $ to provide freebies to feed them and have you pay for it in the form of inflation. Now you know why dems vote against requiring citizenship to vote. https://youtu.be/9ifAvMY2AHw>> <<@mrmagnetic8993 says : That turtle is a p he’s never going to say that to trumps face>> <<@JohnQC-n3i says : Get rid of Ana>> <<@JohnQC-n3i says : Boycott TYT until they get back on the left side of things and get rid of Ana>> <<@MikeDeSmet-lp7nl says : Every third or fourth video is TMZ style tabloid gossip about Trump on this channel. Do you know what we are talking about? Policy and how to make our lives better. You guys are cooked and you don't even know it yet.>> <<@jaigupta945 says : This black lady looks transgender.. male hiding as female 😂😂😂>> <<@jaigupta945 says : Pls don’t start your meltdown now.. wait for 5 November and you will have enough time to cry.. ❤ Donald Trump>> <<@kijanajenkins2546 says : Common republican L.>> <<@jcraigau says : McConnell would know, there is nobody that knows US politics like him as he was there for the signing of the constitution.>> <<@terrencemyers1033 says : REALITY CHECK ✅ These so-called Europeans are fake Jews, fake Americans, fake Australians, fake Canadians, and fake South Africans. Why do I say this? Because so-called Europeans are NOT the indigenous people of those savagely stolen and defiled lands. That they are not keeping! The Most High YAHUAH wants those nations back that he has already divided according to the Torah Deu 32:8-9 kjv. "8 When the Most High divided to the nations their inheritance, when he separated the sons of Adam, he set the bounds of the people according to the number of the children of Israel. 9 For YAHUAH'S portion is his people; Jacob is the lot of his inheritance (Deuteronomy 32:8-9 KJV).">> <<@HooHoo-7 says : A complete financial disaster that the TV program branded as a financial genius and what a large part of the people still think he is. Now would be the time to move on from idiocracy>> <<@jaydot6348 says : Kamala called Biden a racist in 2019 and then became his vp both parties are trash stop being bias>> <<@daveadam435 says : Oooo !! Someone called trump names !!! How original, how brave, how bloody boring after 8 years of the same crap......>> <<@YaleKyle-f3u says : More Republicans will turn on their cult leader as we get closer to Nov 5.>> <<@GridleyMike says : Trump used private security to surveil democratic opponents Adam schiff nancy pelosi Lock him up!>> <<@luthercase-no2yn says : It no matter what rinos say in private. What matters is what the people will say november 5th, when trump win. As far as the senator, I was ready for him to leave years ago.>> <<@NoixNoir-gu4fd says : McConnell is a much bigger piece of shit than anyone else currently in federal politics and has held the top spot since Dick Cheney left office>> <<@lincho7662 says : Sharon is so on point>> <<@terrencemyers1033 says : So-called Europeans are living in an alternate reality. Where everything is centered around a fake MAN-MADE "white" identity. That the Most High YAHUAH who is the creator of nations, nationalities, and dna does not honor. It is because of this alternate reality that someone as unqualified and corrupt as Trump is allowed to run for President. And that's exactly why white supremacy is falling because it's built on nothing but white lies. So-called "white people" what does it feel like to be deceived by you own white lies that are no match for the truth?>> <<@philgordon6671 says : He is a 2 faced piece of crap We know the Orange Convicted Criminal R.apist is a moron>> <<@pjotr2650 says : my god usa.....whats going in your country......>> <<@anthonyarlington438 says : No one wants Trump as president, some just want a racist America! Yea..... I say it😬>> <<@marterawlings says : McConnell proves HE is despicable when he acknowledges the disaster of Donald Trump, and yet continues to support Trump for the next president. He can only be expecting - if Trump wins - Trump's ouster under the 25th Amendment or his forced resignation. It would be in keeping with McConnell's lack of ethics or respect for the Constitution in his manipulation of power. Example: he cynically blocked for 10 months Obama's legitimate Supreme Court nominee during the 2016 election, and then pushed through a Trump nominee weeks before the 2020 election! A man of no character who rivals Trump in his thirst for wielding power vs the nation's founding precepts of democratic governance.>> <<@khafrekhufu7259 says : Mitch is a dispeacable, disgusting and racist warmonger who has played a major role in turning the country into a shit-hole country...>> <<@Serdar696 says : Why not young ottomans?❤Turkiye Free Baybasin 28 years innocent in jail ans ofcourse Save the Kids in Palistina T84Proud ottomans 😢omerta>>