<<@MarkDice says : Subscribe to my channel if you're new here! And post links to https://www.YouTube.com/MarkDice on your social media feeds with a note encouraging people you know to subscribe here for truly independent, politically incorrect, and fun content! Let's get to TWO MILLION SUBS!>> <<@zeryphex says : 🀣>> <<@RJ1999x says : Allowed it, encouraged it, and PAID for it>> <<@larrydockery7201 says : well she drank 7 glasses of wine and you wont this crap in the white house>> <<@john-i9w3f says : bret baier is a commi cia asset>> <<@BecksDad93 says : I swear him voicing Stelter will never get old, & never not be funny! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚>> <<@dianeuecker5186 says : God bless him for telling people that God is there & Jesus is coming back. We all need to hear that because I believe our time is coming to an end & we must be ready. Thank you God for your mercy & thank you for your Son, who died for our sins. Pray for us all β€πŸ™β€οΈ>> <<@annahayhurst3418 says : TRUMP 2024πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰>> <<@lions3 says : There is nothing likeable about her in any way. Her communication skills, personality, ability to convey ideas/policy in any substantive way. The voice! And to hear about how she treats people - that is not acceptable!! Listen to the clip of her talk about the stroke of a pen. That was really disturbing! Tyrant>> <<@dustyjukebox7707 says : Cacklin' commie Kami>> <<@_proudPatriot says : YouTube won't let me like the video>> <<@dpawsum4120 says : Kamala has ZERO judgment. Unless she is stupid or a liar.>> <<@dpawsum4120 says : Kamala has a TERRIBLE track record>> <<@peterwalker7761 says : 'Broken system ' the same term used by UK governments ... Funny how they use the same phrases across the Anglosphere..>> <<@jasonlumpkin4732 says : So this is Kamala without a teleprompter. Her attempt to avoid subjects makes her look even worse. So this is what it's like not to be on so-called media networks who sychophantically go gaga over DEI hires.>> <<@Cornpop69 says : MAGA 2024>> <<@annelally says : I thought Brian Stelter was fired years ago?>> <<@bhuffman101 says : Liberalism is a mental disorder πŸ˜• DEI will only hurt our nation 😒>> <<@doctorgames101b says : Kamala Harris being interviewed at Fox News Channel is like entering a white flag at a British base of Operations as a leader of the Colonists during the American Revolutionary War for peace talks. lol>> <<@cntrygal2007 says : That's the Democrats motto: "It needs to be fixed." Talk about it. Just don't *DO* anything about it. Kudos to Bret Baier for actually being a *REAL* journalist and asking her tough questions and not soft balling her!! One thing, if anyone knows, are her earrings the ones where she's told what to say??>> <<@LetTheTruthBeTold8324 says : this woman was installed, no ine voted for her, she is a puppet of the swamp.>> <<@240TLR says : Fox news after Tucker Carlson was pushed out is now top of the dumpster fire while MSNBS, cnn, ABC, CBS are all at the bottom of that dumpster fire. Do America a favor, β€œreimagine” lame stream media without puppet strings like Pfizer and Blackrock shell companies.>> <<@victoriamcclelland8353 says : It got pissy>> <<@victoriamcclelland8353 says : And it lies some more>> <<@victoriamcclelland8353 says : It lies and lies.>> <<@gailmorra says : She just talks in circles on purpose as a distraction.>> <<@gailmorra says : She’s so horrible! Flat out liar!>> <<@gailmorra says : They broke the system no one else>> <<@SupersonicDiesel says : There’s no chance for Trump to win with Big Tech, Mail-in Ballots, and illegal immigrant voters>> <<@BP-dc6ps says : Don’t forget the untold thousands of dual citizenship holders with Israel. Israel is a foreign agent operating within our borders and infiltrating the federal government.>> <<@EB-vs3oo says : She is an idiot>> <<@scotthirschausen177 says : It’s a question that needs to be questioned that the question of the question is a question is in itself a question that ppl are questioning and Donald Trump .>> <<@gnosphotos says : The United States of America is a Constitutional Republic, not a Democracy. A Democracy always becomes Socialistic/Communist.>> <<@krystel2856 says : Her IQ is 78. She took a test while @ Howard. She's awful!>> <<@laughingcoffin3210 says : She has her walkie talkie ear rings in...check it out>> <<@linneajordyn5275 says : Our immigration system is not broken. They just don't want to enforce the policies already in place and then reversed the ones that would have solved the problem. He's right, they aren't able to make them citizens fast enough so they can become registered voters for the Harris administration.>> <<@vwbug1971 says : She wants to make all the illegals legitimate voters and that's not possible without making up rules that were never agreed to by the Senate and House. She's wanting something that will never come because Trump will be capturing all the illegals and taking them back to their prison cells. Deportation is needed immediately. She is a complete failure with border security. Her response as to why the country is going to hell is Trump's bad policies. Don't listen to this idiot.>> <<@jaygatsby3076 says : She makes Hillary seems like an decent candidate>> <<@jerrycoggin9434 says : The best thing I can say about Kamala Harris is that she is not Presidential. There is a reason why she dropped out of the 2020 election before the first primary vote was cast>> <<@CiroMastino says : Witch>> <<@willhokage494 says : I was with you Marky Mark until you mentioned DEI hires.>> <<@sponger7642 says : It is a topic of discussion! I cannot cheer Brett as he was complicit in the election theft cover up and was a anti Trumper. Realizing now, once it is probably too late, is meaningless to me. So is the millions of Americans now realizing their mistake. They only changed because of their suffering not because they want a strong America. Pain is coming. Real pain. Buckle up.>> <<@swamprats3571 says : More like you have intentionally siphoned in 30 plus million illegal immigrants to intentionally destroy our nation and its people.>> <<@Theguywholikedthethinginthevid says : Kamala thought she'd get her "adversity" moment. She basically sealed her coffin.>> <<@spaceacelespaul5289 says : Worst candidate in history bar none>> <<@greeneyedgirlarteno6063 says : Shes a vile beast>> <<@truthinvideos says : I’m longing to hear Trump say it again…. β€œYou’re Fired!”>> <<@TheLenaweeTrekker says : The United States is not a democracy. It is a constitutional republic. People really should learn the difference and why it is important.>> <<@tomcampanale8176 says : Thank you for your channel Trump 2024πŸŽ‰β€πŸ˜…>> <<@danstipancic9463 says : Were a constitutional republic, not a democracy....>>