<<@mrsarcastic6564 says : Kamala has my full throated support because i'm a man and i eat coconuts that fall out of trees for breakfast i eat Kamala Czar salads for lunch and i eat chicken tikka Kamalas for Dinner.>> <<@urbansetter1 says : I agree there should be a Republican in her cabinet. The countries completely divided. Its the one thing i agree with her on. She should not have accepted those endorsements>> <<@WildL23 says : Who cares what The View says. November 5th will shut them up>> <<@larryprimeau5885 says : there's no creativity in being a politician but lots of manipulation. Harris has always cow-towed to the powers that be.>> <<@rp2808 says : Almost like the Democrat party should have ran a primary that didn’t censor RFK Jr when he had significant support. But when you’re a bought and paid for party, this is what you get.>> <<@joelcawthon1365 says : ANA is real !!! Go ANA !!!>> <<@julieplyons says : Still thinking Harris will win, but only because of abortion...>> <<@julieplyons says : Probably one of the worst things Biden did was insist on working with Republicans instead of outing them for supporting trump>> <<@KLS775 says : Harris is gonna lose BIG TIME 🤣✌🏾>> <<@cheezeebred says : It's a 50/50 chance like its always been, you defeatists weaklings. Stop spreading your doom and gloom just to get the clicks. You're a news organization. You need to keep your feelings in check and opinions to a minimum. More constructive information, less freaking out, please.>> <<@finn6988 says : Ana has a charming faith in the idealism that the Democratic Party represented several decades ago. "Democratic voters" who support opening up to neocons are not those idealists, they do not favor traditional Liberal ideals: to find that you have to go to the Progressive Parties. The DNC and RNC are two sides of the same Uniparty now.>> <<@africantraveler7004 says : The idiots screaming that Harris being endorsed by the Cheneys now makes her a NEOCON - Are you then admitting Trump being endorsed by David Duke, the Proud Boys, Blagojevich, Nick Fuentes et al makes him a white supremacist with criminal tendencies & questionable integrity?>> <<@WildL23 says : Now Kamala says she will let Republicans in her cabinet because she's not gonna let pride get in the way of a good idea. Well, it would have been a good idea for her to step aside and let a more qualified and more competent person run against Trump for president. But her pride got in the way of that. It would have been a good idea for her to release her innocent brothers from prison, but her pride got in the way of that.>> <<@realamerican6101 says : I just want Trump out of the picture and maybe some of should just zip it because you're not making no intelligence sense yourself>> <<@marieprenton4380 says : I thought Ana wanted to listen to both sides.>> <<@marieprenton4380 says : Cenk run for Senate and lost miserably, he got less than 6%, against an unknown and some quite awful candidates.>> <<@WildL23 says : Trump is very loyal to his race. Kamala is very disloyal to her race. A person who is a traitor to her own race is the very lowest form of life, far lower than a Trump. Another thing is that because of Barack Obama's behavior, Kamala can not get many people's votes, including mine. In his last 4 years in office, Obama NEVER spoke out against police deleting and abusing us. Obama had freedom of speech and a bully pulpit and never even tried to say a word or letter for us. Biden spoke out more against the police for us than Obama did. I'm not saying Obama had to help us, I'm judt saying he was required and obligated to at least try to help us. He never said 1 letter trying to defend us. At that point, I said I'm not voting for another one of us. Instead of using his big mouth to at least attempt to speak up for us, Obama invited police who abused is to the white house for a relaxing day of comfort, beers, and friendly conversation. Of all the good cops in the world, this clown Obama befriended the bad ome who abused us. Trump has never been so dumb as to say he wasn't going to do anything for just us. I've been voting Democrat my whole life. I have never voted Republican before, but this time, I'm going to vote Republican. I was going to vote Democratic in this election. The Democrats HAD my vote signed sealed and almost delivered. But then they chose Kamala without having a fair, open primary process. The Republicans had a fair, open primary process. Kamala has said NOTHING in defense of Sonia Massey. I love our women waaaaaaaaaaay too much to vote for a candidate who don't care anything about them. She clearly doesn't care anything about us. Kamala said she would do nothing that benefits just us. Therefore, I won't do anything that just benefits Kamala. Kamala has benefited her entire career from affirmative action, but she doesn't want anybody else to get affirmative action. Kamala says this is not a racist country but yet everybody played the race card for Kamala. Yes, Kamala doesn't want anybody benefitting from the race card except her. So now I'm voting for Trump. I would have voted for any other Democrat besides Kamala. Trump is lucky they picked Kamala. He NEVER would have gotten my vote any other way. And due to the fact that we already showed the Democrats we don't like Kamala in 2020 but they chose her as VP anyway now they pushed her into an unfair nomination without giving other candidates a chance in an open primary, this Harris push has vexed my spirit. What part of we don't like Kamala? Don't they understand already??????? And Biden never wanted Kamala, but those childish people hijacked the Democratic Party and said if you all don't give Kamala the VP position, we will sink this party. She is horrible. She dodges all the big questions, which is the same thing as lying, in my opinion. She laughs at stuff that is not funny. Nothing is funny at all about locking up parents because their kids were too sick to go to school. The childish individuals who hijacked the Democratic Party, like in the movie Captain Phillips, don't care anything about the democratic party or winning the election, nor do they care anything about right or wrong. All they care about is Kamala becoming president by any means necessary. There are dozens of democrats who could have beat Trump, but these silly kid-like people said if yall don't nominate Kamala for Democratic Presidential nominee, we will sink this party. Well, if the Democrats lose this election, it will be those silly kid-like individual's fault. Now Kamala says she will let Republicans in her cabinet because she's not gonna let pride get in the way of a good idea. Well, it would have been a good idea for her to step aside and let a more qualified and more competent person run against Trump for president. But her pride got in the way of that. It would have been a good idea for her to release her innocent brothers from prison, but her pride got in the way of that.>> <<@joshuaflask3091 says : And she wonders why she might lose lose. Between this, Biden and Obama they are killing her campaign and the Democratic Party which is sad.>> <<@lovetheno says : I thought Anna is not tribal now, hmm also people that i have talked to here in Pittsburgh love the idea>> <<@georgepascalis says : What about Adam Kinzinger in Kamala's cabinet?>> <<@christophershoup7488 says : She should have just listened to music like Trump did at his town hall.>> <<@umoabasute9424 says : #2024Elections: Question 🙋‍♂️ for all voters 🗳️ and especially independent voters if WWIII were to happen Which Candidate do y’all seriously 😒 think 🤔 will handle the situation better? Which Candidate do y’all trust to handle key issues facing our country?>> <<@macandcheese9324 says : Drunk Kamala>> <<@michaelwilliams7400 says : Chameleon is such a good description. Biden and then theyve tried 3 different Kamalas.>> <<@BobMuskFan says : It's good, she understands that Republicans are smart people>> <<@DemShotta says : Hopefully she's pulling a Trump and saying with no intention of actually doing 😢>> <<@umoabasute9424 says : #MediaBias: Even with Mainstream Media assisting @KamalaHarris she has yet to define herself which is probably making mainstream media panic 😱 along with Kamala’s enthusiasts. The Race is tight and that should alarm 🚨 her. @realDonaldTrump momentum is rising.>> <<@robertmatthews2009 says : "I wholeheartedly accept the endorsement of war criminal Dick Cheney and his daughter and I pledge to have a war criminal in my cabinet ">> <<@DavidReguera-bm4uk says : I have to commend you for straight up reporting. One of the few left. Keep up the good work. Having said that, I’ve voted libertarian party for president for several cycles. This year there is 0 chance I do that, not a big Oliver fan. What does that leave, Harris or Trump. I don’t see a great choice here meanwhile everyone knows at least one candidate in each party better than those that are running. If you really want to fix things it has to stop being a billionaire club. I don’t have a good answer. I would love to see some discussion around getting big money donors out of this somehow.>> <<@Daviesnjuguna says : I am not interested in having neocon Republicans in the government when Kamala wins. Let Trump win, destroy the country, and it will be an easy victory come 2028. Hopefully, we will have a strong candidate.>> <<@karen-qm7og says : I was shocked to watch yesterday's Rising segment where Nomiki Konst blasts Ana for criticizing the left's take on Ana's sexual assault by a white homeless man.>> <<@Daviesnjuguna says : I hope Trump wins so that the Democrats realize they are not entitled to anyone's votes. That will wake them up, and come 2028, they will start fighting for us.>> <<@600moo says : Get your heads out of your asses TYT. We cannot afford another Trump administration. We are here because eight years ago people thought it was in the bag and didn't vote for Hillary Clinton. We all know that Harris will be a materially better president on every issue than Trump. And she won't end the American experiment. Act accordingly and stop acting like what's at stake isn't at stake. If Trump wins he'll never be held accountable and will be completely lawless. We need to hold him accountable. And hold the GOP accountable. And the Supreme Court accountable. For sanity's sake. Harris for president. Trump for prison.>> <<@jeffreysmith2069 says : Then, harris, ¿why- are you- buying -bodys' title rather than our-' characters' substance?>> <<@johnaitcheson3131 says : Have you ever won an election,please stop with nonsense>> <<@Gmailcs says : I don't care who wins. JUST FIX THIS DAMN ECONOMY>> <<@GamerBugsTwitch says : Pretty sure the definition of democracy is not a two party system 🤣>> <<@Aromatherapy1 says : kamala is plain awful!>> <<@Mr_Timi1 says : Yep just a standard politician... just like you said she would be, where is the story?>> <<@a1g0rhythm says : If I wanted a republican in the cabinet I’d vote for Trump, are there no qualified democrats or is this a DEI hire? We have a choice of two republicans and Jill Stein.>> <<@libbychang413 says : since when have repugs ever had a good idea??...>> <<@bobbieherin1944 says : Their all cults! Including TYT>> <<@skidawg22 says : Why am I not surprised by this?>> <<@TwentyTwo-rx4wt says : You guy's at TYT heard of country over party ?.>> <<@BillWillyBillyBill says : Cenk and Ana are correct. The View is a cult, just like the people in this comment section.>> <<@tawanawilliams6296 says : She needs to win. That’s what I would say, not necessarily what I would do. Don’t you get this? She needs to win first, for all of us. She needs to win overwhelmingly, with whatever votes she can get. No it’s not perfect but you would do no better. Sit down. If trump wins you are going to journalism jail. She needs to win and big. My solution is from now on, comprehensive civic education. Also a VP is not going to confront the President they serve under and y’all know why. Shut up>> <<@lapdwascaaaalled8870 says : She was only doing well went wasn't speaking. Now she's speaking we can all see how unpopular she is. She is the most stupid smart person ever. She can ace an exam, be academically amazing. But as an actual human being? She's so thick, it's an actual struggle to listen to her>> <<@evehawasinare228 says : You are right. Her ideas here will lose her some of her core supporters.>> <<@robertschrader says : BOINIE WOULDA WON>> <<@LuciferBogeny says : Despite Biden's shortcomings in handling the Israel situation, Trump, the GOP, and Russia are worse. The Palestine conflict has resulted in 40k casualties, whereas approximately 200k Ukrainian and 600k Russian casualties. Take it from the horses mouth. Russian propaganda openly acknowledges its ambitions to invade more countries and its LITERALLY their mission to destroy democracies. Recently, the U.S. Department of Justice uncovered a covert campaign where Russia used the state-controlled media outlet RT to funnel $10 million through a U.S. media company. This company, in turn, paid prominent right-wing influencers to spread Kremlin-aligned propaganda. The campaign is part of Russia’s ongoing efforts to influence U.S. policy and public opinion, particularly ahead of the 2024 election​. Politicians of the right will get vaccinated but when on air will openly lie and peddle conspiracy theories. Twice as many republicans died than democrats after the vaccines came out because of the right wing medias culture wars to distract for the corporate elite.>>