<<@jueneturner8331 says : This Cenk is trying so hard to present himself as standing against a "stupid" prez in Donald Trump, he ignores the giant elephant in the room -- K. Harris is catastrophically stupid, incompetently so, and dangerous to the world in the positionof POTUS. This also means those trying to push her on us are lunatics.>> <<@darylhill9400 says : Everything happens in America! whatever your imagination can conjure up happens , does it happen on a largescale?>> <<@darylhill9400 says : No complexes were taken over. She meant to say a handful of problems not complexes.>> <<@Retarded_Cat says : “It was just in that they did not invade or take over the city as Donald trump said”…….. OF COURSE IT WAS!!! OF COURSE IT WAS!! every fact is just some l thing that goes against Donald trump, according to these “people”. this is absolutely crazy. Anyone that still supports the left is a complete lunatic.>> <<@emilycoley8200 says : These comments prove that the left is ruled by hatred, no matter how terrible something is they won't agree.>> <<@spdbggy9675 says : I can't take credit for this; I heard it somewhere else, but the message is so powerful. Just a handful of planes where hijacked on 9/11.>> <<@_ncko says : Are we starting to realize now why "fact checking" is BS?>> <<@Weatherhamshire says : The left always lies. Me sitting here just waiting for evidence for the pet eating stories to arrive and once again prove the left lied.>> <<@vankwisher says : Only dumb asses thought he meant the entire city. People are nitpicking on that one. But I bet the residents of those buildings felt as tho the gang with guns took over the city. Especially if the cops took over an hour or so to deal with it.>> <<@jordonhaywood4820 says : Hey Turk, how many apartments and houses need to be taken over by illegal immigrant gang members and criminal cells before we all agree that we should secure the southern border and vett immigrants!? Shouldn't be a bi partisan issue. Should be common sense. If I was a republican I would simply ask are they vaccinated? That might actually get democrats to care>> <<@jordonhaywood4820 says : Never thought things would get so bad that even TYT would call out idiot left wing controlled media. Hey dumb fucks! How many apartments and houses in Aurora need to be taken over before we are concerned about securing our borders and vetting immigrants?>> <<@spdbggy9675 says : This is still a channel?????>> <<@dardar9655 says : Martha sold her soul to the Democrat party is just discusting. Perfect example what this low life does for money. Walter Cronkite is discusted with you too.>> <<@Misguided76 says : I’m a lifelong libertarian/republican and could not stand watching anything related to tyt but since Ana’s enlightenment and seeming dedication to truth in reporting I’m in. I can’t stand cheerleading media lies and appreciate the strength it takes to stand on truth against the machine especially when it’s “your team” that being said I’m a subscriber now.>> <<@bigal25938 says : JD straightened her out. Martha is pitiful.>> <<@Stassis says : The legacy media does nothing but make excuses for bad governance. Oh it's just a little bit of crime, just a little bit of inflation, just a little bit of war, No big deal!>> <<@SS-iv7wv says : Liberals like to be taken advantage of by illegals. Look at Denver and the metro area, it looks like they've been taken over by homeless and illegals but they voted for it. That's what they wanted, I don't see the problem, just like Cali. They only know how to destroy things, that's the liberal way.>> <<@jaredtomachefsky9818 says : TDS is real 😂>> <<@gideoncochrane5350 says : I appreciate that you can separate the truth from your political bias. I wish other networks could do the same. This is coming from a conservative.>> <<@hwalker7 says : Ana's reasoning is beginning to falter. She will speak some truths, but she is starting to reach faulty conclusions. My prediction is that Ana will go the way of Tulsi Gabbard.>> <<@johndor7793 says : Trump and the GOP doesnt give a damn about immigration, fentanyl deaths, the destruction of democracies or our allies. He's a complete disaster. Here's *proof* how vile the right and Trump is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bkDZNjWovXw https://youtu.be/PHE_mKdwxhs?si=jxNQdnW6j19iezqo&t=621>> <<@johndor7793 says : Despite Biden's shortcomings in handling the Israel situation, Trump, the GOP, and Russia are worse. The Palestine conflict has resulted in 40k casualties, whereas approximately 200k Ukrainian and 600k Russian casualties. Take it from the horses mouth. Russian propaganda openly acknowledges its ambitions to invade more countries and its LITERALLY their mission to destroy democracies. Recently, the U.S. Department of Justice uncovered a covert campaign where Russia used the state-controlled media outlet RT to funnel $10 million through a U.S. media company. This company, in turn, paid prominent right-wing influencers to spread Kremlin-aligned propaganda. The campaign is part of Russia’s ongoing efforts to influence U.S. policy and public opinion, particularly ahead of the 2024 election​. Politicians of the right will get vaccinated but when on air will openly lie and peddle conspiracy theories. Twice as many republicans died than democrats after the vaccines came out because of the right wing medias culture wars to distract for the corporate elite.>> <<@johndor7793 says : Vance called Trump Hitler, openly lies about democrats supporting abortion up to the moment of birth, calls a pregnancy from rape an inconvenience, and lied about Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear saying he said he wished for a member of his family to get raped knowing he was referring to him having to deal with an unwanted pregnancy. Regarding his military service and the stolen valor accusations of Walz, it's nonsense. Vance wasn’t asked to "serve" in that ill-conceived war, he didn’t have a choice. JD served in public affairs rather than on the front lines. As a junior enlisted Marine at the start of the Global War on Terror (GWOT), his options were to deploy as ordered or face a Court Martial for desertion, dereliction of duty, and other charges, potentially landing him in Leavenworth at the USDB. Walz was close to retirement when 9/11 happened but delayed it for another four years. As a Command Sergeant Major, he wasn't going to be out on patrol; he was focused on performing the high-level duties expected of someone at the E9 rank. If there had been a significant need, he could have been placed under “stop loss” and prevented from retiring. At his age he was eligible to retire which is the typical retirement age that is a common decision for many, but more notably, he retired to run for Congress on a platform focused on ending the war. He campaigned by highlighting the devastation caused by the war and later voted to bring all troops home within 90 days. He could have retired earlier but he stayed in longer. He submitted his paperwork for his Congressional run in early 2005. A few months later he submitted his paperwork for retirement, a few months after that is when the deployment orders to go to Iraq for his Battalion came out so he didn't know in early 2005. Later that year there would be deployment orders. Trump is a literal draft Dodger. He avoided service in the Vietnam War through student and medical deferments. He said he got a medical deferment for a bone spur in a foot but couldn't remember which foot. When he talked about it in 2015 he reportedly called soldiers who died in war suckers and losers and he also called his sex life in the 80s his own personal Vietnam. Contrary to the right wing media lies and propaganda there is no policy requiring tampons in boys' bathrooms; instead, the law provides menstrual products in gender-neutral and girls' bathrooms. Democrats are never advocating for switching genders to those who do not want to. Consider this: Would you prefer being with a person who you dont know what is like on the inside because they are keeping it a secret? They will feel comfortable with who they are and you get to know what they are really like.>> <<@johndor7793 says : Trump supporters have attacked figures like Nancy Pelosi's husband, an incident Trump later mocked, and even attempted to kidnap a Democratic governor after Trump publicly criticized her. Despite this, the claim is that Biden and Harris have been the true instigators of violence. Trump has encouraged and laughed at violent actions from his side numerous times. When he warns people about danger, he’s only concerned when it affects him. He jokes about Pelosi's husband being attacked with a hammer but takes offense if anything happens to him, showing clear hypocrisy in his reactions to political violence. Trump tweeted that Pence "didn't have the courage to do what should have been done" to stop the certification of the election. Which in 60 court cases later, failed to provide any evidence. In December 2022, Donald Trump suggested that the U.S. Constitution could be disregarded, stating that a "massive fraud" allows for the "termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution." Making Trump and the GOP the biggest threat to American democracy in modern US history. After Donald Trump learned that his supporters were chanting "Hang Mike Pence" during the Capitol riot on January 6, 2021, former White House aide Cassidy Hutchinson testified that Trump showed indifference or even approval. According to Hutchinson, Trump reportedly said, "He doesn’t think they’re doing anything wrong" and expressed that Pence "deserved it." When told that his supporters were armed, Trump allegedly said, “They’re not here to hurt me,” further fueling concern about his stance on the mob’s actions. Most acts of terror in the US are caused by right wingers. Something the right wing media makes sure to not inform its viewers to distract them for the corporate elite.>> <<@johndor7793 says : Elon is a fake free speech warrior https://youtu.be/dD3jfqbI3SI?si=kZulHBb4KZov3i33 The Cult of Musk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z0PHv3E8jpY Elon has always been political with hidden agendas https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yaTUxTT8-2I Elon Musk I'm F**KD Prison Sentence https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ooXA3GFWBLk>> <<@johndor7793 says : RFK Jr. said Trump was "a terrible human being. The worse [sic] president ever and barely human. He is probably a sociopath." He criticized President Trump for failing to deliver on his promises to American workers. He accused Trump of promising to revive manufacturing, raise wages, fix trade deals, close tax loopholes, and support small farmers, but instead, catering to the interests of the Republican establishment. According to RFK Jr., Trump's achievements primarily benefited wealthy individuals like Jeff Bezos, deregulated industries for special interests, and provided advantages to large agricultural conglomerates. RFK Jr. pointed out that Trump allowed influential figures from the Bush-era GOP to dominate his administration, appointing lobbyists from the oil, gas, coal, and pharmaceutical industries to key positions. He also criticized Trump for supposedly supporting small farmers but ultimately funneling funds to large agricultural corporations. He highlighted the social unrest during Trump's presidency, noting the significant rioting and looting, and accused Trump of inflaming racial tensions and failing to maintain public safety. Instead of addressing the chaos, RFK Jr. argued that Trump allowed Democrat-run cities to burn for political optics. On foreign policy, RFK Jr. condemned Trump for unilaterally withdrawing from the intermediate-range nuclear missile treaty with Russia, which destabilized relations and exacerbated tensions between Ukraine and Russia, leading to war. He also criticized Trump's appointments of neoconservatives like John Bolton, HR McMaster, and Robert O’Brien, suggesting that Lindsey Graham might become his Secretary of State in a second term. RFK Jr. further accused Trump of bombing Syria, killing an Iranian general, and failing to end the war in Afghanistan. He blamed Trump for initiating lockdowns during the pandemic, which he said led to the closure of millions of small businesses and a significant transfer of wealth to billionaires. Lastly, RFK Jr. claimed that Trump did little to address the opioid crisis, which worsened during his presidency, while his appointees were aligned with the interests of big pharma. He concluded by warning that a second Trump term would likely bring more of the same. In his words "If you think a second Trump term would be any different, you are engaging in wishful thinking.">> <<@johndor7793 says : There's a man that engaged in an insurrection…. do you approve? And SCOTUS delays There is a man in New York that tried to hide his past before an election ... do you approve? Convicted on 34 counts There's a man that rapes a woman and molests others... do you approve? Adjudicated $92 mil What if a man keeps secret sensitive files in unsecured ways.... do you approve? And his judge delays indefinitely What if a man conspires to steal votes... do you approve? 4/19 plead guilty What if a man cooks the books and steals from the people... do you approve? Adjudicated $463 mil These are just 6 undisputed questions. Is this the type of person you will support at the sake of losing your own respect? Drumpf: three times this year he has been adjudicated as a sex offender, company fraudster, and now faces 34 class E felony charges with up to 4 years in jail for falsifying records to cover up his infidelities prior to the 2016 elections that may have changed the result of who would be president of the United States of America! So much for election integrity. 2016 election campaign: five of Drumpf's staff were found guilty of crimes that were used to help Drumpf become president, only to have Drumpf pardon them. 2020 election campaign: five of Drumpf's staff have pleaded guilty to their part in trying illegally to change the outcome of the election, and nearly 55 more people have been indicted in five states for their part in trying to overturn the election with the fake electors. In business: his personal lawyer was found guilty of crimes related to the 2016 election. The CFO of Trump Co. was found guilty of financial crimes in the company's name and has been to prison twice due to these. The GOP contender for president has announced that in the event that a delinquent NATO country gets invaded by Russia, he "would encourage them to do whatever they like." Article 5 has only been used once, and that was after the September 11 attack on the USA. Is this the true "Manchurian candidate" via the Kremlin? FAKE NEWS has found its father, Mr. Pecker of the "National Enquirer," and Donald Drumpf is its GODFATHER. I wonder what Daddy and Granddaddy would say about their prodigy turning their name into a term that will go down in history as rich people begging; let's call it "TRUMPING FOR MONEY." I think Little Donald, going by his latest rallies, must be using "Baby Shark, doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo" to hype himself up with before the rallies, what do you think? Not that this has anything to do with the election (he is not a politician) or the computer from hell, but for the record, Hunter Biden was found guilty of three felony counts regarding his 2nd amendment by misreporting on a firearm license. 05/23/24: US Inflation Rate is at 3.36%, compared to 3.48% last month and 4.93% last year. Real gross domestic product (GDP) increased at an annual rate of 1.6 percent in the first quarter of 2024, January 2020 2.5%. The U.S. job market expanded in April for the 40th consecutive month, but at a slower pace. 175,000 new jobs were added in April, unemployment rate 3.7%, May 272,000 nearly 100,000 over expectation, January 2020 2.5%. The Dow posted its all-time high during trading on May 16, 2024, reaching a peak of 40,051.05 points making 401k higher, under Trump on January 2020 28,600. The reason you feel poor is that Drumpf and Lara at the GOP keep asking for your last dollar.>> <<@gregorylattimore5371 says : The nazis are a problem>> <<@D.C.DiscGolf says : Anna is on point again>> <<@gregorylattimore5371 says : Jd Vance didn't condemn the white supremacist gangs>> <<@hwalker7 says : While Martha Raddatz is to be criticized for downplaying the taking over of apartment complexes in Aurora, CO, she DID NOT say, it was totally made up. Ana did a gross exaggeration there. The other issue is that Vance and Trump have a very bad habit with so many things of taking a bit of truth and exaggerating it or over-generalizing to the point of incredulity. To say it more crudely, people are lying everywhere, Anna, Vance, and as usual Trump!!>> <<@blah7745 says : Ana is voting for Trump. 100%>> <<@davidmoore8704 says : Hmmm, I wonder what happened to The mercenaries and criminals the CIA hired in Venezuela to overthrow their last election? I'd imagine they wouldn't be too welcome in Venezuela now, so hmmmm,,,,, I wonder where they would go ? Perhaps they have a new job to do?>> <<@logwind says : Who cares about violent South American gangs illegally entering the U.S. with no resistance? They're not in my wealthy neighborhood. As long as they're granted voting rights by progressives and vote for corporate Democrats, I'll just pretend it's not happening. #strongertogether>> <<@JB-lp9xr says : Do you think Trump knows that JD is planning on shivving him with the 25th Amendment no more than 2 months into his presidency?>> <<@josephbrucia5772 says : We have issues with multiple gangs in NJ . Lots of gangs in various small towns and cities>> <<@josephbrucia5772 says : Great response by Vance!>> <<@420biny says : That's the most insane pronunciation of Arapahoe I've ever heard.>> <<@randomami8176 says : I think that the media, including TYT still don’t grasp or comprehend Trumps methodology or tactic. They still go around questioning his lies a/o extreme exaggerations. What they don’t grasp is that he does it ON PURPOSE, precisely to attract attention to the issue ITSELF. And tbh, he succeeds every time on it. He knows, and those of us who understand what he is doing, KNOW, he is exaggerating or plain lying on the perspectives, numbers, statistics. That is Trump. So where is the success of this tactic? Look at the entire media going crazy, verifying numbers, fact checking stuff. Although there are plenty examples of Trump doing this to fill a book, let’s take these last 2 cases: 1. Eating cats and dogs. OF COURSE we know that’s an exaggeration, and mostly untrue (keyword “mostly”). But the main purpose behind this is not to send an army to rescue cats and dogs, the purpose is to bring attention to what happens to a small American town which is forced to accept a large number of immigrants that don’t even share culture and degrades the living standards of its citizens. 2. “They bringing drugs, they bringing crime, they’re rapists…” remember that? Well all three attributes are now confirmed. All 11 millions? OF COURSE NOT. But the truth in its rawest sense is proven. Even Bill Clinton himself admitted the importance of vetting these people and the only way to do that is through an organized, selective, and very controlled immigration system.>> <<@ivanarciniegas7324 says : Tulsi Kasparian wont let an opportunity to hate on foreign immigrants go to waste, she loves it>> <<@hunternedib1119 says : This crime on Americans from illegal aliens is going on all over the country. Did you see how many illegal aliens Massachachestte recently arrested for sexual assault against children? This is no joke, friends! FUN FACT: More than 13,000 illegal aliens convicted of murder are roaming our streets today. Source - NBC News report Sept. 28, 2024,>> <<@ivanarciniegas7324 says : of course grifter right winger Karen kasparian will side with jd vance and seize the opportunity to scaremonger about foreigners like the shameles grifter daver rubin wannabe she is>> <<@ovdtogt1 says : Is a Venezuelan gang really taking over a Colorado apartment complex? Anna is traumatised by her own experience and is no longer impartial: https://youtu.be/y8kPoGUQrDc?si=lsZGLAPR9INAIrSC>> <<@_DontEatCake2024_ says : The Democrat elites are absolutely out of touch with mainstream America.>> <<@discordianz5 says : I dont know anyone who believes that the gangs took over the whole city and a vast majority of my friends are Republican. Name any Republican news source that is making that claim literally. You cant because there isnt any. There is a big difference between Trump being hyperbolic, which as Trump supporters we are all aware of and the mainstream leftist media which parrots Democrat lies endlessly. This is actually a perfect example, nobody on the right thinks the mayor, or police chief, ect...like Cenk said are Venezuelan gang members(this is just Cenk being a moron and hyperbolic like Trump and saying all Republicans believe it when literally nobody does and no right wing news org is reporting that as fact). On the other hand, you had several left-wing news org's that said it was disinformation about the gangs taking over apt buildings when it was in fact true. That's the difference.>> <<@katharinavonheydekampf says : Ana drifting more to the right every day>> <<@johnmartin5520 says : Young Turks are right wing now?>> <<@Matt-pj2ou says : Jd just couching again. He loves his couch 🛋️>> <<@vs-yy5cx says : Ana, we care about people, but it can be said that gangs have "taken over apartment complexes" for decades. Don't be stoopid! Further this is a local law enforcement issue, so why bring it up as valid discussion point in a national election. So even 3 or 4 or 5 things can be true at the same time!>> <<@matthewhiesiger2032 says : I'd imagine that the residents are afraid to call the Aurora CO cops, considering their track record.>>