<<@luvmducks says : Here we go again>> <<@luvmducks says : I’m tired with her word salads>> <<@notnecessary7730 says : Kamala & Obamah are kindly telling Black people to GET BACK ON THE PLANTATION!!!!!!>> <<@anthonyml7 says : "The danger of Donald Trump" he was president for 4 years while there was a pandemic and no major global conflicts...guess what, we're still here lady 🤣>> <<@notnecessary7730 says : Really?? How is that legal to specify 20,000.00 forgiven loan to a skin color??!!! Imagine if that was said about White men only getting a 20,000.00 forgiven loan from tax payer money!!!!!!! WHAT THE PHK>> <<@johnbhaskar2160 says : Komala is a liar and she has achieved nothing as VP for the past 4 yrs. Vote for Trump and save America from disaster>> <<@AllynAlama-i4s says : Obama's influence days are over...he's like a 8 track tape when every one else are using digital HD disks. etc.>> <<@Gloria-t2f says : Lies. Lies. Lies. Never answers the questions.... lies...lies.. lies... Kamala is NOT Black either.... lies. Lies.>> <<@AllynAlama-i4s says : Some one seriously needs to tell Barack Hussain Obama, slavery days are over Democrats, no longer own people especially black people. The nerve of him with his mulatto house neg-o self.. acting all and mighty.... Obama, go back to your all white community mansion with Michael, and leave us alone...No one owns you a damn thing...>> <<@danamoore1045 says : Why waste his time>> <<@masonsworld6851 says : I already voted for Kamala... I just don't trust King T. I just can't go back to Right Supremicists protesting in the street, my brothers being un-alived by crooked authorities and U.S. Courts packed and controlled by the right with extreme views. I just can't do it...>> <<@ArrianGarner says : She is a true unadulterated idiot period>> <<@BeansOfTruth says : Her new plan violates the Civil Rights Act of 1964 by discriminating against individuals based on their color ! Think about it>> <<@BeansOfTruth says : They say President Obama but they refer to Trump as Former President Trump or just Donald Trump.>> <<@tommydinob says : I love your videos, but can’t stand to watch her>> <<@marthas5099 says : She's so full of chameleon crap!!>> <<@angiethiel8499 says : Danger of Donald Trump wanting to expose more pedifiles! They are scared! Trump 2024>> <<@dlodge4966 says : She should have been fact checked on national tv with that freaking huge lie.>> <<@martyrichards7240 says : She and Hillary are cut from the same cloth>> <<@carlbennett726 says : All I can say is omg 😢>> <<@manyce400 says : I would pay money to have her stop with this raised up in middle class none sense. Every human being has ambitions and aspirations.>> <<@JeffreyPeyton-b3m says : I lol when ABL LOLed.>> <<@kdeezo326 says : She milked the hell outta that “middle class” phrase. I think the whole whole understands the true meaning of that phrase by now😂>> <<@drcandor says : The people listening to her that voted democrat in 2020 love it.This helps clinch their democrat vote again.>> <<@elsamarquezdemercado9160 says : Can't hear anything>> <<@gooddoggy3257 says : She will not say anything against O. He is calling all her shots and she does not want to get indicted for her corruption so she will stay in line.>> <<@hokahey7236 says : Anybody else remember that time the Democrats refused to abolish slavery so the Republicans had to go down there and kick their ass to free the slaves? Or how about the multiple occasions immediately following the Civil War in which the Republicans tried to establish voting rights for southern blacks and install them in government positions, only to be literally massacred by the local Democrat authorities (see New Orleans Massacre, July 30, 1866, Memphis Massacre, May 1-3, 1866, etc.)? Do you remember that time when a group of Democrats got together and founded the Ku Klux Klan so they could terrorize the local black population? Or how about those oppressive Jim Crow laws that the Democrats came up with so that a black person could scarcely walk down the street without being arrested; anybody remember that? Pepperidge Farm remembers! 😊 So, the Republicans failed to establish equal rights for southern blacks, thanks to interference by the Democrats, and it would be nearly 100 more years before the blue party finally realized that they could have a huge, untapped source of potential voters if they would just bestow them the right. Those progressive Democrats, am I right? 🙌>> <<@VeeFoster says : Its one thing to propose something; its another thing to deliver. I think shes a lot of talk, no action.>> <<@cleancutimage5105 says : Why should we vote for her? Based on race? So every white person should vote for a white candidate?>> <<@glendafueni3985 says : She makes me cringe>> <<@davistafulaninsimba8697 says : This woman has no policies , except Trump is dangerous! Ridiculous! Vote her out! She is incompetent!>> <<@ritajones1689 says : Scamala Scamala 😅>> <<@slipkhein66 says : Those migrants are not legal 😒>> <<@ritajones1689 says : Trump/Vance 2024>> <<@joeyo4163 says : I'm Latino and voted for Obama but now voting TRUMP 100%.>> <<@charlieb9213 says : THAT was comic. (Obama, "brother")>> <<@pickmeasinner says : 5:41 this is just bribery at this point! Specifically buying black men's vote!!! Ludicrous>> <<@pickmeasinner says : 4:15 even this Charlottesville shite is still being regurgitated without a single interviewer having the balls to refute it! ridiculous>> <<@pickmeasinner says : What's at stake kamala? You repeat this nonsense, like its so obvious that you don't even need to explain it further. But I'm afraid you do. If you can explain to me in direct and plain language what you mean when you say Trump is a threat to democracy, dictator, dangerous blah blah blah, and do it convincingly without a single lie, I will vote for you myself. Playing dumb and intentionally misinterpreting his obvious jokes as though he was being serious, is insufficient. Repeating already debunked lies, pretending you're unaware of that because you like telling those particular lies to Americans, is embarrassing. You and your party are corrupt, dishonest fraudsters and it has never been more apparent than it is right now.>> <<@pickmeasinner says : The Democrat party still thinking that black people are their property. The more desperate they get, the clearer they make it.>> <<@TeamBrooksx6 says : Did she just say 400 million>> <<@gutsbiker says : Now Kamala is trying to buy their vote. Of course it's something the supreme court will block as unconstitutional.>> <<@toadskwirm8824 says : Kamala changes her race like some crazies change their gender but she consistently avoids answering real questions.>> <<@wilmawithers8015 says : She never answers a direct question. Always diversion and word salad…..>> <<@michellehughes576 says : Yes people of ash ille will want a steak>> <<@michellehughes576 says : You can’t earn ityou already failed and she said gun control would be manatory>> <<@michellehughes576 says : She already FAILED U.S. at her appointed position of Border Czar>> <<@stefaha5203 says : Imagine if Trump came out and said, "this is what I'm gonna do for the white man" 🙄So racist! Not just that, but it's very disrespectful, rude, condescending and belittling to black men! And, if people don't see that?! That's a shame.>> <<@annablue7457 says : President Trump wouldn't even waste his time debating Karmala. It would be just the same answers as before ! 😂>> <<@sking3285 says : Damn She’s not just a white hating racist but she is dumb as hell. Harris comes from the home of two professors. Her parents were wealthy no middle class bs. Once again you want to give out reparations to get votes. I hope black Americans see thru your bs>>