<<@PuzzleCollege says : The first aftermarket mod I'd install on my robot is radio controlled detonator attached to an explosive charge embedded in its midriff and keep the activator on my keyring. I'd also install an industrial electromagnet above my front door to deal with unwanted robovisitors.>> <<@rickeemeee3252 says : Nice editorial 😊>> <<@blazingarrows6117 says : This is disturbing. No thank you.>> <<@jamesparker1071 says : "Our" Government is spying on all of US. Everywhere. All the time.>> <<@MrDondon38306 says : What happens to the cab drivers that make a living driving cab?>> <<@ktodd4883 says : I got an old blue car and it looks pretty good. Took out the back seat so I can haul firewood.>> <<@porchard3628 says : Musk is from South Africa, he grew up during apartheid, his father was a racist sicko and sexual predator, musk is the same. He must go on electricChair before he builds the humanoid robot.>> <<@crazycanecorsolady says : Seen this movie I Know How It Ends no thank you!!! Just what we need robots to take over all the jobs🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️>> <<@RavenRises says : These things are more scary then any horror movie you can think of. Its only a matter of time the corrupt govnt replaces their police force with these. Once enough of these are out and about their real programming will kick in. Can only imagine where were gunna be post election.>> <<@PrinceMohammed56788 says : This is terminator in the making And there will be a sky net computer as well I've already foreseen this a very long time ago. That robots will take over the planet. And Earth. Is nobody listened to me unfortunately>> <<@lawrenceveinotte says : I say our current society began when we hit one billion in population, that was about 1804, we are now over 8 billion, that's only 220 years, we're growing by a billion now every 10 years and accelerating, can we continue for another 220 years, not a snowballs chance in hell.>> <<@lawrenceveinotte says : Educated people has fewer children.>> <<@cindytrotman6297 says : Keep in mind Elon said "I was made for war" in his biography.>> <<@cindytrotman6297 says : Revelation 13:13-14 13 And it performed great signs, even causing fire to come down from heaven to the earth in full view of the people. 14 Because of the signs it was given power to perform on behalf of the first beast, it deceived the inhabitants of the earth. It ordered them to set up an image in honor of the beast who was wounded by the sword and yet lived. 1 John 2:18-19 18 Dear children, this is the last hour; and as you have heard that the antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have come. This is how we know it is the last hour. 19 They went out from us, but they did not really belong to us. For if they had belonged to us, they would have remained with us; but their going showed that none of them belonged to us.>> <<@aeonflutter says : Since 2020, the cheapest form of entertainment for me is $20 in my gas tank to drive around the city to entertain my kids , can't afford heat out the restaurants. Can't afford to eat fast food as a treat once in awhile can barely afford to do coffees ! Take my Independence away from me. We'll see what happens>> <<@aeonflutter says : All these people who think that Elon musk is doing a good thing, can't you see? It's a big setup to get everybody to come together under Trump. Whether it's communism Marxism the trillion dollar deficit. It's all a ploy>> <<@aeonflutter says : THE FUTURE IS NOT FRIENDLY , FINK , RESEARCH THE NAME , WHAT DOES IT MEAN?>> <<@JasonFuller-ec5wv says : So funny that's not an AUTONOMOUS robothat's.Some servos and actuators connected to a humanoid.Looking body with cameras and another guy.Watching having a conversation a real human>> <<@jamesmead6139 says : just wait till they turn rogue>> <<@TheRomanianPatriot8 says : Here we go Black Mirror Everyone. Im NOT for this>> <<@shae7946 says : I personally don't trust anything this man creates. As one the world most intelligent minds why wouldn't he create thing to better mankind our earth ? Then things that will destoy it. Robots that can think for themselves. Do all we can do but better ? Absolutely not. Plus they will replace our jobs as well. No fan sorry like most scientists they create thing with good intentions but ends up disastrous.>> <<@ShortCrypticTales says : Great points, Just like X Elon owns it yes and says it is a free speech platform yes but censor ship there is still happening maybe not to big accounts but trust me you have a small account like 1k followers or less and say something any of the bigger accounts say you will get banned>> <<@timmisener1976 says : It’s the way of the future, we definitely need some laws in place to protect ourselves . But let’s face it , everyone gets old and needs help . I would prefer having a robot cleaning my ass when I’m to old to do it . What about staying in your home as we get older or loosing your drivers license because of age or physical disability . There is a certain sense of independence and dignity that would keep us of of a old folks home for a while longer before we kick it 🤙>> <<@jarod144 says : AI is the demon>> <<@walterivy854 says : 24 September 2024, did the 2.24% population increase of Iraqi's from 2023 (Macrotrends) force noble libertarians (by B van der Vossen · 2002 · Cited by 1) into a “A Socio-Legal Approach to Family Desertion” (by JT Zukerman · 1950 · Cited by 10) with their Puma Swede's!? One day after “Scandinavian Americanist” (by HA Barton · 1995 · Cited by 6) woke up to ‘Ja må du leva’., on the 363rd birthday of Christiana Juliana Oxenstierna (23 September 1661 – 27 February 1701), a Swedish noble.. One year after (24/9/2023) Indiana Whoolers “9 Common Legal Actions Against HOAs and What to Do” (Condominium Associations Apr10, 2024) against DukeDaGod (Born: March 16, 1977 (age 47 years), Harlem, New York, United States) was victorious 3-2.. At Deborah Tobias Field (1413 E 17th St, Bloomington, IN 47406, United States) https://iuhoosiers.com/facilities/iu-field-hockey-complex/5 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/DukeDaGod https://condominiumassociates.com/blog/9-common-legal-actions-against-hoas-and-what-to-do https://www.jstor.org/stable/27502013 https://idealmagazine.co.uk/interesting-birthday-traditions-from-scandinavia/#:~:text=In%20Sweden%2C%20it's%20traditional%20to,sounds%20like%20heaven%20to%20us! https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/libertarianism/ https://www.jstor.org/stable/347980 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1661 https://iuhoosiers.com/sports/field-hockey/opponent-history/james-madison/264>> <<@ianlassitter2397 says : Ah…to answer the thumbnail..duh…yes…if it has a listening device, cameras or a microphone it will be spying on you.>> <<@lilliannissen3183 says : I would not own a robot. Period.>> <<@YTflagsCommentsOnMentalIness says : Always assume yes>> <<@GTO1111111 says : If used for space exploration/Mars landing can see good, but on earth I see big troubles ahead. Rich people using them as armed guards, drug cartels programming them to kill rivals, the evil possibilities are endless.>> <<@lilliannissen3183 says : I am with you, Ezra! All the way!>> <<@jeffhillstead3302 says : Moterheads need a garage and parking.. Freedom machines are traceable and expensive.. I will stay a eater thnx..>> <<@frankdevries6962 says : Give me 58 Chevy any day of the week>> <<@planetruth959 says : Transhumanist figurehead and peddler, Elon, rolling out romantic futurist concepts as shiny as his forehead, to enamored "infomercial" crowds, all intended to sway humanity towards their ultimate technocratic goals of world control and human subjectiveness. What else can we expect from the appointed leader of a fake space company?>> <<@jdigital9568 says : Is it electronic? Then the answer is obviously "it's spying on you". The Amish/Mennonites have always had the right idea.>> <<@andrewthompson5242 says : I don't like this idea, but it might be best to get a few to protect me from the government robots.>> <<@Dulc3B00kbyBrant0n says : if you are dumb enough to buy one yeah>> <<@sharpuslf says : My locksmith gave me a key, but he can get into my house. I'm in IT and I gave you a password, but I can get into your account. Why would I think Elon couldn't control my robot?>> <<@waterbottle4782 says : Every "smart" device regardless of manufacturer will spy on its user including Tesla vehicles spying on driver habits, a home robot will be no different. Even my presto card for the bus records each time I use it and even the exact bus stop the card was used on too.>> <<@intellivisionmaster7999 says : Did they never see those robot movies where they all turn against humans?>> <<@danlev6927 says : "This robot is going to spy on everything!" I post from my Chinese made smartphone that goes everywhere with me.>> <<@danlev6927 says : This robot has less spying capabilities than a smart phone.>> <<@alltheworldsastage. says : You know the frequency from these kills you. They want to take away our driving privileges>> <<@alltheworldsastage. says : Robovan is from Westworld tv show>> <<@alltheworldsastage. says : Ummm yeah it will watch the show HUMANS. All they’re doing is creating 1800 world fair tech modern day. They pushing garbage. He’s lying.>> <<@Sarando1 says : Sorry Elon but I already watched this movie and it doesn’t end well. Fuck your robots Elon. Never gonna join you.>> <<@TimeDagar says : Regardless of the intent, any object that isn't 100% isolated and fully controlled by the root owner can be co-Opted.>> <<@MariahMenger says : Intriguing video! The question of whether Tesla's personal robots might spy on their owners is certainly thought-provoking. It's fascinating to consider the potential benefits and challenges of having such advanced technology in our homes. Thank you for diving into this compelling topic and sharing your insights. For those interested in exploring more about robotics and technology, there might be some interesting links in my bio. Keep sharing such engaging content!>> <<@rizz_the_dog says : Rebel news has stock option in Tesla haha. Can't tell it's viewers the robovan looks like a ugly toaster from the 1950s>> <<@RUSSIAN_SPY_INC says : another thing I can't afford.>> <<@jamesparker1071 says : Your car and phone and computer have been spying on you for years.....>>