<<@ArthurCSchaperMR says : We know it's not true, and I see a Living Savior caring for me.>> <<@gwdavey says : Racism affects 0% of my life.>> <<@ashleysanford8645 says : The schools do this to the kids on purpose cuz it makes them easier to control. That's why so many of them have anxiety problems!>> <<@rebelgreen2398 says : Who is Bea?>> <<@kushkingla7385 says : I had to question climate change when these private jet celebrities still buy beach front property.>> <<@kathybergstrom2873 says : God only knows! We humans have damaged the earth in multiple ways... she just keeps healing and moving on. There will be famines & disease around the world. But I do believe that there will be pockets of mankind that will survive. Trust that God always has a plan, we're just not privy to it.>> <<@abstract1dea says : Has a single climate prediction come true? Even one? And yet, the answer is always and only additional government control.>> <<@paulthompson1001 says : We are now on our 3rd set of 12 years since we were first warned>> <<@anastasiaremmes6601 says : It makes me think of the Japanese committing suicide in WW 2 Okinawa, because they were told Americans would eat them. Propaganda is powerful! Stop watching it!>> <<@robertmarmaduke186 says : 3W clay and straw beans and tortillas is Zero Carbon. When they move to the 1W, they join TheGreatHive 48 tons of CO2 per year per person. *So Härris- Mäyorkäs 9 million 'climate refugees'(sic) added 485 GIGATONS of CO2.* Every year more. _Forever!_>> <<@bryantmorrison3299 says : Fear is an effective tool to control the masses and drive desired outcomes.>> <<@malcolmluff6273 says : Waterworld 1995>> <<@kelikini14 says : Thank you Dennis for being a much needed voice of calm measured reasoning! Blessings to you and PragerU ❤>> <<@thomasharrold5556 says : Al Gore, obummer and others are GRIFTERS. They're making BIG Money off of ignorant people by lying about climate change. Obummer bought a MANSION on the ocean coast line. While All the time crying about climate change. Al flies around in a private jet crying wolf. And the Leftist Media plays along.>> <<@Elohims1 says : Jesus loves her❤>> <<@aisecoohiocraft7337 says : The left doesn't care about actual individuals. Their radical ideologies are more important than autonomy and freedom.>> <<@throckmortensnivel2850 says : Liar!>> <<@MemeRider says : The Gospel! Jesus Christ loves you and died, rose from the dead, and ascended to heaven to pay for your sin! Repent and turn to Him and you will walk in light and be saved. Read the book of John and Luke to see God's love for you!>> <<@oO-_-_-_-Oo says : Intelligence is beautiful.>> <<@theoriginalmonstermaker says : An interesting take, since 90% of the content on the channel is designed to anger ppl about things that are MUCH less relevant than the destruction of our planet. And no, "science" never agreed on ANY hard and fast outcomes for climate change, and even "climate change" is a foolish and self- absorbed way of looking at it; it's not about the affect on ANY of us as individuals, it's about a irrevocable alteration of the earth's "health" based on our short- sighted interests. Some of us just aren't narcissistic enough to believe our desires should affect EVERYONE else for eternity.>> <<@oliviamizzi33 says : Exactly! It's not that I'm denying climate change in itself, I'm denying the whole ideology that comes with it. How many "experts" have come out and said we have x amount of time to live, and we're 10 years past that. You're exactly right, it's causing unnecessary hysteria in our culture, and our society. I hope genuinely Trump wins, and I hope Trump gives RFK a high position in his cabinet. He would be amazing for issues like this. He wouldn't waste hundreds of millions of American taxpayer dollars on useless test, and funding programs that have nothing to do with the root cause of climate change.>> <<@caliconservative20 says : When people turn to society as god this is what you get.>> <<@markmabery138 says : I work with a guy who was telling me it started in the 70s with the threat of an iceage. Before my time, I'm not sure if its true, but it fits their propaganda and give excuses to inflict taxes on the people.>> <<@matthewdawson-n1d says : and how bout that hole in the ozone layer? aren't we supposed to be dead by now?>> <<@brayz4boyz976 says : There was a headline about a global climate crisis in the 1920s.>> <<@mikepounds8055 says : When someone keeps moving the goalposts , it’s hard to trust them.>> <<@bryanhauschild4376 says : Ice age coming in the 70’s, flu shots, acid rain, hole in the ozone, global warming, climate change, Covid vacc. What did I miss?>> <<@WorgenGrrl says : Substitute "Climate change" and "Racism" for "The Rapture" and "Satanism" and youbwill have the same level of hysteria.>> <<@danielshougun says : Who is Bea?>> <<@RENEG4DE4NGEL says : The climate is a self-regulating system. More heat makes more clouds which reduce the heat and more rain makes more plants. It all balances.>> <<@ishtarlew598 says : The Globalist Elites use invented catastrophes to control the hearts and minds of the ignorant masses. They push global problems that they say require a global solution>> <<@MrBones-ky6fb says : If the rising sea level was really the threat the alarmists claim it is, Leadville, CO would be full of rich people, and Santa Monica, CA, would be a tent city.>> <<@P2thaR says : The climate grift narrative changes often. That and racism are the 2 most pathetic lefty talking points today.>> <<@oliverbodnar says : AOC is pushing that, "We have 10 years to survive" *BS!!!* The oceans are "supposed" to rise between 1/8 of an inch to 1 inch in the next 500 years! All those who have sinned by breaking the 10 Commandments, blasphemed against the Lord will be in the Tribulation period. They'll have to worry about the oceans rising 1 inch too! The Horror! Dennis, this includes ALL the Judaists that have still not accepted Jesus Christ as the Lord! Quite a few have since October 7, 2023! You must accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, whether you are God's chosen people or not! If you do not and you die your eternity will be spent in extreme agony, anguish and pain!!! While those who have given themselves to the Lord Jesus Christ, will be Raptured up to meet him! Dennis save yourself and your family! Christianity is Judaism 2.0! You don't have to become Christian, just become a follower of Jesus Christ! But you should do it as soon as possible, today would be the best time, like as soon as you read this! 150,000 people die in the world every 24 hours! If you die today and haven't accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, you will stand in front of the Lord, be Judged, then tossed into the Pit, where you'll meet your new father, Satan! I know it's tough for you to upgrade to Judaism 2.0, because you were brought up on the old version, starting from the day you were born. You are being held back by the Ego, Satan's favorite tool!! Put the Ego to bed permanently, accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior, and read The New Testament! John 14:6 (KJV) _Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me._>> <<@mare678 says : ...and in the 1980's and 90's, the mantra was Global Cooling and the next ice age (I was in high school when this began). When that didn't catch on, shortly after the year 2000 they changed it to Global Warming. Now THAT hasn't caused MASS hysteria, so they go with Climate Change. Read "State of Fear" by Michael Crichton. It's all about controlling the population. The easiest way to controll the masses is when they are afraid (remember the terror of COVID-19 in 2020 and 2021?).>> <<@douglasberry7781 says : I don’t mean to brag, but I’ve already survived several end of the world travesties. After they raise taxes on that new end of the world thing, they roll something else out.>> <<@DistortedMindsProduc says : The climate has been changing since Creation in Genesis.>> <<@stevecook413 says : There is more than one group/club that have said MANY times they want to see the world population down to one half billion. News flash kiddos THEY DONT CARE HOW THEY ACHIEVE THIER GOALS. By the way that means 15 out of 16 must go>> <<@rosethorns1893 says : 1970/71 acid rain>> <<@estreetangel says : Heck, I remember in the 70's it was over population and an imminent ice-age. I am so jaded at this point with any new planetary doom they are yelling about.>> <<@Mark-in1im says : Much more concerned about looming authoritarianism.>> <<@kathleen1685 says : Sad>> <<@cherylmeri5143 says : I was told the sky was falling since 1974...no one told you till 1990!?>> <<@chrisquiett1776 says : Started in the 70's when they said it was global cooling. Then it was global warming and now it's climate change. The truth is we are leaving the last ice age. So yeah, the climate changes 😂 I think we have been through 3 ice ages, give or take.>> <<@billwhite1603 says : If Kerry and Obama were sincere and correct, Obama's home on Matha's Vineyard would have already been under water. According to them by 2014. Our planet changes.>> <<@peacemaker9807 says : Follow the money.... And who stands to gain more power as well>> <<@loris4142 says : I'm more concerned with garbage/refuse than climate change.>> <<@eddeddesc3717 says : 😢 oh>> <<@sugarmuffin319 says : The hysteria robs society of hope. ❤>>