<<@itzkiblo says : Obama: "When you have someone that grew up like you, went to college like you, understands you". Kamala grew up in middle class America, most black people arent going to college, and she has never lived the struggle life that many black people have or currently do. She was also the one putting black people in prison for weed charges so she could abuse their labor. Come on Obama, I know the Democrats are pulling your strings and forcing you to endorse Kamala bc shes doing so bad, but you could at least make it believable.>> <<@wolpertmommyx4 says : THOUSANDS OF BLACK MEN WERE THROWN AWAY IN JAIL BY KAMALA!!! THOUSANDS WERE KEPT LONG PASSED THEIR RELEASE DATES TO KEEP THEM AS STATE SLAVES!!! THEN COLDLY LAUGHED ABOUT SMOKING WEED!!! SHE WAS THE LITERAL TIE BREAKER- HER VOTE ALONE ENACTED THIS ECONOMY BS- WHICH EFFECTS LOWER CLASS POC MOST! SHE ALSO LEFT BORDER WIDE OPEN NOT ONLY TAKING AWAY JOBS FOR THEM- BUT DUMPING THOUSANDS OF THEM DIRECTLY INTO THEIR TOWNS- TAKING AWAY ALL THEIR TAX FUNDED SOCIAL NETWORKS!! BLACK KIDS SCHOOLS WERE TAKEN AWAY FORCED TO WALK SOME CASES ANOTHER 15-20 CITY BLOCKS JUST TO GET TO ANOTHER SCHOOL CAUSE THEIR DEM LEADERS TOOK AWAY THEIR SCHOOLS TO NOW HOUSE TITANS OF ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS!! LOOK OF THEY WERE ALL TRULY ASYLUM SEEKERS- NO ONE WOULD HAVE A PROBLEM W/ IT!! BUT DIRECTLY FROM DHS & BP OVER 95% OF THOSE WHO HAVE APPLIED DO NOT QUALIFY AT ALL!!! WANTING TO MAKE MORE MONEY IS NOT AN ASYLUM SEEKER SORRY AOCD!!! THAT MAKES THEM ONLY OPPORTUNISTIC MIGRANT WORKERS!! US ALREADY ALLOWS MILLIONS WORK VISAS EVERY SINGLE YEAR!!! THERE'S A LEGAL WAY TO DO IT!! NOW OPENING THE BORDER AND LYING ABOUT IT- BY LAW EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THOSE WHO ILLEGALLY RAN ACROSS OUR BORDER WILL NOW BE KICKED OUT AND BY FED LAW NO LONGER EVER ALLOWED TO REENTER OR COUNTY EVER AGAIN- EVEN IF AT SOME POINT THEY TRULY ARE FLEEING FOR THEIR LIVES!! BC KAMALA ANNOUNCED TO THE ENTIRE WORLD US TAX PAYERS WILL PAY FOR EVERYTHING!! JUST COME IN DOWN!! FREE FOOD, HOUSING, MEDICAL, THOUSANDS DOLLARS USUALLY $5,000+ PREPAID CARDS PER PERSON!! WORST PART- OUT OWN AGENTS ADMIT THEY REALLY CAN'T KEEP TRACK WHO GETS WHAT SO MANY ARE GETTING 2-5 EXTRA PREPAID CARDS- FOR SOME THAT'S LITERALLY $25,000 FOR DOING ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!! IF UR FOOD, HOUSING, MEDICAL, COLLEGE ALL IS FREE- WTF ELSE DO U REALLY NEED THOUSANDS MORE FOR!!?? HELL NOW SHES PROMISING FREE SEC CHANGES!!! LITERALLY PROMISED ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS THE SUN AND MOON WHILE GIVING A BIG FAT FU TO US CITIZENS, OUR VETERANS AND ESPECIALLY A BLACK BROTHERS AND SISTERS!! WTF WOULD ANY OF THEM VOTE HER IN TO KEEP ALL THIS INSANITY GOING!??? HAS NOTHING TO DO W/ MISOGYNY!!! SHE SHOULD GO NOW BUT HER BOXES OF WINE AND GO FIND HILLARY WANDERING IN THE WOODS SOMEWHERE!!! CAUSE THAT'S WHERE SHE'S HEADED!! FYI- MAYBE BLACK PEOPLE WOULDN'T BE AS UPSET- DESPITE HER DIRECTLY DESTROYING THEIR LIVES BUT TO BE TALKED DOWN TO BY OBAMA WHO LITERALLY DID NOTHING FOR BLACK MEN AT ALL!! CLAIMING SOME STUPID TOXIC MALE BS!!! COULDN'T POSSIBLY BE THE FACT THAT SHE'S LITERALLY INDIAN!!?? AS FOR DADDYS SIDE- SHE'S A LITERAL DIRECT DESCENDENT OF THE WEALTHIEST AND LARGEST SLAVE PLANTATION IN ALL OF JAMAICA!!! REALLY WANNA GO THERE!!!??? FYI- ALL INDIANS ARE CONSIDERED CAUCASIAN EVEN SAYS SO FOR KAMALAS MOMMY ON HER BIRTH CERTIFICATE!! AND DADDYS FAMILY ARE DIRECT DESCENDANTS OF IRISH!!!! 😂>> <<@GUNNER67akaKelt says : I don't care what's between her legs. I care about what's between her ears! I haven't been at all impressed with what she's shown us so far. Couple that with her partys' agenda that makes me wanna puke, and there's no way in hell I'd vote for her or any other dem.>> <<@johnjames2470 says : "Somebody who grew up like you, knows you, went to college with you". Obama left out the part where Kamala put you in prison for smoking pot, while at the same time she was smoking pot (she admitted this during a Breakfast Club podcast. Obama also left out the part where Kamala held you in prison longer than your sentence, so California could use you as cheap labor. I guess the devil is always in the details.>> <<@SpinksJinx says : Black people are getting played for fools, she’s Indian..and was raised Indian in Canada. She could care less about Americans.>> <<@Spaceman99966 says : You can hear the pandering in his voice when he says "brothas" "whi-chu" . If there are people that are so in the dark that they cant see thru that level of fakeness we are forever doomed>> <<@lbpalexcool1 says : Obama started the race baiting…>> <<@RussellGrable says : Being part of the gang got them where they are at. And they don’t want ethics or making this country better. All about getting rich. And having the power to stay rich.>> <<@MzFlowerwiz says : Here's an idea... Ask some men, their opinions. Duh>> <<@Soundchaser8800 says : Wow!>> <<@johnschatzlein2589 says : Obama is un-American, don't believe him, ask his chef.>> <<@latanyasolomon4981 says : I am absolutely surprised of this she knows and she definitely melted I'm going to say it again I was quite surprised>> <<@Usqueadmortem says : We live in a world where white libs get more offended by black voices speaking on black voters than the other black voices.. “why aren’t you offended?? Don’t you know you’re supposed to think the way we tell you!”>> <<@johnmcadam7493 says : The RP has gone mainstream.>> <<@PhilMilone-y5n says : This guy didn't help people fot eight years and we all know it oshama should shut the fup he just an entitled person with an agenda and totally creepy to black people go away your not wanted>> <<@scottkeller6917 says : Why can't anyone seem to accept that it's not about whether Harris is a woman or is whatever color she is. It's about that she's completely unqualified and incompetent to be in a position of leadership. She hasn't demonstrated leadership abilities even once. She's not on solid ground. All of her proclaimed stances now are made up. She's fake. Can anyone say even remotely that Harris is the best "black woman" they can find to run for the presidency?>> <<@JaredJuetten says : Thanks, Obama.>> <<@maryjackson9625 says : Obama and Harris grew up so far from a black lifestyle that someone had to explain to them what it was and what black history in America was like. Don't be fooled by the color of their skin. They are far distanced from the black lifestyle, Neither have done anything for blacks in America other than to keep their foot on their necks to keep them down and at the same time make you feel like they are helping us. These people are liars and are not for you.... only when it is convenient to further their lies do they even speak to you. OBAMA/HARRIS... get rid of them.>> <<@qmwolfe says : Thanks for all your hard work!>> <<@kevinpoquette9916 says : He’s having a hard time with this BS good job Obama>> <<@suezzzeee1 says : Obama forgets the coast of collage. and i voted for him the 1st time hoping he was different but alas he was just as bad if not worse.>> <<@williambiggs9752 says : She didn’t grow up with them she was raised Indian not black. Her father just happened to be Jamaican. Ugh I hate Obama so damn much.>> <<@canconservative8976 says : When a "Black" man becomes a Conservative... he ceases to be a "Black" man... instead he becomes a MAN. Only Liberal Globalist Corporation Controlled Democrats continue to identify people BY SKIN COLOR.... to keep you down, to keep you labeled, to keep you in a box waiting for crumbs.>> <<@BG-mr5xv says : Well white people should vote only for white pople.>> <<@stroseable says : SHE WENT TO PRIVATE SCHOOL IN MONTREAL, QUEBEC, CANADA! BOTH SHE AND OBAMA LIFE IN RICH WHITE NIEGHBORHOODS!>> <<@dropdeadfred4220 says : I like how Obama changes his accent just comrade hahahaha>> <<@glenzisko7974 says : Why would anyone take the advice of a corrupt politician like Obama? The guy wasn’t worth much before he took office after he left office suddenly he was worth millions how is that possible. The corruption inside the government is beyond comprehension and not a single person is ever held responsible😞>> <<@Ghostdawg176 says : Listening to obomber talk to me like a child made me cackle. Who does obomber think he is. Not anyone that I’m taking cues from 😂😂😂>> <<@rwpintx says : She is absolutely correct. The other panelists know she is absolutely correct. They are terrified that the curtain has been pulled back & their scam revealed.>> <<@nope24601 says : Imagine if a politician came out, put on a silly accent, and said "White guys, vote your skin color." Shame on Obama and all Democrats for advocating it.>> <<@Joatle says : If men are male chauvinists if they won't vote for Kamala because she's a woman, then what are women who won't vote for Trump because he's a man?>> <<@scottbinns318 says : Obama the Magnificent says: If you don't vote for Kamal Toe, you're not black.>> <<@TheKolen2434 says : 5:58 white girl looks like something from Army of Darkness 😂>> <<@rch4014 says : His fake accent is cringy and sporadic. Ew>> <<@ot2292 says : And he is so boring because he knows he is lying 🥱>> <<@FirstNameLastName-sc2lm says : How do they say your vote matters when they tell you who to vote for>> <<@adamdarling6766 says : She was doing so well...until she played the misogyny card>> <<@jameswestberg6549 says : Why are they lecturing black men? Because democrats have been treating them like sh*t for 300 years, why would they stop now? If institutional racism exists its the democrat party, and now everyone is seeing it.>> <<@Flat10squirrel says : You salute the rank, not the man. This is uncle tom talking.>> <<@eadgbe13 says : Remember black people. Obama knows better than you from his mansion in the whitest town in the US. He’s embarrassed you haven’t been good obedient little black men.>> <<@tammyg9223 says : Now we see where Kamala gets her accents from.>> <<@weird_cds8206 says : They ain't buying it "Brother!">> <<@regolith1350 says : LOL so her message is: Don't single out black men to lecture, belittle, and disrespect. Lecture, belittle, and disrespect ALL MEN equally.>> <<@MLN-yz4ph says : The issue of race in slavery only entered into the discussion after the Western civilization began to question the concept of it. Slavery was always about power not race, that is why the slave markets were some of the most diverse groups in history. Still today people are being bought and sold in those markets around the world including in the US. If these people were really about it they would be putting much more energy into exposing that but no, orange man bad!>> <<@crespmanic says : Pretty pathetic.>> <<@Snakefreebander says : Holy based, that black woman is based!>> <<@austinhess4967 says : Ayo hats off to Nina for speaking some truth!>> <<@Snakefreebander says : Sorry Obama, we know your married to a guy named Mike. Also no one cares about you anymore>> <<@charlesprice7608 says : What has Barack Obama done for anyone in the black community? Why would anyone listen to him? He lives on Martha’s Vineyard he understands your struggles 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣>> <<@zombiemom5088 says : I’m sorry but no one has taken away any body autonomy from women … when an abortion is performed it isn’t the mother’s heart that stops or her body that’s gets ripped into parts to be sold like spare car parts … no one makes a woman have sex or get pregnant.. plan better take more responsibility for your choices … abortion IS NOT BIRTH CONTROL>>