<<@markmabery138 says : Even working 12-hour shifts, I can not name a single teacher who spends more time with our child than my wife and/or myself.>> <<@detch01 says : Both that father and the teacher should be facing child-abuse charges and the school that fosters that loathsome ideology should be facing a multimillion dollar lawsuit. What these people are doing is intentionally destroying society and their goals are evil right down to the core.>> <<@cwilson4097 says : 😂😂😂😂 failure as a dad to your son>> <<@kidsniffer2654 says : People like this should never have access to children>> <<@jimcourt9164 says : The dad is a woke leftist SIMPBOY>> <<@jpdownunder4636 says : Yeah, the teachers can help the kids grow into brainless cretins. The father featured is a very foolish individual.>> <<@jeffnugent7361 says : Home school>> <<@tonyblargh6159 says : He is not a father. Teachers are not parents. And gender ideology is a lie.>> <<@1smallstep says : When my son was in 2nd grade the student school year was 180 days long. The school day was 6 hours long. Ignoring half days, that amounts to 1080 hours. There were 365 24 hour days in that year, 8760 hours. That teacher had him for for just over 12% of that year. That means I had him almost 88% of the year. Sure, he slept part of that time and I worked but still, I got the edge. And my wife was a home maker so she saw him more than me. And she had 30 students, I have one son. Further, she was his teacher one year. He's been my son his whole life. So who knows him? My wife and I or what's her face?>> <<@dcriket9 says : Trans is just like the BORG, they can't reproduce, so they must assimilate.>> <<@claudiafahey1353 says : In a biology class sure. Anywhere else its suspect of a personal agenda which has no place in an area where you are affecting OTHER PEOPLE'S KIDS. These wackaloons have zero concept of respect>> <<@JackPaul-vs3bq says : That man was crying inside. 😂>> <<@tnleeo says : Public education has become less about education, and more about indoctrination. It's been very gradual and has been a decades long thing.>> <<@jamessandlin4406 says : i do not believe teachers are grooming kids into a queer life by accident it isn't a failed education system it is homosexuals and people sympathetic to that choice taking full advantage of the woke disease of tolerance and acceptance of anything education is gone the standards are nonexistent i believe all this without a doubt>> <<@donaloizzo says : HOMESCHOOL YOUR KIDS>> <<@JimmyJazzDystopian says : So sick and tired of this evil>> <<@ericredwings2009 says : He is not a dad. He is a sperm donor. So disgusting>> <<@soulchristen says : If that was my kids second grade teacher, their job would not be the only thing they lost>> <<@seashelle73 says : Horrifying>> <<@johnfloyd5969 says : "When we limit what our teachers can do, i cant imagine the hurt our kids will go through" Bro wtf 😂😂 I graduated hs in 2015 and they didn't shove ANY of this crap down our throats. These kids are coddled to an incredible extreme, no wonder they're so confused>> <<@mariadelamain2520 says : I feel sorry for this man he needs mental help you don't want people like this teacher spending that much time with your child you're the one that's supposed to spend that much time with your child>> <<@chrisfleischman3371 says : The school administration has authority over what these teachers teach. They “limit our teachers”. And what they are cramming down children’s throats is not good for them. They are force feeding them opinions and not educating them on how to discern fact from fiction. Or how to know whether something is true or not. They are not teaching them how to read and write a cogent sentence. Or mathematics and the scientific method. They are teaching them that whatever fantasy they subscribe to is perfectly O.K. Western civilization used to put people who insisted they were animals, or a different sex than what they obviously were, or who claimed to be the queen of England, etc. into asylums and treated them for their mental ailments. Now we have non professionals AFFIRMING their delusions. This father has 168 hours in his week, just like everybody else. The public schools have children for about 40 hours per week. This father should stop abdicating his primary role of raising his child and start allocating more of the 128 hours he has with his child in giving him proper guidance.>> <<@MrsIda says : Obscene.>> <<@Watchdog78 says : This guy is too dumb to have children.>> <<@Muhfuc says : Eww he fuqin nasty>> <<@mikey4g says : This father should have his kids taken away for the child abuse he's advocating for. How dare you, man up and be a real father and tell your son he's a boy and there's nothing that will ever change that!! Then go to the school board remove your son and sue the school for child abuse. This has got to stop! Quit being beta trash!!!>> <<@LAHCAH says : When your kids spend more time with others than you, whose values are they going to have?>> <<@jaf8969 says : That Dad ISN'T protecting his child from the mental manipulation that is being pushed by these leftist. She is going to be very upset when she realizes that she has been lied to and forced down a road with no return to normalcy.>> <<@catherinerivers7883 says : Say "I'm a lazy parent" without saying "I'm a lazy parent.">> <<@adamblock5141 says : Embrace homosexuality- this is what happens>> <<@Robinroochie1 says : 🤮>> <<@JenLvsJesus says : That first father....really got to me because he acknowledges that someone else, I don't care who it is, is spending more time with his children than he is. This should be a wake up call to all parents!>> <<@jonathansands2917 says : You can hear the sadness in that father’s voice as he talks about his son. He knows that he failed his child!! Sad. 😔>> <<@micahorr2077 says : You dont deserve to be a father man sad.>> <<@AriceptIforgot says : It's disgusting that pedophiles and the sexualization of our children are so protected these days.>> <<@laurenwood9084 says : All of these perverts need to get out of schools! Our children are already behind the world in math, science and reading. They need a real education not lessons in how to have butt sex.>> <<@bobhightower9381 says : Such a colossal failure of a man. Even his boyfriends are ashamed.>> <<@ck8191 says : We limit that access on purpose. We also raise our own kids and homewchool.>> <<@thevileness says : The cult is stronger with this one.>> <<@katrinagreen4064 says : Ummmmm your teachers shouldn't spend more time with your kids than you... they have them for maybe 6 hours a day...>> <<@dolfinwriter5389 says : A bald head and a beard do not make you a man--only a male. I think I saw this dude in a video ridiculing white dudes for Kackla.>> <<@garremannen says : That guy should NOT operate heavy machinery>> <<@cherylfisher2707 says : I'm confused by the title.....>> <<@PipeManPeep says : So, let me get this straight... you don't spend enough time with your kids and you leave it to the teachers to indoctrinate them into B.S. unscientific ideologies. And you're happy with that! Hmm. You're a bad parent!>> <<@kevintech7457 says : Take a look at @TheQuartering unfortunately you'll get RATIOED for showing counter thought videos, the quartering knows all about it. Its a shorts genre hes mastered. All i can say is dont get discouraged by bad ratios. Be patient, wait until your audience picks up on what youre doing. God bless Pragur U>> <<@therafter7494 says : Quantity time doesn't equal quality time...>> <<@melissascheller7458 says : This spend more time with your kids comment is dismissive! During the week kids have school, any activities and homework. They should be in bed by 9pm. Parents have only a couple hours a day with them. During the week these teachers are spending more time with our children than we are!>> <<@victorrene3852 says : He's a weird dude>> <<@Infernoblade1010 says : Because of her SECOND GRADE TEACHER>> <<@lloydritchey says : HOME SCHOOL QUIT MAKING EXCUSES>>