<<@babesimmons4017 says : We are sharing this with all we know and asking them to to forward to all they know! We the Majority must stay Loud and Clear with Our Voices and VOTES till November 5th 2024! WE will Prevail Once Again!💙🇺🇸>> <<@Fanouriou says : John 2 15-16 "And when he had made a scourge of small cords, he drove them all out of the temple, and the sheep, and the oxen; and poured out the changers' money, and overthrew the tables; And said unto them that sold doves, Take these things hence; make not my Father's house an house of merchandise." Luke 18. 25 "For it is easier for a camel to go through a needle's eye, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God." Acts 8 20 “But Peter said unto him, Thy money perish with thee, because thou hast thought that the gift of God may be purchased with money." The bible has so many clear warnings on grift, greed and avarice. Maybe this is why so many Christians get conned again and again, because they don't have the innate skepticism or protective instinct of their hard worked money. Unless of course you stray even slightly from their ways, then there are skepticism aplenty even for the ones that want whats well for them.>> <<@movieboymike says : Why don’t Christians act like Christ?>> <<@handlemchandlehandle says : Someone please do a Kickstarter for a Dem-affiliated Bible that meets the specs and costs $2!!!>> <<@davidnonya320 says : More people reading bibles lead to more atheism. Christians never read the bible.>> <<@HappyGermanShepherd-xi5sq says : I love Oklahoma but there really are alot of low IQ people. Almost all of them are on government assistance>> <<@CACOS-ALIVE says : Don’t forget God himself wrote the Bible.🙄>> <<@karlhance9379 says : My mother--a master of the sarcastic, backhanded compliment--would've called the superintendent a "real prince.">> <<@lisaarmijo5620 says : Add another requirement that it must be made in America. 😂>> <<@Kllgg says : “Western civilization”…. The entire thing takes place in a small part of the Middle East>> <<@Desmond-Dark says : Wow Yasmin is out of this world gorgeous>> <<@charlesandcarriepresnell4340 says : Sickening. I am Christian and call BS>> <<@platoonsergeanttracemiller says : Religious Caucasian God worshippers, Christian, Muslim, Jewish, all the same mass insanity. War after war after war, mass murder after mass murder, terrorism after terrorism, genocides after genocide. Taught to you by God worshipping religious Caucasians😜🤪. An adult brain washed infantilism taught by religious Caucasian adult infantiles. This is they always attack, God and guns same as God is great. Billie Bob, Jimmie Joe, Makmuud, Abdullah, Heinrich, Adolf, Ivan Vlad, now Joseph and David too, all frauds, all fraudulence , brain washing, and stupidity of goodness. They all invade, they all attack each other, they oppress, prejudice all others, they all do it, and they have been this garbage for 3000 years. Never believe, that God, would be just, an ancient, Caucasian, Supreme Being, that, is absolute mass insanity to believe, giving what now knows. To think that, a creating God, would be a white male, and omnipotent, with power over the physical universe to start this place, and then control everything everyone, is insane. Insane insane insane. The greatest fraudulence and scientific of all time, religious Caucasians, God worshippers always attacking and trying to harm other religious Caucasian God worshippers! Over and over and over and Over! . .>> <<@Don-ih5dn says : He's helping with the grift. For a possible job in the future.>> <<@bobby9195 says : Funny how many Satan worshipers the young turds support. Democrats are totally evil and prove this daily. You people are sick, twisting the truth and lying about public education. Tell the truth instead of pushing half truths to America. You people are as bad as MSNBC for pushing propaganda.😮>> <<@growthisfreedomunitedearth7584 says : more proof that every trump supporter is a fully corrupted human soul.>> <<@Dystopia3030 says : This is a PTSD nightmare of mine come to life. Does anyone else feel scared of how crazy this is?>> <<@BradleyWeant-k2d says : This lunatic has no knowledge of American history. Our founders were Deist not Christians. Adams despised Christianity and wrote about it's outrageous characteristics throughout his time in government. Jefferson has his own version of the holy book called the Jefferson Bible. Where all the supernatural nonsense was torn out . Like talking snakes, people living inside fish, opening bodies of water all the bullshit in this horrific book. We need to teach children the entire book, like Noah's daughters sleeping with their father and becoming impregnated. Remember let the kids know that God orders the slaughter of multiple trips that were neighbors to the Israelites. Moses offering reminds the men, to save the virgins after battles. I wonder why!!>> <<@DannyBoy40200 says : Board of Director are responsible for hiring people like this.>> <<@ASaund-qb6wy says : Prison for corruption.>> <<@lyannatargaryen3223 says : Meanwhile, the underpaid teachers of Oklahoma are buying pencils, kleenex, and other nexessary supplies for the classrooms.>> <<@CherylBarr-gm2fx says : Go ahead and try to appease the masses but don't White Wash the history of this country by not teaching the history of slavery and you do know that the Trump Bibles mention Donald Trump more than it does about Jesus Christ the one that was nailed to the cross so that you could live!!>> <<@heavyarms55 says : As a former teacher, I would ask this man to support his assertions with references and sources. What part of the law, what part of the statue? He asserts that the Bible is a "foundational document" to understanding our legal system, I would like to hear how that could be argued. As a student I would fail him. He does not support his argument with facts or sources. All he has are baseless claims. Here's some facts for you all: "Religious institutions that use government power in support of themselves and force their views on persons of other faiths, or of no faith, undermine our civil rights. Moreover, state support of an established religion tends to make the clergy unresponsive to their own people and leads to corruption with religion itself. Erecting the wall of separation between church and state, therefore, is absolutely essential in a free society."”. - Jefferson “The path of true piety is so plain as to require but little political direction” - Washington "We establish no religion in this country. We command no worship. We mandate no belief, nor will we ever. Church and state are and must remain separate." - Reagan - for a more modern example.>> <<@sashaorb6279 says : The Bible is NOT a true historical document. This is brainwashing.>> <<@SkullDixon says : I hope people sue his school district for wasting the school budget on the Trump Bibles.>> <<@stecky87 says : He's just trying to justify having bibles in public schools. This has nothing to do with historical importance or context.>> <<@blueovaltrucker says : There's no love like christian hate.>> <<@jmlikesplants says : I hate that you guys keep reposting videos as if it's new information.>> <<@marcusmifflin6941 says : Huh... Sooo, theft from children now... Exciting times we live in. 😊>> <<@keeptruckin5109 says : That CLOWN is sitting beside a flag with a peace pipe and eagle feathers Maybe he should look into their idea of taking care of Mother Earth and their beleafs. It's a lot better than the white man's bible.>> <<@keeptruckin5109 says : Total B.S. get these people out of school boards and anything.>> <<@jjs1990 says : The number of times I have to define grift for TYT is astounding. To grift means to engage in petty scale swindling. If people willingly chose to spend their money on a Trump Bible and they receive exactly what was advertised, that is not a grift as there was no swindling — all they did was pay for a product. TYT really needs to get their shit together.>> <<@Anne6621 says : trump has never read the Bible and if you think he has you are a fool , I personally have never read it and never will and I think religion is total BS and if there is a god he or she would agree and if there is a god he or she would only ask 2 things from us , respect each other and respect the planet , btw we fail at both>> <<@99vargass says : Grifters gonna grift>> <<@michaelbuehler3897 says : There's a grift going under all of this.>> <<@sethmann6397 says : He'd be Sec. of Education. That's scarier on some level than State.>> <<@sethmann6397 says : Pretty sure the Bible precedes the U.S. But somehow it's an integral part of U.S. history. Uh huh.>> <<@michaelg.854 says : Our country is in a downward spiral. We have got to vote these slimey politicians out of our lives.>> <<@halfdeadedlifereturningwit3420 says : $3 Chinese bibles. Maka America great again my ass.>> <<@TheKamilkrawczak says : You need to be antichrist to sell your overpriced Trumpty bibiles to people in need.>> <<@primordial_platypus says : Why can’t the Bible and the US documents be separate? Get Gideons to donate 55,000 bibles and I’m pretty sure you can get the US documents separately and cheaply.>> <<@danki2000daniel says : No school lunches.....but many bibles......wow!!!!>> <<@danki2000daniel says : If im a BILLIONAIRE, and i think schools need bibles.....i would DONATE THEM, not sell them......just saying>> <<@Dreikoo says : If you're not reading the bible in ancient greek you're not even getting the real meaning anyways, these people are all going off of a translation. Like imagine if someone watched a tv show, say, Southpark, in Spanish or German or something, do you think all the jokes and references land the same? That's the deal with any bibles in any language not ancient greek.>> <<@janeking6125 says : Getting a kick back>> <<@andreaspinosi3635 says : 🤡 pagliaccio prezzolato questo signore presumibile che si masturba annusando mutandine, per questo è cosi frustrato. Buffone LIAR shame.>> <<@libnatty1862 says : Are they gonna PROVIDE FREE LUNCH for ALL kids too??>> <<@afre3398 says : Not a word about the Bible need to be printed in the USA. How convenient for the Trump Bible that is printed in China>> <<@IMissMyLadyGarfield says : That's what Sunday School is for! That takes it away from the churches and violates the Christian Faith! Teachers are not qualified to teach that! They must have Seminary training! Even Jesus said that religion does not belong in government control! This is very wrong!>> <<@paulkeiser2186 says : Lucky the tRump Bible is bound in pleather and not leather. Phew>>