<<@selfhelp69 says : Massa' Obama says we hate women. LOL.>> <<@325figgy says : Our former Lefty Black president...blindingly pushing the current, radically Socialist Black nominee... Whodathunkit? 😂>> <<@jermdigital says : Nina turner is becoming my fav politician.>> <<@blastradius9136 says : Obama can go straight to hell lol>> <<@jrryan7195 says : He is looking old!>> <<@mybrotherskeeper2128 says : 'blackety black black sister!" 😂>> <<@royrogers3404 says : Hopefully VP Harris has all her stuff out of the VP office by January 6. If JD Vance has to box that stuff up and put it out on the White House lawn, people like Roland Martin will have a fit and scream racism.>> <<@GODisREVEALINGMuch2023 says : OBAMA is PULLING the STRINGS behind the SCENES. SCAM-MALA (the TOSS SALAD MAKER) is just ANOTHER ONE of OBAMA'S PUPPETS. OBAMA CONTROLLED CLUELESS JOEY & then had 2 FORCE JOEY into SEMI-RETIREMENT.>> <<@LONEWOLF..314-S-T-L says : @ABL ... GREAT FACTUAL TALKING POINTS SIR .. SALUTE 👍🏾 💯 🫡>> <<@LONEWOLF..314-S-T-L says : THEY SECRETLY HATE BLACK MEN .. AN OPENLY HATE BLACK MEN .. FACTS 👍🏾 🫡💯>> <<@simpletruthswithteresa4337 says : And why does Kamala need that teleprompter? Can she not remember her lines? We’ve all heard her say that same tired line, “I don’t ask if you’re a Republican or democrat I ask if you’re OK.” Sounds so lame. And don’t even get me started on that fraud Obama, putting on that faux brother accent. He triggers me.>> <<@Georgiaonmymind862 says : You’re right on, ABL!>> <<@EJ-mm8wc says : Obama is clueless. He cant see that black, white, asian , indian , all people are watching and listening to each other here on the interwebs. Our voices are reaching each other, our races are subordinate to our experiences. Obama's "you misogynist" , much like the "you rascist" response when faced with a thinking person, is mindless and insulting.>> <<@odalisgonzalez6875 says : Now she's trying to speak to the Hispanic community by going to Univision..we're not hearing her either>> <<@kevinsmith2357 says : I think 95% of you are a fake response. Your kinda obvious!>> <<@kevinsmith2357 says : He was addressing the black Republican/ Maga! Don't twist this around.>> <<@mylife-i3z says : I'm a brother voting for the right choice, not the right color. Trump 2024 all the way!!!>> <<@mylife-i3z says : Obama, the difference between this brother and liberal black plantation dwelling black women supporting Harris is this. I don't support abortion and the killing of innocent unborn babies, i don't support high inflation, I don't support man on man relationships, i don''t support woman on women relationships, I don't support war, I don't support high food prices, i don't support high mortgage interest rates, I don't support high credit card interest rates, I don't support high gas prices and I don't support a woman that advocates the killing of unborn children. Furthermore, she hates black men. How many did she lock up? Why didn't she pick a black man/women as her running mate? Why did she marry a white Jew that supports apartheid and the murder of women and children in Israel? That's the difference! I'm a brother voting for the right choice, not the right color. Trump 2024>> <<@FrankDaBank25 says : Obama is a con man. Him and his husband...>> <<@vickydempster7548 says : If I were black I'd be insulted by being lectured and spoken down to in such a manner.>> <<@VolsTime says : Best show! And GOD BLESS!>> <<@loriw5457 says : Glad you are triggered Anthony...most of us were also. 'We' ? " Our neighborhoods' ? Oh please Barry - you were never part of the hood and you live in Martha's Vineyard with a getaway in Hawaii. This imposter who perfected his speaking timber would have also made a top notch preacher (if he had religion) . Nina Turner....she nailed it.>> <<@VolsTime says : Ask yourself one question is life better now. My life is worse.>> <<@VolsTime says : According to Democrats and Obama black people should not vote with your heart. I thought in this country you could vote for you choose know matter what.>> <<@who8480 says : Googled it! Welp! Goes whose parents are from Trinidad? These people wear our skin and try to represent BLK WOMEN FBA..it never fail that they are tethers and anchor babies trying to speak and provide FALSE REPRESENTATION OF BLKK WOMEN. I don’t even think the men that were there with Obama were FBA . Makes me think of ‘US’ the movie. I wasn’t gonna vote but I think I’m gonna vote . Obamas audacity made me chose trump . I was already leaning that way but these demonic democrats need to go home , fired! , done !!!!>> <<@who8480 says : Where are these Blk women coming from.? I don’t know ANY Blk women choosing KH ! These are likely tether children .>> <<@MoragTong_ says : Obama is the reason black men voted for Trump the first time. What did they have to lose?>> <<@MS-ee3cp says : ABL! Love u dude.>> <<@jamesever says : 🦸🏿‍♂️💯🏅Speaking for myself only as a veteran and Super Voter in every election, I have already voted for Kamala Harris and continue reaching out to others to vote for someone who will at least put better judges in the system. Those choice affect people for generations. I VOTED with my educational reasoning ability to support COMMON SENSE. Signed, Now retired after flipping burgers, saluting officers, and teaching students.>> <<@Area-51td3vq says : Trump 2024 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸>> <<@2006chunming says : Osama is so out of touch>> <<@fifiladu2659 says : Parlez-Vous français, oui oui?!? 😂😂😂😂😂 That one killed me, hahahahaha!!!>> <<@DHS956 says : This is disgusting what Obama did to this group of black men he tried to shame them into voting for Camala Harris in the first place she is not black she is Indian also she was I might be wrong but I think she was born in Canada.>> <<@franklee1205 says : 😂😂😂... Grew up with ya ..went to college with ya...☝️🤣...tucked you in bed at night..... Hey bro support your Sis ,(no matter how immoral and in lock step with far left agenda she is with ruining "her country" 😏>> <<@henryjohnson5157 says : All of this is going to do is push the brothers to vote more for Donald Trump because Donald Trump is a businessman and he knows how to run this country. This country is a capitalist country you can’t be weak and run. This country is a business and Donald Trump is about business. Period Point Blank, Point Blank Period! Brothers if y’all wanna vote for Trump vote for Trump if you wanna vote for Kamala vote for her it is your choice as long as you can live with the choice that you make when you vote this is America you have the right to vote how you wanna vote Just make the correct one, so you don’t regret it. But me I’m voting for President Donald Trump 💯✌🏿👊🏿✊🏿!>> <<@wildflower434 says : Excellent! 👍Excellent 👍 That was my far most! Main Reason why I did not voted to Obama. When he was first ran to be the First Black (so call black) President. The marketing, I was not the attracted in voting for Obama because he is black. Not like the rest of the African American groupies who were obsessed in making him The First Black President? As soon as Obama has mentioned, that he supports Same Sex Marriage. Right away, without a thought. I voted for Jesus Christ. I analyzed, that a Black Man or Woman who is running for the office for President. Comes every 4 to 8 years. But to choose the ultimate, solid, tested, experienced, candidate who supports my values and beliefs. It’s hard to find, it’s very rare. But it’s worth to wait and to vote with so much detail thought and care. I knew, Obama was going to present many demonic Leftist ideologies. To launch off with his leftist ideology with Same Sex Marriage. Then it gradually got up to addressed the Transgender issue. That was the Biden and Harris Administration. Then it was the issue of Transgender surgery for children. And then our Children who is being recruited, read the book Gender Queer, by Drag Queens. Threatened the Parents if their Children will be taken away, if the Parents blocks their children from being reassigned. And to notify them to taking hormone blockers, for reassignment. And now, Men is now are permitted to play in Women’s Sports and to consider them as Women. I am so so Blessed That I have NEVER voted for Obama. I so blessed to stood up immediately only in Jesus’s Name. And not being seduced, peer pressured or being naive in voting for color, or identity. That is a demonic trap. This is reason, why our Black men are downgraded in their masculinity. For Obama, never valued their heterosexually, reproduction and for All African Americans to be in a monogamist relationship. I viewed, that Obama is extremely dangerous in experimenting The African Americans culture, by dismissing and disrespected our values. Versus Obama wanted to spotlight the importance of the Gays and Lesbians lifestyle and their relationship, all for their leftist World Order movement. At the expense of our relationship as African Americans. Our role and relationship as Black Men and Women. When you have the first Black Male President, who has done also zero for the African Americans population in his 8 years as President. Suddenly is lecturing only Black Males in demanding for them listen and follow the Black women? Comparing them, against the Black Women is now following Kamala Harris. And accusing them, being so weak as men. Accusing them, the reason why Black Men are so threaten of voting for Kamala Harris is because she is a woman? How dare! 🖕🏾Obama should had a lectured to the Alphabet Mafia in not respecting our Heterosexual Black Reproductive Sexual Rights spaces!!!! For the reasons why many African Americans is racing out from under the Democratic Party. I am so, so blessed that I stood my ground. Definitely was persecuted for voting against this So-called Black man, who is really Interracially Mixed. But, I will not be reaping or sewing, by voting for Obama to open a demonic pandora box. Once it is open, you are held accountable for the all the evil and ugly consequences. That’s the legacy of Obama Administration had presented to everyone. 👿>> <<@bozsquad6146 says : Why is he so skinny??>> <<@chitwnyawdman says : From a strategy point of view, the demz are failing miserably and it's beyond evident. They didn't want Harr!s to begin with, but somebody powerful insisted she throw Bliden under the bus and take the steering wheel. Now everyone is hypocritical, pretending they have her back now. The optics is pitiful that Bama (a Man) had to come to the rescue for a supposed strong powerful leader woman in Harris...that's a clear slap in the face to any pro-woman leadership. Clearly the dems aren't even confident in her, which means, clearly there's a far more powerful entity running the country and the president is a mere face aka a puppet for the true owners of this country. Bama looks stupid trying to prop her up. They all look stupid actually and that's not good. If Trump wins in a land slide that's good in one sense, but if he loses we all know what's at stake and who's truly calling the shots aka who's rigging systems to install their desired puppets. I fear she'll win and or, they're gonna continue to make attempts to delete D0nald if they suspect he'll win or even after he wins. Bama proved once again how much of a divisive n rac!st-like president he is>> <<@deeshannongarrison5115 says : So, it wasn't good enough for him to sow racial division, now he wants to sow gender division too. Obama is a menace.>> <<@Tesmoofficial-ps6nl says : Question for Former President Obama. Since he wants to race bait black men. Who voted for you during your first term for the presidency? Blacks are approximately 13% of the U.S. population. So it’s fair to say that the deciding factor was individuals of other races. I’m sure whites didn’t vote for you because of the color of your skin. So why are you asking black folk specifically black men to vote for Kamala because of the color of hers.>> <<@coupdeforce says : People are coming out of the woodwork to ruin their legacy, for Kamala Harris of all people. I know how terrible these people are, but I still don't get it. I feel like I recognize all of Obama's tells now. Can we get a poker game going?>> <<@gmeech67 says : 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸>> <<@pamelashiflett5281 says : He done built himself a plantation over there in the Hamptons. He thinks all he as to do is tell them what to do? He can lie better than anyone I have ever seen. He turned his back on black America and embraced the gay community.>> <<@dbsti3006 says : Lefties have this uncanny knack for always thinking they speak for others who never asked for it in the first place. One of the most annoying habits that liberals have.>> <<@jusskitten9773 says : The Chomocrat party is Hate ALL Hetero Traditional Masculine men period! They’ve been denigrating us, turning our children against for decades now. F them!>> <<@walterbussink3143 says : He wants his fourth period. Obummer.>> <<@DHodgson says : Hi Anthony, sounds a bit like, you aint black if you don't vote for me.>> <<@richardphillips8316 says : This was one day ago. Not new. And your other video is 3 days ago. Running late on the news.😂😂😂😂>> <<@moeblar3154 says : He isn’t black and he doesn’t look related to any of those gentlemen he’s talking smack to. Red Rover, Red Rover send Barack and Kamala right over…😂>> <<@Lorna-JWB says : The barber shop and the church SMH. Where do they go to meet whites. How about a town hall meeting or rally, and those who are interested in politics will show up or view the video. Harris grew up half her child hood in Candy, and grew up in an Indian culture home. Her parents were college educated economics professor and female research scientist in the SIXTIES AND SEVENTIES. Not the average experience for black Americans or even any middle class American family in the sixties and seventies. She is for years younger than me. Not like us. Obama is a year younger than me, and he grew up part time in a middle class white home and part of the time in an Indonesian-Muslim culture. This isn’t typical for any Americans of the sixties or seventies let alone the black community of that era.>>