<<@pedrolondon7 says : America is a joke - you are no longer the beacon of democracy USA the world is laughing at you. Trump has shown how flawed America is and we STILL have to listen to his toxic bs.>> <<@joeavila8108 says : How embarrassing.... You guys still taking about this...😂😂😂😂😂>> <<@lauraphilage3865 says : He’s an idiot 😂😂😂>> <<@mrmcgruu9934 says : It is just too pathetic listening to Trump`s rambling nonsense and claiming completely ridiculous delusional things that shows that Trump has absolutely NO care for reality or facts what so ever.. . Words don`t mean anything for Trump, facts don`t mean anything, reality don`t mean anything. Trump will literally say and do ANYTHING he thinks will help him at any point, he has no care for if what he claims is true or real what so ever. He has no morals, no ethics, no values, no belief-system, no ideology (neither political nor religious). This deeply flawed and horrible human being is just beyond belief... He has not a single redeeming quality as a human being, just rotten thru and thru... Trump does not care about or believe in democracy as a ruling system (He literally tried to overthrow it, and will do so again if given a chance). He has no care for (Or understand of) the constitution or the rule of law. He is a life long criminal and conman who have cheated and lied and stolen his way thru his entire life without ever being held responsible for his own actions. He is a corrupt con-man who has cheated everyone from customers, supporters, business partners, workers and contractors who worked for him and even his own family-members! Cheating them out of their inheritance and repeatedly cheating on all 3 of his wives (With everything from Playboy bunnies and pornstars... How can anyone claiming to be Christians support someone like that? What shameful hypocricy on their part!) He truly has no shame, no morals, no ethics, no values, no common sense, no sense of right or wrong what so ever. He believes the rules of society (and the laws of the US) does not apply to him. He will (and probably already have) sell /sold out his own country for his own personal gain. Why else would Trump steal LARGE amounts of top secret documents about nuclear programs of other countries? They hold NO value for a private individual other than as bargaining-chips to sell to Americas enemies and competitors... First on that list of course Russia/Putin... (Who probably got information for free from his biggest orange fanboy/admirer Donald Trump. All for a chance to impress his idol Putin. I would bet my life savings that Trump, during his one on one conversations with Putin while in the white house, where Trump REFUSED to allow ANYONE from the American government to sit in... that Trump definitely provided Putin with national security secrets and valuable information and deals that would 100% constitute treason if ever revealed/proven. If we only had a recording of Trumps many one on one conversations with Putin (Both from their meeting in Helsinki and telephone-conversations during his time in the white house and his newly revealed many conversations on the phone after leaving the white house), I bet these recordings would constitute treason on many different levels. Trump is just a horrible human being, shameful, shameless, delusional, malignant narcissist, pathological liar and just the most extreme hypocrite in human history! (And he is singlehandedly US`s most dangerous person, and the biggest national security threat to the country!). The ultimate narcissist and pathological liar, a bottomless pit/black hole where Trump is the only thing that matters. He is such an extreme malignant narcissist that he can not be bothered to even learn anything real about the people he is attacking, so whenever he attacks other people (Usually his political opponents, the media, or just anyone anywhere who states actual facts from reality, as this inevitably will contradict some of Trump`s ENDLESS amounts of different lies on literally every issue imaginable), instead of actually using actual things that fit the person he is attacking, he simply talks about the only person he cares about... that being himself... So to make sense of Trumps insane rants about how horrible other people are (Obama, Biden and now Harris... Whom Trump tellingly claim the exact same claims/insults about somehow..), so to make sense of it, all you have to do is imagine Trump is standing in front of a mirror, talking TO and ABOUT himself... "POFF"... at least some of his rants start to make sense... Just think about it... "Incompetent", "delusional", "demented", "In cognitive decline", "liar", "criminal", "anti-American", "insane", "unintelligent", "horrible human being", "ugly", "Looks horrible", "not well liked/no one likes them", "traitor to America", "corrupt", "Criminal".... All of these things fit Trump better than the people Trump claimed were these things.... And Trump is so lazy these days he is literally just regurgitating the same things he claimed about Biden about Harris... Claiming they should use the 25`th amendment on Harris??? Why??? There is NO logic behind that claim what so ever... other than Trump not caring about reality what so ever, and just saying things he believes will help himself.... It is just pathetic to hear and to know millions of people can hear and see the same thing and think that this guy knows what he is talking about? Trump is so mentally and psychologically damaged and emotionally underdeveloped that he simply can not understand anything from any other perspective other than "How does this affect ME"? and "How can I use this for my own benefit"? And this goes for everything. No matter what it is, Trump can only see things from the perspective of how it impacts himself, and how he can exploit the situation for his own personal gain... This includes everything... "the presidency", "a terrorist attack", "a natural disaster", "a mass shooting", "Any media attention about himself (Positive or negative)", "any positive media attention for ANYONE else, including his own family members, or his own partners or political or business allies".. Yes, Trump has an issue with people around him getting positive media attention... How petty is that? This is because for Trump everything is "a zero-sum game". Meaning there is always a winner and a looser, and Trump will do and say anything to be able to claim a victory, even when it is by attacking or sabotaging a family member or political ally`s positive media coverage. (Because his political ally getting positive media attention means Trump did not get that attention, and that makes the orange baby mad....) Trump has such a fragile ego and low sense of himself that he needs CONSTANT feedback and attention from everybody around him 24/7. And when he does not get it he will do anything to get it (Making him a malignant narcissist, where he will actively harm himself/his own image simply to get attention). He feels threatened by anyone other than himself getting any form of attention of any kind, and he will act out like a petulant child (because that is what Trump is mentally/emotionally/psychologically... Just a petulant child). All relationships in Trump`s head are transactional, even with his own family members (And of course his own wife... theirs is a purely financial arrangement these days it seems)... So Trump does not feel or understand love or affection, if he does not get anything of value out of it for himself it has no value for him... What a sad existence....>> <<@davidirwin1549 says : harris won't face a serious interview with hard questions. Let's see her be questioned by Fox News.>> <<@davidirwin1549 says : Kamala harris is brain damaged. If I hear another explanation to "any" question start with her usual "I was Raised Middle Class" oh yeah - with 2 PHD parents she has "nothing" in common with the middle class !!>> <<@arcomn says : The liberal Democratic Party/DNC in cahoots with the Obama and Clinton think-tanks, nefariously orchestrated the Coup d’etat of the Biden presidency, they coordinated their fiendishly notorious actions and propagandized all the television networks (ABC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, etc) to broadcast 24/7 Anti-Trump rhetoric for the last 7 years, thank goodness the Fox Network hasn’t been corrupted yet, they got most of the other news services turned on Trump. they got all of Hollywood and most of its famous celebrities to turn on Trump (Robert DeNiro, Tom Hanks, Bab Streisand etc). Then if that weren’t enough the DNC discovered the Federal Government, despite converting the Dept. of Justice and the FBI to side with them, wouldn’t or didn’t have a case against Trump to prosecute so they conspired and recruited state and local prosecutors, who were eager to become famous, and weaponized their agencies to file bullshit charges against Trump with hand selected Anti-Trump judges, prosecutors, and a tainted jury pool to convict Trump!! This was a scheme taken out of the playbook of Stalin and Hitler. Then the DNC fabricates shit like Russian Collusion against Trump and the Libtard media runs with it without verifying it as these news sources are overzealous with destroying Trump! Then, if this weren’t enough, the DNC puppet media players have broadcasted their anti-Trump hate and finally brainwashed and incited some 20 year old numbnuts into trying to assassinate the guy!! And these so-called democrats who have excelled in gaslighting the weak, old, and simple-minded are worried about our democracy if Trump becomes president??? 
..”Don’t Piss Down My Back and Tell Me It’s Raining! DNC’s brainwashing tactics don’t work here!!!>> <<@dianaharshey2217 says : He is incompetent,!!! Niden was defeated so trump could win!!!!!>> <<@VincentRodriquez says : WHY NO DEBATE? DONALD TRUMP IS CHICKEN 🐔>> <<@davidandrews9333 says : See there a double standard Trump can be dumb and Harris has to be smart.>> <<@michaelstevers6032 says : Cenk, if you know anything about the Civil War and the history that conflict, the majority of those confederate soldiers weren't slave owners and didn’t fight to preserve slavery. There was a compromise after the war. The south agreed the Union should be preserved and the North agreed the south fought for something they believed in. When Trump said good people on both sides he meant people who were honoring their ancestors who fought in that war and not the KKK or neo nazi factions.>> <<@MarkCletus says : Trump and the GOP doesnt give a damn about immigration, fentanyl deaths, the destruction of democracies or our allies. He's a complete disaster. Here's *proof* how vile the right and Trump is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bkDZNjWovXw https://youtu.be/PHE_mKdwxhs?si=jxNQdnW6j19iezqo&t=621>> <<@MarkCletus says : Despite Biden's shortcomings in handling the Israel situation, Trump, the GOP, and Russia are worse. The Palestine conflict has resulted in 40k casualties, whereas approximately 200k Ukrainian and 600k Russian casualties. Take it from the horses mouth. Russian propaganda openly acknowledges its ambitions to invade more countries and its LITERALLY their mission to destroy democracies. Recently, the U.S. Department of Justice uncovered a covert campaign where Russia used the state-controlled media outlet RT to funnel $10 million through a U.S. media company. This company, in turn, paid prominent right-wing influencers to spread Kremlin-aligned propaganda. The campaign is part of Russia’s ongoing efforts to influence U.S. policy and public opinion, particularly ahead of the 2024 election​. Politicians of the right will get vaccinated but when on air will openly lie and peddle conspiracy theories. Twice as many republicans died than democrats after the vaccines came out because of the right wing medias culture wars to distract for the corporate elite.>> <<@MarkCletus says : Vance called Trump Hitler, openly lies about democrats supporting abortion up to the moment of birth, calls a pregnancy from rape an inconvenience, and lied about Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear saying he said he wished for a member of his family to get raped knowing he was referring to him having to deal with an unwanted pregnancy. Regarding his military service and the stolen valor accusations of Walz, it's nonsense. Vance wasn’t asked to "serve" in that ill-conceived war, he didn’t have a choice. JD served in public affairs rather than on the front lines. As a junior enlisted Marine at the start of the Global War on Terror (GWOT), his options were to deploy as ordered or face a Court Martial for desertion, dereliction of duty, and other charges, potentially landing him in Leavenworth at the USDB. Walz was close to retirement when 9/11 happened but delayed it for another four years. As a Command Sergeant Major, he wasn't going to be out on patrol; he was focused on performing the high-level duties expected of someone at the E9 rank. If there had been a significant need, he could have been placed under “stop loss” and prevented from retiring. At his age he was eligible to retire which is the typical retirement age that is a common decision for many, but more notably, he retired to run for Congress on a platform focused on ending the war. He campaigned by highlighting the devastation caused by the war and later voted to bring all troops home within 90 days. He could have retired earlier but he stayed in longer. He submitted his paperwork for his Congressional run in early 2005. A few months later he submitted his paperwork for retirement, a few months after that is when the deployment orders to go to Iraq for his Battalion came out so he didn't know in early 2005. Later that year there would be deployment orders. Trump is a literal draft Dodger. He avoided service in the Vietnam War through student and medical deferments. He said he got a medical deferment for a bone spur in a foot but couldn't remember which foot. When he talked about it in 2015 he reportedly called soldiers who died in war suckers and losers and he also called his sex life in the 80s his own personal Vietnam. Contrary to the right wing media lies and propaganda there is no policy requiring tampons in boys' bathrooms; instead, the law provides menstrual products in gender-neutral and girls' bathrooms. Democrats are never advocating for switching genders to those who do not want to. Consider this: Would you prefer being with a person who you dont know what is like on the inside because they are keeping it a secret? They will feel comfortable with who they are and you get to know what they are really like.>> <<@MarkCletus says : Trump supporters have attacked figures like Nancy Pelosi's husband, an incident Trump later mocked, and even attempted to kidnap a Democratic governor after Trump publicly criticized her. Despite this, the claim is that Biden and Harris have been the true instigators of violence. Trump has encouraged and laughed at violent actions from his side numerous times. When he warns people about danger, he’s only concerned when it affects him. He jokes about Pelosi's husband being attacked with a hammer but takes offense if anything happens to him, showing clear hypocrisy in his reactions to political violence. Trump tweeted that Pence "didn't have the courage to do what should have been done" to stop the certification of the election. Which in 60 court cases later, failed to provide any evidence. In December 2022, Donald Trump suggested that the U.S. Constitution could be disregarded, stating that a "massive fraud" allows for the "termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution." Making Trump and the GOP the biggest threat to American democracy in modern US history. After Donald Trump learned that his supporters were chanting "Hang Mike Pence" during the Capitol riot on January 6, 2021, former White House aide Cassidy Hutchinson testified that Trump showed indifference or even approval. According to Hutchinson, Trump reportedly said, "He doesn’t think they’re doing anything wrong" and expressed that Pence "deserved it." When told that his supporters were armed, Trump allegedly said, “They’re not here to hurt me,” further fueling concern about his stance on the mob’s actions. Most acts of terror in the US are caused by right wingers. Something the right wing media makes sure to not inform its viewers to distract them for the corporate elite.>> <<@MarkCletus says : Elon is a fake free speech warrior https://youtu.be/dD3jfqbI3SI?si=kZulHBb4KZov3i33 The Cult of Musk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z0PHv3E8jpY Elon has always been political with hidden agendas https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yaTUxTT8-2I Elon Musk I'm F**KD Prison Sentence https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ooXA3GFWBLk>> <<@MarkCletus says : RFK Jr. said Trump was "a terrible human being. The worse [sic] president ever and barely human. He is probably a sociopath." He criticized President Trump for failing to deliver on his promises to American workers. He accused Trump of promising to revive manufacturing, raise wages, fix trade deals, close tax loopholes, and support small farmers, but instead, catering to the interests of the Republican establishment. According to RFK Jr., Trump's achievements primarily benefited wealthy individuals like Jeff Bezos, deregulated industries for special interests, and provided advantages to large agricultural conglomerates. RFK Jr. pointed out that Trump allowed influential figures from the Bush-era GOP to dominate his administration, appointing lobbyists from the oil, gas, coal, and pharmaceutical industries to key positions. He also criticized Trump for supposedly supporting small farmers but ultimately funneling funds to large agricultural corporations. He highlighted the social unrest during Trump's presidency, noting the significant rioting and looting, and accused Trump of inflaming racial tensions and failing to maintain public safety. Instead of addressing the chaos, RFK Jr. argued that Trump allowed Democrat-run cities to burn for political optics. On foreign policy, RFK Jr. condemned Trump for unilaterally withdrawing from the intermediate-range nuclear missile treaty with Russia, which destabilized relations and exacerbated tensions between Ukraine and Russia, leading to war. He also criticized Trump's appointments of neoconservatives like John Bolton, HR McMaster, and Robert O’Brien, suggesting that Lindsey Graham might become his Secretary of State in a second term. RFK Jr. further accused Trump of bombing Syria, killing an Iranian general, and failing to end the war in Afghanistan. He blamed Trump for initiating lockdowns during the pandemic, which he said led to the closure of millions of small businesses and a significant transfer of wealth to billionaires. Lastly, RFK Jr. claimed that Trump did little to address the opioid crisis, which worsened during his presidency, while his appointees were aligned with the interests of big pharma. He concluded by warning that a second Trump term would likely bring more of the same. In his words "If you think a second Trump term would be any different, you are engaging in wishful thinking.">> <<@MarkCletus says : There's a man that engaged in an insurrection
. do you approve? And SCOTUS delays There is a man in New York that tried to hide his past before an election ... do you approve? Convicted on 34 counts There's a man that rapes a woman and molests others... do you approve? Adjudicated $92 mil What if a man keeps secret sensitive files in unsecured ways.... do you approve? And his judge delays indefinitely What if a man conspires to steal votes... do you approve? 4/19 plead guilty What if a man cooks the books and steals from the people... do you approve? Adjudicated $463 mil These are just 6 undisputed questions. Is this the type of person you will support at the sake of losing your own respect? Drumpf: three times this year he has been adjudicated as a sex offender, company fraudster, and now faces 34 class E felony charges with up to 4 years in jail for falsifying records to cover up his infidelities prior to the 2016 elections that may have changed the result of who would be president of the United States of America! So much for election integrity. 2016 election campaign: five of Drumpf's staff were found guilty of crimes that were used to help Drumpf become president, only to have Drumpf pardon them. 2020 election campaign: five of Drumpf's staff have pleaded guilty to their part in trying illegally to change the outcome of the election, and nearly 55 more people have been indicted in five states for their part in trying to overturn the election with the fake electors. In business: his personal lawyer was found guilty of crimes related to the 2016 election. The CFO of Trump Co. was found guilty of financial crimes in the company's name and has been to prison twice due to these. The GOP contender for president has announced that in the event that a delinquent NATO country gets invaded by Russia, he "would encourage them to do whatever they like." Article 5 has only been used once, and that was after the September 11 attack on the USA. Is this the true "Manchurian candidate" via the Kremlin? FAKE NEWS has found its father, Mr. Pecker of the "National Enquirer," and Donald Drumpf is its GODFATHER. I wonder what Daddy and Granddaddy would say about their prodigy turning their name into a term that will go down in history as rich people begging; let's call it "TRUMPING FOR MONEY." I think Little Donald, going by his latest rallies, must be using "Baby Shark, doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo" to hype himself up with before the rallies, what do you think? Not that this has anything to do with the election (he is not a politician) or the computer from hell, but for the record, Hunter Biden was found guilty of three felony counts regarding his 2nd amendment by misreporting on a firearm license. 05/23/24: US Inflation Rate is at 3.36%, compared to 3.48% last month and 4.93% last year. Real gross domestic product (GDP) increased at an annual rate of 1.6 percent in the first quarter of 2024, January 2020 2.5%. The U.S. job market expanded in April for the 40th consecutive month, but at a slower pace. 175,000 new jobs were added in April, unemployment rate 3.7%, May 272,000 nearly 100,000 over expectation, January 2020 2.5%. The Dow posted its all-time high during trading on May 16, 2024, reaching a peak of 40,051.05 points making 401k higher, under Trump on January 2020 28,600. The reason you feel poor is that Drumpf and Lara at the GOP keep asking for your last dollar.>> <<@eai554 says : Look, trump is a moron; he is about as stupid and uninformed as they come. None of that matters to his cult because they are as stupid and uninformed as he is. Your show is wonderful, but you are preaching to the choir. What needs to happen to get these points across is for the mainstream media, across a wide political spectrum, to conspicuously broadcast just how stupid, incompetent and unfit trump is. But that, of course, won’t happen. I appreciate what the NY Times has done recently, but it’s too little, too late.>> <<@Missunderstood103 says : "whose 3rd in line?..." Me:"Venkman! Dr. Peter Venkman. I mean, let's be real.Its October. Who ya gonna call?" đŸ‘»>> <<@Richard-s6h6x says : Why would anyone with. a brain think he is capable of any thought process! He's stupid!>> <<@ruthloftis124 says : Trump is an idiot>> <<@niklasthulin6816 says : And its something that this channel is named as it is regarding the history. Should someone start a channel named SA? Nah then your blood veins would explode. But some genocides in history is not that bad if it fits your narrative and you origin from that people. And dont take me for a fool that you named this channel TYT without knowing the history about who they where and what they did.>> <<@kevinm3751 says : You have to be one serious MORON to believe Trump said ANY of this! Cenk is one of the dumbest idiots to ever be handed a mic. Have to ask if he was educated in the same school as Kamala?>> <<@KARENTrumpIsABISH says : There should not be an argument when it comes to the Constitution n Democracy. We can puffs n huffs but the soul of our country is sacred! Period!>> <<@niklasthulin6816 says : Cenk, youre 50+. Why do you behave like a baby in atleast 75% of all videos i watch with you, and you even if it was a longshot tried to be the dems nominee. it would be a so awesome show if any humorshow like south park made an episode about you as president. When Putin Calls to congrat you to the win and you answer "uhuhÀÀhuhauajaha and you ARE THOUSAND TIMES WORSE". That you are a bit special Cenk is a bit funny even if you have had a silverspoon up where the sun never shines and speaks for the american workers, what do you have in common with a oilrig worker or someone from teamsters. But your co host, does she have problem with addiction or her mental health? its not fair to put a ill person infront of a camera with 6 mn followers.>> <<@acool925 says : This is all disinformation. Young Turks are 100% wrong.>> <<@careerminorleaguer42 says : Is there anyone on Trump‘s former staff that still supports this cancerous grundle?>> <<@Giovanni.camolino says : Making something out of nothing. That was so light hearted and they were joking around. Relax guys😂>> <<@bobd5119 says : An interesting experiment would be to ask voters exiting the polls who is third in line. And also who is fourth.>> <<@vegavapp says : Shouldn't the title say "facts" ??? This is just one of many .... js.>> <<@worrywart1311 says : For someone who says he's "like really smart", in reality Trump is incredibly, embarrassingly dumb.>> <<@thomasrogers9146 says : MOST AMERICANS HAVE NO CLUE ON HOW PUR GOVERNMENT WORKS. THIS LEVEL OF IGNORANCE ABOUT CIVICS IS DANGEROUS..TRUMP IS IGNORANT ABOUT GEO POLITICS AND EVEN HOW GLOBAL TRADE WORKS.>> <<@76ersALLDAY says : What happened to Oscar?>> <<@rogerjessie4137 says : Would somebody please explain to Mr Chump next time he says something about Biden and Harris being worst in history that 154 presidential Scholars voted him Mr Chump bottom of the barrel number one worst president in history up to now!Go git em Chump!đŸ‡ș🇾>> <<@safarijoejnr534 says : Cenk you lose yourself completely when you talk about Trump maybe don't talk about him and just talk about policies maybe you might understand why he has alot of support.>> <<@jesserush793 says : This guy can't pass 4th grade civics but millions of people want him to run the country.>> <<@Bob-sz9bl says : CENK YOU SHOW IS A SINKING SHIP😂>> <<@funkythangzprod3446 says : Noooooo Let's talk about Ana who had enough of you wicked Demoncrats!!!!!>> <<@LaHermitess says : I am Canadian born and raised, a Grade 12 graduate (thanks to Summer School), and did not complete Grade 13 (which no longer exists). I worked in clerical office jobs for 40 years and have never had the slightest interest in the politics of any country (including my own) other than a morbid fascination with the impact of Trump on America. Even I have always known (without Googling,)that the succession to the presidency is President - Vice President - Speaker of the House - don't know who is next - and Secretary of State (in 5th place). How can any American who attended public school, never mind claiming a degree from a reputable university, and who has actually been president of the United States for a full term, conceivably not know who succeeds the VP as President if necessary? I am now just waiting to see if he claims it was a a joke, sarcasm, or simply that he was misheard when he is hopefully called on this monumental example of his gross ignorance.>> <<@absolutdevil9705 says : how much money did DNC paid you Çenk>> <<@Steve-lk1eb says : JD Vance won’t hesitate to use the 25th amendment against Trump if he gets elected that’s for sure.>> <<@shannonfergusson978 says : Trump can't look anything up. He doesn't know how to read. He also can't retain anything info that isn't about him.>> <<@jasonhaines5982 says : "Fine people on both sides" Maybe he said that because he could understand that very rarely is any situation as bkack and white as being right and wrong. Cenk just because your 2 dimensional minded way of thinking cant look at a situaion any deeper than good guy/ bad guy thought process doesnt mean that nobody else can think more about it. Tru,p talks about illegal immigantscomjng over the southern border. But again cenk and his surface level way of thinking stirkes again. If tou cant think past the first thought then your not intelligent enough to talk listen to trump speak and understand anything."immigrants are brown normally donald trump is white trump wants to get rid of mexicans" And when trump asked who the third in line is, ne wasnt talking about by the books. He was refering to who are the democrates going to slide in because we all know they wont let Johnson and hold this election.>> <<@JeffSoncrant-or1fg says : What a dumb ass. Of course he doesn’t know. He doesn’t read, he doesn’t study, he doesn’t care. Just wants to be dictator. A big old sweaty, orange, dictator>> <<@4idhero798 says : Trump doesn't care about order in general. Trump doesn't give af about the electoral process, the Constitution, laws that safegaurds our government institutions, or any of that. What makes you think he would know the order of succession when he doesn't give a flying f to get to know basic civics?>> <<@hudsle says : Congress doesnt deal with the 25th Amendment. Trump's own administration however, considered using it on him within months of his taking office. Trump's reasoning for it being used on Biden/Harris is, in itself ridiculous. What do you expect from a guy who thinks the Constitution is in a "foreign language"?>> <<@georgef8026 says : You guys talk about how the democrats need to step up and take accountability for their failures then follow up with an out of context clip that’s been proven wrong so many times Trump: "I'm not talking about the Neo-Nazis or the White Nationalists because they should be condemned totally. I'm talking about people other than the Nazis or Nationalists who were treated badly by the press.">> <<@michaelsamra3171 says : Trump is well aware that the house speaker is 3rd in line for the presidency if, by some rare occasion, both end up getting killed which has never happened. Just because he mentioned Mike Johnson, Trump is reminding people that if we got rid of Biden and HArris with the 25th amendment, Mike Johnson would be the 3rd in line.>> <<@Crank-u6j says : He's the smallest man on the planet with the smallest brain.>>