<<@DJAnderson-h8q says : Register to vote at Vote.gov Help spread the word.>> <<@MrSirkin says : I love Dennis Prager but there is another contry targetted for annihalation - South Korea, targetted by North Korea, which is subsequently ostracized from most of mankind, unlike Iran which gets a slap on the wrist and USD cash handed to its other hand simultaneously>> <<@jklein0079 says : Hm, the "Teachers are armed" signs is an interesting take. Maybe it would deter shooters, maybe not. I think making parents liable for prison time if their kid shoots up a school will also decrease shootings as well.>> <<@lisawhite2431 says : Once again you are incorrect,Dennis,there are many cases of people claiming to have diseases to get money. They set up give send go accounts & people give them thousands of dollars. I can't believe you have never heard of this.>> <<@lisawhite2431 says : That's the point,Dennis,none of us can be perfect through works, that's why we need a savior,Jesus. Atheists should not hope they are wrong because they are facing a eternity of punishment where as they believe they will just die & thats it.>> <<@Bothorth says : Proper countries have right-of-way.>> <<@raphaelrae8186 says : It's an even bigger hypocrisy because to justify not fighting evil, people say "don't make a fight", "don't make problems", "we need to keep the peace" etc.>> <<@jhljhl6964 says : Islamic theology is antisemitic.>> <<@purpleflame334 says : Thank you for everything you do! Am Israel Chai 🇮🇱!>> <<@KicksonButt says : This episode is probably one of the funniest ever>> <<@chrissi3193 says : Only one country on earth is God's showroom. Only one nation on earth is explicitly, ceaselessly blessed throughout it's millennia ,as set out in the Bible. Only one people are chosen to maintain God's grace and standards,despite itself and it's frequent failings. This land is Israel , this people are the Jews. And a raging,envious world spits venom at you,as the Bible says it will But you win. And ,because we have Jesus? We sneak in too! Love from Britain.>> <<@TickedOffPriest says : Jesus has fulfilled countless Old Testament prophecies, including that He will be called "Mighty God".>> <<@susanrowe7617 says : I know a woman who actually did lie about cancer without going to a Dr. She looked like she was sick but it turned out that she was messed up on drugs that were making her look emaciated.>> <<@onlylexus says : So that you may eat the flesh of kings and commanders and mighty men, of horses and riders, of everyone slave and free, small and great.” Then I saw the beast and the kings of the earth with their armies assembled to wage war against the One seated on the horse, and against His army. But the beast was captured along with the false prophet, who on its behalf had performed signs deceiving those who had the mark of the beast and worshiped its image. Both the beast and the false prophet were thrown alive into the fiery lake of burning sulfur.… Berean Standard Bible · Download>> <<@sergeyzhukov1603 says : Stop Supplying Ukraine Help Israel Win>> <<@Psycnosis says : Literally no one in today satanic region is fighting for peace they all fighting for their version of evil. They are not all equally evil but they are all evil>> <<@ILHoneyBadger says : It's a spiritual battle. The reason our enemies hate Israel is the same reason abortion is the number one issue among those same people. It's a spiritual battle.>> <<@discomon says : I think both sides are equally guilty!>> <<@0_3_6_9_0 says : Incredible fathers: Nelson Mandela, Abraham Lincoln, Mahatma Gandhi First PM of Israel: David Ben-Gurion (1948), First PM of India: Jawaharlal Nehru (1947)>> <<@somerandom3247 says : to answer the questions in the title, Ukraine, and clearly Israel at the moment.....>> <<@okamichamploo says : When you ask if an atheist hopes they are wrong are you excluding the understanding of a Christian god that sends non-believers to an eternity of hell? Cause as an atheist I would have to ask what type of god I'm wrong about. If I'm simply wrong about consciousness ending at death and actually we exist for all eternity in a relative state of bliss, than sure I would hope I'm wrong, but that's not what most theists present. If you're talking about a scenario where some people continue to exist in bliss but a large majority are infinitely punished for a finite crime then no I don't hope I'm wrong. That'd be like asking you if you hope you're wrong about the prophesies of Islam that say all Christians who rejected Mohammad will be punished for eternity. There's nothing intellectual dishonest about not hoping for that.>> <<@martinaltmann4031 says : Russia or rather Putin DOES want to annihilate Ukraine, as he considers them to not be a people of their own, but a lesser form of Russians who have been led astray. Therefore the artificial construct called Ukraine (in his mind) needs to be abolished and the Ukrainians reunited with mother Russia. What is the difference to the situation concerning Israel though, and here I concur with you, is that Hizbollah, Hamas and their ilk want to destroy the Israelis themselves, I.e. the Jews and not inly their nation state.>> <<@Sergebk says : You are wrong about Russia and Ukraine. Just listen to Russian state television. Russia absolutely wants to destroy Ukraine and its people.>> <<@salehmalaeb4788 says : It is shocking that anti-Israel propaganda has crept into the church....what is happening in the world?>> <<@travincal1 says : I support Israel's right to exist but I don't support their right to bomb innocent women and children. The real question is, does Israel support America's right to exist? They certainly don't appear to support our right to have a secure border despite them demanding theirs be secure. They don't want immigrants from 3rd world countries but are happy to send them here. I certainly don't support Hamas and their disgusting tactics but I don't think you fight a monster by becoming a monster. Why are jewish people only 2.4 percent of the US population but run Hollywood, the White House, politicians, the MSM, big pharma, the military industrial complex and have hundreds of groups to protect jewish people and their rights in this country yet white people who built the US have ZERO? I'm just asking questions that somehow make me antisemitic just for asking. I'm all for jewish people and their own state..... I'm not a hypocrite though so I believe Americans are entitled to the same.>> <<@rebootzat1691 says : Well ... As hamas is most likely financed by nazisrael so that their terrorist action play the role of a false flag attack to legitimate a genocide on civilian population.... I would say civilian population were rooting for peace before the foreskinless Nazi decided to put his plan of extermination into action after the terrorist he financed did their job ... Satanyahu wants total control over there and is now attacking Lebanon... He just instrumentalize the suffering of wwii jews which is just abject and nothing more than shitting on their memories Bottom line is israheil is the biggest generator of antisemitism nowadays and i do fear the worst for all my jewish friends that never asked for any of this and have to watch while the monstrous crime are pretended to be done in their names>> <<@merlinwizard1000 says : 49th, 10 October 2024>> <<@tylosenpai6920 says : Okay, i'd like to hear some thoughts on the Israel Palestine satellite image...>> <<@PietStassenAdamastor says : 💥JEWS & CHRIST. Christians and Jews debating faith in Christ as the de facto Messiah probably would benefit greatly by reading Romans Chapter 11 (New Testament) together. The divine theological symbiosis between the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the Law of Moses is too mysterious and complex to resolve with "Do you hope you are wrong?" type questions. The Shoot (Christianity) grafted into the Olive Tree (Israel) is supported by the Root (Judaism) and not vice versa.>> <<@tonkajahari3010 says : PragerJu cares more about Israelis than Americans. It’s essentially a jihad operation, but for mossad.>> <<@tonkajahari3010 says : They wrestle against god, still, and always.>> <<@ReaseySeng says : Have your parents ever teach what right and wrong.>> <<@roblangsdorf8758 says : The question was if Jesus was the messiah and if he was correct in saying that the only way to the father was through the payment for sin by his sacrificial death on the cross would you get there? Good works are not enough since we all fall short of fulfilling the law.>> <<@TruthwillsetUfree1 says : 19:07 the people in the room should have been honest. No it wasn’t clear. The question wasn’t what are the consequences if you are right? The question was more along the lines of what if you’re wrong??>> <<@maxwell8758 says : Im and atheist and I surely do not hope I’m wrong. First off, the gods of every religion I’ve seen are completely evil and I do not wish for them to exist. Secondly, I don’t need nor desire to live forever, and prefer a finite life in this beautiful universe than an ugly one for eternity. Also, there being gods wouldn’t make the universe meaningful it would demean it. Lastly, why do you associate gods as the only way there could be life after death? How do you know there couldn’t be some strange phenomena that causes an afterlife anyway like the Buddhists believe.>> <<@billwhite1603 says : I don't agree with everything Denis says, but he is awesome and funny. People like him are our limited chances to save our youth and country.>> <<@TruthwillsetUfree1 says : 18:05 actually… Genesis 17:1>> <<@yellowstonekv959 says : I love Israel, my Jewish friends.....and ESPECIALLY Dennis Prager! His knowledge is unsurpassed and he's comical too (funny ending 😂)>> <<@zakmilad9681 says : https://youtube.com/watch?v=d8NMp1f7naA&si=LHC-qw-oc0HH1CI->> <<@JohnMoore-xf5wy says : I'm old enough to almost remember when Israel was created. That is when these wars ACTUALLY BEGIN, AND THEY WILL NEVER END! UNLESS this one starts WORLD WAR THREE! All because of RELIGIONS! 😡>> <<@thurin84 says : i just want to point out, no facility that allows faculty with CCWs to carry on campus, has ever had an "incident".>> <<@thurin84 says : america is currently fighting annihilation, just not militarily.>> <<@SHARKVADERS says : PRAGERU!!!!!>> <<@scotthansen9081 says : The answer is, decent, no more needs to be said.>> <<@Proximityillusions says : 19:16 “You pay a terrible price if the atheists are right; you pay no price if I’m right.” But what if the Christian is right? That was the essence of the question.>> <<@Mbwave-h8z says : Synagogue of Satan>> <<@zakmilad9681 says : I find it so hypocritical when you say fighting for peace>> <<@leonharrison800 says : Israel and America are the terrorists. Shut down the Dennis Prager white supremacist brigade. America was NEVER GREAT. 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇱🇧🇱🇧🔥🔥>> <<@Theshamanomar says : There is simply no such thing as “fighting for peace”. not now, not anytime in the past and not anytime in the future. That is an oxymoron.>> <<@NancySwass says : Thank you, Israel, for your kind, consideration of innocent non combatants. Admirable.>>