<<@RebelNewsOnline says : Sign the petition: http://KillTheVeganBill.com>> <<@ybaberat says : My God I have so many friends that were vegan and went back to meat because they were getting sick and they looked horrible.. besides don't tell me what I should eat and not eat>> <<@tyrantwatch9600 says : Canadians are absolutely useless. We can't even get 100 people to protest the 15 min cities in my area. I've lost all hope of saving this country>> <<@frakismaximus3052 says : I hate the liberal party but I kind of like the idea of this bill actually. It is true the main reason that we're having problems with antibiotics.Working these days is actually due to animal agriculture.>> <<@willydewit8818 says : Justin thrudue needs to be asked to his face if he knows on what soil he's standing .>> <<@jabom99 says : When I tried to share on facebook i was not allowed. : "In response to Canada's Online News Act, news content from Pages connected to a news outlet can no longer be viewed or shared in Canada. If you are in Canada, this means that: You can no longer share or view news links or content on Facebook, including news articles and audiovisual content posted by news outlets. You can no longer see links or content from any news outlet Pages, even if you search for them or follow them." Please people, it is happening. We can no longer express ourselves. This is a soft fascist dictatorship.>> <<@screp36 says : Facebook is down Wef cant kill whatsoever , and they cant kill to eat 😂>> <<@julianfell666 says : Eating insects is carnivorism, not Vegan.>> <<@kellssheehan8578 says : If you are what you eat, do you really want to be a vegetable? You will.>> <<@shelbymunro8941 says : I can really go for a big, juicy smokie right now. I love my meat and I've signed the petition.>> <<@Mysticdan54 says : I adopted a plant-based diet and vegan lifestyle in 1983. I would never consume any meat, eggs, fish, honey, dairy, artificial, refined, fried, and processed foods, acheta powder, insects, impossible burgers, or beyond burgers. I consume a raw, whole food, nutrient dense, no oil, plant-based diet of mostly organically grown foods, such as: vegetables, fruits, nuts (small quantities), pumpkin seeds, spirulina, moringa, chlorella, herbal remedies, spices, Nigella Sativa seeds, sprouted seeds of: broccoli, kale, alfalfa, fenugreek, radish and red clover, greens, berries, beans, sea vegetables (nori, irish sea moss, kelp and dulse), medicinal Mushrooms (shiitake, red reishi, chaga and lion's mane), and unpasteurized sauerkraut.>> <<@frankvuletin8700 says : The Conservatives are fascist also we are going to tell you what you can say think and eat. In the past Kings would face an uprising over a fraction of the overreach of the Liberal government>> <<@basketthound2133 says : Really astounds me to think Canadians haven`t understood yet; That this WEF puppet government`s agenda is to kill the country of Canada. A SITTING WEF Board member in charge of our money? Give your heads a shake. Crime Minister Trudeau Klaus`s favorite along with his cabinet, must go! What happened to putting it to a vote of Canadians, something as important as our food consumption.>> <<@forfreedom67 says : Dictator Trudeau has done everything to destroy Canada.>> <<@jamesweist8599 says : They wont let me share the pettion on Face Book , Trudeau got that all tied up already>> <<@piratexpress1369a says : Awesome reporting Rebel news and Tamara....this must not happen here in Canada>> <<@javiermartinez9629 says : If the farm not produce the city not eat>> <<@larrymcpherson3875 says : We eat bugs and the Trudeau and his elite friends, will be eating the best steaks our taxpayers money can buy.>> <<@mrkimt says : https://youtu.be/Sgegd4s4VfE?si=srj0gt_Ktf3U1fY1>> <<@MrCryptler69 says : How is eating zee bugs, vegan???>> <<@georgedesjardins6080 says : Never before has there been such fargen idiots in Canadian admin.>> <<@solos7685 says : According to the Charter I don't have to listen to unconstitutional laws brought to me by people who are under criminal investigation>> <<@dirtdiver1141 says : I refuse to comply with tyranny>> <<@stevet5379 says : If you want to chew tree bark and eat bugs then please do so, but kindly shut your mouth when it comes to MY food choices!! In that you have no say!>> <<@rayjohnson7881 says : Humans are carnivores. FACT.>> <<@rayjohnson7881 says : Like all their commo shit. NOT REQUIRED.>> <<@r.lindoncoutts1897 says : Stupid is as stupid does ...>> <<@AAK007 says : The link is blocked on my end>> <<@paulom1315 says : Scary... get liberals out>> <<@zaralunden3202 says : PLEASE. Do NOT confuse Trudeau's CRAP with people who follow a Vegan Life style. They do NOT eat fake meat, they do Not eat poison Soy, they do NOT eat crickets, they do NOT eat only vegetables. Their diet is of course fresh plants, greens, all veggies, Fruits, but includes Beans, Nuts, legumes, root veggies, grains & more, as long as an animal hasn't been murdered. Some animals are treated so cruely by people who think they have no feelings. People don't educated themselves. They can't actually look at the cruelty. They just blindly believe the going trend. Hate Vegans. As though loving animals is wrong. Majority only have a strong passionate love of Animals. They see them as fellow sentient beings. Universal Law is Do No Harm. This is what most try to follow. Think about it. Canadian Farmers raise a LOT more than animals. All Vegetables, fruits, nuts, greens, potatoes, carrots, grains etc. come from a Farmer.>> <<@markcoveryourassets says : Reduce one eliminate “High risk species”? They mean human beings, right?>> <<@dougramsey9554 says : He's also known for being an unhinged filthy mouthed idiot>> <<@ScarlettGrace says : The Libs doing something good for once. Great news 👏🏼>> <<@CP-ji2bb says : I’m an omnivore. I eat herbivores. 😂>> <<@datasender says : MP Nathaniel Erskine-Smith is an absolute fool for backing this Bill.. When he says he supports democracy, he mean communism. Leave us alone and quit trying to kill Canada's economy!!!>> <<@drumswest5035 says : I bet this MP has a ton of data from outside the government scientists to back up all this vegan bunk.>> <<@NoOne-ze7fv says : There is a very good reason humans mostly don’t eat bugs, just the thought of it makes most gag, and has for millions of years.>> <<@RandySchmidt-bd5nj says : Never.Never.Never>> <<@Ass-pw5mf says : Done!!>> <<@epiphanyjayne says : So carnivores and Keto dieters are shit out of luck if this goes through. 😢 Carnivores aren't anti-veggi why are vegans so anti meat. Can't we all just get along instead of shoving our ways of life in each other's faces.>> <<@Ass-pw5mf says : Another bill slowly passing through and Poilievre keeps yapping about carbon tax!! C63, C263 and now C293!! Every freakin' day more bs from this a..hole!! Thank you, Rebel News.>> <<@veganc5028 says : Usually I agree with Rebel news but not on this one. We need this bill if you care about the planet and animals. Animal agriculture is one of the leading causes of greenhouse gases. Also animals are individuals who value their lives and don't want to die to be eaten by humans 😢>> <<@sonsofparanormalanddesign4050 says : Im not playing this game>> <<@stuligin says : The vegan bill should never have been passed>> <<@SevenSixTwo2012 says : When was the last time that a petition changed anything? The Libs/NDP regime never cares and their narratives always become law. Votes have consequences, vote accordingly!>> <<@rontyler1234 says : I heard one climate crazy say that we should eat one less meat item a day. That apparently will have a positive effect on the climate. Climate is used by the ruling party the same way they used second hand smoke and Covid mandates to control our behavior. The greenhouse gas theory is just that, a theory. Theyve given up on CO2, now its methane....ban farting and long winded political speeches.>> <<@nicopicco says : I've been yelling about C293 for months now. Every news outlet have been following the latest 'shiny thing' like C63... finally, lets talk about it. This is more than just about vegan it's "An Act respecting pandemic prevention and preparedness". The most egregious bill to ever be seen in Canada IMHO.>> <<@mclarlinda says : Please don’t call bill c- 293 the “ vegan “ bill. I know it’s catchy but you’re just creating animosity for those who, for the most part, want to live their lives according to the morality that they see fit for themselves. Many vegans I know would never support WEF or WHO>> <<@mclarlinda says : Please don’t call it vegan. It has nothing to do with that.>> <<@binggo2787 says : FJT - MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS. WILL NEVER COMPLY !>>