<<@PragerU says : Join us by signing this petition to stand with Israel and condemn Hamas ➡ https://l.prageru.com/4f09Ag8>> <<@jodilynn2927 says : Your sports comments are absolutely PREPOSTEROUS! Isreal and Jewish People are the most Educated People in the World! They don’t want to be lowlife Athlete! Judaism teaches us that Education is MOST POWERFUL weapon in the world!!!!>> <<@מיריסוירי says : In Arabic there is daar el Islam, it is Islam soil. And daar el charb it is war soil. Until the Islam conker thet country.>> <<@wickedlylong1015 says : Great interview..! I always felt safe wandering around Tel Aviv at 2am or hitchhiking in a way that i do not feel safe in my own country…. 🇬🇧 You two both get the situation…. thank you for this clear discourse.. 🇮🇱💙>> <<@Bewildered674 says : Kol Hakavod!>> <<@zeroonetime says : Zionism translates to Homecoming.>> <<@azinyako5896 says : America is great today because God raised her for Israel, if she abandons Israel, it would be at her own peril. America is blessed because she has blessed Israel, and she would be cursed if she abandons Israel.>> <<@mauricecohen3830 says : Mad respect for this lady.>> <<@rachelweinstein9008 says : Excellent discussion! Thank you.. So nice to see Ashira. I watch her on the Quad. Safe journey . Am Israel Chai.🇮🇱🇮🇱🔯>> <<@k.17383 says : God bless Israël 🇰🇪🇮🇱❤️🇮🇱❤️>> <<@jameslevitt7313 says : Useful idiots … I wonder if these black people are aware that the Zionist state sterilized Ethiopian Jewish women without their knowledge, around the time of operation Moses ? What do we call people that sterilize Jews because they are black ??? Is that antisemitism ? What gives a European Jew the right to do that to an Ethiopian Jew ? Plain Racism>> <<@kentkao3209 says : You both talk very powerful as I am a Cambodian I compared Hamas to pol pot Khmer Rouge that ruled Cambodian for couple years they are very rude just like Hamas teach there children how to hate Jewish as for me I am on the Israel side because Israel is democratic country those people that hate Israel as them that if they let you to live which country they chose i believe they will chose Israel>> <<@gingebrien2408 says : Jewish religion or philosophy has no place for victimhood. Victimhood preaches a religion of absolution & thus one can blame others for all their failures. From a Jewish perspective that one’s unfortunate experiences difficulties are a result of not following HaShem’s ways. And that from everything is a present from HaShem. I will note that America’s Diversity leftist ideology is infiltrating Israel. It is purposeful. Look at the slogan for the hostages, “Bring them home.” This slogan insinuates that the Israeli government has some control over the Muslims in Gaza. The Jewish slogan, should be,”Let my people go.” אמר אלוקי ישראל שלח את עמי>> <<@jakewaters_music says : So many people could learn from this>> <<@MikeStoan says : Wasn't Black Wall Street destroyed like many other towns? Plus no one was charged with the carnage that occurred there?>> <<@chatgptai2748 says : Neither is married.>> <<@MikeStoan says : Aren't there racial issues almost everywhere?>> <<@chatgptai2748 says : Black Wall Street was B💣MBed during the 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre, when a ⚪️ mob destroyed the prosperous Black community in Greenwood, Tulsa. The “black entitlement” they speak of is our war on the r@cist SYSTEM.>> <<@wendysarjoo2894 says : I worked for a Jewish man. Very abrupt. But a heart of gold. He was truly good to me. When his wife Shula was a bit mean, towards me, he would tell her off from a dizzy height>> <<@petermarshall7882 says : If Solomon knows the history of Israel since 1948 then she has shown herself to be a consummate liar. If she doesn't know how Israel was formed and how Israel has sought to dominate the region and people ever since then she needs to be educated. If and when she becomes educated then perhaps she might be able to speak truthfully about Israeli Palestinian relations. I suggest she start by listening to Norman Finklestein and reading some of his books. When Solomon shows the desire for truth and justice that characterises Finklestein then she really will be worth listening to.>> <<@Shangjinko says : Judaism Was The Religion of Slaves Brought To America: “The study of customs and rites and the analysis of the semantics of these African tribes have led many of their observers to propose some hypotheses and even to draw some conclusions. Doctor Allen H. Godbey reached the following conclusion: ‘These factors have a very specific significance if we consider the presence of Judaism among the American Negroes. Hundreds of thousands of slaves were transported to America from West Africa during the trade which started some 400 years ago. What traces of Judaism still remained among the Negroes of West Africa at that period? To the extent that they were persecuted they were more likely than other Negroes to be seized during wars and sold as slaves. It is virtually certain that many part Jewish Negroes were among those sent as slaves to America. How many of them would have been able to conserve some Jewish customs is another question. This conclusion put forward by Godbey, which argues for the existence of a more or less recurrent Judaism in West Africa in the same places as those from which the Negroes were taken, is shared by others, such as Maurice Delafosse. But most significantly it has been adopted by a class of educated Black Americans as a key argument to demonstrate that the Jewish religion is the traditional religion of Africans brought in slavery to the American continent.” (p 235 – 236)>> <<@Shangjinko says : “But what about the south of this margin of Saharan contacts? In the reign of Jean II of Portugal nearly 700 Jews were taken from their kin and deported to the island of Sao Thome on the west coast of Africa. This island is close to Nigeria, Cameroon and Gabon. Escaping from Sao Thome the Jews emigrated to the coast of Angola between 1484 and 1499. They must have settled in several Portugese colonies and over the centuries mixed with the indigenous black population. Near the Congo in Gabon in 1776 Black Jews, called Bavumbu (or even Mavambo, Mayomba, May or Mavumbu), lived on the coast of Luango by the river named the Rio Muni. It would seem that they adopted Christianity at the same time as maintaining their Judaism. By 1847 David Livingstone discovered a group of educated Blacks living in the interior some 200 miles from the coast of Luando. These Blacks were called the Jews of Angola. They were good merchants, learnt easily and had a knowledge of Portugese law and history. They were often employed as clerks and writers. For Livingstone there was no doubt but that these people were the descendants of those who had been deported from Portugal in the fifteenth century. Other evidence supports his intuition. In Savage Africa Winwoode Reade writes of having met in Guinea Blacks claiming to be Portugese around 1864. Closer to our time Dr. J. Krepel noted some time after the First World War, that a large community of Black Jews existed in the interior of Dahomey. These Jews had the five books of Moses written on old parchment in Hebrew.” (p 232)>> <<@Shangjinko says : Manuel I in 1496, decided to exile thousands of Jews to São Tomé, Príncipe, and Cape Verde. The numbers expelled at this time were so great that the term "Portuguese" almost implied those of Jewish origin. Those who were not expelled were converted by force or executed. During the early 19th century, Jews also came to settle in Santo Antão where there are still traces of their influx in the name of the village of Sinagoga, located on the north coast between Ribeira Grande and Janela, and in the Jewish cemetery at the town of Ponta da Sol. A final chapter of Jewish history in Cape Verde took place in the 1850s when Moroccan Jews arrived, especially in Boa Vista and Maio for the hide trade.[22]>> <<@Shangjinko says : There seems to be little doubt that Jews have largely been mixed with Berbers living in the Moroccan and Algerian Sahara. It is believed that some Berber clans may have been at one time Jews and according to another tradition they are descended from the Philistines driven out of Canaan.[10] There is a tradition that Moses was buried in Tlemçen, and the presence of a large number of Jews in that part of Africa is attested to, not only by the many sacred places and shrines bearing Biblical names which are holy to Muslims as well as to Jews, but also by the presence there of a large number of Jewish sagas.[10] L. Rinn says: "Certain Berber tribes were for a long time of the Jewish religion, especially in Amès; and to-day, even, we see among the Hanensha of Sukahras (Algeria) a semi-nomad tribe of Israelites devoted entirely to agriculture".[11] In addition, it may be noticed that Jews are to be found in the Berber "ksurs" (fortified villages) all along southern Morocco and in the adjacent Sahara. Thus, at Outat near Tafilalt there is a mellah with about 500 Jews;[12] and at Figuig, a mellah with 100 Jews.[12] Going farther south to Tuat, there is a large community of Jews in the oasis of Alhamada; and at Tamentit, a two weeks' journey from Tafilalt, the 6,000 or 8,000 inhabitants are said to be descendants of Jews converted to Islam.[12] Even much farther to the west, in the province of Sus, there is Ogulmin with 3,000 inhabitants, of whom 100 are said to be Jews.>> <<@Shangjinko says : Islamic era edit In the 14th century, many Moors and Jews, who were fleeing persecution in Spain, migrated south to the Timbuktu area, which was part of the Songhai Empire at that time. Among them was the Kehath (Ka'ti) family, which was descended from Ismael Jan Kot Al-yahudi of Scheida, Morocco. The sons of this prominent family founded three villages which still exist near Timbuktu -- Kirshamba, Haybomo, and Kongougara. In 1492, Askia Muhammad I came to power in the previously tolerant region of Timbuktu and decreed that Jews must convert to Islam or leave; Judaism became illegal in Mali, as it did in Catholic Spain that same year. This was based on the advice of Muhammad al-Maghili. This would lead to many of these Jews to assimilate into West African tribes which many of them lived amongst. Such as the Fulani, Wolof, & Soninke ethnic groups in particular. [9] This would also conclude to mass conversion to Islam since these native populations which they lived amongst were predominately Muslim. As the historian Leo Africanus wrote in 1526: In Garura (Gourara oasis in Algeria, see Tuat) there were some very rich Jews. The intervention of the preacher (Muhammid al-Maghili) of Tlemcen set up the pillage of their goods, and most of them have been killed by the population. This event took place during the same year when the Jews had been expelled from Spain and Sicily by the Catholic King. Leo Africanus further wrote: The king (Askia) is a declared enemy of the Jews. He will not allow any to live in the city. If he hears it said that a Berber merchant frequents them or does business with them, he confiscates his goods.>> <<@Shangjinko says : Manuscript C of the Tarikh al-fattash describes a community called the Bani Israeel that in 1402 CE existed in Tindirma, possessed 333 wells, and had seven leaders: Jabroot bin-Hashim Thoelyaman bin-Abdel Hakim Zeor bin-Salam Abdel-latif bin-Solayman Malik bin-Ayoob Fadil bin-Mzar Shaleb bin-Yousef It is also stated that they had an army of 1500 men.[6] Other sources say that other Jewish communities in the region were formed by migrations from Morocco, Egypt, and Portugal. When the Scottish explorer Mungo Park traveled through West Africa in the late 18th century he was informed by an Arab he met near Walata of there being many Arabic speaking Jews in Timbuktu whose prayers were similar to the Moors.[7] Some communities are said to have been populated by certain Berber Jews like a group of Kal Tamasheq known as Iddao Ishaak that traveled from North Africa into West Africa for trade, as well as those escaping the Islamic invasions into North Africa.[8]>> <<@Shangjinko says : As early as Roman times, Moroccan Jews had begun to travel inland in order to trade with groups of Berbers, most of whom were nomads who dwelt in remote areas of the Atlas Mountains. Jews lived side by side with Berbers, forging both economic and cultural ties; some Berbers even began to practice Judaism. In response, the Berbers' spirituality transformed Jewish rituals, painting it with a belief in the power of demons and saints. When the Muslims swept across the North of Africa, Jews and Berbers jointly defied them. Across the Atlas Mountains, the legendary Queen Kahina led a tribe of seventh-century Berbers, Jews, and other North African ethnic groups in battle against encroaching Islamic warriors. In the 10th century, as the social and political environment in Baghdad became increasingly hostile to Jews, many Jewish traders who lived and worked there moved to the Maghreb, particularly to Tunisia. Over the following two to three centuries, a distinctive social group of traders who were active throughout the Mediterranean world became known as the Maghrebi, passing this term of identification on from father to son. According to certain local Malian history, an account in the Tarikh al-Sudan may have recorded the first Jewish presence in West Africa which coincided with the arrival of the first Zuwa ruler of Koukiya and his brother, who settled near the Niger River. He was only known as Za/Zuwa Alyaman (which means that "He comes from Yemen"). Local traditions state that Zuwa Alyaman was a member of one of the Yemenite Jewish communities which were either transported or voluntarily moved from the Himyarite Kingdom by the Ethiopian Kingdom of Axum in the sixth century after the defeat of Dhu Nuwas. The Tarikh al-Sudan states that there were 14 Zuwa rulers of Kukiya after Zuwa Alyaman before the rise of Islam in the region.[5] There is debate on whether or not the Tarikh al-Sudan can be understood in this manner. The Jewish history of Mali begins in the 8th century, when multilingual African-Jewish Radhanites first settled in Timbuktu in the Songhai Empire. These medieval merchants established a trading center in the city, from which a network of trading routes were created through the desert.>> <<@Shangjinko says : According to most accounts, the earliest Jewish settlements in Africa were in places such as Egypt, Tunisia, Libya, and Morocco. Jews had settled along the Upper Nile on the island of Elephantine in Egypt. These communities were augmented by subsequent arrivals of Jews after the destruction of the Second Temple in Jerusalem in 70 CE, when 30,000 Jewish slaves were settled throughout Carthage by the Roman emperor Titus. Africa is identified in various Jewish sources in connection with Tarshish and Ophir.[1] The Septuagint,[2] and Jerome,[3] who was taught by Jews, and very often the Aramaic Targum on the Prophets, identify the Biblical Tarshish with Carthage, which was the birthplace of a number of rabbis who are mentioned in the Talmud. Africa, in a broader sense, is clearly indicated where mention is made of the Ten Tribes who were driven into exile by the Assyrians and journeyed into Africa.[4] Connected with this is the idea that the river Sambation is in Africa. The Arabs, who also know the legend of the Banū Mūsā ("Sons of Moses"), agree with the Jews in placing their land in Africa.>> <<@Shangjinko says : In later years, Jews who were expelled from Spain and from Portugal, as well as Moroccan Jews, migrated to communities off the coast of Senegal and on the islands of Cape Verde. These Jewish communities continued to exist for hundreds of years but eventually disappeared as a result of changing social conditions, persecution, migration, and assimilation. Today only a few thousand retained the identity.>> <<@Shangjinko says : Sahelian Jews historically known as Jews of the Bilad al-Sudan (Judeo-Arabic: אַהַל יַהוּדּ בִּלַדּ אַל סוּדָּן, romanized: ʾahal yahūd bilad al-sūdān) describes West African Jewish communities connected to known Jewish communities who migrated to West Africa as merchants for trading opportunities. Various historical records state that at one time, they were present in the Ghana Empire, the Mali Empire, the Mossi Kingdoms and the Songhai Empire, which was then called the Bilad al-Sudan "Land of the Blacks".>> <<@Shangjinko says : NO REPARATIONS, NO VOTE 🗳️>> <<@mindovomatter5181 says : All these comments are the sheep of Pragur. They cannot even consider not everything Pragur does is above board so they want to be told what to belive. Do you believe? Dows something make you have to challenge the entire international humanitarian community saying something else? If theres nothing to dear then look up Isreal austrocities and crimes.>> <<@mindovomatter5181 says : Tiis propaganda is the best. It lets you know alliances and how the lies work. Other than that a complete waste of time.>> <<@grevisse6757 says : Israel is clearly superior to the rest of us in every way. We have to all admit our inferiority.>> <<@PatriciaReyna-ig5hb says : Love you guys! Thank you! I hope everyone sees this>> <<@paulfrancis4824 says : Fantastic discussion, thanks for your words>> <<@ehudbahashemelelyon says : Stockholm syndrome and identity confusion at its finest.>> <<@CodeOn-Gal says : This makes me actually really appreciate my country>> <<@pointlessmanatee says : mossad propaganda>> <<@newhailman says : Next you're going to be telling me that Jews don't drink the blood of Christian children 🙄>> <<@delialifenya6867 says : You're American thats why they like you>> <<@MenD-e7i says : Loved this very insightful and eye opening interview! 🫡>> <<@davidrubinlang8301 says : Jews are found throughout the world - practically in all countries - India, Russia, even in Malaysia (which used to be Malaya). There existed Jewish cemeteries! That only means Jews were once welcomed everywhere!>> <<@gadipollack5578 says : I’m Israeli, so I didn’t know you until now, but all I can say: guys both of you are amazing. Thank you.>> <<@tamarchana955 says : ❤❤ AMAZING, I LOVE THAT YOU HAD THIS CONVERSATION.. I ENCOURAGE YOU TO CONTINUE, SO MUCH HERE THAT " MANY " WILL HAVE HEARD, FOR THE VERY FIRST TIME . AWESOME JOB YOU GUYS 😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊>> <<@KashusKlay1 says : A lie don’t care who tell it 😂😂>> <<@mrssolomon3127 says : B"H from one Solomon to another. Am Yisrael Chai!!!>> <<@Beyonder1987 says : PragerU a Zionist media>> <<@blaqbambi1370 says : I can cry with joy 🥹 seeing people that look like me expressing my same thoughts feelings. God is Good 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾❤ The world 🌎 is waking up to the real terrorist>> <<@randypaulamcallister5924 says : Fake politeness. You are so right, it drives me crazy. As a Veteran I have asked a few people that say "think you for your service" what that meant to them. They're stunned and don't know what to say or just a "you were in the military" answer. People say what is considered the political correct thing to say. Just stop or just really search for the meaning for you. Don't just say it, it's rude.>>