<<@asshat23871 says : he's a progressive racist con man. He's spent hundreds of millions on illegal migrants and won't disclose details on how the money was spent. He is also taking out a 1.25 billion dollar housing loan to continue his migrant scam. Meanwhile he has spent over $30,000 on haircuts since elected and just spent $80,000 on a remodeled office for his wife. He also blames Ricard Nixon, who died 30 years ago, for Chicago's gun violence .. he sucks!>> <<@meimemusic says : CHI TOWN Best place on earth .....>> <<@meimemusic says : im from chicago and when it comes to black children we are fighting to get the best education for the black population EVEN IF IT WILL COST US IN CHICAGO 10 MORE BILLION OF TAX PAYERS MONEY - educating the black population IS MOST IMPORTANT TO US IN CHICAGO .....>> <<@GLRWIN says : Her ass is finally getting it………>> <<@MsWitty0ne says : Brandon Johnson is further driving Chicago in the hole. Like all big democratic cities they ruin the cities with their woke BS. They don't care about the people who live there and do everything they can to destroy lives>> <<@matthewjohnson1643 says : This is like a pay day loan. It is a bad idea. He was a Kindergarten teacher. That’s why he’s doing it.>> <<@matthewjohnson1643 says : He is ridiculous how does he still have a job.>> <<@gabrielfelixmunoz739 says : I live in Chicago, born and raised. I'm in the hiring process for Chicago police. he didn't just cut police training: he's frozen any new hires for CPD and CFD and cancelled 2 academy months. this literally means there are no new police officers entering the force as hundreds retire or leave...>> <<@gabrielfelixmunoz739 says : she spoke facts>> <<@John..219 says : Anytime when you question a black official, it is Racism.>> <<@JimCCorn says : Anyone who questions the mayor is a racist. Anyone who doesn't vote for Kamila is also a racist. Anyone who talks about crime stats is a racist. Anyone who doesn't eat watermelon is a racist.>> <<@charliebrown7327 says : Dems are losing Union, working class and black males because of race baiting grifters like this mayor. They have ruined every city and state they touch.>> <<@cjmorientes4346 says : As long as the migrants are well taken care of>> <<@VOLUMEnightclub says : Not 300 thousand….300 million 😂😂😂>> <<@isaiahX7 says : how does everything turn into trump😂>> <<@legalizefreedom451 says : Using tax dollars to get hair cuts and remodel his wifes office while driving Chicago into the ground. Open your eyes people.>> <<@Mr-Neven says : Per student funding for CPS is one of the highest in the country. Teachers do very well already here. Pure bureaucracy and theft.>> <<@johnludwig8448 says : Trump like hostility as Anna Hasnobrainian>> <<@pauljackson9716 says : Correction, the mayor wants to take out a $300,000,000 short term, high interest loan.>> <<@melanoidmarkus says : This comment section is ridiculous. Steeped in anti-Black r*clsm. Pay attention FBAs. This bigotry is the biggest threat to our existence.>> <<@andrewbrown3000 says : When test scores go up by 10 percent, that's when they ass should be given a raise>> <<@c-mo313 says : Damn, even Ana the liberal feminist is tired of these preachy race hustlers.>> <<@c-mo313 says : All that "diversity" has destroyed America's once-great cities. Chicago, Detroit, New York, Los Angeles, Atlanta... What do they all have in common? Democrat leaders.>> <<@legalizefreedom451 says : He's such a fraud. Racist, and a horrible mayor.>> <<@chriscole146 says : So now Ana is attacking a progressive, pro-union black mayor who is refusing to continue closing schools in black areas while still paying teachers an affordable living. Yes, both are possible. And he did answer plenty of questions, including questions about the vetting process. From Ana’s opinions on progressive black prosecutors and now her opinion on this progressive black mayor, it once again shows her dismissal of progressive issues that significantly affects the black community more than others’. Ana has been very disappointing on our issues for the past several years.>> <<@JP-vb4ky says : Progressives destroying Chicago, nothing new to see here.>> <<@MichaelCutter-ee6ny says : First, Ana, I agree with you 100% !!! I happen to like Mayor Johnson and willing to give him a chance, but on this issue, absolutely not! For folks who disagree, if you have a home, try getting a high interest loan (with terms of say, 15 years or 30 years), you'll be paying the interest on that loan and making little impact on the principal thereby never paying off the loan and saddled with this for years, decades. I suggest the Mayor, Board CEO and City Council get together and hammer it out with alternatives. First with a review (not approval, but review) of the CEOs proposal. If this high interest loan is approved, it will drag the city into more debt and likely never paid off only to look to re-finance in the future or get yet another loan to pay the interest. Without calling names and negative rhetoric, simply put, the thought of a high interest loan to make up budget deficit and pay teachers a 9% increase will eventually bankrupt the city. Can anyone say Detroit?>> <<@benjaminkhaiyo says : Mr. Mayor Good night of Chicago do you love Chicago I need a favor from I love chiga too My name is Benjamin I'm from greektown Chicago with love and respect Could you take Take the gun from kid's hand Chicago k Shown love respect I love Mr. Martin Luther king This man loves Chicago Me personally my name is Benjamin I'm a refugee man from middlplease I'm Christian from Babylon I come to Chicago Washington 1993 Love every moment ever I I used to do some public work I used to go 79 street Chicago chicago 483 I used to go to some neighborhood how is the only white motherfucker there Those Chicago people that was so happy to see me I talked to them Because I was there and their neighborhood and I love that and I wouldn't never forget that Racist is owl from Chicago resident to each other everybody love everybody Double These people are right they destroy The love between Chicago people This week I need to put an And Rose and regulation and the standard of a daily will update my paper of Chicago I will my only respond to you sir In all America you never Fine Siri and America loves Chicago religion people without erases religion whatever call to college Chicago With love I respect to all That's who Chicago a police Mr. Mayor Take the gun or the kids in please I love you I respect you put those kids to new program school education opportunity education Restaurant Or real estate opportunity of life Shown they can be somebody like you 1 day but it's important to take their gun out there Hen please Mr. Mayor Takerom City of Chicago I would love in respect remember that love and respect pass>> <<@MrUYI32 says : You see how they are poisoning the blood of the country.>> <<@Chicago_rox says : I support teachers 100% except for Chicago. Kids cannot read or do math when they graduate. Many of these teachers are not doing their jobs and they don't deserve a raise. They are already among the highest paid in the country. As for the mayor he is a arrogant racist dick. Everything is always about race. He attends all the black events but I've never seen him at any other functions where there's a lot of white people or Hispanic for that matter. If you notice there is no diversity behind him or in the people he appointed. He is turning Chicago into Detroit. He is bankrupting the city so lazy teachers don't lose their jobs. Him and his congregation are nothing but a blight on this city.>> <<@Beachdudeca says : Chicago has a cluster mess because it’s mayor is an extension of the local teachers Union>> <<@jonathanperry7012 says : As a Chicagoan, I appreciate this video. The Chicago Bears are proposing a new $3 billion stadium, with tax-payers footing a $1 billion bill. Taxpayers are still in debt for the current stadium. Based on some of what you highlighted here, Johnson doesn't appear to be the mayor to oversee such a financially demanding undertaking.>> <<@grahamjones5400 says : Chicago voters wanted this. Enjoy.>> <<@xandercrews4729 says : How did Chicago elect someone worse than Lightfoot?>> <<@petroskatsilieris1897 says : A hit job by Ana Kasparian against a Democrat. Filled with fear-mongering, innuendos about corruption, information about his past as a citizen (???) Isn't that exactly what the right wing is doing??? She even had the audacity to say he is Trump-like in his behaviour. What the heck is the matter with Ana Kasparian at this point??? This is the LAST time i even bother to watch a video clip of her, alone, tackling ANY issue. She's UNWATCHABLE.>> <<@Hepler-s2b says : Chicago politicians is a different breed>> <<@julianne33333 says : I'm a progressive and I'm getting tired of public servants gaslighting by playing racial politics. Deflection and no accountability. Wish the identity politics would just END already. Let's elect worthy public servants. Regardless of ethnicity or gender.>> <<@EnigmaPSU says : I remember a time when public servants served the public and not themselves.>> <<@janelkunza9045 says : This what you get Dems. Congrats u win>> <<@sid6972 says : The difference with Trump is the media lied or Distorted the facts to go after Trump....Ex "Charlottesville, Bloodbath, and many others." The media is attacking Brandon Johnson with FACTS!!! Brandon Johnson "Can't Handle the truth!">> <<@thepsychnurse4406 says : Taking in all those illegal aliens and taking care of them instead of the residents. Worst mayor ever.>> <<@user-ob2ti5oq9w says : Way to go Mayor Johnson, show your true colors and how to screw over as you call it "your own, aka black people. They believed in you, voted for you, entrusted you. So you spent taxpayers $$$, $30,000 on hair dressers, $80,000 to remodel your wife's place, so you're going to London, England for Bears game (GO BEARS), another $50,000, so you give millions to illegals rather then to help "your own" - hell yeah, f-them all, enjoy it, dummies voted for you, now let the pay for it, you're doing great, hope you'll win next time around.>> <<@legalizefreedom451 says : Worst Mayor ever!>> <<@Siddhartha02 says : You get what you deserve when you vote democrat.>> <<@052272ilse says : The city needs change. Vote another way and see if there is a difference!! Crooke County has always been Crooke County!! Vote for a different party see if there is change.>> <<@agentxchannel6640 says : This guy sold himself as a progressive..we're very dissapointed.>> <<@dwrighte1 says : Thanks for covering this story. Not every black person in Chicago supprts this radical left wing socialist inept clown. He is way over his head and has no idea on how to govern and dailogue with the media.>> <<@MelonHead887 says : Imagine that nasty pinhead in control of one of America's largest cities .... Oh wait what's this? 😂>> <<@2134woot says : Ana solo hours are the worst of tyt>> <<@kevinmcdonald2286 says : I live in Chicago, and I’m proud to say that I didn’t vote for this MORON! He spent city money to go to the Grammies, now to London to a football game! Under his piss poor leadership, Chicago is turning into another Detroit! I’m moving out of Illinois!>>