<<@ericajones2537 says : "Nothing comes to mind" because there's NO MIND for honesty, integrity to come to. SCAMALAHO HYENA-BEE-ITCH HAS TO GO, SO WE CAN HAVE OUR AMERICA BACK!!!!! VOTE VOTE VOTE VOTE VOTE VOTE VOTE VOTE!!!!!! ❤❤❤✝️✝️✝️🇸🇻🇸🇻🇸🇻🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲👍>> <<@JesusFollower596 says : She’s a idiot>> <<@lourdescabrera9280 says : TRUMP VANCE2024 MAGA🙏♥️>> <<@eizyaws says : Trump 24 🇺🇸❤️>> <<@IamSpanishFly says : Since when did a circus 🎪 get to elect a 🤡 for president? ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ Trump/Vance for integrity!>> <<@rhargee4014 says : I approve this message>> <<@justinsander7654 says : In 2012 my wife and I were homeless with 3 kids because the Army dropped us on our ear and the VA was being run by scammy people. We did not qualify for any assistance because we were married and white and were told you can't be either to qualify. we scraped and struggled through the last of the Obama years. Then in 2016 Trump took office fixed the VA as much as he could with democrats fighting him every step of the way, and turned the economy its self around also with them and the Rinos fighting him every step. By 2019 we had purchased our own home (85k on a fixed mortgage) and were looking at possibly upgrading both my wife's job and the house to a 600k number, But then 2020 and the democrats happened. Now our family is back to living like we did when we got or first apartment. Just this week we had to beg and borrow to get some frozen chicken breasts to last until payday. I was awake the night of the election looking directly at multiple live feeds from the counting locations that were completely empty of all employees because they had stopped for the night. When suddenly Biden's numbers jumped for the steal. No one counted them because no one was there and I saw it with my own eyes. Then Biden took office and issued a series of executive order which artificially caused every single problem we have today (link below). The pain the scrapping by, the wars, all of it was done to us by democrats. Biden never was the one in change he has always been just a face for the cameras and a old white guy the racist left could vote for. We need Trump back, but more than that we need to vote out every single democrat we can. If they are running for office this year they must lose. They are a detriment to us and more so they are traitors. Trump need us to do this because he can not fix this artificially generated mess with them constantly working against him. We meaning all of us deserve better. We should be moving steadily to Star Trek levels of society and aren't because of those people. We must Vote out every single Democrat 2024>> <<@LifeIsGood-s8c says : Wow😮..........pure facts🔥💯🔥🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸>> <<@aaronarchibald8335 says : God bless Lord Trump!!>> <<@aaronarchibald8335 says : If you don’t become a scum dictator you got my vote there trump!!>> <<@jndrbts says : Voting Guide for the upcoming election: • Republican Party emblem an elephant • Judeo-Christian nuclear family; there are two genders; support for our Judeo-Christian ally, Israel; a secure border; more-controlled spending, although all political parties in this country need to establish a balanced budget, and with discipline pay off the National Debt as if with a Repayment Plan of a Debt Counseling Service; a president who sensibly wants to use resources available on this continent rather than depending on foreign nations; a strong military; greater discipline in schools; fully-funded police, and prisons open with no catch and release; support of the United States Constitution as the political foundation of this country; voter identification required, and only United States citizens may vote; a president who courageously stands up to unreasonable and dishonest persons in this country who oppose him with mindless vehemence, and stands up to vicious terrorists who attack this country; a president who stands with a Bible in front of a church, and travels to India and exhorts, "Strive for excellence, and give the glory to God." • Democratic Party emblem an ass An alternate emblem could be a snake, a skunk, or an anglerfish whose false "light" lures curiosity to doom. • re family, "Love is Love," which can include oh-so-many interpretations in the context of Moral Relativism, including the "right" to same-gender "marriage," and the "right" by abortion to end the life of a nascent human being; there are as many genders as one can imagine; an open border, while claiming that it is "secure", and with illegal aliens entitled to unimpeded breach of the border of this country, free tuition, a driver license, travel to anywhere in the country, a luxury hotel room with the option of throwing away perfectly good food, free "gender-affirming surgery" (Kamala Harris endorsed this), and Social Security benefits which working American citizens paid for with taxes; and, some illegal aliens have kidnapped, raped, and murdered American citizens, and taken over an apartment complex and demanded "rent," and assaulted police, been released, and then given two middle fingers to a news camera; less-controlled spending, although all political parties in this country need to establish a balanced budget, and with discipline pay off the National Debt as if with a Repayment Plan of a Debt Counseling Service; a "Woke" military, with "fewer white males" in the Air Force, and in the Army any person who is pro-life being a "terrorist"; a man wearing a dress and standing in a public school and telling children to be as he is; tampons for boys in restrooms; a man can become pregnant; men defeating women in sports; a parade of "transgender" persons chanting, "We want your children"; giving alcohol to alcoholics (California); prostitutes parading near an elementary school (California); no observed objection to an "After School Satan Club"; defunding of police; a little cocaine in the White House is not a great concern; "There is no Constitution: we can do whatever we want" (Mrs. Waters, California); voter identification is "discriminatory" (AG Garland), and illegal (California); and, a presidential candidate who fearlessly, shamelessly, and boastfully declares, "I don't need you to get me elected" (Mr. Biden, 2020), and, "We have put together the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics" (Mr. Biden, 2020): has any Democrat ever expressed any concern about - or even awareness of - these two most serious statements? And, a person in the White House who "welcomes stiff [nuclear] competition" from Iran. And, the Bible is "fiction" and "hate speech," and physically destroying it is acceptable. The above are facts, and facts are not "hate speech." Family Border Economy Environment Military Education Law Enforcement The Constitution Voter Identification Behavior of President Foreign Policy Religion These are key issues of this election. Ecclesiastes Chapter Ten, Verse Two: "A wise man’s heart directs him toward the right, but the foolish man’s heart directs him toward the left." John Chapter Eight, Verse Twelve: “I am the Light of the world; [the one] who follows Me will not walk in...darkness...." ✝>> <<@davidirwin1549 says : Every voter needs to see this before voting !>> <<@theoneandonly6431 says : Not even her underwear.>> <<@bimmyfrizzo3988 says : Things were so much better when trump was our president. Biden and Harris are both beyond soulless people who betrayed America!>> <<@IrisRainbowMagick says : The dumbest kids I know came from ivy league educated parents 😂>> <<@atesini says : Donald is all business and that’s what we need to run the country. He’s very successful, our country prospered when he was president and it will prosper again if he’s elected. Let’s go Donald.>> <<@atesini says : LET’S GO DONALD. YOU ARE THE ONLY ONE THAT CAN TURN THIS COUNTRY AROUND, YOU DID, ONCE, AFTER REPLACING OBAMA AND YOULL DO IT AGAIN AFTER BIDEN. THERES ENOUGH PROOF OUT THERE FOR EVERYONE TO SEE, KAMALA IS JUST UNFIT TO BE THE LEADER OF OUR GREAT COUNTRY. GET OUT AND VOTE EVERYONE WE NEED TO PROSPER AGAIN AND NEED OUR GREAT LEADER BACK- Donald J. Trump.>> <<@amandaflynn5835 says : WTF HAS SHE DONE IN THE LAST 4 YEARS NOTHING BUT CONSTANTLY LIE>> <<@gooselanham3514 says : Donald Trump FOR president 2024>> <<@setsers1 says : Rest In Peace, Jocelyn Nungaray.>> <<@ScottEllis-k5p says : Dear Donald Trump today is the first day in my 51 years of my life I voted for you today and I'm very very happy today for voting for you thank you you will always make the best president in the whole wide world>> <<@hunterdolatowski7995 says : Trump 2024! Voting trump!❤🇺🇲>> <<@LizHawkTube says : GET THESE CRIMINALS OUT OF HERE! VOTE TRUMP!!!>> <<@ArnoldZiffle-j9r says : My dad is a Vietnam vet and the only group that called US troops baby killers, suckers and losers was the left.>> <<@jonesy4588 says : make it twice as worse>> <<@marshaclaroche2116 says : People will vote for her still?? Clearly, there's a mental health crisis in this country😐🤦🏽‍♀️>> <<@r.r3422 says : Obama wants kamala elected because when you elect kamala, you are really electing Obama, the Clintons, and Pelosi into the WH. Kamala is just their mouthpiece or hand puppet. Kamala doesn't care who runs our country, She just wants the power of being a tyrannical dictator.>> <<@theastonvillaseal585 says : She has that Joe Biden face whenever she asks a question - no clue about what you’re asking or what she’s even doing there>> <<@maisies927 says : Of course she won't. Obama's been running this country since he stole the election. Obama is calling himself president unden biden and will do the same under harris.>> <<@ronhust5620 says : Ouch>> <<@Skye-JP says : Sweet ad.>> <<@Marycedarcreek says : Kamal is such a twisted creature.>> <<@s.c.s.8014 says : Republicans for Harris-Walz 2024 It’s time to turn the page on Trump and his lies!>> <<@davyj78 says : They’re eating the dogs>> <<@KCCardCo says : A vote for Trump is ability and stability for the future 👍👍>> <<@PSItime333 says : Imagine for a moment that everything Donald Trump told you was aimed at making you believe he was fighting for you—the hardworking, everyday American—while behind the scenes, he was actually working against your best interests. Trump claimed to be draining the swamp, taking on the elites, and putting America first. But let’s take a closer look at how his actions didn’t match his words and how, instead of helping you, he set up policies that benefited the wealthy while leaving the middle class and Trump supporters holding the bag. 1. The Tax Cuts Were a Bait and Switch Trump’s 2017 tax cuts were sold as a win for everyone, but in reality, they were a handout to the rich. Sure, you may have seen a small bump in your paycheck for a while, but that was peanuts compared to what the wealthy and big corporations pocketed: Temporary Cuts for You, Permanent for the Rich: Middle-class tax cuts expire in 2025, while corporate tax cuts are permanent. That means the small relief you saw was just temporary, while the wealthy and corporations got a permanent windfall. Capping Deductions That Hurt You: By capping the state and local tax (SALT) deductions, Trump made it harder for many middle-class Americans, especially in states with higher local taxes, to deduct those expenses. This hit middle-class homeowners directly, while the rich barely felt it. 2. Trump’s Focus on the Stock Market Didn’t Help You Trump loved to talk about how the stock market was booming under his leadership. But let’s be honest—how much of that really helped you? The stock market doesn’t put food on your table or pay your bills: Who Really Owns Stocks? About 89% of stocks are owned by the top 10% of Americans. The vast majority of Trump supporters, especially those in the middle class, don’t have major investments in the stock market. So when the market soared, the rich got richer, but your wages stayed the same. Big Business, Not Main Street: Trump focused on helping big businesses and Wall Street. The idea was that this would "trickle down" to the rest of us, but the truth is, most of that money stayed at the top. Corporations used Trump’s tax cuts to buy back their own stock and pay massive bonuses to executives instead of creating jobs or raising wages. 3. He Pretended to Care About Healthcare, but Left You Vulnerable Trump campaigned on repealing and replacing the Affordable Care Act (ACA), claiming he’d give us something better. But when he had the chance to deliver, he came up empty-handed: No Real Plan: Trump talked big about healthcare, but never came up with a replacement for Obamacare. He wanted to get rid of it, but didn’t have a solution for the millions of middle-class Americans who rely on it, especially those with pre-existing conditions. COVID-19 Response: During the pandemic, Trump’s focus was on helping the economy, but not the people suffering. Stimulus checks and unemployment benefits were temporary band-aids, while his administration rushed to bail out corporations with billions in government aid. Regular Americans were left to fend for themselves as job losses mounted and healthcare systems strained. 4. Deregulation That Helped His Rich Friends While Endangering You Trump claimed to be cutting red tape to help businesses, but what he really did was remove protections that kept you safe—whether it was your job, your health, or your environment: Rolling Back Worker Protections: Trump’s deregulation helped businesses, but often at the expense of the workers. Rollbacks in safety standards, wage protections, and union rights meant that while CEOs were pocketing more, regular workers were left with fewer protections and stagnant wages. Environmental Deregulation: Trump’s cuts to environmental protections may have pleased the oil and gas industry, but they left middle-class families in rural and working-class communities vulnerable to pollution, bad air quality, and contaminated water. And guess who gets hit the hardest when the environment suffers? It's not the billionaires flying in private jets. 5. He Didn’t Fight for Higher Wages or a Better Standard of Living For all his talk about being on the side of the American worker, Trump never supported efforts to raise the federal minimum wage. While living costs went up, wages didn’t keep pace: No Minimum Wage Increase: Trump had four years to push for a wage increase, but he didn’t. The minimum wage stayed at $7.25 an hour, even as housing, healthcare, and education costs skyrocketed. Meanwhile, corporate profits hit record highs. Job Growth for Low-Wage Work: Many of the jobs that did come back under Trump were low-wage, insecure, and lacked benefits. Sure, unemployment was low before the pandemic, but the quality of the jobs wasn’t improving. The wealthy owners of these businesses were making huge profits, while regular workers were getting scraps. 6. The Pandemic Exposed the Truth When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, Trump’s true priorities became clear. While millions of Americans were losing their jobs, struggling to pay rent, or facing bankruptcy from medical bills, Trump’s focus was on bailing out big businesses: PPP Loans to Big Corporations: The Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) was meant to help small businesses keep paying their workers, but many large corporations swooped in to claim those funds instead. Small businesses got crumbs, while Trump’s wealthy donors got millions. Stock Market Over People: Trump was obsessed with getting the stock market back up, even if it meant reopening the economy prematurely. He wanted to protect the wealth of the elites, not the health and safety of regular Americans. 7. He Used Division as a Distraction Trump was a master at creating distractions. He stirred up anger and fear, making sure you were focused on issues that divided us, while quietly helping the rich get richer: Blaming Immigrants, China, and "The Deep State": Trump often pointed the finger at outsiders—immigrants, foreign countries, or vague conspiracies—so you wouldn’t notice how his policies were enriching the wealthy at your expense. He kept you distracted with culture wars and sensational headlines while cutting deals for his rich friends. In the end, Trump’s presidency wasn’t about fighting for you or making America great again for the middle class. It was about enriching the wealthy, consolidating power, and using smoke and mirrors to keep you from noticing that he was helping the very elites he claimed to fight. While you were working hard to make ends meet, Trump was making sure the richest Americans got wealthier, and now, you’re the one paying the price.>> <<@guymcdonald1240 says : Trump's words are the words of a Nazi.>> <<@timothykramer2551 says : ❤❤ Trump>> <<@ronbridges3933 says : A mind is a terrible thing to waste>> <<@enigma9971 says : Hire private security and private investigators to watchdog the ballot counting centers, president Trump!>> <<@BrochaKlein says : The main reason why ppl are inactive is because they were rejected and possibly abused. One thing about Narcissists is that they talk yet don't do any action.>> <<@egb6322 says : The best ad so far!!!!>> <<@durfy13 says : Harris Walz: Not on Epstein's flight logs 🖕🖕🇺🇸>> <<@limtaesan says : I said everything to Trump.Find it. It's very very v~~~ery impotent to him.주식 부동산 코인 활성화 시키지 말라. 유대세력 눈치보지 말고 예수님 눈치 보시요~!! 🐢....>> <<@Commielagulps says : Faux news Sandra smith is a liberal POS! Remember her mouth on election night 2020? We do!!>> <<@oldfarmer9004 says : Immigration is the main issue in this election. It has consequences decades into the future. That issue will touch all of the other issues that have been raised all over the country.>> <<@romerovalin2635 says : Demn..>> <<@specialmaster5558 says : Her boss said that no soldiers died on their watch. They also said that there are no troops deployed...another lie. They are evil. TRUMP 2024 🇺🇲🙏🏽>> <<@RobinHarper-tv9ih says : The view thinks everyone is as stupid as the 4 idiots>> <<@RobinHarper-tv9ih says : This team of pure 💩is guilty of treason,remove this corrupt government immediately>>