<<@sangwoomichaelpark7434 says : The American Presidents Ranked by Performance Franklin D. Roosevelt was the first president to attempt on a large scale to alleviate poverty in the United States. He unleashed the full powers of the federal government to combat the depression. When he took office thousands of unemployed workers were standing in bread lines to get food for their families, many farmers and city workers had lost their homes; more were about to lose them because they could not make their mortgage payments; banks were failing by the thousands. Roosevelt immediately declared a bank holiday, while government officials inspected their books. Banks found to be in good condition were allowed to reopen and supplied with money by the treasury. The president called a special session of Congress and proposed bills for congressional approval. Among the many important programs established were the Agricultural Adjustment Act, the Tennessee Valley Authority, the National Industrial Recovery Act, the Civilian Conservation Corps, the Works Progress Administration, Social Security, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, and the Securities and Exchange Commission. Many more New Deal programs were aimed at relieving suffering from the depression and stimulating the economy to bring about recovery. Although full recovery did not come until wartime, all future presidents must try to emulate Rooevelt's efforts. Despite campaigning on a platform of reducing expenditures and balancing the budget, Roosevelt quickly found out that federal "pump priming" was the best way to stimulate the economy. When he backed away from spending in 1937, a recession occurred, so he again used fiscal policies to stimulate the economy. During the war he instituted price controls, rent controls, and other fiscal measures to prevent inflation from getting out of hand. The National Labor Relations Act of 1935, giving labor the right to organize and bargain collectively, was passed without administration support, as Roosevelt thought the National Recovery Administration made it unnecessary. Only after the Senate passed the bill did Roosevelt endorse it. Roosevelt thought that sitdown strikes were illegal, but refused to use federal troops to remove strikers from the General Motors plants. In 1938 Roosevelt became interested in reviving the anti-trust laws and anti-monopolistic regulations that had been dormant for some time. He appointed Thurman Arnold as assistant attorney general in charge of anti-trust activities. Congress authorized a National Economic Committee to investigate monopolies. The Agricultural Adjustment Act was a comprehensive plan for the rehabilitation of agriculture. It was declared unconstitutional in 1936, and passed again with revisions in 1938 as a soil conservation measure, with acreage allotments, benefit payments, storage loans for surpluses, and marketing quotas. The Frazier-Lemke Moratorium Act of 1935 prohibited creditors from holding foreclosure sales for a period of five years, provided that the farmers involved could make reasonable payments on their mortgaged property. When this law was declared unconstitutional, it was passed again with minor changes and withstood court scrutiny. The Tennessee Valley Authority was authorized to construct dams for flood control and for the generation and distribution of electricity. It also was authorized to develop new forms of fertilizer and to take such other steps as it saw fit to promote the agricultural and industrial development of the region. Although the rural electrification program was the best known product of TVA, the agency also made great contributions in the areas of erosion control, expansion of commercial navigation, and creation of recreational facilities. It also cooperated with local authorities in providing public health services, experimented with low-cost housing for the benefit of its employees, and made other contributions to the general welfare. Roosevelt utilized the progressive income tax not only on individuals, but also on corporations. No president has done more to shift the burden of taxation to those most able to pay. Perhaps the most revolutionary of all the New Deal programs was social security, which provides old-age annuities, unemployment insurance, and more adequate care for the poor, the dependent, and the disabled. He issued an executive order banning discrimination in defense industries and in government because of race, creed, color, or national origin. He created the Fair Employment Practices Commission and appointed qualified persons to office, regardless of gender or religion. He appointed Frances Perkins as secretary of labor, the first female cabinet member in the history of the United States. His Four Freedoms speech was an inspirational statement for civil liberties and human rights. There were two blots on Roosevelt's record, however. He interred Americans of Japanese ancestry in concentration camps during the war, and he did not try very hard to admit Jewish refugees to the United States. It was not until 1944 that he agreed to take Jews in excess of the quota. Perhaps more than any previous president, Roosevelt used the power of the presidency to promote the general welfare of all of the people. Abraham Lincoln and his successor, Andrew Johnson, are tied for second in the Domestic Programs area. Harry Truman and Lyndon B. Johnson are tied for fifth, and Woodrow Wilson ranks sixth.>> <<@sangwoomichaelpark7434 says : The American Presidents Ranked by Performance Criteria and Evaluation Area of President 5. PERSONAL QUALITIES Performance Area - Enhancing the Presidency Through Exhibiting Positive Personal Qualities 5.1. PRESIDENTIAL COMPORTMENT Positive Indicator - The president conducted himself with the dignity that his office requires. Negative Indicator - The president demeaned his office by petty, small-minded, mean-spirited, crude, or other inappropriate behavior. 5.2. INSTILLS PRIDE IN COUNTRYMEN Positive Indicator - The president made people proud to be Americans, made them proud that a man such as he was their president. Negative Indicator - The president made people ashamed that a person like him was their president, or caused them to feel less pride in themselves and their country. 5.3. INCREASES STATURE OF THE OFFICE Positive Indicator - The office of the president received more respect both at home and abroad because of the caliber of the person who occupied it. Negative Indicator - The actions of the incumbent brought the office of the president into disrepute. 5.4. INCREASES THE POWER OF THE PRESIDENCY Positive Indicator - Through taking bold action into previously uncharted waters or through restoring powers that a previous president had abdicated, the incumbent increased the power of the presidency to act for the good of the nation. Negative Indicator - The president weakened the presidency by allowing some other agency, such as Congress, to usurp its authority, or by simply not using the power of the presidency to deal with national concerns. 5.5. PUBLIC OPINION AND THE PRESIDENCY Positive Indicator - The president made the people think that the presidency is the people's office, that the president was "on their side." Negative Indicator - The president caused the public to feel that the president was uninterested in them, to think that the president feels they are unworthy of his concern, or that the president is their enemy, not their friend. 5.6. PUBLIC ACCESS TO THE PRESIDENCY Positive Indicator - The president sought input from all segments of the public, and gave thoughtful consideration to input that he received. Negative Indicator - Access to the president was restricted to a small group of insiders or members of favored classes. 5.7 REACHING OUT TO THE PEOPLE Positive Indicator - The president used many kinds of formal and informal communications to interact with the people, including among many others: "fireside chats," treating the office as a "bully pulpit," and going over the heads of Congress and other very important persons to appeal directly to the people. Negative Indicator - The president seemed uninterested in communicating with the people through other than formal channels. He held himself aloof from the people, and they felt this aloofness. 5.8. INTEGRITY AND TRUSTWORTHINESS Positive Indicator - The president acted consistently on a firm set of moral values and principles. The president could be trusted, his word was as good as his bond, a promise made was a promise that would be kept. Negative Indicator - The president abandoned his moral principles whenever it was expedient for him to do so. The president could not be trusted to keep his word. 5.9. PERSONAL HONESTY Positive Indicator - The president acted on the belief that a public office is a public trust and never in any way used his office to benefit himself personally at the expense of the public. Negative Indicator - The president allowed his personal welfare to influence official decisions. 5.10. PERSONAL MORALITY Positive Indicator - The president enhanced the prestige of office of the president by the high standard of personal morality he exhibited throughout his life. Negative Indicator - The president diminished the prestige of the office or his own effectiveness as president by the low standards of morality he exhibited in his personal life.>> <<@sangwoomichaelpark7434 says : The American Presidents Ranked by Performance Criteria and Evaluation Area of President 4. LEADERSHIP AND DECISION MAKING Performance Area - Improving the State of the Nation Through Effective Leadership and Appropriate Decision Making 4.1. INSPIRATION Positive Indicator - Whether by example, exhortation, or charisma the president stimulated or inspired executive branch personnel to a high level of focused, productive effort. He inspired others to view him as an ideal person and to follow him in whatever direction he wanted to lead. The president was able through personal example or through his speeches or writings to inspire the people to an all-out effort to accomplish important national goals. Negative Indicator - The president allowed executive branch personnel to exhibit uninspired, unfocused, or inappropriate work behavior. His personality was viewed so negatively that people were reluctant to follow him regardless of what he proposed. During his administration a malaise developed. The public was unwilling to exhibit the sacrifice, effort, or unity necessary to promote national well-being. 4.2. PERSUASIVENESS Positive Indicator - The president was able to persuade others to follow him by convincing them that his was the right course. Negative Indicator - The president was unable to persuade others to adopt his proposals or to carry out his programs. 4.3. CONFIDENCE BUILDING Positive Indicator - The president was able to maintain public confidence in the government or to restore it after scandal, depression, or other disaster. Negative Indicator - The public's confidence in the presidency, in government generally, or in the future of the country was weakened during his incumbency. 4.4. PERFORMANCE STANDARDS Positive Indicator - The president set high standards of performance for himself and for others. He motivated others toward achieving at a high level. Negative Indicator - The president allowed members of his administration to engage in inappropriate behavior or failed to hold them responsible for performing their duties at a high level of competence and effectiveness. 4.5. VISION Positive Indicator - The president had a concept of what the nation and the world should be like. He was able to communicate this, unifying the nation and creating a feeling of togetherness and shared national goals among the people. Negative Indicator - The president had no concept of an ideal society, no dream for the future of his country. His administration was marked by divisiveness, of group against group, of a feeling of no common national purpose. 4.6. CONCEPTUALIZING Positive Indicator - The president was able to conceive a strategy for getting the country from where it is to where it ought to be. Negative Indicator - The president was unable to analyze the present situation and develop a strategy for improving the nation's lot. 4.7. WEIGHING ALTERNATIVES Positive Indicator - Before making a final decision, the president weighed various alternatives and made an informed judgment about the possible consequences of each course of action. In considering alternatives the president listened to subordinates and engaged in fair and honest discussions of the ramifications of the decision. His consideration of alternatives was informed by a wide knowledge and deep understanding of history. The wisdom of his decision making was enhanced by his willingness to learn from past mistakes. Negative Indicator - Once he decided something should be done, the president jumped in and did it without considering alternate ways of doing it or of considering the views of those who disagreed with him. His decision making was not informed by a knowledge of history or by the lessons learned from his mistakes. The range of alternatives he considered was limited because of his inability or unwillingness to confide in others, to seek their advice, or to engage them in open dialogue. 4.8. INTELLIGENT DECISION-MAKING Positive Indicator - The president possessed a keen intelligence and utilized it in problem solving and decision making situations. Negative Indicator - The president used ineffective problem solving and decision making strategies through lack of application of disciplined intelligence. 4.9. COMPROMISE Positive Indicator - In order to win wider support for a proposal, the president compromised on details but held firm on principle. Negative Indicator - The president was unwilling to compromise on anything, or refused to stand firm even when a principle was at stake. 4.10. HARD DECISIONS AND EMERGENCIES Positive Indicator - When faced with a situation where a decision must be made, the president made the decision no matter how tough it was or how severe the consequences if he made the wrong one. The president acted calmly in emergencies, utilizing as careful and prudent a decision-making process as time permitted, but did make timely decisions. Negative Indicator - The president avoided making hard decisions by postponing action or allowing decisions to be made elsewhere. In emergencies the president acted rashly, rushed to a decision without proper preparation, or was paralyzed into inaction.>> <<@sangwoomichaelpark7434 says : The American Presidents Ranked by Performance Criteria and Evaluation Area of President 3. ADMINISTRATION AND INTERGOVERNMENTSL RELATIONS Performance Area - Administering the Executive Branch of Government Effectively and Efficiently and Relating Appropriately to Other Branches 3.1. DEVELOPING AN EFFECTIVE PLAN FOR OPERATING THE EXECUTIVE BRANCH Positive Indicator - The president developed a set of goals and objectives and laid out an organized plan for their accomplishment; engaged in long-term planning and visualized the problems that must be overcome to move the nation forward. Negative Indicator - The president either made no long-term plans or allowed the distractions of the present to prevent him from focusing on long-term goals; operated the office of the presidency without a set of consistent, well-conceived goals and objectives; reacted to events on a day-to-day basis rather than proactively. 3.2. ORGANIZING THE EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS FOR EFFECTIVE ACTION Positive Indicator - The president organized the executive departments and personnel according to sound administrative principles; established clear organization patterns, communication channels, and procedures for accomplishing national goals and maintaining high standards of performance. Negative Indicator - The president failed to institute the structure necessary to accomplish the administration's goals; ran the executive branch in a disorganized, haphazard manner. 3.3. STAFFING THE EXECUTIVE BRANCH Positive Indicator - The president appointed the appropriate number of well qualified persons to positions for which they were suited in executive branch departments and agencies; appointed strong, capable cabinet officers, who were effective advocates for their departments while cooperating with other department heads on matters of national interest; held employees to high standards of conduct, preventing corruption or scandal from marring his administration. Negative Indicator - The president allowed bickering among cabinet members to give the appearance of a government in disarray or allowed an assertive cabinet member to appear to be speaking for the government while in fact he is speaking only for himself. Presidential appointees enriched themselves by improper conduct in office or otherwise tarred the administration with corruption and scandal. Appointive offices were under-staffed, overstaffed, or filled by unqualified or otherwise unsuitable personnel. 3.4. DIRECTING THE WORK OF EXECUTIVE BRANCH PERSONNEL Positive Indicator - The president assigned personnel to appropriate roles, helped them develop clear goals and objectives based on residential priorities, gave them authority to carry out their duties, and held them responsible for results. Negative Indicator - The president failed to give subordinates clear assignments, delegated excessive or insufficient authority, or failed to hold personnel responsible for producing desired results. 3.5. COMMUNICATING Positive Indicator - The president developed and maintained an effective system of two-way communication with executive branch employees, the Congress, and the public; kept people informed of what they needed to know, without unnecessary secrecy; reported to the people and to the Congress through speeches, writings, or press conferences on the president's perception of national needs and problems, as well as on plans, priorities, and accomplishments of the administration; worked with the press in a relationship of mutual respect. Although some members of the press naturally opposed some parts of his program, neither the president nor the press pursued a vendetta against the other. Negative Indicator - The president engaged in one-way communication only; engaged in unnecessary secrecy; failed to keep people informed of matters of national concern; failed to use appropriate channels of reporting, failed to report to significant segments of the nation, failed to include all the types of information that should be reported. The relationship between the press and the president deteriorated to such a point that it interfered with presidential proposals receiving a fair hearing or diminished the office of the president in the eyes of the public at home or abroad. 3.6. CONTROLLING EXPENDITURES Positive Indicator - The president secured from Congress ample funds to work toward important national priorities, without excessive or wasteful spending; developed or maintained procedures to insure that governmental expenditures fell within reasonable limits, including expansion as required by real national emergency. Negative Indicator - The president failed to secure adequate funding for national needs; failed to exercise oversight on governmental expenditures; allowed departments to overspend in absence of emergency; increased national debt in time of peace or prosperity. 3.7 EFFECTIVE OPERATIONS Positive Indicator - Executive branch departments and agencies were well-administered and accomplished important goals and objectives. Negative Indicator - Some executive departments or agencies were poorly administered, failed to achieve goals and objectives, or followed their own agendas rather than following national priorities. 3.8. WORKING WITH CONGRESS Positive Indicator - The president secured overwhelming support from members of his own party in the Congress for passage of legislation supportive of presidential goals; secured support from a significant portion of opposition party, thus enabling programs to be passed; maintained a climate of cooperation with opposition to the point that they did not try to sabotage his administration; secured congressional support for a bipartisan foreign policy. Negative Indicator - Enough members of his own party opposed presidential programs to allow their defeat in Congress. The president was unable to secure enough support from the opposition to pass proposed legislation; allowed his relationship with the opposition to deteriorate to the point that it damaged his presidency; allowed opposition from congressional opponents to prevent the nation from appearing united in support of the administration's foreign policy. 3.9. JUDICIARY Positive Indicators -The president nominated and secured congressional approval of highly qualified candidates for judicial positions; maintained the independence of the judiciary branch, with mutual respect between the president and the courts. Negative Indicator - The president nominated inferior candidates for federal judgeships; developed an antagonistic relationship with the judiciary. 3.10. THE PEOPLE VS. THE SPECIAL INTERESTS Positive Indicator - The president put public interest ahead of self-interest; would "rather be right than president"; acted in the best interests of all the people, rather than responding only to the demands of particular pressure groups; mobilized powerful interest groups such as labor unions, chambers of commerce, manufacturer's associations, religious organizations, etc. to exert pressure in a successful effort to secure enactment of his programs. The president was respected by the public and used this respect to further his goals for the nation. Negative Indicator - The president put getting re-elected, rewarding friends, or satisfying personal goals ahead of doing what was best for the country; gave paramount consideration to the desires of one group-such as business, labor, or agriculture - rather than considering needs of all the people. The president was a tool of the special interests who promoted their own agenda through him, instead of vice versa, or the interests were so antagonized by the president that they defeated his programs. The president was so disrespected by public opinion that it was difficult for him to get his programs enacted, to govern effectively, or to interact effectively with leaders of other nations.>> <<@sangwoomichaelpark7434 says : The American Presidents Ranked by Performance Criteria and Evaluation Area of President 2. DOMESTIC PROGRAMS Performance Area - Improving Life in America Through Domestic Programs 2.1. FISCAL POLICIES Positive Indicator - The president pursued governmental fiscal policies which had the effect of stimulating the economy in times of economic recession and which restrained inflation in times of economic growth; decreased or increased governmental spending depending upon the national interest; took action to maintain strong economy or to improve a weak one and dealt effectively with economic problems, such as inflation, panics, depressions, or recessions. Negative Indicator - The president failed to utilize governmental power to promote economic stability; took actions which caused economic downturns, or failed to take remedial actions when downturn occurred; failed to prevent runaway inflation or to bring inherited inflation under control. 2.2. AGRICULTURE, CAPITAL, AND LABOR Positive Indicator - The president promoted policies facilitating ownership of family farms and agricultural stabilization; led Congress to pass legislation regulating trusts, monopolies, and holding companies, or vigorously enforced existing legislation; led Congress to pass legislation protecting right of labor to organize, bargain collectively, and strike when necessary, or took other action to improve the lot of the working man or woman or child; sought to maintain a balance of power between capital and labor. Negative Indicator - The president allowed monopolistic practices to go unchecked; used powers of government to improve status of favored classes over common people, workers, or small farmers; used power of government to weaken organized labor, to break strikes, or to prevent unionization; failed to support child labor laws, minimum wage, or other actions to improve working conditions. 2.3. DEALING WITH PUBLIC WELFARE Positive Indicator - The president promoted governmental programs to prevent poverty or to alleviate effects of existing poverty; used the power of the presidency to promote the welfare of all people through providing social security, guaranteed health care, food for the poor, pure food and drug standards, and protection against crime. Negative Indicator - The president failed to use power of government to help poor people or promoted policies which increased amount or severity of poverty; used governmental power in ways that were detrimental to the health, safety, or welfare of the people. 2.4. TAX POLICIES Positive Indicator - The president promoted tax policies which placed burden of taxation on those most able to pay. Negative Indicator - The president shifted burden of taxation from upper income taxpayers to middle or low income persons. 2.5. INTERNAL IMPROVEMENTS, CONSERVATION, AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Positive Indicator - The president pursued governmental policies which improved transportation and communication, such as rivers, harbors, canals, highways, railroads, mass transit, airports, airline safety, postal service, telephone and telegraph, radio, television, or computer technology; conserved natural resources, promoted flood control, and provided environmental protection. Negative Indicator - The president failed to utilize governmental power to promote internal improvements; allowed monopolistic control of transportation or communication to be used against the public interest; failed to conserve natural resources or to protect the environment. 2.6. RACIAL JUSTICE Positive Indicator - The president worked to combat slavery, the slave trade, extension of slavery, segregation, or other racial injustice; used the power of the presidency to support civil rights through desegregation, affirmative action, voting rights, or anti-discrimination programs; used power of presidency to support rights of Native Americans. Negative Indicator - The president supported slavery, the slave trade, extension of slavery, or racial segregation; opposed desegregation, voting rights, and anti-discrimination programs; treated Native Americans in discriminatory or unfair manner. 2.7. CIVIL LIBERTIES Positive Indicator - The president supported freedom of speech and press and the right of peaceful dissent; supported freedom of religion and opposed religious bigotry. Negative Indicator - The president stifled freedom of expression and/or punished dissenters; showed no concern for freedom of religion or practiced discrimination against persons of other religions. 2.8. MINORITIES Positive Indicator - The president supported non-discriminatory immigration policy and opposed discrimination based on national origin or citizenship status; supported women's suffrage, equality of women before the law; supported equal employment opportunities for all; appointed qualified persons to office regardless of gender, race, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, or disabilities. Negative Indicator - The president opposed immigration by persons of color or certain national origin; treated unfavored immigrants as second-class persons; opposed women's rights to vote, own property, serve on juries, or otherwise receive equal treatment of the laws; opposed equal employment legislation; appointments to cabinet positions, federal judgeships, etc. limited to members of favored groups. 2. 9. HUMAN DIGNITY Positive Indicator - The president insisted on humane treatment of all individuals in the United States; took action aimed to help secure human rights abroad; treated all persons with respect, regardless of status; tried to improve the lot of the homeless, to alleviate poverty, or to insure justice for any unfavored group or individual. Negative Indicator - The president allowed mistreatment of individuals in the United States; ignored human rights abuses by foreign countries; showed disdain or contempt for individuals based on social class, financial status, or membership in an unfavored group, put property rights above human rights. 2.10. EDUCATION, CULTURE, AND RECREATION Positive Indicator - The president supported policies favorable to public schools and colleges; promoted vocational training and workforce development; supported the arts and humanities, museums, preservation of historic sites, creation of national parks and recreation areas, and the educational use of media such as radio, television, and computer networks. Negative Indicator - The president opposed federal aid to education, favored policies that would weaken the public schools; opposed federal aid to the arts and humanities; failed to support national parks, historic sites, and recreation areas; failed to support the educational use of media.>> <<@sangwoomichaelpark7434 says : The American Presidents Ranked by Performance Criteria and Evaluation Area of President 1. FOREIGN RELATIONS Performance Area - Promoting Interests of the United States Through Foreign Relations 1.1. WAR OR THE AVOIDANCE OF WAR Positive Indicator - The president used diplomacy to prevent the United States from becoming involved in war against our national interests. When the national interest required it, he effectively led the United States in war against an enemy. Negative Indicator - The president failed to utilize diplomatic means to prevent the United States from being drawn into a war against our national interests. Even though our national interests would have been promoted by taking action against an enemy, he failed to take appropriate steps. He led the United States into war against a perceived enemy when it was against our national interest to be so engaged. 1.2. APPROPRIATE USE OF MILITARY FORCE Positive Indicator - The president consistently used military force or potential military force to promote our national interests. Negative Indicator-The president used military force or threat of military force in a way that was detrimental to our national interests; failed to use military force or the build-up of military strength and resolve to protect national interests. 1.3. PEACEKEEPING Positive Indicator - The president used diplomatic means, such as treaties or international agreements, to preserve or bring about peaceful relations between the United States and another nation or used our good offices to settle disputes among foreign nations. Negative Indicator - By failing to act effectively in keeping the peace among nations of the world, the president allowed the national interests of the United States to be injured; brought about temporary peace at the expense of future stability through appeasement, bluffing, bullying, or other inappropriate means. 1.4. INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS Positive Indicator - The president consistently promoted the national interests of the United States by engaging in appropriate relations with other nations; used the granting or withholding of diplomatic recognition of other countries as a tool for promoting our national interests; took action to promote cooperation among nations; led in the establishment of regional alliances to promote security of the area; worked with heads of other governments with whom he had mutual respect. Negative Indicator - The president failed to utilize cooperative relations with other nations when it would have been in the national interest of the United States to have done so; granted or failed to grant diplomatic recognition to other nations when such action or failure to act was contrary to our own best interests; failed to participate in appropriate regional alliances when the opportunity presented itself or used regional alliances in a way that was detrimental to our long-term interests; failed to command the respect or the confidence of other world leaders or did not have a working relationship with them. 1.5. NEIGHBORLINESS Positive Indicator - The president consistently advanced national interests of the United States by taking actions to show we deserve the friendship and support of our neighboring nations in the Western Hemisphere; used diplomatic recognition, economic aid, or other means to encourage development of stable democracies abroad. Negative Indicator - The president harmed the national interests of the United States by inappropriate behavior toward our neighbors in the Western Hemisphere; cooperated with. military dictatorships or other repressive regimes to the detriment of other people's hopes for democracy. 1.6. INTERNATIONAL RIVALRY Positive Indicator - The president consistently behaved toward our international rivals in a manner that demonstrated the United States was strong enough and determined enough to protect our national interests against predators. Negative Indicator - The president failed to demonstrate the strength, courage, or will necessary to deter foreign rivals from taking actions harmful to our national interests. 1.7. INTERNATIONAL TENSIONS Positive Indicator - The president helped ease international tensions by demonstrating to foreign rivals that despite our resolve to protect our own national interests, we had no designs against them. Negative Indicator - By threats, jingoism, or saber-rattling the president caused other nations of the world to regard the United States as a danger to their well-being. 1.8. WORLD OPINION Positive Indicator - The president conducted foreign policy in such a way as to enhance favorable public opinion toward the United States throughout the world. Negative indicator - The president conducted foreign policy in such a way as to alienate public opinion toward the United States throughout the world. 1.9. TARIFF POLICIES Positive Indicator - The president promoted tariff policies that had long-term beneficial effects. Negative Indicator - The president promoted tariff policies that in the long run had harmful effects on world economy or on the economic well-being of the United States. 1.10. PROMOTION OF ECONOMIC WELL- BEING ABROAD Positive Indicator - The president followed practices that led to an increase in world trade in a way that was fair and beneficial to all nations; used economic aid or followed trade policies and other economic practices that increased the standard of living of people in other nations. Negative Indicator - The president followed practices that decreased world trade or followed practices that led to exploitive or unfair trade arrangements; assisted American companies in the economic exploitation of people in other countries.>> <<@sangwoomichaelpark7434 says : The American Presidents Ranked by Performance Criteria and Evaluation Area of President 1. Foreign Relations 2. Domestic Programs 3. Administration and Intergovernmental Relations 4. Leadership and Decision Making 5. Personal Qualities ====================== 1. Foreign Relations Performance Area - Promoting Interests of the United States Through Foreign Relations 1.1. War or The Avoidance of War 1.2. Appropriate Use of Military Force 1.3. Peacekeeping 1.4. International Relations 1.5. Neighborliness 1.6. International Rivalry 1.7. International Tensions 1.8. World Opinion 1.9. Tariff Policies 1.10. Promotion of Economic Wellbeing Abroad 2. Domestic Programs Performance Area - Improving Life in America Through Domestic Programs 2.1. Fiscal Policies 2.2. Agriculture, Capital, and Labor 2.3. Dealing with Public Welfare 2.4. Tax Policies 2.5. Internal Improvements, Conservation, and Environmental Protection 2.6. Racial Justice 2.7. Civil Liberties 2.8. Minorities 2.9. Human Dignity 2.10. Education, Culture, and Recreation 3. Administration and Intergovernmental Relations Performance Area - Administering the Executive Branch of Government Effectively and Efficiently and Relating Appropriately to Other Branches 3.1. Developing an Effective Plan for Operating The Executive Branch 3.2. Organizing The Executive Departments for Effective Action 3.3. Staffing The Executive Branch 3.4. Directing The Work of Executive Branch Personnel 3.5. Communicating 3.6. Controlling Expenditures 3.7. Effective Operations 3.8. Working with Congress 3.9. Judiciary 3.10. The People VS. The Special Interests 4. Leadership and Decision Making Performance Area - Improving the State of the Nation Through Effective Leadership and Appropriate Decision Making 4.1. Inspiration 4.2. Persuasiveness 4.3. Confidence Building 4.4. Performance Standards 4.5. Vision 4.6. Conceptualizing 4.7. Weighing Alternatives 4.8. Intelligent Decision-Making 4.9. Compromise 4.10. Hard Decisions and Emergencies 5. Personal Qualities Performance Area – Enhancing the Presidency Through Exhibiting Positive Personal Qualities 5.1. Presidential Comportment 5.2. Instills Pride in Countrymen 5.3. Increases Stature of The Office 5.4. Increases The Power of The Presidency 5.5. Public Opinion and The Presidency 5.6. Public Access to The Presidency 5.7. Reaching Out to The People 5.8. Integrity And Trustworthiness 5.9. Personal Honesty 5.10. Personal Morality>> <<@elgrannortex says : What a joke. This guy is just using you.>> <<@hunterdolatowski7995 says : Trump 2024! Voting trump!>> <<@jonjohnsonpoolspa says : @STEVE GARVEY FOR CALIFORNIA @TRUMP2024 @JD VANCE @ROBERT KENNEDY JR @VIVEK RAMASWAMY @ELON MUSK @TULSI GABBARD KRISTI NOEM @SENATOR RAND PAUL SENATOR TED CRUZ TUCKER CARLSON SENATOR KENNEDY>> <<@KatelynMrsBamaIngle says : Best President of our generation, unified government the people, we love you so much! ❤>> <<@上理-h6p says : 応援してます。😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊>> <<@user-nz7pw5vn1x says : Right song Wrong man>> <<@ZeeVee-t8g says : Would love Trump to see the story a christian bishop from Iraq, lives in USA, ( mari mari Emmanuel) got stabbed by a young mentally ill extremist islamic guy who got his eye.when he was giving mass. he spoke outlet why, how Quran, Muslims got it wrong. He's very knowledgeable.wish you could talk to him,as you both have experiences with being attacked for your beliefs,knowledge, experience on the middle East. Another one, ( gag saad) from Egypt, psychologist, and many other topics about middle East.>> <<@ТатьянаАстахова-д9м says : Дональд! Ты мой любимый мальчик! 💋>> <<@lindanguyen2618 says : ❤️🥰TRUMP & ❤️VANCE 🇺🇸2024 🇺🇸🙏God Bless Trump / Vance & America 🇺🇸Amen✝️🇺🇸🙏🇺🇸🙏🇺🇸🙏🇺🇸>> <<@BeastsFilms says : I wish i could have made it Mr Next President, right in my city. GOD BLESS THE USA!!!! GOD BLESS TRUMP!!!! GOD BLESS READING PENNSYLVANIA!!!!>> <<@nellymendozacontreras2048 says : Donald Trump 2024 Avanse God bless yuo Sr presidente Donald Trump ❤️❤️❤️❤️🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️👍👍👍👍❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️>> <<@tamhientata3435 says : PRESIDENT. TRUMP.....HIS. TOP PRIORITY IS. PUTTING. AMERICANS... AMERICA....INTERESTS. FIRST....👍❤🇺🇸...WAKE UP. AMERICANS. ...LOOK. AT WHAT IS HAPPENING NOW.........WE. WORK. SO. HARD..TO PAY SO. MUCH IN TAXES....HOW MUCH MONEY.. IS LEFT....AND WE HAVE TO DEAL WITH. RISING PRICES......MY CHILDREN DONT. EAT. AS WELL. AS. THE CHILDREN. OF. ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS WHO. GET. FOOD STAMPS......THE CURRENT. GOVENMENT OF THE. SO. CALLED DEMOCRATIC PARTY....IS. DESTROYING. AMERICA...EXPLOITING THE. AMERICAN PEOPLE👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎>> <<@thomastheseer6117 says : trump is a bumbling OLD MAN with advanced mental decline https://youtu.be/mlTz7duBsFM?si=KqG65T2da9FWCRwf>> <<@johnswain8939 says : Another Great speech.👍🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸>> <<@sabinerie says : Mr President of our hearts, I‘m a German and hope you make America great again because then the world has a chance to become healthy….>> <<@renierchristiaan9348 says : https://youtu.be/EY6OWPqzVKs https://youtu.be/5Gq8g5J7VjA https://youtu.be/nPmIhH775L4 https://youtu.be/waVxtq6_FYA https://youtu.be/cqgvgNj_zG8 https://youtu.be/snyms3ybkv0 https://youtu.be/tmmiAC9Rxy4 https://youtu.be/go99WqXWGgk https://youtu.be/mkWCqyhbcmA https://youtu.be/N7hfv7nl9vM https://youtu.be/gSe4vP5NOqg https://youtu.be/IXFFh4m4QGM https://youtu.be/ANGzWBSg7WQ https://youtu.be/DDSY6JyddgE https://youtu.be/DcSkuL5j_ww https://youtu.be/UHgkrdLXy40 https://youtu.be/nkf8Z-hMimY https://youtu.be/XW6die3iMwg https://youtu.be/NiARIt9u63g https://youtu.be/VcPwNyCsrRE https://youtu.be/9f87NlKPg2A?t=131 https://youtu.be/kXg24HoMGBU https://youtu.be/W55KePgn-Hc https://youtu.be/8CdcCD5V-d8 https://youtu.be/9kE408h3iCA https://youtu.be/MROkiXkTvgc https://youtu.be/U8XH3W0cMss?t=150 https://youtu.be/KwowYUJ-zP4>> <<@manonamission2000 says : 💪🏼Fight Fight Fight 🇺🇸Vote President Trump✅>> <<@GochaD-hu6gx says : I love President Donald Tramp prawdziwy facet z krwi i ciała>> <<@manofknowledgemind says : Wow teen pageant USA owner has gone far from paying off little girls>> <<@Catmire47 says : Harris campaign throwing a Hail Mary with former divider in chief Obama. Lol>> <<@uba1962 says : May he give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed.Psalm 20:4>> <<@uba1962 says : God bless President Trump and Vance!>> <<@The55nomad says : Putin's bottom boy.>> <<@LGFITNESS1 says : The mainstream woke media claims that Trump rallies are “empty” and that there are many “empty seats” and that folks leave prior to end of his rallies. Meanwhile, I can never find empty seats while watching it on RSBN, where they actually show MAGA supporters during Trump rallies. This was absolutely OUTSTANDING!!! 🇺🇸TRUMP-VANCE 2024🇺🇸 🇺🇸MAGA🇺🇸>> <<@cathymisciagna4147 says : Can anyone who was there verify or debunk the reports of empty seats??>> <<@Cinda720 says : I’ve heard it all.. mayorkis is blaming trump saying people aren’t taking fema money because of trump.. no it’s because they used it.. they are even blaming trump for that,, they are sick>> <<@joysbicolvlogs6576 says : We love you President Donald J Trump ❤ from San Diego, California...God bless you! ❤>> <<@bksports674 says : You can't go more than 30 seconds without lying, and you will lose this election.>> <<@Preciousmiller1 says : Trump 2024 🙏🇺🇲🙏😊👍>> <<@bksports674 says : You're such a liar>> <<@bksports674 says : You goober, you never could balance on a 🛹. Total dork.>> <<@LightLove-m6t says : TRUMP❤VANCE 2024 for peace 🙏respect🇺🇸prosperity☀️🙏💖🙌💕✨>> <<@BenSchmidtCampaign says : Please do not tell any Democrats that Trump is having a Trump rally. Kamala will be there if it happens..>> <<@frankwatson7283 says : 3rd asasination attempt?>> <<@RocBoy317 says : A so called presidential candidate using stereotypical homophobic attacks against the very American citizens he running to represent is absolutely DISGUSTING…..and the deplorables laughing in the crowd are disgusting…..THE WHOLE MAGA MOVEMENT IS BASED ON HATE OF NON WHITE PEOPLE…..and America turns a blind eye because it’s still “AMERICA”🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️>> <<@G.Tretter says : Sollte dieser machthungrige, kranke Geist Präsident werden, wird es irgendwann auch heißen, statt der hat gelogen, er hat getrumpt.>> <<@RocBoy317 says : MAGA IS SOOOOOO DUMB>> <<@RocBoy317 says : Trump is LYING!!!!!!!!!💙💙💙>> <<@G.Tretter says : Dieser Typ ist dümmer als 100 Meter Feldweg. Wie dumm muss man also sein, so einen Menschen zu wählen? Der Hass und Lügen mit einer Selbstverständlichkeit säht, wie man Nahrung aufnimmt. AMERIKA, wake up!!!>> <<@RocBoy317 says : CANNOT BELIEVE WE HAVE THIS MANY DEPLORABLES IN THIS COUNTRY……..the non intelligence movement is gonna doom this country……PLEASE EDUCATE YOURSELVES MAGA!!!!!!!💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙>> <<@judyfranks6832 says : TRUMP AMEN AMERICA BEST PRESIDENT OF ALL AMEN 🙏✝️💯💯💯💯>> <<@RocBoy317 says : TRUMP TALKS WITH AN ELEMENTARY VOCABULARY……😂😂😂😂>> <<@RocBoy317 says : An accomplished woman is not smart!!!???🤨🤨🤨……I GIVE YOU THE CULT OF TRUMP!!!💙💙💙💙💙>>