<<@godmotheru says : FEMA said it! What is she talking about? 🤨>> <<@andyknolls8735 says : and who validates the votes of the electoral collage? The VP. And who is the VP right now? Yeah wrap that one around your head for a minute.>> <<@nicholasr.652 says : My thoughts on why they voted against the fema bill also misappropriated funds- and they probably bundled another 100 billion in for Ukraine>> <<@angelawehe4811 says : A birdie told me that FEMA has 700billion in an acct. accumulated since 1212.😮>> <<@angelawehe4811 says : How true the meme.😅>> <<@roger3699 says : I always love to hear the truth, facts and reality...thanks....😊>> <<@arealist8344 says : This administration are such liars>> <<@theshyguitarist says : Stop paying taxes. Stop calling them illegal migrants. They are foreign invaders being invited here with promises of free money, free healthcare, subsidized housing etc.>> <<@daniellester6111 says : TRUMP SAVE US!!!!!! These people have to be held accountable when he gets back in charge!>> <<@hokiepokie333_CicadaMykHyn says : IDK how KJP can even stand in from of the camera, EVER AGAIN!!! SFMF's 🦅🌎⚓>> <<@robertstonecipher2472 says : The government is a corporation. Deal with you idiota fascista>> <<@Arfonfree says : I don't WANT to be the top priority of my government. That sounds like the stuff of nightmares.>> <<@TravisDrake-Beo007 says : Congratulations on the view count 👍>> <<@Lynx-hs2kx says : Our taxpayer dollars should not be going to illegal immigrants. Who are criminals.>> <<@00monkeydude001 says : democrats trying to fact check is the most pathetic thing on earth. if they fact checked fairly and honestly then the democrat media would be forced to be conservative over night but they know they can use the simplest and slowest of the American people in their favor.>> <<@qmwolfe says : He is really good and wouldn’t mind seeing him as president in the future>> <<@keefersmotherland1308 says : As soon as she said "Do you think this is the time to put false hoods aside" ... I would have said "yeah we should shut down networks like CNN and MSNBC that continually distort the truth, misleading their viewers from the truth, and pushing pro lunatic ideologies that hurt the American people.">> <<@JT.common_sense says : We are all counting down the days under corrupt lying demonrat control.>> <<@bryanshore2257 says : The main problem with this is how g you listen to the government and the media we are not in an immigration crisis or disaster. So why are they spending money from fema which is only supposed to be used for disasters or when we are in a crisis.>> <<@Lefty217 says : 9:24 it's not just blocking. there's veriified video of government helos intentionally rotorwashing civilian disaster relief staging areas. war crimes.>> <<@alphawolf8059 says : I just realized this guy sounds A LOT like Array7 the TF2 YouTuber.>> <<@brenon45 says : This current administration reminds me of the ironic Don't Look Up movie, which it in its self was irony as it was originally created as a insult thrown at the right side of the political party, but Unironically perfectly described the left during real issues.>> <<@NoahSmith-r7u says : At 6:14. The white haired lady said if the Assassination attempts that Democrats are against that. Not from what I saw. They were mad it didn't happen. Not just from Tic Tok videos but shows like the View and And left side news. And then you have Biden said comdemn it the first day and then back to support it the next.>> <<@johnscott5662 says : These “non profits” are taxpayer funded. Are we ok with that?>> <<@jackkruese4258 says : I’m half American / English and live in England and I can assure you migrants who sneak in over here are also being put up in hotels. It’s not just in the US.>> <<@Jormunguandr says : Liberals famous for building hot air castles 😅>> <<@judithomas5814 says : All these administration does is lie and lie and lie. They gave our American tax pay dollars to the illegal immigrants that crossed over illegally, and now our American people are suffering from a hurricane. This is a disgraceful disgraceful administration.>> <<@robertrodriguez8167 says : Trump, going to have it touch, fixing all this crap.>> <<@johnhines229 says : To hell with priority, I know the government will never prioritize us. I’m sick of the blatant obvious lying. They think we’re idiots>> <<@brantjustilian3791 says : Yep one of my aunts was screwed by FEMA back when Baton Rouge flooded>> <<@FireTurtle75. says : The table of supplies at 8:32 makes zero sense the way it's setup. It's completely inefficient. If anyone has ever put together a supply kit to hand out to people, they would know this. The fact that anyone took these items out of the case boxes and lined them up perfectly is the first waste of time. Second, they have way too many items at one station. You would use multiple tables with one or two items per table & each person would add no more than one or two items & then pass to the next table. It eliminates the chance of kits having missing items. The whole setup probably took longer to do thann it would take to bag up the items.>> <<@danahill3545 says : Love TC ❤❤❤>> <<@jessematheny3636 says : its all a money laundering scheme>> <<@kylxyz says : thats crazy she had 1.8 mil views and only 28k likes>> <<@jessdurfee3817 says : It is almost like the left don't realize that the internet exists and you can go back and find things they have said in the past.>> <<@John-yo9jz says : Exactly why the revolution was fought.>> <<@wolfwind1 says : This is a poor title for a solid, well crafted video essay.>> <<@vickymoore2520 says : Exactly why are we paying taxes just to support other countries than our own, and now so many illegals IAM feeding housing etc. and i’m barely surviving>> <<@breakthrough8628 says : Free speech for all. F the establishment! F kamala!>> <<@paulcrisafi4415 says : Honestly, I don't want migrants dying crossing hundreds of miles of open desert. I don't think anyone does. But yeah, there's heavy misappropriation of funds going on of they can't help the citizens paying into these pools of cash when crisis hits. There needs to be an external auditor that's 100% unbiased, like an AI auditor or something.>> <<@swvader says : This is probably one of the best explanations I have heard yet I keep trying to bring this up and they just don't want to listen you know But how hard is it to understand that yeah they basically took the money we had and split it up and put it in another bank account for illegals like holy fuck>> <<@gejjamp says : The colors of money. One person who works for the Federal Government drew up the rainbow of money wheel which also shows the rules, AKA laws for moving money. FEMA can legally move money from one account to another based on the Government's own rules. FEMA moves money based on the directions it gets from the Executive branch.>> <<@TheodoricEichen says : I don't think that this will be even remotely enough for her to lose her career. The information in the videos is good, but the titles are just so clickbait-y. I wish you'd use more descriptive titles instead, to make it easier to look up your older videos to find information we're looking for about specific topics.>> <<@rickdunn7585 says : Until the national debt is paid there shouldn’t be any money sent anywhere except for we the people that pay the taxes no more money for any illegal border jumpers except for busing back to there own country>> <<@joebagodonuts3040 says : Why would we be spending money to import criminals and then pay them ? Shouldn’t we be spending money to keep them out? Not using the money to put them in hotels and feed them? WTF 🤬 are the republicans in congress doing ? They got elected to stop the demonrats stupid destructive policies!! Wake the fvck up congress we want our country back !!>> <<@EchoTango says : Your titles make me stop watching your content. To much click bait>> <<@irishlostboy says : I love how every now and then U.S. political nonsense gets recommended to me. It is a breath of fresh air. This level of antagonistic nonsense, everyone fighting with everyone, everyone blaming everyone, and literally no one is just getting shit done unless there is a big benefit for their team. It is a glorious mess that makes whatever is going on in my life seem great by comparison. The U.S. is still the best reality TV show ever. Love it. Keep it up.>> <<@davidm7016 says : In the early days off the USA crooked politicians were tarred and feathered. Of course you couldnt do that now there is the secret service, fps, and capitol police to protect them>> <<@shawnhiggins1005 says : 4:10 talk about lying right out your teeth 😂 the left love to backtrack and gaslight 😂>> <<@SoloRenegade says : FEMA buying democrat voters>>