<<@FactsMatterRoman says : 🇺🇸 Election season special: Subscribe to The Epoch Times for $1 to support Roman's fact-finding mission https://ept.ms/RomanSale>> <<@aikibaby says : I don't believe it's close at all. It wasn't even close in 2020. Trump won by a landslide. It's not as close this year. It's a massive landslide. The only confusion is so many blue counties with Dem zombies packing election boxes. Pure fraud.>> <<@godchild6126 says : So I don’t take polls.where do they put me??????>> <<@JCF899 says : WTF IF TRUMP VANCE LOSES I BLAME THE REPUBLICAN PARTY FOR NOT DOING ENOUGH IN FOUR YEARS TO GET ONE DAY RIGHT NOV 5th!! AGAIN IF TRUMP FAILS ITS THE GOP’s FAULT THATS TO BLAME NEXT WITH ALL THE TECHNOLOGY WE HAVE WE NEED A SUPER COMPUTER CONNECTED WITH CENSUS SOFTWARE THAT HAS EACH STATES TOTAL AMOUNT OF CITIZENS CERTAIN # of DEMS & CERTAIN # of GOP any VOTES OVER & ABOVE THAT STATES NUMBER NEED TO BE REJECTED IMMEDIATELY!>> <<@matthewbrown9029 says : Polls are total dog crap.>> <<@DoloresAvila-j7u says : There's no way! Like our last Election. Stolen from the Americans. Tump had to let it play out The Americans can see the Pure Evil in the Democratics>> <<@robey60 says : I still cannot believe so many Americans are voting for these disgusting and crooked Democrats! They really need to get some intellect!>> <<@skydivingcomrade1648 says : The State legislation has the right to make the election rules.>> <<@skydivingcomrade1648 says : The representatives should be representatives of the American citizens not illegals.>> <<@Error-my2cr says : The states near the water are overpopulated. A significant portion of the population relies on government assistance, and many are either immigrants or have immigrant parents. This is why most politicians try to appeal to these regions with trivial statements like 'I carry hot sauce in my handbag' or 'I no longer identify as Indian, but as Black.' Politicians often say one thing in one state and something different in another. They frequently collect data through online resources and polls. The closer we get to elections, the more data they tend to push out. One of the biggest issues we face in America is our relationship with Israel. Many politicians pledge allegiance to Israel, meaning a foreign government is influencing our political system. This is one reason why we send $8.6 billion overseas, while offering only $700 in assistance to hurricane victim's>> <<@rubberducky1507 says : CANADA should change ours !! The EAST ALWAYS WINS !!! ALBERTA ALWAYS LOOSES!!! 💔💔💔💔>> <<@colton366 says : There is no way its tight.>> <<@jamesalexander5783 says : Unfortunately the Communist Democrat Regime wants a one Party Rule>> <<@jamesalexander5783 says : Democrat means Communist>> <<@johnbreen5668 says : So, she went from almost nobody voting for her to even less people liking her but more voting for her. I smell voter fraud>> <<@williamroby3017 says : This dose not matter the republicans want a tie they will win the election if it's a tie because then it's each state counts as 1 vote and there are more red states then blue so the idea that Republicans need to do this is nonsense>> <<@amyshoemake says : Where does this stand now?>> <<@Streetlocksmith says : I can watch videos from your channel all day long>> <<@laurachamberlain9591 says : Each voting location should be video surveillance and available for the house and senate to view at any time to keep those from cheating.>> <<@GrimmWarrior19 says : Roughly 3 weeks away from the election and I find it alarming that almost NO ONE is concerned about electors being forced to go along with state popular vote, the electoral college was never intended to do so.>> <<@ricksmith7232 says : It’s crazy how one RINO in Nebraska is potentially putting our entire country at risk because he wants to further his own political career. People like him should have no place in politics>> <<@2psnopod says : We should require a SSN and one app and vote that way one vote per person easy to verify yet still simi unanimous as long as the vote itself and SSN are not collected together in a file or form in any way past login in SSN screen>> <<@danielhanawalt4998 says : Somehow I can't imagine how Harris has a snowballs chance in hell becoming president. But that's just me maybe.>> <<@Cjohn31 says : Tie my a-- ,don't trust republican politicians they don't want Trump to win either>> <<@villageidiot8718 says : Seems like for a national election, all states should have the same rules.>> <<@shanemizell6468 says : What that means in practice is the minority vote in 48 states doesn’t count. Due to the fact that they give all their votes to one party.>> <<@jasonwarren8269 says : I always thought the popular vote got the tie breaker vote>> <<@dataatqcontinuumdejavu9954 says : take one vote away from wash. DC>> <<@TheChristonline says : So Omaha is full of not smart people.>> <<@tarriegibson1193 says : I think how they do it is stupid and not really fair. I think every vote should count and they should count every individual vote and most votes wins. For the entire country, not by states. Every American vote should count. Not this nonsense way they do it.>> <<@phillharms2954 says : If it's a tie ,have them arm wrestle to determine the next president>> <<@melissastory2115 says : Thank you, Roman.>> <<@wolfswatch3645 says : If they electoral ties, votes then it should go to the popular vote. Solved....!!!!>> <<@TheWickster2024 says : There will not be a tie. Trump will prevail. Every single poll is BS regarding kamala>> <<@MamaKalash says : It's kind of late, guys. The election is next month, and parts of 3 red states, so far, can't even vote, because of ge0engîňeered st0rms.>> <<@lesjean8530 says : Except that it’s not going to be that tight at all. Pools have always under estimated Trump, the fact that it’s that close means that Trump is way ahead. I can bet $100 million of taxpayers money, Trump will be the clear winner very early on election night.>> <<@weldonmcgaha1667 says : ?(electoral collage )? All states should Divide their votes proportionate to local state popular vote - NOT per district but per vote numbers! Would then correlate more closely to overall popular voting numbers.>> <<@weldonmcgaha1667 says : ?(Tie electoral votes)? NO because 2 states split votes proportional per state popular vote. Chances for Tie near impossible.>> <<@mikecr4916 says : It's not actually close at all. They just want to convince us that it's a nail bitter as setup for the steal.>> <<@edwardsmith1060 says : Camela got ZERO delegates in her first primary.>> <<@alicekramden8640 says : The people of Nebraska are intelligent. They will nor vote for Harris.>> <<@Delimon007 says : I disagree with trying to change this system. In fact, more states should adopt the system instead as it would delete this uniparty system and people would rightfully get more representation.>> <<@gazzabyerun8152 says : The voting system is so crooked!>> <<@micheallong7914 says : I think it will be rigged. Thats why the states are getting slammed with weather>> <<@davespin9034 says : I like this, the winner take all has benefitted the Democrats due to the urban cities.>> <<@davespin9034 says : Except the polls are bullshit, just like 2020 they’re designed to make the voters accept the massive vote fraud. No way Harris is anywhere near close to Trump. It’s FAKE NEWS. Now, add in the illegal aliens imported into the swing states, that gets scary, the flood of illegals was not due to incompetence, it was planned.>> <<@douglaswilkinson5700 says : The left will do almost anything to prevent President Trump from being re-elected (e.g. 74% of the 10M+ migrants being settled in red states.)>> <<@ItsDivisive says : Its bs because each state should get 1 elector in each county .. that way the cities stop owning the vote, it's ridiculous you can have 98% of a state vote for a candidate, but the other candidate gets it because the 2% lives in the cities are the most and get the most impact, and that is why they stock it with illegal and work quickly to get them citizenship (;and green cards for State elections, i think)>> <<@CarnivoreMeatEater says : It doesnt matter whos elected President when the Communist Federal Reserve Controls the Money. "The establishment of a central bank is 90% of communizing a nation." -Vladimir Lenin>> <<@betsymabry7953 says : MAJOR change to Electoral College System?! .... but would it do any good as long as Dominion Voting Machines are in place? ... why would 'they' allow an Election vs SELECTION? ... besides aren't we funneled into only 2 options which are in reality 2 wings of the same controlling bird? ... askin' for a friend....>>