<<@bargndigital8874 says : As I vet " I was sent to fight evil" but" who was fighting the growing evil at home" thank you for allowing me to comment.>> <<@piratexpress1369a says : Awesome reporting Rebel news and Sheila...stand strong canadians>> <<@ReubenKincaidJr says : This regime is doing everything they can to steal as much money from Canada as quickly as possible and leave it in ruins like Sears and KMart.>> <<@KimRSM says : Veterans were betrayed because they are Canadian.>> <<@darlamccoy810 says : TRUEDEAU has done enough CRIMINAL ACTIONS AND STOOD AGAINST THE PPL TO HAVE EARNED EXCUTION. TRUTH 😊>> <<@kyles234 says : Our government has betrayed all of us. Not just the veterans.>> <<@Nickjustdabs says : Since when were you able to get assisted killing for mental heath? And why are they now supporting our protecters to do such a thing…>> <<@Nickjustdabs says : WHATTTT:/ Why would our government offer this??? People with terminal illnesses who are practically dead have to FIGHT THROUGH HELL to be able to get assistanced with such a thing.. but yet they offer it to VETERANS???! Why how for what purpose. We NEED A RESPONSE JUSTIN>> <<@romemancer7905 says : Like all M.Ps these days hes an ASS and they dont give a DAMN for the community as a whole...My father was a veteran who asked VETERANS AFFAIRS for assistance and was knocked back because of STINKING GOVERNMENT POLICY...!!! And remember these clowns who run our country earn stupid amounts of money for their own pockets !!!>> <<@aleemrahaman-rb9mf says : The man is giving our money away to other countries and not Canadians>> <<@BW-ye7gz says : Mental and physical abuse by this Trudeau/NDP/BLOC COALITION must be stopped so sickening the stealing of taxpayers dollars and not looking after our military shame on them.>> <<@BW-ye7gz says : Absolutely disgraceful the way Trudeau treats our military>> <<@zachkorinis3935 says : I heard from a buddy that CF sent overseas are having to spend they're own money pending reimbursment for food and lodging while the PM has caviar and champagne!>> <<@frankc-k3q says : All Veterans from all White Christian countries 🇨🇦🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🇦🇺🇺🇸>> <<@AndySemite-eq7cv says : I don't give a shit about our veterans. Soldiers and police seem to me to be maladjusted people who want an opportunity to kill people with legal immunity.>> <<@aeronmorson3519 says : Damn rights we should stand with our VETS. Without them CANADA would of been broke long ago. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE.,>> <<@kingofthejungle3833 says : If your GG won't sack Trudeau for malice, then perhaps you need to pertition King Charles>> <<@LauraLepard says : How many of these heartless monsters do we have working in lofty places>> <<@KingofWarsaw44 says : There hasn’t been a Legitimate Soldier since WW2..:Everyone of join the “Military” are just paid Mercenaries..🫵 join..They destroy your individuality..Train 🫵 into unquestionable obedience..”Following Orders”…And I absolutely Love this part of the Story…They ALWAYS leave you High and Dry🤣🤣🤣🤣…seems Ignorance is Bliss…FYI Canada has Never Been Invaded…Educational Purpose 🤫…🫵 Are Tax Takers…The Taxpayers allow you to LIVE…its ok..Society has children who lack discipline and guidance yet unfortunately the Guidance they receive is from a Bunch of Goons🤫🙄>> <<@monicapushkin3274 says : Justin Trudeau is an extremely disturbed individual, to behave the way he does. There is something SERIOUSLY WRONG with him. I mean that with all sincerity. He does not belong in any position of power. He needs to be removed from office ASAP.>> <<@monicapushkin3274 says : There are no words sufficient in the dictionary any more, to describe what a VILE CREATURE is Justin Trudeau. There are just no adequate words left. Canadians are speechless at Trudeau's UTTER DISRESPECT for other human beings.>> <<@monicapushkin3274 says : Justin Trudeau is the Devil Incarnate. And Mark Carney is the Devil InCarney-ate>> <<@monicapushkin3274 says : Never ever ever forget when Trudeau said "you're asking for more than we can give". This ALONE should have forced Trudeau to resign. Meanwhile Zelensky and Carney and every Liberal "friend" on the planet is walking away with bags of money, laughing. Absolutely unreal.>> <<@sws5833 says : Asking for more than their able to give but not a problem giving billions away to other countries and enriching themselves not to mention the heaps of money given to newly arrived immigrants. JT and this liberal government are detestable>> <<@brianpetrini says : never give up ur g*ns!>> <<@XaXiS1 says : We don't have enough to give them but we have billions for other countries that we have nothing to do with? As if.>> <<@PatrickMcmahon-iq5xl says : Thibk about this,turdo has spent much more than every other canadian government combined, yet we are destroyed as a country but his stakeholders and friends are much richer>> <<@PatrickMcmahon-iq5xl says : What ya mean trudeau gives millions to soldiers and others 😢as long as they fight against true canada>> <<@02intrigue says : What a disgusting piece of shit that man is. I've done 20 yrs myself and could care less about accolades, the medals I was given, etc. Knowing all the friends I had that have ended it with suicide is bad enough on its own. But to have our idiot so-called leader just speed up the process is unimaginable. This man is lower than dirt. Disgusting coward.>> <<@AnnamariaMaccormack says : You're doing a fantastic job! Just a quick off-topic question: I have a SafePal wallet with USDT, and I have the seed phrase. (behave today finger ski upon boy assault summer exhaust beauty stereo over). What's the best way to send them to Binance?>> <<@pthef.c.8218 says : Listen to that moron fumbling for the suitable lie he desperately needs. Scummmmmmmmmmmmm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaag.>> <<@CarolineChiasson says : 👀!!!!!>> <<@tedandress2741 says : Although small we had one of the best military in the world, Trudeau has not honored them>> <<@ChaoticDALO says : Meanwhile how much did Trudeau give away in "charities"?? Trudeau belongs in PRISON!!!>> <<@wallybartfay56 says : Veterans, seniors and families are living in tents and lining up at food banks. Shame on you Trudeau.>> <<@robocoe says : More than we are able to give ,says the P.M. who has run up more debt than all the others combined. S.O.B. should be charged with treason and have his passport revoked!>> <<@robbiehill2344 says : Veterans! Thank you for your service. Please know that you are not alone. Just reach out. I may not solve your issues but I can listen. God bless.>> <<@robbiehill2344 says : Absolutely disgusting. There is no money for Canadians but there's lots for immigrants, liberals, and corrupt politicians.>> <<@conway2121 says : Life long Canadian what he did to our vets and our native women was absolutely disgusting that pos belongs in prison.>> <<@conway2121 says : This clown treats our vets like garbage we saw what he did to our vets at the convoy the pos.>> <<@conway2121 says : Trudeau is lucky he doesn't live in America, He would be in prison, He can give billion for a proxy war but fk all for Canadians.>> <<@G.I.N.N says : Brainwashed ppl join the military. The gov-ment don't care about you.>> <<@danutaromanowska7428 says : Thanks Sheila❤>> <<@carrie-lynn7797 says : Thank you to all who serve our forces. I’m truly ashamed at how you’ve been treated by this nefarious government>> <<@bking9226 says : Trudeau & his GANG of WEF puppets are the greatest THREAT to OUR country of Canada , & I stand with EVERY veteran , & did everyone forget that EVERYONE of our so called MP's stood & applauded a NAZI , do I have to say anymore ? Time To WAKE UP CANADA !!!!>> <<@phillipgemme3085 says : TRUDEAU NEEDS TO BE SIGNED UP FOR MAID>> <<@schoolsretard says : All Canadian citizens and the world know Trudeau is the one asking for too much, not the veterans.>> <<@patriciabowman31 says : I retired in 2018. I was going to try and get small housing projects going in Canada for Veterans and if it went well it would extend to some others who were struggling. Friends in the US were going to do the same there and then C ov Id hit. The world went south "lockstep". Now I'm 72. It angers me. Our veterans and our forefathers would be alarmed at Canada today. Canada has had a COUP by any definition. We have about 29000 soldiers left and Trudeau is the enemy. Just saying. This I believe.>> <<@DreDiego says : Nazi Communist DICTATOR Justinder Trudeau, honors Nazis, Ukrainian Nazi SS killers honor in Parliament. This is Canada, that brings to canada criminals rapists groomers pervers narco drug dealers terrorists.. the government isn't worry about veterans or Canadians..>> <<@carolinebjerkelund767 says : Rebel news won't let a female solider speak the truth>>