<<@duhdoy08 says : I dont understand people who want to get married and want kids. It makes zero sense.>> <<@cosmiccowboy9358 says : We don’t have kids don’t want kids. Everyone kept say you will want kids eventually well that never happened and guess what I love my life. Having kids doesn’t magically make you a good person with a fulfilling life that is poppycock. Worry about you and your family and when the majority of people can figure that out comeback let me know.>> <<@nateleonard5882 says : People who have that strong of a sentiment about it are usually Progressive lefties. If they don't want to have kids, that's fine by me. Less people raised to follow that crazy ideology...>> <<@BIGBADDIVAS says : evangelical youth pastors will claim LGBTQ people are grooming children but then they’ll get married to one who was in their youth group>> <<@ronaldanderson6481 says : Did my parents stop having children during the depression , yes married in 1928. one child in1929' next child born in1941.>> <<@AlexanderSchröder777 says : Neither do I!>> <<@nmanyi96 says : Once you admit that here has always been crisis no matter what party or individual was ruling, one should stop blaming the government or the opposing political party for everything that “goes wrong” in one’s life. Just do what you think is right without being an a**hole to others>> <<@avail6797 says : If you think now is bad, just wait.>> <<@twosocks1976 says : There is a passage from one of my favorite more casual reading books, Wear a nun asks an old man, after complaining about how difficult life is, in the story "and at what point in history, would you have preferred to face down your difficulties?" The point was well made, that there has never been a period of human history, where everything just went swimmingly, and there were no challenges or difficulties or struggles, or serious threats to even the very existence of human life. Until the last 50 years or so. And primarily in North America. No, the reason I have no respect for people who refuse to have kids, as a movement, not individually, is because it is a movement born entirely out of selfishness. They're under the impression that children are extremely expensive, and they would rather spend that money on themselves, 0 then find purpose and fulfillment and true joy, in being parents to their children. They have been convinced that joy and fulfillment come from self-indulgence, not from sacrifice and responsibility. That's why I have zero respect for these people.>> <<@curtisanthonydewey7903 says : Back during the Shangri-la-ti-da Utopian Dynasty... oh wait. There's no such thing...>> <<@pattersonlee062 says : People aren't basing their decisions based solely on your point of view .FYI, not all Americans have had it so good, and some people didn't have children by choice.>> <<@nonyabisness-cg7mf says : Birth control Denis. You know this. The 50’s, 60’s and most of the 70’s were prosperous times. Birth control showed up in the 70’s. If only men had an oral contraceptive like women do. Where would we be? Childless and full of sexually transmitted diseases.>> <<@dmiguy5897 says : And we've learned a lot and come a long way, now seeing the futility or danger of it all.>> <<@Aubergine1941 says : Totally agree>> <<@NothingNoOne_ says : I agree. Don’t make excuses. I did and I feel like a coward. I wasted my life>> <<@anthonythorp7291 says : No, people/groups told children they were special and girls can be like boys. Then those children raised over sensitive children which spawned the alphabet soup nightmare we have now. The best thing to happen is they don't reproduce.>> <<@DizzyBuns9 says : Hmm idk if they would have had as much children if the medical field was as advanced as today. Granted I agree with everyone acting a bit spoiled by the convenience of modern times and privilege of freedom in this country. People can decide what they want, however, and good leaders understand that.>> <<@bluetreefiddy says : This guy is an idiot a lot of us in 2024 can't have kids cause we are smarter if we can't afford to have kids we are not going to>> <<@manapunk3085 says : Everyday that goes by I understand why men need to be strong, and not just physically, but in conviction and morals. I’m convinced that weak men have destroyed our country, and soon to be to world. They destroy the family first, then in turn the community followed by society. Now there’s a whole generation of emotionally and morally unstable men getting ready to take the reins. How exciting>> <<@UTP_ENT says : Were not as ignorant>> <<@slothyeaaa says : idiot boomer>> <<@lukeporter8574 says : I totally agree with everything Dennis says here, however, I think the real lie the Libs have told is that it's irresponsible to have kids because of the climate>> <<@StinkyGringo says : They didn't have birth control then, Dennis.>> <<@Ayyylien51 says : Why are you concerned about my womb? Go get your own creep.>> <<@saramader-hirt1256 says : Maybe they should have I've seen photos of people selling their children because they could not take care of them and feed them and who knows what happened to those children maybe not having those children would have been better off for all parties involved😊😊>> <<@bbb8182 says : People had children because we lived on farms and we needed free labor. Then when people move to cities/suburbs children became a burden so they just had a couple as pets.>> <<@GodBlessedAmerica says : Getting married, having a family and a successful career, used to be a normal thing for Americans. Now it’s on the back burner or thrown out with the trash. What happened to our morals and values?>> <<@CreamyShroom says : Ahhh prager U. The ultimate in indoctrination. Go away already.>> <<@StanHalen1936 says : Never forget Trump is a rapist that hung out with Epstein.>> <<@realbryanf says : When I can hardly afford to feed and house me and my spouse, how tf am I supposed to have kids? The logic is flawed.>> <<@k.we2279 says : It’s the lefties trying to convince society not to have children so they can socially control everything. Societal eugenics, it started with birth control and now it’s controlling birth, Margaret Sanger would be so proud.>> <<@dannykraeger1602 says : I agree with you Dennis (as usual)>>