<<@willelliott5052 says : The Left has never had a moral compass. They follow the shifting winds of PC. They call good evil and they call evil good. When half of your society is infected as such, your society is doomed.>> <<@theoriginalmonstermaker says : Not NEARLY equivalent issues, and the motivation at the heart of it CERTAINLY isn't "hatred for those who fight evil" 😅😅😅 This is EXACTLY why it's unproductive to generalize and group tgthr those in opposition to "your beliefs"; it's impossible to reach any sort of agreement if you never even learn where the other person is coming from : / (There is NO WAY that the same people who have passionate thoughts about the police, are the same as those who have strong feelings about the war on the other side of the globe... though the followers of both may nod dumbly in approval of each) (... then again that's 90% of ALL SIDES!)>> <<@himchief6015 says : Because it's Satan's world backwards just how he likes it. It causes confusion>> <<@spellbindery1 says : "they hate police who fight violent criminals." But the left do fight inanimate objects such as statues.>> <<@benharrison1069 says : The Democrat Party is the Defund, Disband, Destroy American Society Party.>> <<@help8help says : There’s a reason they are known as DemonRats.>> <<@evancoffland19 says : They are lovers of unadulterated personal liberty, no matter how heinous, so long as that liberty is theirs, and theirs alone.>> <<@terryrichards8789 says : Me and millions of Americans believe it. It's those the hate, democracy, it's those that would rather steal then get an honest job, it's those that think thier way is the only way, it's those that need reeducating!>> <<@Gracie12753 says : Satan is making his final attempt before Christ returns and destroys evil. But we MUST stand up for what and who is right! Thank you Dennis and Prager U for caring so much and working so hard.>> <<@funtimefoxy6699 says : I remember the story of Sodom. Gomorah, I only know by word-of-mouth. But I know Sodom. Know what happened and why. I believe we are approaching - if not in the midst of - a new age of Divine Intervention. I would not want to be anywhere near any of these cities when He finally loses his cool again.>> <<@katrinagreen4064 says : They want safety but don't want police, want less strict immigration... there is a direct correlation. If you want to see what anarchy is, go live in Syria then tell me how bad police are. Funny how I have never had a bad run-in with cops because I stay out of trouble. When I have been in trouble and gotten caught (think big underage party), I was always respectful and did as I was told. No issues... if you show respect, you will get respect 99% of the time.>> <<@michaelgriffiths8295 says : Evil hates the good>> <<@01tatajoe says : They hate themselves so they want to kill us Just because they want suicide doesn't mean we have to let them kill us in the process>> <<@jamespugh6827 says : They defund and harass police because they want them to quit so they can fill the holes with communist replacements.>> <<@4jgivens says : Some people just want to watch the world burn>> <<@gov683 says : Why have Jews always been hunted>> <<@mabeljoe4305 says : The left champions for evil and they love evil.>> <<@katamas832 says : The fund is going elsewhere... police is great at increasing prison populations, less effective at fighting crime. Most criminals are not hardened criminals with a pleasure for breaking the law, just people in unfortunate circumstances who resort to breaking the law. Locking them up is not helping them or the problem, just taking it out of view.>> <<@jaf8969 says : It's probably more about their poop with these elitist loonies.>> <<@Phantom8589 says : The left is evil.... and they push more evil!>> <<@michaelpettersson4919 says : Here in Sweden, especially on First of May, we repeatadly have politicians from left wing parties being part of demonstrations shouting anti-semetic slurs. The left truly is rotten to the core.>> <<@bradconny3558 says : Everything rooted with the Hate against Christian values>> <<@davidpatton589 says : Mental illness knows no bounds with these idiots.>> <<@T.R.R.Jolkien says : Preach!>> <<@MiltJohnson-sw9lc says : Just like Harris and trump, there are no Kamala voters , just Trump haters>> <<@dannylucas8992 says : I think you have it wrong Dennis is the Republicans that want to defund the police, FBI, CIA, military and many more agencies that defend our country.>> <<@wildboris1 says : Untrue. I hate both sides in that conflict. We shouldn't be funding a group that owns Hollywood and the vast majority of the worlds wealth>> <<@hensonlaura says : The destructors. Evil incarnate.>> <<@shooter853 says : I absolutely believe what he said to be TRUE.>> <<@zenbooter says : Say the word damnit, COMMUNISTS!!!!>> <<@mare678 says : Demons are leading what is happening right now. Demon followers love the criminals and all the chaos. Demon followers hate God's chosen people and anyone who fights evil and evil-doers.>> <<@sejoueralberts5361 says : Thank you>> <<@DerekS-kq3zh says : We don't need horses anyways. They're pointless.>> <<@rogercarroll8764 says : This is a tactic of communists. They hate the people with guns.>> <<@kushkingla7385 says : Personally all the police should leave where they’re not wanted. Let them Fight for themselves.>> <<@Chief_Gray says : The new world order wants anarchy followed by tyranny in the US since a free US is a major obstacle to their power.>> <<@angramainyu4599 says : It's simple They hate the protectors of personal property rights (also known as capitalism)>> <<@matmorris8194 says : I think there are more unspoken negatives. Consider the fact that the local sentiment of police caused some to retire early. It seems only the good guys who don't like trampling constitutional rights would do so. Then consider the fact that they would soon be replaced by younger workforce and trained by a more crass groupthink of police. Ones who don't mind at least as much as the guy before him about your rights as an equal citizen.>> <<@pattersonlee062 says : But Isreal has proven themselves to be violent criminals,this guy simply turns a blind eye to Israeli atrocities, and in some cases, the police are the criminals.>> <<@col.cottonhill6655 says : I can hate israel and its enemies at the same time.>> <<@Post-Trib says : They hate the police. They love the Police State>> <<@l.p.amador2261 says : Very, very true... "Woe to those who draw iniquity with cords of vanity, And sin as if with a cart rope; That say, “Let Him make speed and hasten His work, That we may see it; And let the counsel of the Holy One of Israel draw near and come, That we may know it.” Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes, And prudent in their own sight! Woe to men mighty at drinking wine, Woe to men valiant for mixing intoxicating drink, Who justify the wicked for a bribe, And take away justice from the righteous man! Therefore, as the fire devours the stubble, And the flame consumes the chaff, So their root will be as rottenness, And their blossom will ascend like dust; Because they have rejected the law of the Lord of hosts, And despised the word of the Holy One of Israel." Isaiah 5:18‭-‬24 NKJV>> <<@ellietobe says : I guess that a lot of people do not yet recognize what the democrat party has become. The elitist Ivy League schools began embracing communism and Marxism after the Russian Revolution. They have been pumping out far left activist elites into positions of power ever since. By the 1960s the U.S. had its first supremely far left court majority which promptly began trampling the Constitution and rule of law and has continued to do so ever since. It was only as Donald Trump being president was able to change the makeup of the court for now. The Dems are furious. For the past 50 years both the democrat and RINO parties have been destroying this country. The Dems have become openly pro communist and Marxist. The RINOs of the Republican Party were put there to keep actual patriots out of office. They pretend to be patriots. They talk like patriots but accomplish absolutely NOTHING….exactly as planned! We watched them assist Obama with his destructive agenda for eight long years! This is why both political parties are out to get Trump. Trump wants to restore the Republic while the RINOs and the democrats are raving mad because Trump is going against all that they have worked to “accomplish” for the past 50 years of constant war and the building up of communist China into a superpower with the funneling of millions of western jobs to that regime! All of this has been deliberate! The Civil Rights movement should have brought peace to this country but the communists and Marxists cannot accomplish their goal in peace! They must stoke the fire of hatred and division!>> <<@PuddinTane-ir7fy says : Maybe defund themselves, God will set them all straight, wether they like it or not>> <<@laurenwood9084 says : Seattle is a hopeless shithole already. It will be unlivable after this. Enjoy your stupidity Seattle.>> <<@BushidoBasher says : If police wouldn't overstep their boundaries, violate other people's rights (the innocents), and abuse qualified immunity to keep their job, commit to civil asset forfeiture over money and other things, we wouldn't be where we are now. This is a gross oversimplification of the police issue and not looking into the real deep wounds.>> <<@davidhammer7410 says : "The issue is never the issue. The issue is always the revolution. " - James Lindsay>> <<@lisajohnston-cosner7527 says : This is really sad.>> <<@johnhodgson4591 says : PragerU fake University>> <<@iamkesha. says : Crazy times. They have people in authority unless it is them being authoritarians.>>