<<@5thElementSandwich says : https://youtu.be/JD_LNISwQN8?si=qWdvH-IbvUK7fFBw>> <<@garrettolson5516 says : ana is the lube.>> <<@Youtubesucks15 says : 🖕 this dude and longshore man. We know where he lives to get food and cars.>> <<@aaronlarsen7447 says : That angry loud mouth owns a fortified mansion, makes 900,000 per year, and ownes a yacht.>> <<@walterkeith3711 says : Truckers are the blood sweat and trears of America the trucks stop ports close everything closes we truckers don't get nothing>> <<@miterca says : I love that guy!!!>> <<@VictorVega-v2u says : Trump don't support Union he .can vote for Trump>> <<@patricksingr says : Dock Strike Lives in a 7,000-square-foot Mansion, and his salary of $728,000 annually on top of an additional $173,000 from ILA-Local 1804-1. Let that sink in "Union members">> <<@edbrown5497 says : The money went to his head>> <<@12qwe349 says : Yeah, Stink Turd would have made a good union boss - loudmouth bloward showman.>> <<@renardleblanc5556 says : Automation doesn't *have* to be a blight on the working class... here's what you do: Let's say automation reduces the required amount of man-hours by 1/5 Give all the workers the 5x the hourly wages, for working 1/5 as many hours. Same paycheck, same productivity, more time with the family. Nobody looses. Course, that would be *fair* to the workers, so there's no way the capitalists would abide.>> <<@JamesCalabrese930 says : Harris supports unions Trump supports taft hartley>> <<@georgedeleon4740 says : Alas, my poor coffee bean. Workers not unloading the life blood of many Americans. Harming the people who profit from my addiction, not my intention. Then behold the profits they make, with neer a drop to those who serve us. Do my beans suffer because of greed? Do my beans now become so rare that plantation owners forget the rules of ethical business practices? The beans are only an example. The profiteers are ready to impose wholesale abuse on its workers, so to keep their wallets full.>> <<@Ofminnesota says : I dont care what some rich asshat has to say.>> <<@jch19805 says : You’re pretty dumb showing any support for this guy>> <<@nicholaspowell7931 says : I hope they get all the pay they deserve maybe just maybe pay the Ceo for the work they do to productivity CEO might get up to 7 dollars an hour but I doubt it. On the other hand dock workers, truckers, farmers, textile workers, and manufacturing jobs deserve the real pay because without them we are screwed but with CEO working we are screwed>> <<@NewFlyer56k says : Billions of profits, just pay the working man or woman you greedy fooks!>> <<@silus73 says : When is TYT going to report that longshoremen union president met with Trump before the start of this strike. Trump wants this strike to hurt the economy so he can blame the democrats, knowing full well MOST of the news outlets will not frame it as the corps are hurting the economy by not good faith negotiating with the union. Then the real question is, will the union president actually take the good deal IF it comes, or did Trump tell him to take nothing no matter how good to keep the economy broken.>> <<@legendarygamer570 says : That guy sounds like a Batman villain.>> <<@blakehall3861 says : Theres also a hurricane coming to the gulf so the buildup of traffic in the water during a hurricane could be an issue>> <<@oggytudor5896 says : All irrelevant, fools will be replaced with automation in a few years 😅. Other countries have all ready transitioned to automation. Unions are a joke anyways, just Dem slush funds.>> <<@rolandwalter5849 says : 25000 -450000 sounds like some pay restructuring is needed.>> <<@ahbo_business says : What would America do if our military Quit on us. What about the men and women who serve in our military that’s under paid>> <<@ndrklerz2178 says : Support our Union brothers!>> <<@laurietongish7941 says : Inflation has slowed but it did happen and because of it people need more money to pay bills. Middle and lower class people need raises especially when corporations aren't paying their fair share of taxes and making huge profits. Go get what you're worth.>> <<@truthtriumph4E says : It is Trump’s fault, these precious union workers are not getting a piece of the pie. Donate 1 million each to my campaign., he told his ultra rich buddies and you’ll get a tax break. Instead of giving a fat tax break to the union workers. Think before voting for your oppressor!!!!>> <<@brettandhollyyoung5085 says : I'm a NY state 18 year teacher with a masters degree and I don't make $81k.>> <<@scottbryant9425 says : Shareholders and executives in America don't take cuts, they raise prices. Every dollar they pay out, they charge back to their customers. Corporations and shareholders hip has ruined America>> <<@dustingreen9476 says : Trust!! We need our Unions!!!>> <<@joannebaker4925 says : I don't usually agree with Cenk on many issues, but he's 💯correct on this. The corporate media supports these companies and frames the message that way. It's the reason why most of the corporate media is glomorates through their reporting supporting Trump. Anyone with any commonsense can see it.>> <<@MichaelCarroll-pv1mk says : You say Dems but it's a Fox reporter. Everybody's nervous. But the longshoremen are right to strike.>> <<@jamesv9928 says : What a pompous narcissist, does he not realize that the same could be said for 90% of the people in this country with a service job most of whom get a fraction of the pay, respect and recognition that he and his Guido's receive..>> <<@ultimaterare3146 says : China has a few 100% automatic ports. The writing is on the wall. Like Jobs around horses these jobs will go away.>> <<@edsullivan344 says : How can you feel sorry for these overpaid union workers they allready make way more than the adv America worker they not asking like 10% to 25% raise like most that strike no they want a 77% raise as over road truck driver our wages been at same rate for years>> <<@jwells3315 says : Says the man who makes 900K a year and drives a Bentley.. SCUMBAG!>> <<@RocketF1sh says : now people realize unions have too much power.>> <<@shredofmalarchi says : Just resign, Anna. You peed in the pool>> <<@isidorgarcia1464 says : All of those jobs can be automated and this definitely can be avoided.>> <<@playhenry says : Does ana only have 2 dresses?>> <<@OneEyeOpen3 says : #openthecontainers>> <<@MrMezmerized says : I find it interesting that a lot of people here condemn these dock workers, because they themselves and many others don't have a decent work contract. But do nothing about it. Rather than that it inspires them to organise and take action themselves.>> <<@Highlander612 says : Pay people what there are worth. Simple>> <<@1Countryyuppie says : 77% riding a boat and using controls maintaining boat? Let us stop maintaining cleaning and painting Apts. NO TURNS. MARINE MAFIA. Up yours! Learn to spread your business money within.... seen your compound. It will trickle down to us Morons. We were called essentials worked every day during covd. So are you!>> <<@HaroldLeeDye says : Democraps have Failed>> <<@Keith-sz6ye says : Evil Greed. Jesus Christ of Nazareth will save anyone from evil sin just repent believe in him have Faith walk with Abba Yahweh>> <<@tonyfrye1759 says : We need that guy to be president. Maybe people will get paid what they are worth>> <<@davidk.984 says : Coming from a man that lives in a 16000sq. Ft home.>> <<@markroman9007 says : Literally a month ago everyone was complaining about wages not keeping up with inflation but when people do something about it y’all want them in prison. Stop sucking the Corporate coolaid and realize You’re not going to be the next bill gates or Elon, stop defending this toxic greed in America and leave it for 3rd world countries.>> <<@sicklogick says : have y'all seen his mansion?>> <<@plumbbobconstructionpants5599 says : Disagree about the automation. I say let the robits free us from labor. We'll just bring in UBI. Otherwise good to see working people standing up.>>