<<@zakiurrehman9703 says : Why don't you translate the Talmud for all the gentiles to read without omitting the Goy hatred and let them decide for themselves?>> <<@Iammrunkown says : Isl*m is against humanity. Most Musl*ms—around 70 percentage worldwide—support Jihad.>> <<@billyjonesy2972 says : Islamic values are incompatible with Western values. We never have problems with Hinduism, Sikhism, Buddhism. We never hear the words Hindu-phobia, Sikh-phobia, etc. Islam is the only religion founded by a warlord. It is not racist to say America, Canada, Europe, Australia, and New Zealand should avoid Muslim immigrants for the good of our countries. (Japan already avoids Muslim immigrants.)>> <<@dockmaster777 says : I thought that the PragerU mission was to promote "economic and religious freedom", no? Radical militant groups recruit members by twisting their existing beliefs into ones that make them do whatever they are told. If these groups existed in Americ, it would be radical Christianity (it's happened befors)>> <<@Civilrightsviolations says : THIS IS A JOKE! YOU CLEARLY DONT KNOW WHAT INFIDEL TERMINOLOGY EVEN MEANS BECAUSE ITS NOT JEWS NOR CHRISTIANS! ITS IGNORANT THAT YOU MAKE A VIDEO AND DONT KNOW THE MEANING OF THE TERM INFIDEL. WHY NOT MAKE ONE ON GOYYIMS AND GENTILES?>> <<@Nonyabusiness911 says : Duh, elect all republicans and stop the invasion now>> <<@TickedOffPriest says : Everything Islam is a threat to the world.>> <<@frankmiller7721 says : Isn't the religion of peace wonderful?>> <<@Billtwiggmeister says : Hey mooselumps, don’t threaten me with a good time.>> <<@carnakthemagnificent336 says : I watched "Dear Infidels." It does not portray all Muslims as evil or dangerous. But there are many who are. They are training children to hate Jews and their end goals are not just the destruction of Israel, but domination of the West.>> <<@BoonClown says : Deus vult>> <<@starhopper1706 says : "First the Saturday people, then the Sunday people".>> <<@starhopper1706 says : The religion of crybullying.>> <<@starhopper1706 says : There's no such thing as a moderate Quran.>> <<@snehashispanda4808 says : I am typically non-religious and align myself with secularism. This is an atheistic view centered on human agency and a reliance on science and reason rather than revelation from a supernatural source to understand the world. I maintain that religion is not a precondition of morality, and object to excessive religious entanglement with education and the state. I emphasize the individual and social potential, as well as the agency of human beings, which I consider the starting point for serious moral and philosophical inquiry. My values are reinforced by advances in science and technology, giving me confidence in my exploration of the world. I focus on human well-being and advocate for human freedom, autonomy, and progress. I view humanity as responsible for the promotion and development of individuals, espouse the equal and inherent dignity of all human beings, and emphasize a concern for humans in relation to the world. We are reasonable beings, and reasoning and the scientific method are means of finding truth. I argue that science and rationality have driven successful developments in various fields while the invocation of supernatural phenomena fails to coherently explain the world. One form of irrational thinking is adducing. I am skeptical of explanations of natural phenomena or diseases that rely on hidden agencies. For people to be autonomous, their beliefs and actions must be the result of their own reasoning. For me, autonomy dignifies each individual; without autonomy, people's humanity is lessened. I also consider human essence to be universal, irrespective of race and social status, diminishing the importance of collective identities and signifying the importance of individuals.>> <<@kumar1400 says : When we warn about it, then they label us Minority oppressor. Now they are on your doorstep, now you panicking - Hindu, Indian>> <<@LazarusMMA says : Im not scared because i have Jesus. He says bring it on!!!!!!>> <<@RyanK-100 says : Prager and the Israel-Only crowd want to portray all of Islam as evil as in this PROPAGANDA trailer. Christianity did not conquer by force but by love (except the Aztecs). Israel still resorts to war like they did 3,000 years ago. They know nothing else. There is little difference between Israel and Islam. They SAY they want peace but through apartheid and then by genocide. At least it looks like it will be a more just war in Lebanon, we'll see. Watch this propaganda at your own risk.>> <<@JoeCab says : And Biden surrendered to them.>> <<@maxschreck4095 says : You are ignorant and hateful. Your stupid "documentary" is getting innocent people hurt, like in the Isreali genocide going down in Palestine, as MANY human rights organizations have described.>> <<@creamdelacreme says : They love to paint themselves as oppressed and the “under dogs” to win sympathy and somehow it still works despite some of the really atrocious things they commit in the name of Islam.>> <<@eosphorusthegracefallen5195 says : Islam is evil!>> <<@YowzaBowzaWowza says : It’s already here. Waiting to strike. October 7th?>> <<@BIGBADDIVAS says : ISIS/MAGA Two sides of the same coin.>> <<@thomasharrold5556 says : AND Thanks to China Joe Biden and Kameltoe, there's THOUSANDS of these type people in America!!!>> <<@Mcmacpaddywack says : Interesting how this documentary is posted again at this time. Which country do all these wars in the Middle East benefit the most? Not the United States. Marissa Streit the CEO of PragerU, worked for the IDF in the elite 8200 intelligence unit. She didn’t serve the United States. Americans need to wake up to this. Candace Owens woke up.>> <<@conservativebrotherdaily8252 says : ‘’The West is a woman to be mounted’’ - Islam leader, it’s a slow subversion takeover.>> <<@GH05T-S0LDI34 says : There is a big difference between people who know the truth, and people changing the truth for the sake of perspectives, if you think that Muslims are nothing but a terrorist, then you are mistaken and have been manipulated, so who to blame ? Blame a person because he has the same religion to the ones who do kill people ? or blame the terrorists who unfortunately calling themselves as Muslims when in reality they are way far from being called Muslims, I want you to keep in mind the shit that’s going on in Palestine, try to know what’s actually going on and stop being a stereotypical Otherwise, you are nothing but a racist not necessarily to a race but to a group of people>> <<@Lilyzoe28 says : God is faithful 🙏❤️Dear those who are reading this message, if you are having a hard time, remember that you are not alone and never give up. I wish you good health, success, love and happiness i was homeless, did drugs went into prison, where got to know God. Changed my life. Now have a home, a Husband and a lovely year daughter (Tracy), and now I'm favoured, $110K every 4weeks! I can now afford anything and also support God's work....I want to share this miraculous testimony to help the brethren in this trying time's that the devil has flood the world with inflation.>> <<@bosse641 says : Satanic death cult.>> <<@One_Man_Banned says : This is not radical, this is the standard. The UK is burning and America is on the same path. We must stand against any idea of a global caliphate.>> <<@easygamingwwiigamingchanne729 says : All these are old soviet k g b textbook brainwash methods.>> <<@paddlesmcbean2366 says : Islam is evil. Import Islam and you import evil.>> <<@stp22 says : Religion is the downfall of humanity. Always has been, always will be>> <<@SeyedAbolfazlHosseini1991 says : A combination of an Indian woman who is a slave to England's thoughts. ISIS and Israel are made by America - to justify America's crimes in the Middle East - make a documentary about Vietnam and the genocide of Native Americans and slavery.>> <<@JenE3377 says : Every culture or society Islam subjugated Islam destroyed. There was no glory days. No art, no music, no alphabet, no culture, just war.>> <<@Sh4dyClass1c says : Folks love pointing fingers & saying ‘colonizer’ when in fact they are ignorant to the understanding the very history of Islam is colonization via the sword. These people are coming for everything. If you won’t fight for your freedom, you’re finished.>> <<@yosivin1 says : AM ISRAEL CHAI.>> <<@kenmorse6538 says : Any god that wants death and destruction is no god. My God is a God of peace and benevolence. Being for peace however does not mean unable to defend. These people are twisted.>> <<@WesternBlur says : Between Jews and Muslims, Whites don’t need to pick sides. We’ll just focus on our needs, thank you.>> <<@mukundha7621 says : This is Islam not radical Islam>> <<@gov683 says : Years ago they threatened to overtake us internationally because they couldn't beat us on the field. It is true they have been ignored time and again. Examine news and documentaries for over 20 yrs. WHY HAVE THEY BEEN IGNORED?>> <<@bugvswindshield says : 🔥 I'm in Greenville SC, a city hit HARD by hurricane Helene. We're out of gasoline and most foods, especially proteins. Biden vacationed at the beach, and Kamala went overseas then a glam fundraiser while SC, NC, TN, AND FL drowned, lost power (we still don't have electricity), and ran out of essentials to sustain LIFE. Biden & Harris sent $2 BILLION to Ukraine this week, and they didn't even visit us or give us a slice of bread!! Pres. Trump, though, visited NC and started a fundraiser to help us survive. Pres. Biden and VP Harris could've prevented the strike at our ports, but they refused to do it! We don't have food or gas now!! We're scared to death! THESE FACTS ALONE TELL US THE PRIORITIES OF HARRIS AND PRESIDENT TRUMP. PLS MAKE THE RIGHT DECISION, THE ONLY DECISION, THAT WILL SAVE AMERICA!! ❤ PLEASE SHARE (COPY & PASTE) MY WORDS EVERYWHERE.>> <<@arefkelshe7708 says : Lmaaaoooo what in the name of propaganda brainwash Americans is going on here>> <<@howardmencini3040 says : Pin them against gangstas and thugs (Babylon).>> <<@Maksudurrahman3639 says : Stop Islam.>> <<@mousabhajahmoudi8052 says : Muslims are our brothers and sister. #AIPAC is the deep state. #Free_America_From_AIPAC>> <<@mousabhajahmoudi8052 says : #Free_America_From_AIPAC>> <<@sidneybristow815 says : Retired special forces, CIA Targeter, followed them from camps to South America where they got passports, allowing them to be here. No one else is tracking them. Harris is allowing it. Oct 7 is coming for us. The FBI Director Chris Wrey, warned us of imminent attack. He’s never seen it so bad, ever! What does our media do? Nothing, doesn’t let them speak, doesn’t pass on information to prepare, nothing. The open border put blood on their hands, this will be the end to their legacies too.>> <<@miguelsramon4702 says : Islam is curse to humanity, the biggest danger ever>>