<<@RebelNewsOnline says : Get your tickets now to Rebel News LIVE! in Calgary on October 5: http://RebelNewsLive.com>> <<@newlife956 says : Some REAL EXAMPLES OF COGNITIVE WARFARE MESSAGES - 'Diversity is our strength'; 'Multiculturalism', 'all races and cultures are equal'....etc, etc, etc.....and when these messages are examined just a little, you realize they are lies right out of 1984! Doublespeak and outright lies to shape people's perception...Lies that Hitler, Stalin and other narcissistic sociopathic dictators would have been proud of!>> <<@newlife956 says : Canada's civil-servants use psychological and psychiatric research to abuse Canadians and to enact the evil agenda of the globalists. They are narcissistic authoritarians that think they are social engineers...but are really just sociopaths. They feel so important and intelligent...but are NOT IN A MERIT-BASED SYSTEM, BUT RATHER IN A CREDENTIALISM SYSTEM...One that rewards arrogant, educated narcissists.....rather than a true meritocracy WHERE REAL POSITIVE OUTCOMES ARE THE METRIC FOR HIRING AND EMPLOYMENT! BUSTED! These sniveling SERVANTS are patently not 'serving' the people, but their gov't and corporate overlords....and their own desire for power and money and control over others. WE NEED A TRUE MERITOCRACY, NOT ARROGANT SELF-ABSORBED BUREAUCRATS!>> <<@AndySemite-eq7cv says : Once you're fully awake those silly Jedi mind tricks don't work.>> <<@Lexcifer says : Is your mind at risk? don't make me laugh. Weak willed snowflakes and wokies are at risk lmfao, intelligent hard working smart people not so much.>> <<@goingtogetugly9657 says : This is truly incoherent. The guy is arguing that our governments are using 'cognitive warfare' to manipulate our thinking to get us to go along with their agendas. At the same time, he is representing our governments' messaging to justify their agenda for their proxy war with Russia in Ukraine. How can someone be so self-contradictory in his thinking about a topic like this?>> <<@AlUser-op5uw says : Horrible sociopaths in Canada.Not to mention traitors .>> <<@DouglasJack-en4ul says : Thank you Tamara Ugolini & Rebel News for compiling & publishing these B-Mod facts. Coming from a Science background of 56 years, I hope the following analysis of VIOLATIONS OF EXPERIMENTAL MEDICINE PROCEDURE, might be helpful to readers. Over 46 involved in Special Education in institutional residences, group-homes, hospitals, workshops & for family home settings, In Institutions, I'm disgusted & familiar with the most often used Power advantage-based Rewards & Punishment to coerce compliance, which is completely at odds with the individual rights of patients, clients & all people. HIPPOCRATIC OATH # 1 "FIRST DO NO HARM" Obviously, this level of worldwide ROLL-OUT of the not-molecularly charted COVID so-called Virus gave no regard to Public Health possible or real Consequences, Adverse Events & Deaths of the COVID mRNA Experimental Medicine Intervention. 'SCIENCE' (French 'scier' means to cut or analyze, in multiple strikes variated angles as in the teeth of a hand-saw) can best be understand as engaging multiple interdisciplinary analysis & perspective throughout society from the individual to multiple levels of expertise in a full cycle of asking questions, making tests, reporting results & always being responsible. Science is the process of asking questions, engaging in dialogue/formal-debate & thorough interdisciplinary unhampered analysis. VIOLATIONS OF EXPERIMENTAL MEDICINE PROCEDURES which followed no SAFETY PRECAUTION The pace of the Worldwide ROLL-OUT (worth many 100 billion dollars) to be able to recreate such concertation across all governments, institutions & businesses in 192 countries. This wasn’t the fragmented debt-ridden governments of the world but much higher multiple trillions controlling OLIGARCH command control for all levels of our colonial empire institutionalized lives. In Experimental Medicine any interventions by experimenters are considered Guilty until proven innocent for all deaths & injuries. LONG LIST OF MEDICAL SCIENCE VIOLATIONS WHICH THE OLIGARCH SYSTEM IS IGNORING 1) The Unmasking & Vaxing of the Randomized supposed 'PLACEBO' CONTROL group during the experimental period, completely disqualified any rigorous data establishment of science for the mRNA shot. 2) Total lack of INFORMED CONSENT to those receiving the mRNA shot by MDs, Nurses etc, who being mostly voluntarily uninformed with chosen ignorance themselves didn’t inform or expose to their patients of many 100s of testing established known possible health risks. 3) The lack of warning for those receiving the mRNA shot about its EXPERIMENTAL, Emergency-Use-Authorization EUA only STATUS, with no Pharma-company, Government or insurance company willing to compensate any Adverse Events or Deaths, still with this EUA ongoing today, totally disqualifies any notion of Public Health benefit & violates Experimental EUA status requirements. 4) Lack of medical care for the more than 17 million mRNA shot killed with greater than 10 times 170 million injured worldwide. 5) EPIDEMIOLOGY The lack of individualized Medical Record keeping follow-up over the hours, days, weeks, months, years, decades & generational impacts is a total violation of science & human rights to life. Millions Dead on Denis Rancourt Data Analysis Long-Spike-Protein effects Genocidal Intent, Drs in Mass Formation Denial Dr Peter McCullough interview by Eric Moutsos Jan’24 27m41s https://rumble.com/v48c8zf-millions-dead-dr.-mccullough-on-the-american-moutsos-show-peter-mccullough-.html 17 Million Dead from mRNA Shots Dr Denis Rancourt, Marine Baudin PhD https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Marine-Baudin & Jeremie Mercier PhD https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Jeremie-Mercier-2 Worldwide All Cause Mortality Comparative study on 2017-23 data published 17Sep’23 interview at Summit IV in Bucharest Romanian Parliament by Glen Jung Bright-Light-News 18-19Nov’23 12m3s https://rumble.com/v45uwki-study-17m-deaths-after-covid-shot-rollout-w-drs.-denis-rancourt-marine-baud.html https://rumble.com/v3q8eur-medical-murder-is-the-1-cause-of-death-in-the-u.s.-by-design-part-6-how-the.html 6) Ongoing persecution of Medical professionals for exposing Adverse Events means there’s been no unhampered, uncoerced Peer Review throughout the Pharma-Med Experiment, including today. What they have determined as PEERS are their hired compliant professionals. 7) COMMUNICATION: Total Control of MSMedia & Social Media to keep professionals & the public ignorant. Every Medical Professional regardless of the information they were denied, should know the basics of Medical Experiment procedure, obligation uncertainty & therefore primary cause-liability association of for all subsequent illnesses after the shot. Over one million medical professionals are delinquent in their duties for not having questioned these gaps. 100s of millions of individuals should as well be aware of proper scientific Medical procedure. COUNCIL-PROCESS 'dialectic' ('both-sided')-right to raise issues positive for agreement or for Conflict Resolution. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/d-participatory-structure/1-both-sides-now-equal-time-recorded-dialogues or Both-sides-now, Equal-time, Recorded & Published Dialogues (i.e. Freedom of speech & action, with obligation to Respond to both positive & negative issues one has raised at every level). Such formal Councils within a Circle of intimates were held at every level from one's home, friends, Multihome, Village, City, Region, Nation, Confederacy, Continent & Hemisphere. Everything from positive Marriage Contracts to Restorative Justice would be formally adjudicated in Council. 'Indigenous' COUNCIL PROCESS facilitated the 2-sided creation Constructive Agreements for partnership Contracts as well as for Conflict Resolution as in Both-Sides-Now above. 'Media' (L 'medium' = 'middle' or 'both-sided' reporting) can be restored CONVERTING MAINSTREAM & SOCIAL-MEDIA FROM MONO-TO-DIALOGUE https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/d-participatory-structure/1-communication-converting-social-media-from-mono-to-dialogue-libya 8) RECOGNIZING Total morally BANKRUPTCY centralized fake 'MONEY' (Greek 'mnemosis' = 'memory') OLIGARCH COMMAND-CONTROL Finance, Media, Religion, Education, Military-Industrial, Legislative, Judicial, Pharma-Med 'exogenous' (Latin 'other-generated') COMPLEX in the existing system. RESPONSIBLE LOCAL RE-'INDIGENIZING' (Latin 'self-generating') Think about how our presently 'exogenous' social, economic & political system should really be, modelled upon the 'indigenous' system, a reflection of the human & all life's body: gene, cell, tissue & organ fractal Autonomy. Each specialized part & function has expert memory retention, decision-making & implementation functions. The brain is only one of several Nexus-of-communication for facts & actions, mostly after they have already happened. We know for example now how the digestive system contains many times more memory & implementation neurons than the brain. Distributed 'ECONOMIC' (Greek 'oikos' = 'home' + 'namein' = 'care-&-nurture') MEMORY is core to the holistic function of the body. This is the Neural Science of today. Rebuilding a functioning human society is not going to be successful bit-by-bit as is the tendency of system's designers today, but only through reflection upon our once worldwide functioning indigenous systems. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/d-participatory-structure/3-economic-memory Better prepared with knowledge of nature beforehand to counter the artificial $$-led glorification of genetic & other manipulations Interdisciplinary HOLISTIC SCIENCE fully immersed in society & life as they are. Verifies data or report 'Content' with the 'Process' by which it is produced. Do stated 'Content' & 'Process' match in quality & quantities? https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/d-participatory-structure/6-holistic-science UNDOING INSTITUTIONAL FALSE-SCIENCE https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/a-home/9-undoing-false-science>> <<@selfishshellfish4 says : thank you tamara, for everything you and rebel have done! GOD BLESS YOU!>> <<@selfishshellfish4 says : wow tamara, been waiting for people to wake up to this. and the very device i watch this on, is what its about.>> <<@dylaninnes8541 says : Science and evidence would have been enough if we weren't lied too about basically everything>> <<@tarafox6618 says : I think now they are just trying to figure out how to 'continue' what they've done a long time, only now with people waking up abd pushing back.>> <<@carollehince8472 says : Theresa Tam should be in jail>> <<@andrew1717xx says : I would like to hear a follow up to these October discussions.>> <<@pkuudsk9927 says : Personally I never believed the lies they spew. Pure blood still and will remain that way no matter what lies they spew. Tam and Justin are liers working for the WEF WHO to control people.>> <<@VEPR762X54 says : Depopulation doesn't need all this complex garble and hot air to understand it.>> <<@Mike-yq1yi says : If their intent was to make me distrust our government, news media, police and medical system, it worked. I no longer trust any of them. They are all traitors or cowards as far as I'm concerned.>> <<@aeonflutter says : WE ARE AT WAR>> <<@alloloiseau5259 says : you are constantly tapped and hacked via the Wireless Body Area Network IEEE 802.15>> <<@alloloiseau5259 says : this guy made a stupid comment about russia>> <<@queenofrandom2301 says : FJT FTT>> <<@stephenjohnson2236 says : You are asking the questions that many other journalists should be asking.>> <<@tinalaursen8993 says : This isn't new. We are being manipulated and molded continuously by a multitude of different entities. Evil rests in the heart of all humans. Make decisions accordingly about the power you grant them.>> <<@Kerri-tj9tu says : Well done!>> <<@thewizard3770 says : Communism is taking over … tactics since 2020 😈 Creating an excuse for microchipping you ! Yes. Evil is at work .., wake up please>> <<@DirtyDeeds-w5f says : 1969 the lottery.. shown across Canada to kids grade 5 in selected locations... Once you are awake you are awake eternally. Nietzsche>> <<@AmmoC9M says : The only Ellena Altere that shows up has an adams apple! Went on WHO websight to search under 'behavioural sciences' and couldn't find anything. So much for transparancy.>> <<@HaliMullins says : They've underestimated human intelligence with their own narcissistic personalities, greed and now the human workd population is using their own weapons to defeat them.>> <<@BrettHansen-bm3ks says : It's not new It's called BRAINWASHING. I've said for years these idiots are at war with their own citizens making them no longer needed. Canadian Intelligence has always been a joke, now they are globalist stooges.>> <<@Myopinion789 says : Communism at its best>> <<@SpringRoad-ix2ps says : Awesome job Ugolini.>> <<@Zodibear says : Thank you Tamara this report was awesome, thank you!! This is also called gangstalking/ psychological harassment/ zersetsung done by the Stasi secret police>> <<@Myopinion789 says : Ummm I’m pretty sure this is nothing new; the Puppet Masters are just freaking out because the Wizard of Oz is now in focus.>> <<@AnnaAnnieAnneofGreenGables says : January to April 15 days 😂>> <<@richardwalton6993 says : Is Tam a communist plant?>> <<@juneannxavier5963 says : Elena is a killer. They are all killers>> <<@jordanw8382 says : The CSIS director talks about China and Russia but says nothing about NATO, the UK and Canada being at the forefront of cognitive warfare on its citizens. This in itself is cognitive warfare, in the realm of misinformation, half-truths and partial-truths intended to mislead.>> <<@kforest2745 says : They best not waste their time talking to me about “democracy” until they clean up their gov’s own personality disorders that influence the parental behaviour at home. I won’t hear a fkn word he has to say until he speaks to corruption in the home that only exists at home because of the politics in their own country that influence it intentionally. I watched that Trudeau. I KNOW what he did to my home. Don’t dare talk to me about “democracy” for you’ll (the guy speaking) have to hear things I know you don’t want to fkn acknowledge. So I know you’re not serious. Don’t talk to me about “thinking” I know what the fk to think. The only thing I fkn saw online was straight from the horse’s mouth in your own parliament and by your own Canadian media. NOT Rebel. Rebel’s got more guts than any of them. And on top of the fkn medication that a fkn narcissist was given that made familial communications worse the same “medicine” aka shite Trump went on about. That’s another thing nobody’s fkn aware of the warfare sent through the home by prescription. And NOBODY not any doctor especially checks up/asks ‘so how are you and your family relations.” Yeah. Not a fkn breath hey. Don’t talk to me about “foreign interference” it’s a fkn joke compared to the immediate personnel in the country. And especially don’t talk to me about “democracy” until you’ve (guy speaking) handed over all the tests I demand of you that reasonably tell me your head is CLEAR. That means no drugs no pharma and no fkn what should we call that…. Homo sapien interference>> <<@kforest2745 says : Hell my parents and a sibling were psychological warfare players all narcissists major personality disorders two in particular who couldn’t get along with anyone horrid people to their core their own siblings prior to me being born however thanks to dna from whomever in my history I inherited the innate pet peeve for manipulation so I just magically saw it at every approach. As poor as that sounds I grew rich in life experience. Lol>> <<@kforest2745 says : They’re not gonna change the way I think it’s spot on it’s exactly the way it should be it’s radar 24/7>> <<@kforest2745 says : It’s not only in military it’s used every day by the public be it familial narcissists or bullies or dictators etc it’s everywhere fk I grew up with it. There’s a ton of manipulation that’s what modern day still is that’s what human behaviour is pressurized under it’s a daily thing and nobody cares to change it they’re perfectly content banging their heads no matter how miserable they are. 🙄>> <<@KL.B-v5n says : They talk about citizens as if they are lab rats. We can hear them. How the hell did we get here !!!!?>> <<@Glider324 says : Thank you for shedding light on the most significant issue of our future.>> <<@BLKDAWGZ says : TAX STRIKE DONT FUND THEM>> <<@gerrymcs5195 says : Lol good chance whit me loll>> <<@dimitrichristopoulos says : Yup>> <<@Roadieguru says : Theresa Tam…. What A Guy!>> <<@alanstewart6895 says : Complete nonsense. The only people that can be manipulated, 'Brainwashed' are those of the lowest IQ level, an extreme minority. Lincoln: You can fool some of the people.............>> <<@scottfraser706 says : 8:43 boo boo boo 👎>> <<@Gabby-c4x says : Psychopaths don't know they're insane!>>