<<@vegantaxidermylover says : Sex is biological as well as race (skin color, hair texture, facial features), however gender is a social construct. A very common definition of race is, “a group of people with inherited physical characteristics that distinguish them from another group.” Gender is a human production that depends on everyone constantly “doing gender.”“Doing Gender” comes in many forms and is done, arguably, subconsciously. This may range from you going to a little boys birthday party and buying him a football as opposed to a Barbie doll without even thinking about it. Or, have you ever seen a parent with a new born baby putting pink or blue clothes on their child so people will know whether it’s a boy or a girl. These are “doing gender” examples. For the individual, gender construction starts with assignment to a sex category on the basis of what the anatomy is at birth. A sex category becomes a gender status through naming, dress, and the use of many other gender markers. Once a child’s gender is evident, others treat those in one gender differently from those in the other, and the children respond to the different treatment by feeling different and behaving different. Children are heavily socialized in gendered manner. As soon as children can talk they often refer to themselves in terms of their gender. Parenting is also gendered with different expectations for mothers and fathers.We also see people of different genders work different kinds of jobs.The work adults do as can either be labeled as masculine or feminine. For example, not so much anymore, but 30-40 years ago men were almost always physicians and women were almost always nurses. However even today though this still has a different comfort level for some people. As a social institution, gender is a process of creating distinguishable social statuses for the assignment of rights & responsibilities. Introduction to Sociology 3e Tonja R. Conerly, San Jacinto College Kathleen Holmes, Northern Essex Community College Asha Lal Tamang, Minneapolis Community and Technical College & North Hennepin Community College>> <<@rdwakefield says : The word of God says there are only two races ..either your His child, a chosen race as Peter says...or the child of the devil...also chosen by God to be Satan's child...this two races .. On the other hand there are different ethnicities... So those who are speaking ..namely the woman is just as ignorant as the other...>> <<@SB-xd8gk says : sooooo stupid. And we tip toe around people who think like this. But I refuse to call you them, they or other thing than what you were at birth.>> <<@JSTPPodcast says : Albino is the closest racial appearance to being "non-binary">> <<@MDAdams72668 says : Oh, I am a 1/4 native American, black, trans, gay, female. If you disagree YOU are a BIGOT>> <<@evanselaban7058 says : I hear you woman, make it make sense>> <<@Alpha-ro8sc says : This disconnect from reality is across the spectrum. It is difficult to find anyone willing/able to have a conversation without spewing talking points or shutting down when faced with disparate ideas contrary to what they have been shown.>> <<@snteevveetns says : Human genome project proved the Bible to be true: we all are of one blood>> <<@adipoem says : Sex is more foundational than race.>> <<@davidlafleche1142 says : Her facial expression looks like a T-Rex ready to bite!>> <<@jeremykraenzlein5975 says : Now try this one: "Why is it socially acceptable to to consider someone to be less than fully human because of their age or ability, when it is not socially acceptable to to consider someone to be less than fully human because of their ethnicity?" If they say that we don't consider young or disabled people to be less than fully human, then ask why it is socially acceptable to kill pre-born people through abortion. State that a pre-born child is a full human who is entitled to the same full human rights as the rest of us. If they disagree, then challenge them to explain why without arguing that people of less age or less ability are less than fully human.>> <<@timcastle9506 says : It,s not stupidity, it,s programming. Stupid isn't a threat.>> <<@sandracox4341 says : All these people are exhibiting shared psychosis. Folie à deux.>> <<@JenE3377 says : Students across our nation are being cheated from attaining a quality education by misguided bureaucrats, corrupt teachers unions, and anti-American activists infiltrating our schools. While political leaders promote "gender fluid" restrooms and abandon academic standards, our communities continue to fall apart.>> <<@rivi8840 says : These kids are completely indoctrinated by their teachers and their curriculum. So they have a hard time processing truth. The problem is with the schools.>> <<@brianhanson5110 says : "I....that....uh.....um.....but.....like...dur." That's the problem with brainwashed, ignorant people who simply are waaaayyyy too lazy to even attempt to think for themselves, let alone utilizing common sense and intelligence. They can't come up with a valid argument because they were never given that "knowledge" by those idiots that tell them what they need to think. And then they come off looking incredibly dumb. Every. Single. Time. 🙄🙄🙄🙄. And in the end it's not even funny. It's incredibly sad. The Democratic Left Woke are intentionally making American citizens literally stupid. Please wake up and think for yourself. Educate yourself. Damn......>> <<@jasoncdebussy says : There are many biological differences between black people and white people! WTF was that thick woman saying?>> <<@JesusTheOnlyWayTruthandLife says : They vote.>> <<@gg_rider says : The answer is very simple. Marxists pretending to be liberals set the rules. No one is allowed to question the rules.>> <<@natashastevens5908 says : Wow. The educated idiots. Insane.>> <<@apathyjak8796 says : They're different.. how?>> <<@justicewokeisutterbs8641 says : Yeah. If there is one thing that consistently characterizes the left and leftists, it's the extreme, unforgivable stupidity.>> <<@kathleenjones7510 says : Not properly programmed for that question.>> <<@BiggMo says : If i had a dollar for every gender today, I’d have two dollars and a bunch of counterfeits.>> <<@wojciech6286 says : The only reason she couldn't answer that question is because kids in colleges are not capable of thinking for themselves. They have been brainwashed. Also, they don't know the answer for this question is because "experts" didn't tell them what the answer is.>> <<@michaelyolch79 says : “I think that…” No, you don’t THINK at all; and that’s the problem.>> <<@northumbriabushcraft1208 says : Saying there is no significant biological differences between the races is just as dumb as saying there isn't a difference between the sexes. It's just as ludicrous as what the left says. We can tell the difference between different races just from their DNA. Only people of certain races can contract certain diseases. Some features are obvious like skin colour or facial features like the elliptical fold in the eyes of Asian people. Not to mention the difference in IQ, levels of testosterone, common behaviours and the fact we all have our own distinct cultures. To deny this is to deny solid science, even if talking about race is kinda taboo in today's science due to what happened in the war. No matter what though denying reality is leftist behaviour and we shouldn't engage in it. Treat people based on their character, but to deny the wonderful differences between the races and what each race excels at is both dumb and evil.>> <<@freckledfox7308 says : Are they different things? Both are pretending to be something they aren't.>> <<@bobby9195 says : Men can't become a woman. You can cut,then sew on boobs, but damnit you're still a man 😅😂>> <<@rogerparrett3242 says : Consult the victim pyramid. Going from white to black gains more points than from male to female. Even the woke understands capitalism. 😂😂>> <<@brittbarlow6111 says : Oh trans racialism is coming. I wouldn’t put nothing past. The woke left.😂>> <<@Mike__G says : They’re both imaginary.>> <<@christopappageorge827 says : 72 iq vs 78, the second lady just has a man that feeds her logic. Those moles are biological af and they gotta go though.>> <<@johnphillips781 says : Neither one is acceptable as far as I'm concerned>> <<@rikeshpr85 says : Her profile is like MacTonite>> <<@JM-sp2iu says : It's insane, they know it's insane....they don't care, they would rather be nuts than admit being wrong.>> <<@TsugaC says : Genetics is a science and DNA is a proven reality. Men are not women and Whites are not Blacks, period.>> <<@HeDothJest says : I mean there are some biological markers that distinguish people groups, I agree it's not huge distinctions but there are differences.>> <<@bluearchangel0015 says : It's easier to change your racial identity than you're sexual identity just ask any coal miner.>> <<@EveA-b8g says : Facts don’t have feelings my friends! Facts don’t have feelings! There are two genders, you are born one of them unless you are an anomaly with an extra set and even then you are usually more one than the other. There is no non-binary!>> <<@WilliamCooper-l6f says : Better yet, what's wrong with being who you were born as - why the insistence to be "other than"?>> <<@retiredpd says : "Social Contagion" was the best description I've heard so far.>> <<@jrizzle59 says : This is great. Clearly points out the absurdity.>> <<@SCc8154 says : Did she just say there is no biological difference between black and white? 100% Incorrect.>> <<@johnbiden9219 says : Prager just makes sense ❤>> <<@wsmc723 says : Why do so many women growl when they talk?>> <<@lukemcmillan6048 says : You cannot become either.>> <<@abigailboyd2534 says : Ooooo, good 👍>> <<@req2000 says : Umm, gee, sorry, I don't know how to think or express my own thoughts.>> <<@kidsniffer2654 says : Indoctrinated youth are so stupid. Teach your kids the truth>>