<<@LiberalHivemind says : Go to ​ https://ground.news/hivemind to take advantage of the exclusive 40% OFF Vantage plan and subscribe using my link to support my channel. Discount ends soon!>> <<@charcushman9507 says : She AUTHORIZES MONEY TO UKRAINE!!!!! She is as soulless as the others. Worried about us? Not a chance in their hell they've created on earth.>> <<@brian-pu3yy says : Transitory Janet flew to Ukraine to hand over billions of Americans tax payers dollars. Since when in history ever did this happen? What a tyrannical government who fights for foreign sovereignty while destroying ours..looks like.>> <<@jeffreyolp4198 says : Cuban is probably on the Epstein list and he is terrified President Trump will release everything these criminals have done. That alone is enough to get me to vote Trump. I want him to declassify everything and expose everyone.>> <<@jeffreyolp4198 says : Yellen is just another democrat moron who thinks she is intelligent. She caused massive financial damage to the average American. She is absolutely responsible for this mess. Just like democrats. They think they are better than the rest of us. They are traitors . Their goal is simple. Turn us into a CCP style of government. They are stinking lying communists trying to destroy our republic.>> <<@geraldscott4302 says : Homes are worth double because money is worth half. But wages have not doubled. My home value went from $69,000 in 1995 when I bought it (and was just barely able to afford it) to $345,000 today. Because of today's worthless money. I was just barely able to buy it at $69,000, no blue collar person could possibly afford to buy it a $345,000 today, and nobody who could afford to pay that price is likely to even want it.>> <<@StupidAmericans-b2s says : The more Mark Cuban speaks the more I realize he isn't very intelligent. Why is he on any news channel? Just because he's a billionaire doesn't mean he is knowledgeable on every topic.>> <<@Rainlover1984 says : Kamala said that she will put the needs of the people first. She wasn't lying. Just not the American people!!! Watch her immediately walk away from the American people (North Carolina hurricane victims) as she gives billions of dollars of OUR dollars to the Ukrainian people and illegal immigrants.>> <<@Rothbard_is_God8082 says : These people are simply cogs in the machine of statism. That is their only purpose. To keep the machine running, even at the cost of people.>> <<@MichaelLee-s5w says : Unburdened by the past is a line from the Communist Manifesto>> <<@GDuncanFYoung says : Yellen is stupid and evil beyond belief. She does not even understand the stupidity of her answer or see the irony>> <<@greggrant502 says : That's her Trojan horse Kamala>> <<@poshea575 says : The Fed shuts down businesses and then fears unemployment. They caused unemployment.>> <<@skullfracture2 says : NO REGRATS!>> <<@Iskandar_Igit says : YOUR NEXT QUESTION WOULD BE: "IF DONALD TRUMP BECOME PRESIDENT AND WILL USE YOUR POLICY SPENDING, WHAT DO YOU THINK WILL HAPPEN TO THE COUNTRY?">> <<@wstavis3135 says : How much more deliberative, contemplative, thoughtful, and careful would these people be if they faced real possibilities of severe physical or financial consequences for their horrible ideas, policies, and decisions? The smug arrogance and blind stupidity is staggering.>> <<@EdmundMartelli says : CARES TRUMP>> <<@cavalierx6099 says : When JOE BIDEN and KAMMY took office in 2021 the NATIONAL Debt was $28 TRILLION - LESS than 4 YEARS later it is $36 TRILLION today a 28% increase.... We LITERALLY cannot afford 4 more Years of KAMMY HARRIS and the DEMs. That is all.>> <<@remingtonsteel585 says : The things Janet Yellen has been right about: The lame excuses Janet Yellen has given in explanation: not enough room to mention them all.>> <<@Sox-b2i says : I turned 18 in 2000. In my whole adult life.... Ive only felt funancial security for a few short years between 2017-2021. My wife and i for the first time, had a savings account of more than a few hundred dollars, things were looking up Those savings were wiped by late 2021>> <<@SoylentGein says : If I had the ability to make memes, I'd put some strings on this skinsuit and label each one with whoever is controlling them. Thanks in advance to whoever completes this task.>> <<@iceman9678 says : There's only price gouging. There's no such thing as tax gouging. Aka inflation>> <<@iceman9678 says : If you haven't had a 25% pay increase over the past 4 years then you've had a pay cut.>> <<@eagleeye2300 says : God help us LITERALLY if they are able to throw the upcoming election. Which I'd have to alledge they are planning on, since they're actively flooding unwilling States with Haitian migrants as we speak. They DO NOT CARE about United States citizens.>> <<@rhutchski says : If you are expecting a Democrat to take the blame and accept responsibility, you could be waiting a long, long, long, long, long, long time.>> <<@goofygoober6201 says : Hellen is just a puppet for the real people behind this corrupt government>> <<@johnlilly2991 says : Lowest IQ I have ever seen in a government position!🤬>> <<@bjornstacy9590 says : Welcome to the democratic party, where we own everything and the truth don't matter!!!>> <<@nathanboonstra1600 says : The difference between liberals and conservatives is liberals see ls the average citizen and their subordinate where conservatives seems as their equals.>> <<@okdn6336 says : That shot of 🤮 is so perfect - blends right into the rest of the Trojan! Wow 😂😂😂>> <<@sherriarmstrong936 says : Wowzers LMAO!!! I just got my hand slapped again about something I posted. U Tube boo on you for censorship 🤐>> <<@AnnacolleenEtters says : Notice she is shaking her head, while saying, "I will put the needs of the people, first"? Busted!>> <<@SB-tv6en says : Mark Cuban: put up all I’m saying is be listening to me. That’s not what I’m saying.>> <<@DoyleHargraves says : Mark cuban is a fool>> <<@tcwhite0104 says : I know cuban has money but he's an awful person.>> <<@grampydeathblade2217 says : Cuban - you're misrepresenting...talking head - I watched her ads. In the same breathe Cuban has said Yaay DEI but his basketball team is about "talent" therefor NO DEI.>> <<@millerwilliam5589 says : Janet is complicit in stealing from tax payers and giving to democrat bureaucrats who take funds set aside for specific purposes and launder them through the stock market and collect the profit from the PEOPLE'S MONEY, and place it in an offshore account for them to spend while they visit Epstein Island or Diddyland.>> <<@harryricochet8134 says : Kamala Harris. What else can you expect from a pig except grunts?>> <<@michaelmansfield8294 says : The only people Kamala puts first are the members of the deep state who script her comments and determine her policies.>> <<@russel5458 says : It’s rational thinkers vs propaganda consuming sheep. If the elite wanted the country to be republican you would have 10 right leaning news agencies and then nsnbc doing the left. Except it’s fox vs everyone else.>> <<@swarley39 says : If it's Trump's administration then the left claims the stock market has nothing to do with how the economy is doing>> <<@shiverman8 says : All I see is a liar saying anything and everything.>> <<@aeugmk2 says : All hail the wealthy zombies of the apocalypse! What a bunch of fools!>> <<@user-HellcatHemi says : The level of sheer stupidity, corruption & cowardness/cowardice across America is why we're declining w a humanitarian crisis nvr seen b4 period.>> <<@Navarrete993 says : If I see more ads in these video I'll have to stop watching>> <<@willcottrell6394 says : I bet mark Cuban is on the Epstein list...>> <<@vir9002 says : If the Economy was good, I could put my lower middle class home up for sale at a small profit and anyone else in the lower middle class looking for a small house, would be able to afford to buy it(30yr loan for it same as I put into it when I invested in the property myself).. As it is now, UPPER middle class could afford it, no one lower than that, even Middle of the Middle class would have to really go through their expenses to consider buying right now. Biden/Harris suck.>> <<@AnniSturgill says : What a smug face Mark has.>> <<@trumpjr5179 says : How long did this idiot tell us inflation was transitory? The only people that don't feel the pressure of inflation and cost off goods are the corrupt politicians and bureaucrats.>> <<@joshuafarlow-wolgast8082 says : I have pro Kamala friends that exclaim the economy is doing good, and that it is not the price of groceries but the non-essentials that people buy that are causing the problem. I'd love to be able to respond on Facebook, but I am automatically a Trump cultist that ignores reality. I look at the prices of groceries, and still have a hard time believing how expensive it is.>>