<<@EnterSainment says : You guys are propagandist please stop feeding this stuff to kids>> <<@micahpe says : Stating 1778 wasn't really a wrong answer, especially off the cuff. 1777-1779. 1778 was when it was ratified.>> <<@CelesteRamirez-j2z says : Etraterrestres>> <<@paulaglenn388 says : Sadly the reason they have to have "gender studies" in law school is because of the enormous amount of litigation over the mess society has gotten itself into because of all the "gender confusion" which is now taught in entertainment, school, and society.>> <<@paulaglenn388 says : This is great. We use Prager kids. The schools have the Zinn & CRT DEI influenced, left leaning "Brain Pop"and "Brain Pop Jr" which is disturbing. Happy to see they will also have the option of Prager kids which has GREAT content.>> <<@randalhampton2966 says : Wow...actually educate our kids....what a strange and refreshing idea....>> <<@kevinnix32 says : The biggest problem with the Constitution is that people don't know anything about it. They don't even know that it created the government and laid out specifically what the government is authorized to do. That only that. If they are only going to read a part, may I suggest Article 1, Section 8.>> <<@ShaneStilwell says : Yep. Nuff said!>> <<@dejavu666wampas9 says : Thank God Almighty for the wisdom of the 12 framers of our Constitution.>> <<@JB-le7kh says : The biggest "problem" with our US Constitution is that our government is no longer following it!>> <<@ashtonhammond1302 says : Pork may contain worms, or toxins, choose chicken, or turkey dogs instead of pork toppings! Almomd milk, and coconut milk fresh, unsweetened. Fruits, and Vegetables. Take oneaday multivitamin clay tablets. Also high quality fish oil, Spring Valley.>> <<@ashtonhammond1302 says : Alkaline everyday to be healthy, and fight diseases.Stay away from pork, always with turkey, or chicken. Pork may contain worms, or toxins. Better cuts of meat. Fruits, and vegetables.>> <<@ashtonhammond1302 says : Have a repentant heart as a christian. Have a relationship with God. KJV Bible is the one to study! Ask for pardon of sins, to escape eternal hell! Objectively is the right way to solve issues.>> <<@B-TRU86 says : This should be MANDATORY learning what happen to history civics social studies etc? "Im just a bill sittin up on Capitol hill"...>> <<@MetroplexBias says : This is literally propaganda>> <<@nerysghemor5781 says : College can be useful at certain schools and for certain majors, but outside of those institutions and practical majors, it can be a problem. I am VERY grateful to have gotten a solid, practical college education at Auburn University (class of 2005) in business and Spanish. My business teachers were students of Austrian economics, and one liberal, pro-union professor actually rewarded me with a good grade FOR DISPUTING HIM in Labor Relations and not just parroting back what he said. MAD RESPECT for Dr. Wolters because that is a kind of academic and intellectual integrity that is practically absent today. Even my Spanish teachers, some of whom I know were personally very leftist, explicitly would NOT bring politics into the classroom and actually stopped a discussion on the Iraq War that got started up. AND done it at a time where between scholarship and family savings, I broke even and had no debt. If I recall, 2005/2006 was statistically one of the last years where it was generally possible to do that.>> <<@iamgoing24get says : The key issue with the U.S. Constitution is that federal, state, and local governments do not consistently treat all amendments with equal regard. Instead, they frequently attempt to undermine certain provisions based on political biases and agendas.>> <<@fatherof4kids says : Most young people are ignorant and arrogant and that is a dangerous mix.>> <<@johnosborne1873 says : I mean, I believe in the first amendment - but its not designed to protect the NYT attacking our founding - nor is it wrong to thrash the ‘New York Times’ (fake news)>> <<@SHARKVADERS says : Next to nothing, and much of what they do teach is wrong or skewed in some way to push an agenda.>> <<@johnosborne1873 says : Praise God for PragerU, honestly!!>> <<@gmansard641 says : 40 years ago in high school we went through the entire Constitution, and discussed the landmark court cases which clarify it.>> <<@AMX86 says : In my school district, there is no US civics course at any level.>> <<@johnosborne1873 says : God bless our mighty, God-fearing republic!!>> <<@gmansard641 says : A line-item veto would streamline the legislative process, and it would probably take an Amendment to achieve it.>> <<@andrenovaisassessor says : Thanks for protecting freedom!>> <<@MrDonCoyote says : They learn all kinds of indoctrinating nonsense about gender. But actual factual information that is required for us to keep our freedom, integrity and our country... That's not so important anymore. See how they're weaponizing us with this crap?>> <<@Groovy-z3x says : The majority of the ideas that are in the U.S.Constitution came from the Holy Bible. The percentage is something like 32% or 34%. The percentage of the ideas in the US Constitution from America's Founding Fathers' gets smaller from there.>> <<@crimsonninja4097 says : We we're given copies of the Constitution and Bill of Rights for this kind of stuff and told to read it when i went to school.>> <<@Groovy-z3x says : All of the grievances in the Declaration of Independence were solved in the U.S. Constitution.>> <<@merlinwizard1000 says : 2nd, 27 September 2024>> <<@Bc232klm says : Trump violated the constitution while in office and promised to tear it up on day 1. Maga is a cult.>>