<<@RebelNewsOnline says : Get your tickets now to Rebel News LIVE! in Calgary on October 5: http://RebelNewsLive.com>> <<@lynnebarclay3463 says : Absolutely correct. No journalist ever held her to account in New Zealand, they let her run away.>> <<@Wcianetworksupporter says : Jacinta is part of the Globalist Agenda ! I remember when she addressed the public SMILING broadly whilst people were dying and banned from seeing their loved ones ! I will never forget those Teeth ! And the innapropriate Grinning ! Gives me chills remembering her actually !>> <<@jaybee7075 says : She was so awful for our way of life in nz its so sad what she made of our people>> <<@AntoniaAllison-v8d says : Hey .. good job highlighting the terrible job Jacinda did as a failed Prime Minister in NZ. She would have been scared as she was threatened by the public towards the end of her Prime Ministerial stint and possibly one of the main reasons she stepped down as Prime Minister. And yes it’s a real shame the main stream NZ reporters were not impartial enough to ask the serious questions of her “ reign “ here in NZ… she was divisive and has left our country split into one racially motivated group and the other group wanting the same rights for all New Zealanders…>> <<@trueblue1449 says : Ardern destroyed New Zealand. Not welcome back here..! Criminal>> <<@dylanc2860 says : you've obviously never watched nz news sauces from nz>> <<@johnkerr4645 says : She is an absolute air head and a communist to boot. She has just been awarded some sort of Dame hood for doing exactly nothing, apart from destroying NZs economy, education and health system, aided and abetted by her communist finance minister. She is unbelievably useless.>> <<@Skii-l5c says : She used the United nation to censor our free speech,>> <<@MsBlueRyans says : The woman is ''Pure As'' walking chaos. I get the feeling she relishes her position of power and doesn't care about the consequences of her actions. The two-tiered society she has created for New Zealand's legacy is done. The damage is done.>> <<@VictorMokomoko-j7t says : Stay in Canada jacinda because know cares what you have to say>> <<@matthewdonoghue321 says : Find another rock to hide under Ardern.>> <<@jordancostello3385 says : Dont come back to new zealand she not welcome>> <<@jordancostello3385 says : Hate her she made my wife sick after the jab>> <<@ruslingmcgehan7137 says : That wasn't very kind of our ex PM but that is her real personality. Great collection of globalists thugs at that meeting, she was in good company>> <<@fattmord8518 says : Love this woman she is a STAR!>> <<@manypeople4951 says : I'm from NZ never voted for her but leave her alone, if you don't heckle Tony Blair or Obama let her be. Canada you had that N.a.z.i guy in your parliament. What happened to him?>> <<@jammyone5108 says : Ex PM is the worst thing to ever happen to NZ>> <<@EdmanDontace says : #IAM Richard from NZ this is very good thank you iv shared this in nz>> <<@simonmeikle2673 says : Good work.J.A is in exile and not welcome in her own country.>> <<@michelletaylor5346 says : Thank goodness some media of the world can see who this abominable woman really is. She brings shame to my country of NZ.>> <<@logantawhiti55 says : Jacinda is a traitor she sold New Zealand out to the drug companies and skipped the country with her druggy husband Clark Gayford.>> <<@terrancedick8912 says : How come jackcinda walks like a man and trudies walks Like a girl.?>> <<@New_Zealand_ says : Jacinda Ardern is a tyranical authortarian monster. Her toxic brand of woke identity politics caused immense damage to New Zealand. Dont be fooled, Jacinda is dangerous. Jacinda has no place on the international stage. She was booted out in New Zealand.>> <<@motorboomersnz9888 says : Sadly she was asked some questions by our independent news channel "The Platform" and she shirked the opportunities to front up. Our MSM is totally stuffed. Within the next year we will happily have no television news channel paid for by the taxpayers dollar!>> <<@MrUHTiger says : Get her she ruined New Zealand with her Klaus Swaub ideas and clomate change narrative>> <<@trevorgleeson432 says : Hypocrites, all that jet fuel into the atmosphere and just talk talk talk...... a joke 🙄 As for Ardern, she was a racist socialist incompetent Covid using fake PM, NZ's worst by miles 😣>> <<@louadams2631 says : This child of satan will be in jail soon. As will Ashley, Grant, and Chris hipkins. For Treason and crimes against humanity. No one escapes the truth that's coming. ❤>> <<@ebaab9913 says : Go and fight for the Israelis, you are obviously of that mind set...>> <<@Steve-z3b says : Ardern was terrible for New Zealand.>> <<@annetteblack9573 says : Good show the psychopath the door Canada shes mates with Trudeau .>> <<@skepticalkiwi69 says : I'd say she was there trying to ruin Canada like nz however Canada was giving a nazi a standing ovation not that long ago so...>> <<@somegenXdude says : That woman has a lot to answer for, she broke New Zealand and left because the real questions were coming "be kind" my ass ! that woman is an absolute snake !!>> <<@poordadadventures says : She is only there because she is getting paid to be there. She is now on the talking circuit?>> <<@GlassGenius says : Jacinda is evil. She ruined New Zealand and then run away from it once people caught on that behind her fake smile was a cold heart.>> <<@craigdawson7632 says : Sorry about that. She killed 3 gun competition and made stupid firearms laws that have been proven again and again not to help. Helen Clark was also a bit of a issue, up to no good in the UN for a while. Chris Hipkins stood down because someone had dirt on him, the rumors said he was doing dodgy deals, he ran away to Australia then came back and was knighted 🤯 Now we have Christopher Luxon, and it's not getting any better.>> <<@craigdawson7632 says : We didn't like her idea's here in NZ either. It just took a while for some people to realize that.>> <<@christinealsop5800 says : JaSinner ive been wondering what you've been up to. Our last 2 Prime Ministers resigned early and just dissappeared from New Zealand.>> <<@raywoledge2616 says : You can keep her>> <<@warrenheslip692 says : She is a disgrace.>> <<@littlekiwi397 says : They put her/im in charge of the Aspen Institute of nz which exists as a global entity.. she/he still operates from a place of power, its simply more hidden!!>> <<@MaryAda-wj3dy says : Finally. KARMA>> <<@Ari_00X says : Keep her in Canada!>> <<@isabelanipples says : As a citizen of New Zealand. I have no time for any one who cannot be a transparent to others . This is essential for communication and understanding. As judge Judy always say “ if it doesn’t make sense it can’t be true. Thanks rebel news for their 100% transparency and honestly. Independent journalism is a right for us all to understand and to make an informed decision.>> <<@eltaierrible3459 says : WEF comrades>> <<@wayneshilcock3027 says : I'm a New Zealander and thank God she's overseas, because we call her the female Obama here. One of the reasons I believe she quit her term as Prime Minister early is the true Jacinda Ardern was starting to come out and she couldn't keep up the 'Kind and Gentle' facade. When inside I believe she is a dictator and a true tyrant, I'm surprised Clarke Gayford is still with her. Unknown to many, Ardern worked with Tony Blair(Former British Prime Minister) liar and thief, so it would not surprise me if alot of this behavior rubbed off. The WEF also put her in this position and now New Zealand is setup to be poor, subservient and vulnerable to be exploited by multinational companies, including small business exploitation. By allowing migrant workers from poorer countries to go on working visas so they can pay them less than the minimum wage, while the National Party (Current government) is cutting jobs and giving all the breaks to the wealthy. So what we are now left with facing is a low wage, increasingly automated and hollowing out of the middle class economy. If this country doesn't wake up, we could be a potential candidate for a new Global South in a so called developed country.>> <<@howzit5406 says : Love it how everyone hates her now, could people not have seen the devil before it became prime minister>> <<@Bree.breezie says : FXCC JACINDA ARDERN 👎💨💩🤦💯#WOKE#GOVTPLANT#SELLOWT💯🤦👎>> <<@toolbox0001 says : There all talking BS in an echo chamber! Im an NZder and we all in NZ hate that biitch adern she and the labour borrowed so much chinese money it bankcrupted the counrty! She is pure evil and her had sex with the nanny and got her pregnant.. hope they never come back here again.>> <<@norrielivingstone4475 says : ONCE TRUMP TAKES CHARGE THESE PEOPLE WILL EVAPORATE INTO THEIR LAIRS.>>