<<@christopherwells1024 says : Has this channel got anything useful to contribute? Toxic gossip and innuendo.>> <<@protosonic17 says : Man Jack Nicholson's really lost his acting ability>> <<@neilfleury6598 says : Who is paying you?>> <<@Ron-yd3fn says : Can't be much fun being a kennedy apologists.another bunch of women are saying they have been sexting him this last year Why didn't he block them>> <<@billdoty6438 says : For such a seemingly attractive, smart woman, what are you doing? What are you thinking? Grow up and start making adult decisions 🤔>> <<@Ron-yd3fn says : It gets better and better.the ex fiance and kennedy s wife dont seem to possess the blase attitudes that the sycophants on here do.maybe somebody from this thread should phone cheryl hines and reassure her>> <<@Ron-yd3fn says : Nuzzi will get fired That is pretty much given Then her lawyers will unmuzzle her.when th gloves are off she will spill the real story where they are both [email protected] the kennedy apologists will have to admit the truth No I guess they won't probaly>> <<@Ron-yd3fn says : Kennedy seemed to like having her on his side for the campaign Just an innocent victim.eh>> <<@kiandrah8517 says : How is it a relationship? This sort of talk only encourages stalkers to think they are in a relationship.>> <<@mambojazz1 says : You both sound so silly defending her for no reason its gross!!!>> <<@mambojazz1 says : 8:09 NOTHING WAS WRONG WITH BIDEN!!! He is just old jesus🙄🙄>> <<@keeganmacnichol4694 says : Cenk want us to believe he wouldn't be begging to suck her toes if he had the chance? LOL what a joke TYT is>> <<@Ron-yd3fn says : Ii guess when nuzzi wanted kennedy to join the debate or get secret service protection that had nothing to do with the the FaceTime sex or the exchange of I love yous Lol business with pleasure.how efficient>> <<@Ron-yd3fn says : I just seen where in an old fox interview nuzzi said she didn't delete her old obama tweets because she would feel uncomfortable being dishonest I guess times have changed>> <<@SodarSmith says : Beauty? She's average.>> <<@SodarSmith says : So don't believe men only women. Tyt do better>> <<@lu_re7198 says : They’ve never dated. It’s completely one sided. He’s blocked her, but she keeps stalking him and making desperate attempts to lure him w/ a honey trap. It’s easy for a beautiful woman to blackmail a wealthy/powerful man w/ a known weakness 👩🏻‍🦱👩🏻‍🦰👱🏾‍♀️...JFKjr has threatened to sue her. And she was placed “on leave” from her job at the New Yorker (distancing themselves).>> <<@fredschoepke7916 says : But a worm ate his brain.>> <<@200x-v4k says : She didn’t lose anything she’s still young and has her life going for her. As a woman, the way I see it, she was just having fun playing with a famous older man. As strange as it may seem, some young women don’t really want the older man, they just love the fun thrill of messing with them 😂>> <<@jamescordova1796 says : Damn , did Ana really just say to "USE" her body and beauty to get to the top? Yikes!!!>> <<@jesserush793 says : Cenk is so late to the RFK JR is a selfish scumbag party all the guests are getting in their cars, I think he only thought RFK JR was a hero is because he was going against Biden, the man has always clearly been an immoral narcissist with major cognitive issues, everything his mistress Nuzzi wrote about Biden could have also been applied to her daddy RFK JR. God, I don't know what is wrong with Cheryl Hines, I can not think of anything good about being married to that loony scumbag.>> <<@karenanderson6323 says : I actively dislike you all and your show! Never watching again!>> <<@karenanderson6323 says : How about this is none of your business!!!>> <<@ultrapotus says : Clowns.>> <<@sp6990 says : Interesting how the same outlet started the smear campaign against Huberman and ended it with RFKJ, the two people at the forefront of trying to get America healthy. ✊>> <<@Ron-yd3fn says : This woman isn't burdened by morals as she sleeps her way to the bottom>> <<@beatrizorlandini5219 says : This show really stinks…. I bet you are all registered democrats>> <<@ViveLeEmpereur says : I think TYT made a mistake pumping up this woman as some kind of ethical paragon of journalism. I realize that everybody is human, and sometimes people make mistakes or have preferences/biases and shouldn't be judged too harshly, but I don't think this woman was ever such a great person. She apparently has a history of silver fox chasing, and was also with Keith Olbermann at one point prior to thirsting over RFK Jr., at a time when they had an age difference of like 20-30 years. The silver fox chasing doesn't bother me. If young women want to date old men or young men want to date older women, it's kinda whatever. That's just a preference, and there's nothing wrong with it. However, it does raise questions about her journalistic impartiality when covering stories, and she wasn't very honest about this relationship with RFK Jr. The sexting that she did with him extended even before she wrote a glowing puff piece about him. What bothers me more is what she did with Corey Lewandowski a few years ago. Now, I don't think Lewandowski is a great guy and I don't support him, but she apparently one time just showed up at his house, and wandered into the house without any permission whatsoever. In my opinion that's very morally dubious and it's not something that journalists should do. If some random person wandered into my residence, it wouldn't matter to me if they were a journalist or anybody else. I would be pretty upset about it. The fact that she felt entitled to do this shows in my opinion a total lack of boundaries and some degree of immorality. Something similar happened to me a long time ago when some real estate agent just wandered into where I was living at a time when I was only wearing boxer shorts, and it was very uncomfortable. I really dislike when people feel they can violate personal boundaries in that way.>> <<@Ron-yd3fn says : She did the hit pieceon biden the same time she was telling kennedy she loved him and they were having facetime sex.she seemed to be doing PRwork for kennedy aso.but she was unbiased. Lol>> <<@carpenoctem7307 says : He smashed. 100%>> <<@tcandrews8430 says : Everyone should be repulsed by him.>> <<@Ron-yd3fn says : Can you imagine acting in such behavior that trump and Lewandowski can find fault with you.lmfao>> <<@Ron-yd3fn says : If there is a sex tape i pray it is never leaked>> <<@Ron-yd3fn says : If my 31 year old woman was sending nude picks to 70 year old creep I don't think anybody I know would defend her I hope not>> <<@monkeysezbegood says : Feels like she tried to trap him... It really does. For political gain clearly...>> <<@lisaklockow2482 says : TYT is another fake news channel! No thanks!!!>> <<@zero451208 says : Are you two trying to act like RFJ Jr. is the bad guy because some ugly broad sent him nudes and then had to trick him into letting her send him more after he blocked her?>> <<@belltowerringer says : This show was just beneath you guys. Anna: “ save your beauty for someone else..” really? Ok… just dumb guys. Just dumb.>> <<@bernadettesheehy5463 says : No wonder your ratings have nose dived....stop letting us know how silly you both are!>> <<@bernadettesheehy5463 says : STOP!!! She came after him!...You have decended into a Thrashy mag.>> <<@NancyMitchell1965 says : I will never trust Mika and Joe ever again. They were a big reason why so many people were shocked by Biden's debate performance. They had been lying about him for months, making it seem like he was sharp as a tack and fit as a fiddle. Mika was especially unbearable in her defense of him.>> <<@deonstrydom1091 says : You bloody Gr…..k😅😂>> <<@bowman1248 says : Setting up RFK for what?!... Maybe videos like these. You guys are pathetic>> <<@CallMeCoachWalker says : 0:32 I thought she said bombarding him with news. I was like Wait. What?! That’s not the story. 😂>> <<@thomashong2938 says : Ana and Olivia look like identical twins.>> <<@MarkCletus says : RFK Jr. said Trump was "a terrible human being. The worse [sic] president ever and barely human. He is probably a sociopath." He criticized President Trump for failing to deliver on his promises to American workers. He accused Trump of promising to revive manufacturing, raise wages, fix trade deals, close tax loopholes, and support small farmers, but instead, catering to the interests of the Republican establishment. According to RFK Jr., Trump's achievements primarily benefited wealthy individuals like Jeff Bezos, deregulated industries for special interests, and provided advantages to large agricultural conglomerates. RFK Jr. pointed out that Trump allowed influential figures from the Bush-era GOP to dominate his administration, appointing lobbyists from the oil, gas, coal, and pharmaceutical industries to key positions. He also criticized Trump for supposedly supporting small farmers but ultimately funneling funds to large agricultural corporations. He highlighted the social unrest during Trump's presidency, noting the significant rioting and looting, and accused Trump of inflaming racial tensions and failing to maintain public safety. Instead of addressing the chaos, RFK Jr. argued that Trump allowed Democrat-run cities to burn for political optics. On foreign policy, RFK Jr. condemned Trump for unilaterally withdrawing from the intermediate-range nuclear missile treaty with Russia, which destabilized relations and exacerbated tensions between Ukraine and Russia, leading to war. He also criticized Trump's appointments of neoconservatives like John Bolton, HR McMaster, and Robert O’Brien, suggesting that Lindsey Graham might become his Secretary of State in a second term. RFK Jr. further accused Trump of bombing Syria, killing an Iranian general, and failing to end the war in Afghanistan. He blamed Trump for initiating lockdowns during the pandemic, which he said led to the closure of millions of small businesses and a significant transfer of wealth to billionaires. Lastly, RFK Jr. claimed that Trump did little to address the opioid crisis, which worsened during his presidency, while his appointees were aligned with the interests of big pharma. He concluded by warning that a second Trump term would likely bring more of the same. In his words "If you think a second Trump term would be any different, you are engaging in wishful thinking.">> <<@AD-nz3cc says : W RFK Jr. 😂😂😂. Let the man upgrade in peace.>> <<@sandralee3349 says : Didn't Nuzzi herself admit the relationship never got physical?? This was a hit piece. I really don't like these people who are slamming RFKJr so much.>> <<@amiragerina5070 says : Fatal attraction 2. 😜>> <<@johngargano3371 says : …. he sounds like the reverend that was just on ,”the view”>>