<<@MarkDice says : . ⚠ Order your Trump as Neo in the Matrix shirt here: https://markdice.shop/listing/Trump_In_The_Matrix .>> <<@andysmith6824 says : Hey Mark, just a quick note to thank you for doing what you do, and we appreciate it out here in the belly of the liberal beast, the San Francisco Bay Area. Luckily, I’m not in San Francisco proper, but I'm more in the giant Livermore Lab and Sandia Labs area east of the city. (Of course, that means if there’s ever a nuclear war, I am in the area that will be first to be blown to smithereens). It’s nice to know that I can go to a YouTube channel every day and find someone who is reliable and who shows the proof to back up the comments, and has a great sense of humor as well. If Harris wins the election, I could say something like the celebrities always say, but never follow through with, by announcing that I am leaving the country and moving to (fill in the blank, trendy European nation). But I won’t say that because I can’t afford to do it. Being on a public pension does not allow me to do very much. I’m lucky that I got into the location where I am back in the mid 90s. These homes of skyrocketed so at least there’s equity until Kamala does something to mess it all up. I know I’m rambling, I’m just saying that we’re inferred a lot of bad stuff if she gets in the White House. At best she’s incompetent, at worst she’s a traitor. If I landed here today from some other planet and I spoke English and I’m from some far away planet that nobody even knows exists and I decide to come here and say howdy to all of the humans, I would be really confused if I met the current leader of the free world and most powerful political position in the world, and I would think, “these people are crazy!” It’s just that obvious help poor of a choice she is. People would rather vote for her and give up so many things that will hurt them in the long run instead of voting for the man who has a four-year record and that can be looked back upon, and he can prove that he did everything he says he did. But the news media are not on the side of the people, they are simply one of the military arms of the DNC. It’s a shame that we’ve come this low. I just had to get that out. Thanks for all you do Marc, and I love the new shirt I got! It’s the one with Trump being taken off the stage in Butler shouting fight! I haven’t decided yet if I will wear that shirt out in public. Isn’t it crazy that I even have to think about something like that? But I do fear for my life if I go to get gas and I’m wearing a shirt that nobody around here likes. I never thought I’d see that in America, and I’m armed, and I have weapons with me, legally, and I’ve been an all sorts of takedown fights, and arrests, and you name it. But now I’m a retired fat guy with metal rods and screws and cages and other interesting things implanted in my body. So I couldn’t do one of those fights anymore if I had to. but it is a shame to be afraid to wear a pro Trump shirt. Just look at the videos on this website, they’re almost never ending in showing people who become victims just buy a little sign on the front lawn, or buy a bumper, sticker, etc. that’s not the America I know, and it’s just gonna get worse if the people elect the wrong person. However, I’ll say it first that I am not a conspiracy theorist now what I’m going to say is going to sound exactly like I’m a conspiracy theorist, but I’m really not. The liberals and left us and Marxist and communist everybody on the far left I’m afraid to say have always been 1000 miles ahead of the GOP. The left has plan a and Plan B and plan C and plan D and so on for whatever plan does not work they just move to the next one and everybody knows what to do because they’re organized and it just happens. They also have tons of money from big donors and they have the gall to call Republicans the wealthy white guys. But I digress lol. I receive approximately 125 to 150 text messages per day that are political and 98% of those texts come from the same place which is called, “WinRed”. I’m sure you’ve heard of them, but if you’re looking for something new and a story to look into, that might be a good one. I have never received the type of text messages asking for money that these people send out. I’ve been getting their stuff for over two years And unsubscribing does absolutely nothing. Neither does marking it as “Junk”. That’s because they have thousand thousands of phone numbers and text numbers and they carefully word their response that automatically comes when you send them the word “stop“. They say that you have been “successfully unsubscribed. You will no longer receive text messages from this phone number”. Notice how they say it? They say that you will not receive any messages from that phone number, which is true. They do not send anything else from that number. But that doesn’t do anything because they’ve purchased so many thousands of numbers that they can just do this all day long and you can’t get away from it. I’m sure they’re also building up a list of hot off the press email addresses to sell to marketing companies and they probably make a lot of money from that. But that’s not why I’m talking about looking into them. They have sent me messages that have been so awkward and made me feel uncomfortable and I’ve written back to them several Times And I know that I’ll never hear back from them, but I write anyway, and I tell them that they are destroying the base. And I ask them, why are you trying to destroy the GOP base with these stupid messages you send out with subject lines, such as: “the least you could do is take the time to read this message“. They send that one a lot and I purposely do not read it. So many rude messages they send out and I’ve written to them and said who are you guys? Are you part of the sorrow group or who exactly are you? they’ve done more than just that I’m just trending. Keep it low-key for now. Even though this message is about 2 miles long, I’m sorry about that. But as I started to say earlier, the phrase that I’ve been using over and over again for 2 1/2 years now is that the liberals are always 1000 miles ahead of us and they’re playing five dimensional chess. Meanwhile, the GOP is playing Chutes and Ladders and they just realized last week who’s running for office. I have received the stupidest messages from the speaker of the house. He’ll send something out with a subject line of “urgent! You must read this if nothing else today!“ I stopped reading them long ago, but when the speaker sent something out, and it was from the same company that I mentioned earlier, I decided I want to see what brilliant he’s come up with. Now remember, anyone with common sense knew what would happen in all likelihood in the 2024 election. Kamala is no surprise, my assumption was that Biden would be dead by then but he’s brain dead so I guess that’s close enough. But the speaker of the house puts out this urgent message that said he just received CONFIDENTIAL information on the Democrat plan to take the White House. And he said that he has something really fantastic. That will just blow them away. So I clicked on the link and it took me to the page that described his brilliant plan. He said that the Harris campaign has received 60 Bajillion million zillion dollars, and the GOP is pretty far behind. So if everybody reading this can just send in $10, we could fly past her and we could have 70 Bajillion million zillion dollars. I replied to that message and I know that nobody read it, but I replied anyway. I said, “Mr. Speaker, are you insane? Do you have brain damage or something we should know about? That’s your Plan B to win? I’ve joked that you guys have been playing Chutes and Ladders and that’s why you’re always way behind the liberals, and I’ve said it jokingly but now I’m wondering if that’s what you’re really doing. You’re the Speaker of the freaking House and that’s your master plan? Good God we are doomed”. It just floors me to see How close this race is when it shouldn’t be that way at all. This should be a huge landslide win for the Republicans. Our nominee has said two assassination attempts, and he still out there at the rallies out in the open. He doesn’t have to do that. He could quit today and go and play golfing. Go swimming and hang out with his wife and kids and be very comfortable having fun and retirement. I don’t know if people understand that or not, but there is really no reason for him to be running again except for one very important thing. It’s obvious that President Trump loves the country And he loves the people. Just like most of us, he is disgusted at Biden and Harris and what they’ve done at the border. I can’t even imagine how police officers are gonna handle these Haitian refugees who could give them any idea they want to. Just like the Hispanics do, they swap drivers licenses all the time because we can’t say this picture doesn’t look like you because we get accused of being racist. So we can’t even use common sense anymore as police officers. And I say “we”, but I am retired. I need to make sure I note that. I’ll stop here because this is too long. I already as it is. If anyone made it this far in reading this, I should buy you a drink! 😊 yeah I didn’t mean for it to be this long, but I’m just very concerned for a future because I know what could happen and what we’re seeing now is nothing compared to what it will become if it’s not stopped. Thanks again, Marc. Apologies for this being so long.>> <<@tyvs-x6l says : Imagine the pain of every keystroke.😂😂😂😂😂>> <<@louisborrego1390 says : Kamala is the first Vice President with a sub 70 IQ. Biden is at 71.>> <<@superfren3559 says : She couldn’t even say “vote for me” with a straight face.>> <<@RONSmith-r7x says : Camala has no idea how to run this country, just like Obama she is out to destroy are freedoms>> <<@dbaxter47 says : As far as I am concerned, President Trump has earned my vote. Who else could go through what he (and his family) has and still be willing to fight for America?>> <<@jbro4779 says : The Democrats are handing Trump a victory with their absurd policies.>> <<@jerryrice8507 says : What happened now Mike ?>> <<@ApartmentKing66 says : Role model? How about "roll model?" As in "roll in the hay?">> <<@ApartmentKing66 says : "Whoever is the pretend-president is these days..." Every now and then, Mark comes up with a REAL zinger! Thanks for the belly laugh, Mark...I needed that.>> <<@surfcollector says : Wait, did he say “Too lazy to get a job!” You mean like your fake basement podcast show. You call that a real job? This guy is a moron! What about all the individual Teamster chapters that DID endorse her?!? Forgot to mention that. Dude, give it up. You’re bad at this .>> <<@Ligerpride says : She's very odd.>> <<@ehvway says : i love America and the americans, thank God camp Trump is growing! If you americans want to destroy America and the rest of the Western world, please vote Kamala>> <<@TracyLato says : Dems are the party for the ritch and poor only. mid evil times no middle class>> <<@Otto-mq8lg says : TRUMP'24🇺🇸 "Fight Fight" ✊ vs Kamel Toe Harris, Blow, Blow & Suck, Suck! 💩🚽>> <<@Otto-mq8lg says : First or not, having judge Joe Brown.. She has a pattern of Joe blow regardless of color just power 😂😂>> <<@lanceaugust says : She did a horrible job in California. She decriminalized retail theft. Now CVS and Walgreens are closing dozens of stores. Tourism in San Francisco is dried up. Millions of sales tax revenue has vanished. California is a dumpster fire because of policies which she supports and endorses.>> <<@HarryBakks-rh7dw says : Yeah it was the teamsters, that made oedo joe win..not the millions of dead votes 8hours after ALL POLLSWERE CLOSED>> <<@bryancollier5535 says : I’m a democrat I voted on September 20th for Trump instead of democrats because the democrats are a failure to me and to the Americans people as well 😂Trump 2024>> <<@Routing_for_sanity says : You know kareem SeanPierre cannot wait till she gets to step down from that misery😂 she gets paid to bold face lie to America and it’s eating her how ridiculous she looks>> <<@servicepilot6342 says : Breaking News: Harris is going to win in Nov.>> <<@Xth3Z says : If the Democrats 'win' this election, they can abolish elections for good, as they hold no more value.>> <<@mariaborges5351 says : Why has no one mentioned that she keeps wearing the same earphone earrings She has someone feeding her information.>> <<@sgt.thundercok4704 says : Doesn't matter. It all ended with the last election.>> <<@christiand7437 says : When the liberal news takes these seveys in these red towns...it's an inventory of where to dump migrants and blue the voter pool!🤔>> <<@raygates4235 says : I feel sorry for karine (NOT) after her party loses. She will have to go back to work at Church's Chicken or CNN.>> <<@earthlingcarnivore605 says : Camal-a was on Oceanside pier .>> <<@noster245 says : If most members support Trump then why wouldn't they endorse him? If those numbers of support were switched then guaranteed they would have endorsed the democrats immediately. It's total BS. Whoever is in charge and supposedly representing the union members needs to be fired asap.>> <<@SeanPowell-p4v says : Hey Kamala! Don’t care if you were the first person of Antarctica to be… anything! Have you done a good job? No!>> <<@GodsShield says : I will 100 percent be voting Trump but we can’t forget Trump stands with Israel, and I will always question someone like that even if it’s Trump>> <<@Merrillizer says : "Yes! I can't wait!! YES!!!" 😆🤙😆 Excellence. 🛡️⚔️🇺🇸>> <<@TheSillybits says : Hahahaha great making fun of Harry>> <<@TheSillybits says : I find it sickening how certain people like Kamala Harris, for example, allow themselves to be represented based on their skin color.>> <<@TJsGang says : It's all about being realistic. Yes, most come for the freebies. That's a fact.>> <<@Clifford.Morale says : Hi Mark i was unsubbed for days wtf is you tube doing ?>> <<@jackzaccardi1896 says : Boston loves Trump !!>> <<@johnvgrand says : I'm sorry, but wakanda isn't real, shеееееееееееееit🐒>> <<@jackreston8188 says : ILLEGALS GOTTA GO !!!>> <<@-BUFFALOMan says : Dice>> <<@copocamaro2701 says : 😂😂😂😂❤❤😂😂😂>> <<@DeliberatelyBearded says : Biden didn't win he cheated>> <<@leeroyexcavator9149 says : That's not all who isn't voting for Harris. A lot of the guys in the unions I work around are voting for Trump.! I only know a few who are voting Harris and it's a small amount compared to Trump. Most of us union guys where I work voted Trump last time over Biden.>> <<@whitelashrevolutionary says : Tulsi had it right when she said the Democratic Party was anti-white!>> <<@jamesdelaney3797 says : Oh shit, you mean people dont like word vomit?>> <<@SonnyGTA says : Mark!! I am totally unburdened!!!>> <<@byronmartin6459 says : 😅😅😅😊😊😊>> <<@Infranalostalgic says : She's mentally a 12 yo>> <<@russ5675 says : Yeah.... He said he was going to put Hillary in prison too 😮>> <<@lesleysears9808 says : I think Biden and and his press secretary may get so fed up they don’t vote for Kamala at this point!!!!>>