<<@RebelNewsOnline says : Get your tickets now for Rebel News LIVE! in Calgary: http://RebelNewsLive.com>> <<@andremaia4040 says : Thanks for talking about this. Much of the Brazilian media pretends that everything is normal and pretends that Alexandre de Moraes is not tearing up our constitution and our laws.>> <<@souzape says : Congrats to Rebel News and Rodrigo Constantino for showing what Brazil has become. It is sad... Brazil is now a dictatorship.>> <<@mfsilhaskooby says : The brazilian election's was rigged by members of Supreme Court under orders of american officials.>> <<@ZOMBIEHEADSHOTKILLER says : the US is an oligarchic dictatorship with democratic themed theatrics ..... but even if it were a "real democracy"...... it would still be terrorism.... as all government is, with out exception.>> <<@MrDondon38306 says : If Vlad the Impaler was alive today, Alexandre de Moraes is what he would look like!>> <<@bjtowns9554 says : Brazil is a dictatorship just like Canada democracy long gone.>> <<@SuccessmarketingWEB says : Can you believe if Taylor Swift would have said a Tennessee Jewish group?>> <<@AnnaNico-mvt says : Brazilians seem to be less asleep than Canadians.>> <<@dedetudor. says : 200,000? Looks like more than a million!>> <<@kabutofh9334 says : Oh boy, this clown 😂😂😂🤦🏼‍♂️>> <<@ValidatingUsername says : You don’t like communist republics?>> <<@fernandocruz6555 says : I arrival this channel by ancapsu channel I don't understand English very much now I try with rebel News>> <<@mrgarner4796 says : Thank you Ezra for exposing the Latin American political scene. What is happening today... must be told. Fifty years ago I live in SA. When I arrived I was warned not to speak anything about the government. I was told to never underestimate the number of ears listening. People had at that time disappeared from the streets. This must never happen again.>> <<@Mockingjay-e1t says : PLEASE QUESTION HER ABOUT HOW SHE MADE ONE OF HER MPS GO THROUGH TRANSGENDER RE-EDUCATION TRAINING BEFORE GETTING HER JOB BACK!!!>> <<@customerservice2261 says : One word! New World Order AKA New World Communism>> <<@johnbeaudette583 says : Did you forget the pledge of allegiance, and that very important document. They don't mention nothing about no Democracy. Is country always has been and always will be a federal republic.>> <<@davesbainrps6909 says : Sounds like Canada>> <<@hgsupertramp says : Lula is irrelevant now, he is a creature from the past, breathing ONLY because Moraes was responsible for releasing him from JAIL, and after that... for "taking care" of the election that elected Lula. Do the math.>> <<@abaldwin6059 says : Freedoms are under attack across the globe.>> <<@davesbainrps6909 says : Free Brazil>> <<@AdilsonOliveira-l1i says : Good job interviewing Rodrigo! Contact also @Pfigueiredo for an interview. Thank you!>> <<@fernandocruz6555 says : The Brazil country needs more people by speak English by world não sei escrever em inglês tentei>> <<@jolanda9947 says : GET READY WORLD THE WEF CULT IS DESPERATLY MANIPULATING YOU ITS OUR MONEY NOT THEIRS>> <<@leos71 says : Free canada>> <<@alys870 says : I understand that what is happening in Brazil is terrible, but this guys is not a reliable source. He is a proven case of a Bolsonaro’s boot leaker. He said that Moreaes is responsible to have Lula free to run on a presidential election, but he omitted that Bolsonaro added to the group of Moraes, 2 judges that voted in favour of Lula’s freedom. Biased!>> <<@manhomme4568 says : Smith sent one of her OWN MINISTERS to a Marxist reeducation camp. Ask Smith WHY would you do such a grotesque thing! Do you think Albertans, and Canadians for that matter will just FORGET this Trudeau-esque type of behaviour and why should we? Perhaps it's time for a new UCP LEADER>> <<@pecfree says : Brazilian here. Thanks for your work!!❤>> <<@marcio7708 says : Congratulations Rebel News for showing what is happening in Brazil! Thank you CONSTANTINO very well done!>> <<@aussiehardwood6196 says : World Economic Forum Agenda! None of these politicians are representing their people.>> <<@lJ0blixen says : Cant Alexander trip over a pointy fence?>> <<@Raymond-wj4ol says : Canada is not a democracy either.>> <<@theStacyJames says : Is there any surprise? The "Great Reset" continues. What do you think the real mandate is for that? Technocratic feudalism baby.>> <<@clroger4 says : Duh>> <<@brucemackenzie3440 says : This is a mirror image of what is happening in Canada!!!>> <<@RodentContainmentBreach says : Meanwhile, in the UK: Victim of infamous pkstni grmg gngs was censrd by a court last week after asking for her grpsts be dprtd from the UK. The woman, who was absd when she was a ynglng, was told to remove the request from her victim statement.>> <<@mauroparcianello says : In fact, as a Brazilian, I think we are a democracy: and we shouldn't be. The majority of the population is unaware of the consequences of most of the policies implemented and the powers granted to politicians. And it is because of this ignorant majority that we are in this situation.>> <<@beezee7691 says : how do you expect democracy being a member of BRICS? in the least, you should expect continuous deterioration>> <<@boogyjuggy says : We have not been a democracy here in Canada for a long time as well. Poliver, the cons, this party will not touch, repeal any of these issues, policies, laws = And here lies the problem. The liberals forced all of this upon the country and the conservative have done nothing about it for decades. We never asked for any of this in Canada. The public never had a say in any of this. All forced by governments = liberal and conservatives . Repeal - Mass immigration, green carbon scam, high taxes, massive government growth = debt = control....equalization (money laundering into Kebec), bilingualism (french) only outside kebec while Kebec bans our language – history - culture... – bills 22, 178, 101...96..., multiculturalism only outside Kebec, = the charter.... all forced upon the country over the last 50, 60 years by lying, crooked and corrupt politicians, liberal and conservatives, mostly metis (they are not french) from Kebec = more debt, higher taxes, bigger governments = more government control, more censorship...less freedom. Its all connected to the charter and quebec, the metis taking control of the country. Just follow the money. They are revising our history all over the country as they rename all things English, Scottish.....look around....sickening. We need to put a stop to ALL immigration, NOW. Government IS the problem. Liberal, Tory, same old story, $.This is not ending. Rise up truth seekers, private sector, small business, farmers, truckers, entrepreneur’s, freedom fighters.... very large numbers. Plan, organize, train, MMA......prepare like-minded people...fight back in self-defense when necessary...protect each other from the real enemy here = tyrannical, totalitarian governments = police = military....Banks, MSM...Big pharma....now controlling most countries globally. Rise up...revolution calling! Let’s end the government lies, greed. Go read The Monstrous Trick - by Kenneth McDonald . He covers it all. “First Quebec, and Ottawa and then the entire country..."French power" PET>> <<@coolhandluke2310 says : FREE FREE CANADA 🇨🇦>>